New York Times on the Web Forums
Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a
nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a
"Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed
considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense
initiatives more successful? Can such an application of
science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable,
necessary or impossible?
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(16408 previous messages)
- 08:44pm Nov 3, 2003 EST (#
16409 of 16411) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
rshow55 - 07:11am Oct 23, 2003 EST (# 15452
reads in part:
In complicated systems - there is no sensible alternative -
as experience and problems accumulate - to some exception
handling and some resorting and reframing.
"Both Eisenhowers and Bill Casey felt that very strongly.
" I was assigned to work on exception handling patterns
that neither the formal intelligence apparatus, nor the
private sector as it was, nor the academic community could
handle - in ways that I thought then, and still think, made
sense in the overall national interest - and in the interest
of our capitalistic system, our political system - and the
"In an effort not to leak - but also to live my life
- and make contributions I had a right to make - consistent
with the national interest as well as my own - I have tried to
"come in through the New York Times" - as Casey had
instructed. It has worked well in some ways - awkwardly for
- - - -
There's a lot of support to my story - though I have no
pictures of me standing beside Casey or Eisenhower - ( for the
same reasons that I don't expect Mimi Beardsley to have
pictures with Kennedy - though she may have them ). Whether
you happen to "call me Ishmael"
or happen to believe my story - I think things are worth
checking - and think I've long deserved a face-to-face
- 08:55pm Nov 3, 2003 EST (#
16410 of 16411) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
My involvement with the Missile Defense board started with
discussion about nuclear weapons on the old NYT Favorite
Poetry board.
ends with this:
. kate_nyt - 01:27pm Sep 24, 2000 EST
(#6264 of 6739) Community Producer,
Afternoon, all-
This forum is for poetry only. Please move
any discussion of nuclear weapons to the Missile
Defense forum in the Science area. It could use
the help!
Have a good Sunday, Kate
My involvement with the Missile Defense thread began on a
Monday, at 07:32am Sep 25, 2000 EST (#266) Ridding the world
of nuclear weapons, this year or next year. What would have to
happen? rshowalt 9/25/00 7:32am . For the rest of that day, I
had a discussion with "becq," who I have often thought might
have been President Clinton,
ending at #304, which is worth reading in itself ...
rshowalt 9/25/00 5:28pm
Based on things discussed in
and some other things that were happening to me - it didn't
seem certain - but it also didn't seem far-fetched - that becq
might be Clinton - or somebody close to him.
Perhaps, at that time - I had a far-fetched view of how
close the NYT and the US government actually were.
That view seemed reasonable then, and it doesn't seem
far-fetched now, either.
(1 following message)
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Missile Defense