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    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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lchic - 10:18pm Jul 3, 2002 EST (#2858 of 2866)

Fossicking through books yesterday I found Proto's Whose Pulling Your Strings. It refers to the traits and energies within us that we culture and nurture - they in turn being expresses as our 'character' or 'nature'.

Transposing this to Nations there are energies and traits developed to lesser and greater degrees that make each body of people somewhat unique.

A warning for the individual was to be aware of the inner parent. The good aspect of this trait is that we keep ourselves free of self-harm and danger.

The negative aspect of a Protecting-Controlling Parent Subtrait is that it can be overprotective and too repressive.

Overprotection and repressive activity was linked to thinking regarding The Eastern Block ColdWar States ... whereas today it is more linked to non-democratic states.

America has declared herself to have concerns for such States ... factors manifest are tendency to war, poor economies, with poor people.

America might reflect in upon itself.

Are there aspects that are 'repressive' could those factors be lessened and extinguished. If they were would that make it a happier, economically more effective Nation with fewer 'poor people'.

There's a logic there somewhere ... what do others think?

lchic - 10:22pm Jul 3, 2002 EST (#2859 of 2866)

An acknowledgement of redundancy:
volchin "Science in the News" 7/3/02 1:54pm

lchic - 10:43pm Jul 3, 2002 EST (#2860 of 2866)

Post Traumatic Stress suffered by children in war torn areas of the world

lchic - 10:50pm Jul 3, 2002 EST (#2861 of 2866)

The American Ambasador to Australia has compared the two Australian men held in Cuba to NAZIs

These guys are - held in cage or solitary confinment - with only 15 mins exercise two times a week.

The father of David's Hicks says David has not been charged with anything.

The Nazi's were held under the Geneva Convention!

David is living through WORSE conditions.

David's father says Australian Public are more positive in their thinking than the American Public, the Australians will listen to BOTH sides of an argument.

David had NO links with the Terrorist Organisations in Afghanistan!

The Talibhan were the GOVERNMENT in Afghanistan. David was fighting WITH the existing government. There is no LAW under which David can be charged! The Taliban were encouraged to be Government by the USA.

Send DAVID back to Australia.

The children of the second Australian held - who happened to be geographically in Pakistan area - has no links with Terrorism - send him home also - his children worry!

lchic - 11:02pm Jul 3, 2002 EST (#2862 of 2866)

Didn't the current American President's grandfather have association with the Nazi's - didn't he fund them?

Isn't the current American President more likely than anyone to have had social connections with the 'Bin Laden' man!

Isn't there a failure in American foreign policy to look more closely at Saudi Arabia?

Why is America using a couple of Aussie's as scapegoats??????!!!

The 'Australians' are throwing a not to be missed party for Americans in Washington next week. Perhaps this could be sorted out.
Rice is on the menu !

lchic - 11:09pm Jul 3, 2002 EST (#2863 of 2866)


lchic - 07:09am Jul 4, 2002 EST (#2864 of 2866)


lchic - 07:19am Jul 4, 2002 EST (#2865 of 2866)

Happy July 4th to Koko
Design and the Art of Human Interface
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