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(3028 previous messages)
- 12:10pm Jul 13, 2002 EST (#3029
of 3034)
If people keep checking - on issues of corruption - a
tremendous amount of good could come of it.
If the leader of every nation state with a stake in sane,
responsible conduct of the US government thought about their stake
-- and if every financial institution, based outside the US, with
such a stake considered that stake -- then many ought conclude that
it makes sense for them, to ask that key things about
business corruption, and Bush administration corruption be
checked . . . and that the concerns set out in Eisenhower's
FAREWELL ADDRESS of January 17, 1961
be understood today, and responsibly addressed.
There have to be exceptions to all rules - at some levels, for
good enough reasons. Some "rules" of politesse ought to be relaxed
here, for good reasons -- and people ought to insist on
clear, right, decent answers.
It would be worth money to the great majority of sakeholders in
the world, to get some key things here straight and, for once, to
clear closure.
- 12:15pm Jul 13, 2002 EST (#3030
of 3034)
Some things can be checked , and often checked well enough
for human purposes. Here's a fact, not especially important,
perhaps, but checkable. I care, and care a lot, about the things
said in Eisenhower's Farewell Address , and have gone to the
trouble of pointing it out many times. Just since May 4th, I've
pointed it out in the following posts.
MD2286 rshow55
5/18/02 5:44pm ... MD2345 rshow55
5/22/02 7:54am MD2462 rshow55
6/4/02 6:54am ... MD2540 rshow55
6/15/02 7:44am MD2565 rshow55
6/16/02 8:34am .... MD2666 rshow55
6/22/02 8:45am MD2687 rshow55
6/22/02 9:04pm ... MD2812 rshow55
7/1/02 8:51am MD2832 rshow55
7/2/02 12:11pm ... MD2847 rshow55
7/2/02 4:43pm MD2866 rshow55
7/4/02 12:06pm ... MD2898 rshow55
7/6/02 11:42am MD2900 rshow55
7/6/02 12:08pm ... MD2917 rshow55
7/8/02 9:04pm MD2986 rshow55
7/10/02 3:58pm ...
So I care about the things Eisenhower said. That's a fact. It can
be checked. And checked statistically.
How many lies and obfuscations are coming out of the Bush
administration, on matters having to do with business, and defense,
and international relations? On how many subjects. Involving how
many conflicts of interest? For how much money?
It is possible to check . . . and count. And the
stakes are high enough that there should be a duty to do these
- 12:16pm Jul 13, 2002 EST (#3031
of 3034)
The press needs to do its job. I saw some obfuscation about
Bush's Harken Oil dealings of Washington Week in Review last
night that ought to shame the whole journalistic profession.
Dan Rather: MD2272 lchic
5/18/02 11:39am
Super Important: MD2276 rshow55
5/18/02 12:43pm ... MD2276 rshow55
5/18/02 12:43pm MD2276 rshow55
5/18/02 12:43pm ... MD2276 rshow55
5/18/02 12:43pm MD2276 rshow55
5/18/02 12:43pm ... MD2276 rshow55
5/18/02 12:43pm
- 12:18pm Jul 13, 2002 EST (#3032
of 3034)
This piece should be read, thought about, and pursued
carefully - - - people should think about what it means, and
consider how good, and how "sincere" Bush looks while he is lying.
He's been to school. Taught at a school. And so far as anyone can
see now, he isn't ashamed.
We the people should be ashamed of him. And afraid of
having such a person degrade the office of President of the
United States.
In Virginia, Young Conservatives Learn How to Develop and Use
Their Political Voices by Blaine Harden
Not read it lately? Read it again, and think about what the story
means. I wish every U.S. Senator and every Representative would.
- 12:27pm Jul 13, 2002 EST (#3033
of 3034)
Conflict of interest ... how does it run ....
The people's HOUSE ok huge huge huge amounts of cash to
flow through into defense
no audit on this ?
no accountability ?
defense money flows into MD companies
within which are familiar names in high places
- RollCall celebs such as :
Can the public-shareholder-voter please SEE the
dollars - how many - are flowing into companies where 'the
shadow' has conflict-of-interest-control?
following message)
New York Times on the Web Forums Science
Missile Defense