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(14729 previous messages)
- 10:47am Oct 9, 2003 EST (#
14730 of 14735) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
I don't think anybody intelligent enough to enjoy reading
The New York Times can read these postings and doubt
that the NYT organization cares - and has to care - about this
thread. I don't think many could do so without being able to
make very good inferences about the level at which the thread
has been considered in the NYT organization. I think anyone in
his or her senses could see the extent of the involvement -
especially after looking at
A time comes where most people consider the possibility
that what people are doing what it looks like they are doing.
( They consider other possibilities, as well, of course. )
I'm a guy who has been in a very
awkward situation - who asked to get his credentials sorted
out - according to instructions - and the Times - which
could easily do so by making an exception - refuses to do
At the same time - the NYT is supporting the
thread - which is expensive in a number of ways - for
reasons - some perhaps admirable - some perhaps not - that
involve some very conflicted interests and feelings.
It seems to me that there are awkwardnesses here that could
easily be sorted out - but under circumstances where
the NYT has to make some accomodations that look a lot
cheaper than what it is doing now. I bet a lot of "average
readers of The New York Times" might see it the same way.
But then, to me, the effort in
- taken as a whole, looks ugly to me. And boring. Perhaps it
looks beautiful to "the average reader of the New York
Times". But I wonder about that.
- 10:53am Oct 9, 2003 EST (#
14731 of 14735)
rshow55 - 09:31am Oct 9, 2003 EST (# 14727 of 14727)
Question: Who's your employer ? [Eisenhoer
& Casey, both now dead, or UW-M ? or ?] And, who
ordained you for this 'job' ? Any one alive -- Not just in
your imagination ? And what are you supposed to be working
on ? for them ? or yourself ? [cantabb]
rshow55: Partly for myself. [“what are you
supposed to be working on ? for them ? or yourself ?”]
On anything SPECIFIC, and related to MD ?
Partly to make a point about exception
handling that all sorts of people ought to take an interest
You mean people do NOT already know this ? Or, may be know
it but can’t ‘handle’ the way you can and do ?
If the NYT wanted to do some
exception handling that would be easy to do - and easy to
explain to stockholder, journalists, and "the average reader
of the New York Times" this thread could be an asset to
me personally - to the TIMES - and to we'd have more
fun. [emphasis added]
Paying attention, NYT & staff, NYT stockholders
& Forum moderators ?
As it stands - I'm watching the NYT
explain to the whole world how inflexible and unfair it can
be. [emphasuis added]
NYT: "I'm 'watching you," says he [a la 'The Police'
song ?]. What can be "inflexible ad unfair" ? NYT ? or the
World ?
Issues of duty matter.
Sure. Are you talking about YOUR "duty" ? Where ? Here at
NYT ? Or, for Eisenhower-Casey ? And what "issues" [anything
specific ? Or you'd rather NOT say here publicly, having
raised it here for reasons of your own ?]
Entertainment matters, too. Search Fredmoore
- who is both serious and entertaining.
Sure. I've seen some 'barnyard' variety provided by
schoolyard-Fredmoore. Didn't you find his recent interest in
returning ON-topic amusing and "enteraining" -- particularly,
after doing anything and everything else, except on MD issues
for his time on this Forum!
I'll say: Pressure matters too !
- 11:20am Oct 9, 2003 EST (#
14732 of 14735)
Cantabbelle Rap: ( As sung by Cantabb him/her self.)
Gunna tell a story yes yo heard it before--
Mere verbiage -- dismissed galore:
May be “reasons” that sound “logical” to you
– and that doesn’t say or amount to much,
does it ?
One can STILL ‘switch’ between perspectives on THE SAME
specific issue, focused, make a rational insane.
This gobbledygook doesn’t even make much sense.
And, why worry ?
Perhaps it shows in Not quite a perverse way
“ordinary .. human behavior” does go astray !
Are you still imagining your teen-year “fights” ?
You've got me so cut up I could punch out your lights.
Couldn't I?
No coincidence Fredmoore is on topic
Thanks to Will and Blue not my silly myopic
call the pressure, a service to the forum , yes entropic
if I try to leave this barn yard behind.
you’re NOT talking about being “assigned”
to do it here on NYT’s MD forum , are you blind?
You think other “fights" don’t happen ?
You gonna tell us RIGHT again ?
Don't tell me to stop I just love bein' a pain.
Anything to do with MD science ? Specifically ?
Or, are you re-visiting your Granny down in mississippi
with that teen year fightin'?
Still re-living your teen-year fightin' ?
Ahem, Ahem, Ahem, Ahem, Ahem, Ahem, Ahem, Ahem, Ahem?
(3 following messages)
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Missile Defense