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(17488 previous messages)
- 09:19am Nov 13, 2003 EST (#
17489 of 17496)
rshow55 - 08:31am Nov 13, 2003 EST (# 17482 of 17483)
I was commandeered by Eisenhower in October
1967 - and at our first meeting General Eisenhower had me
read from C.P. Snow's Science and Government……… But
practical hope for human beings depends on working things
out. There's been plenty hoped for in the past, and worked
for, that has been realized.
We’ve heard all dozens of times. NO corroborative
evidence yet !
rshow55 - 08:33am Nov 13, 2003 EST (# 17483 of 17483)
People working together, and working out
problems, can accomplish far more than they they could
accomplish alone. ……I think this thread shows the NYT at its
very best quite often. And also shows it at its worst. There
is no contradiction, but I think there is room for
improvement. That improvement will have to be embodied in
better patterns of exception handling.
Same senseless anguish about NYT and what it
can and can not do.
rshow55 - 08:41am Nov 13, 2003 EST (# 17484 of 17486)
It can't be a secret that I've been asking
the NYT for help on a large scale solar energy project. The
only reasonable and possible help requires some exception
handling - because, for the NYT to help, the NYT has to make
some money doing it. Within reasonable journalistic
constraints and business constraints.
I'd like to have a situation where the NYT
was treated as well, in terms of "sunk costs" of this thread
- as first round financing investors are treated. ( By the
way, Bill Casey headed the SEC for some while - and I think
I know what fair dealing - within securities laws, is in
these affairs. )
It would make sense to us to come to an
agreement where I have a chance to treat the NYT fairly, in
a situation that is currently de facto , an exploitation. It
would be good for me. …….
It would make a lot of things more pleasant,
better rounded, from a lot of points of view.
For that, the NYT would have to have the
negotiating skills Carl Sagan had –
STILL pleading your case … NOT “happily” at that.
I think, just now, that the New York Times
is doing an academy award worthy job of showing how
capitalism is not supposed to work in the United States
Really ?
Since you have been drawing parallels with ‘My Fair
Lady’, may I suggest you recall the lyrics ONE of the
songs in it [A few lines quite appropriate here], e.g:
“Without You” !
Without YOU and without this forum,
“And without much ado we can all muddle through
without you.”
You, the Master of Muddle !
- 09:20am Nov 13, 2003 EST (#
17490 of 17496) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
I'm not sure you read this before your last post. I'll
repeat my point - which isn't going to go away.
I have to ask that whatever the NYT tells other people
about me they also tell me - so I can respond.
For everybody's protection. To keep things straight.
That has to be in writing in a case like this - with the
background that applies here.
(6 following messages)
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Missile Defense