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Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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lchic - 07:26am Jul 14, 2002 EST (#3049 of 3052)

John Pilger / The great charade
Comment: As the West prepares for an assault on Iraq, John Pilger argues that 'war on terror' is a smokescreen created by the ultimate terrorist ... America itself.

    ... Having swept the Palestinians into the arms of the supreme terrorist Ariel Sharon, the Christian Right fundamentalists running the plutocracy in Washington, now replenish their arsenal in preparation for an attack on the 22 million suffering people of Iraq. Should anyone need reminding, Iraq is a nation held hostage to an American-led embargo every bit as barbaric as the dictatorship over which Iraqis have no control. Contrary to propaganda orchestrated from Washington and London, the coming attack has nothing to do with Saddam Hussein's 'weapons of mass destruction', if these exist at all. The reason is that America wants a more compliant thug to run the world's second greatest source of oil.
The drum-beaters rarely mention this truth, and the people of Iraq. Everyone is Saddam Hussein, the demon of demons. Four years ago, the Pentagon warned President Clinton that an all-out attack on Iraq might kill 'at least' 10,000 civilians: that, too, is unmentionable. In a sustained propaganda campaign to justify this outrage, journalists on both sides of the Atlantic have been used as channels, 'conduits', for a stream of rumours and lies. ....

Professor Richard Falk, of Cornell university, put it succinctly some years ago. Western foreign policy, he wrote, is propagated in the media 'through a self righteous, one-way moral/legal screen [with] positive images of western values and innocence portrayed as threatened, validating a campaign of unrestricted violence'. ....

In 1993, the UN Truth Commission on El Salvador named the army officers who had committed the worst atrocities of the civil war; two-thirds of them had been trained at Fort Benning. ...

Bush's people have blocked hundreds of millions of dollars going to the most deprived people on earth, those without clean water and electricity. ....

The other day, in an open letter to their compatriots and the world, almost 100 of America's most distinguished names in art, literature and education wrote this:

'Let it not be said that people in the United States did nothing when their government declared a war without limit and instituted stark new measures of repression. We believe that questioning, criticism and dissent must be valued and protected. Such rights are always contested and must be fought for. We, too, watched with shock the horrific events of September 11. But the mourning had barely begun when our leaders launched a spirit of revenge. The government now openly prepares to wage war on Iraq - a country that has no connection with September 11.

'We say this to the world. Too many times in history people have waited until it was too late to resist. We draw on the inspiration of those who fought slavery and all those other great causes of freedom that began with dissent. We call on all like-minded people around the world to join us.'

Book : The New Rulers of the World / John Pilger,11581,754972,00.html

lchic - 08:18am Jul 14, 2002 EST (#3050 of 3052)

GU thread| Bush empire| dirty money discussion

rshow55 - 09:37am Jul 14, 2002 EST (#3051 of 3052) Delete Message

Harken Papers Offer Details on Bush Knowledge Motive for Stock Sale In '90 Remains Unclear

By Mike Allen and George Lardner Jr. Washington Post Staff Writers Sunday, July 14, 2002; Page A01

"Although Bush has maintained over the years that the size of the losses took him by surprise, interviews and internal Harken documents provide a newly detailed picture of how much Bush knew about Harken's financial straits when he sold the stock.

Bush knew a lot . The details ought to be investigated more, understood more, and not forgotten.

If one searches "CIA" on this thread, there is a lot of discussion. Mr XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX , to whom I addressed the letter to CIA in MD2472-2477 rshow55 6/6/02 9:23pm . . went from head of an investment banking house to a senior position at CIA. Such connections are not uncommon.

The "magical good luck" of Bush and many of his associates may be far less magical than it appears.

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