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    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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rshow55 - 10:38am Jul 3, 2002 EST (#2856 of 2857) Delete Message

I'd like to be debriefed. There are things I can't do alone. I wouldn't blow anybody's head - and could make a number of things better. The most important stuff could be taught in elementary schools, and the high schools. I could make it much easier for kids to learn to read - and read better. I think I could help other people learn to take the incidence of mortality from war way down. I think odds are good that I could help other people raise IQ scores, especially for blacks, who have to deal with more lies, more prominantly, than the rest of us - throgh no fault of their own. I think people could figure out, for themselves, as individuals and groups, how to be more comfortable, happier, and how to make more things more beautiful more often.

So far, it seems to me, things have gone pretty well - Casey had good reasons to suggest that I "come in through The New York Times ."

Nothing I could possibly teach can work for people who aren't ready to hear it distrustfully, judgementally -- not deferentially, but in ways they can judge for themselves. Some of the debriefing, because of a 90 degree phase shift stability limitation in our memory structures, would have to be done face to face. Carefully.

I'm sure that what I've got in my head would be better, clearer, sharper in the minds of the people talking to me than it is in my own mind -- because of patterns discussed here, and written about by Erica Goode - about connecting the dots.

We're all pattern formers. We're very good at it. That's wonderful. Sometimes, we have to be careful. We can be. I'm hopeful.

Even if nobody is willing to debrief me, I think that the AEA investors should be paid. They deserve that. I think I've earned that much. The government ought to find a way to get that done.

rshow55 - 11:45am Jul 3, 2002 EST (#2857 of 2857) Delete Message

MD2825 rshow55 7/2/02 7:34am

MD2743 rshow55 6/27/02 7:20am ... MD2743 rshow55 6/27/02 7:20am
MD2743 rshow55 6/27/02 7:20am ... MD2743 rshow55 6/27/02 7:20am

Things to check, every which way, when it matters:

. Berle's Laws of Power

. Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs

. The Golden Rule

For these things, you need not only some analytical sense, but an aesthetic sense, and heart.

"Solutions" not consistent with these constraining patterns may work for a short time, or with great strains on parts of the human system involved -- but they are unstable.

There are maybe a million people (maybe many more) smart enough, and basically educated enough, to do Robert Showalter problems -- but those sorts of problems are infrequent, and not so very important.

Every day, people and groups have to accomodate the "things to check" above - - and thay often do very well at it. Have for many centuries. But not always. They might do a bit better if they were clearer about what they do (often very well) when things work stably and well.

If people felt clear about these things to check, and had some technical know-how that interfaces with mine, they might help me debrief a few things that could help in a few spots where problems sometimes occur. Lchic , or someone she knows and trusts - would be best. Am I asking too much? Well maybe. But it doesn't seem that way from where I sit.

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