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(3093 previous messages)
- 10:43am Jul 16, 2002 EST (#3094
of 3339) "Quae cum ita sunt" Caesar's Gallic
To WRcooper:
Main Entry: para·noia
Pronunciation: "par-&-'noi-&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, madness, from paranous
demented, from para- + nous mind
Date: circa 1811
1 : a psychosis characterized by systematized delusions of
persecution or grandeur usually without hallucinations
2 : a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward
excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of
Merriam Webster nailed these two
Rshow55 and Lchic. A Pair of Noids if I ever saw
I don't think this soap opera will ever cease!
- 11:42am Jul 16, 2002 EST (#3095
of 3339)
That phone book of renown!
- 06:30pm Jul 16, 2002 EST (#3096
of 3339) "Quae cum ita sunt" Caesar's Gallic
I must agree with you since, according to his organ grinder
monkey lchic, I'm you.
Go figger!
- 09:11pm Jul 16, 2002 EST (#3097
of 3339) 
Interesting that wrcooper and mazza9 posted
four minutes apart. Yes, I think both monikers are George
Johnson, who must be getting very well paid. If it gets to be
important enough, I suspect that can be checked.
Perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe so . . . but the connection to
George Johnson, champion of the nuclear establishment, fits a
lot. The idea that gisterme is Condoleezza Rice (at
least some of the time, and part of her team other times) fits
a lot, too. And with so many extensive postings from
gisterme , that's checkable, too.
I had a good day. Talked to a responsible human being - -
face to face. It went well. Took some steps, I felt, toward
getting my security situation clarified. If I've got no
connection to classified material -- how convenient it would
be to have that put in writing.
Attribution of insanity is one way -- among a number - - of
saying "don't listen to him" - - and
Mazza-Cooper-Johnson are reduced to that.
(I'll be willing to issue an apology to Johnson and others
-- if you contact lchic or me, and arrange a conference
phone call (better yet, a video conference) that convincingly
establishes your separate identities. The conversation should
be recorded. It should occur after enough notice so that
questions could be asked. It should be OK to post the
recording on the internet.)
My medical condition - (which is mostly quite normal, and
not characteristic of epilepsy) is a thing that can be
checked -- in a lot of ways. "Cooper", you don't happen
to have references to those old postings, do you? So they
could be put into context? I happen to think that "epileptic"
brain damage is resonant brain damage -- and that we'd do
better with things like reading disability if we knew that.
Because it is commoner than we think, and different in some
ways. Something to check. That can be checked. And I
suspect, the way things are going, will be.
Some things bear repeating. 3089 rshow55
7/16/02 8:13am asked whether there were
. "Any specific examples of badly
written, muddy, or uncheckable ones? Please point some out,
by number, so that I can look at them, and so that others
can, too."
No argument from Johnson et al at that specific level. Just
an attribution of insanity.
I especially asked about his posting: MD2000 rshow55
5/4/02 10:39am , and asked "Mazza - cooper - johnson -
do you dispute it?"
No, they didn't -- so they attributed insanity, instead.
I am repetitive about some things. For example, I
repeat references to Eisenhower's Farewell Address:
MD3029 rshow55
7/13/02 12:10pm ... MD3030 rshow55
7/13/02 12:15pm
Some things bear repeating. The concerns set out in
Eisenhower's FAREWELL ADDRESS of January 17, 1961
are concerns that ought to be repeated, again and again.
Americans don't want to hear those concerns. But they should.
- 09:12pm Jul 16, 2002 EST (#3098
of 3339) "Quae cum ita sunt" Caesar's Gallic
Tinfoil hat time. I'm me and don't you get confused.
- 09:16pm Jul 16, 2002 EST (#3099
of 3339) 
Unconfuse me. How about a conference call?
- 09:50pm Jul 16, 2002 EST (#3100
of 3339) 
Search lchic . . and look at the high quality.
Search "mazza" or "mazza9" or
"wrcooper" . . . and, in my opinion, you'll be looking
at something far less.
Check for yourself.
(239 following messages)
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Missile Defense