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(15630 previous messages)
- 05:44pm Oct 25, 2003 EST (#
15631 of 15636) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
Judging from kalter.rauch - 05:47am Nov 20, 2000 EST
(#511 of 525) Earth vs <^> <^> <^>
there would seem to be some connection between rauch
and "Cook" - whoever he is. I had the distinct feeling that
Cook wasn't who he said he was - - and when a NYT writer
did show up at the University of Wisconsin - there were
some awkwardnesses - and some strange correspondence, very
voluminous - and technically none too completent
correspondence from Patrick Gunkel - who some may
remember - a poster I never believed existed. -
- 05:46pm Oct 25, 2003 EST (#
15632 of 15636) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
If the NYT as an organization participated in contacts
between me, the CIA, and Cook - it could acknowledge that fact
without divulging any specific sources - and without
acknowledging any more government contact than it more-or-less
routinely acknowledges in the newspaper.
- 05:46pm Oct 25, 2003 EST (#
15633 of 15636) ultimately TRUTH outs : TRUTH has
to be morally forcing : build on TRUTH it's a strong
Interesting how the plural of dice is rarely used
dice --- di
- 05:49pm Oct 25, 2003 EST (#
15634 of 15636) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
If the CIA could find no records of me - which wouldn't
surprise me - there might be a great deal of extenuation all
around. I had information that I felt I had to deliver
face to face, after establishing some rapport. That didn't
seem so difficult or unreasonable back then - or now. But it
has been difficult.
- 05:57pm Oct 25, 2003 EST (#
15635 of 15636) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
rshow55 - 07:11am Oct 23, 2003 EST (# 15452
reads in part:
In complicated systems - there is no sensible alternative -
as experience and problems accumulate - to some exception
handling and some resorting and reframing.
"Both Eisenhowers and Bill Casey felt that very strongly.
" I was assigned to work on exception handling patterns
that neither the formal intelligence apparatus, nor the
private sector as it was, nor the academic community could
handle - in ways that I thought then, and still think, made
sense in the overall national interest - and in the interest
of our capitalistic system, our political system - and the
"In an effort not to leak - but also to live my life
- and make contributions I had a right to make - consistent
with the national interest as well as my own - I have tried to
"come in through the New York Times" - as Casey had
instructed. It has worked well in some ways - awkwardly for
- - - -
There's a lot of support to my story - though I have no
pictures of me standing beside Casey or Eisenhower - ( for the
same reasons that I don't expect Mimi Beardsley to have
pictures with Kennedy - though she may have them ). Whether
you happen to "call me Ishmael" or happen to believe my story
- I think things are worth checking - and think I've long
deserved a face-to-face hearing.
- 05:57pm Oct 25, 2003 EST (#
15636 of 15636) ultimately TRUTH outs : TRUTH has
to be morally forcing : build on TRUTH it's a strong
As in a face-to-face with a brain behind it and abilities
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Missile Defense
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