Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a
nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a
"Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed
considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense
initiatives more successful? Can such an application of
science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable,
necessary or impossible?
In 1879 a day was 84,000 seconds long?
- 01:15pm Oct 16, 2003 EST (#
15174 of 15177)
"Statements on frequently important
subjects are interesting." -rshow55
Message showed up on the wrong thread! SORRY!
(Oh, what am I apologizing for? That post is almost as
on-topic as anything else showing up here lately...)
- 01:17pm Oct 16, 2003 EST (#
15175 of 15177)
Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
Jorian319 - some things do deteriorate (or get
better) slowly.
And some things solidify. For instance - our interaction
has elements of cooperation - and some of competition.
This is a "game that is not a game" - and I've been
spending a little time wondering how to "win my game"
without cooperation from the NYT team, or
Looks possible to me - but messier, in spots, than things
would be with cooperation.
Just like a standoff with the NK's looks messier - to me -
than a competent negotiation that has a chance
of closing.
( That is, a negotiation that actually meets the needs of
the people involved - and doesn't ask anybody to do anything
they can't do - and have to fight about. )
- 01:20pm Oct 16, 2003 EST (#
15176 of 15177)
rshow55 - 12:58pm Oct 16, 2003 EST (# 15172 of
Cantabb: Your situation, current and past,
and your obligations are ALL YOURS, and yours alone –
absolutely nothing to do with this Forum
These comments occur to me: ...........
script of Casablanca
p. 92
NOT responsive. Doesn't even make sense. Your constant
references to Casablanca are just pathetic, if anything at
The idea that the NYT and I don't exist
within a system of reciprocal obligations is strange by now.
YOU discuss that with Sulzberger (NYT) ! Whatever
the "mutual obligation" ! NOT really relevant here. This is a
public forum -- NOT a place for grievances against the US
Intelligence agencies.
Also ask Sulzberger (NYT) IF a discussion of your
"mutual obligations" to each other is of ANY business here on
this Forum !
Since you still have NOT contradicted my assumptions about
your activities on the Forum and the things you claim to have
accomplished, my assumptions [ = "Assumptions re
rshow55/lchic"] seem closer to THE "truth" that lchic refers
to in her tag-line !
- 01:30pm Oct 16, 2003 EST (#
15177 of 15177)
Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
Cantabb , re
, the Sulzberger point is interesting. Though I wonder
how much authority you have to raise it.
Once, a long while ago - I called in to the NYT - got a
secretary - and she was kind enough to give me Sulzberger's
email adress.
I thought a while about sending to it - and decided, then,
that I couldn't. For reasons that made sense then - but don't
apply now.
That was a long time ago - and I didn't hang onto the
Now, though I'd be afraid - Sulzberger has a lot of
rank - I'd be honored to contact him. Or someone with a name
who represented him - knowing how valuable Sulzberger's time
But the grammer of the situation would be a good deal
easier if someone at the NYT, with a name, would call me. Or
call someone (for instance, at the UW ) who knew me, and who'd
call me.
I think things could work out in ways that the average
reader of The New York Times would find comfortable - and
consistent with the national interest.
I would be honored to have things work out in a way
that gave the NYT satisfaction - if they were compatible with
my reasonable function.
New York Times on the Web Forums
Missile Defense
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