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(13925 previous messages)
- 08:01pm Sep 24, 2003 EST (#
13926 of 13958) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
I started today at 13899 - and I'm proud of what I wrote at
13900- 13903
- - and I feel like resting now.
This thread is not an accident - and the fact that I'm
posting here involves more than "wrongheadedness" on my part.
- 08:22pm Sep 24, 2003 EST (#
13927 of 13958)
jorian319 - 07:56pm Sep 24, 2003 EST (# 13924 of 13926)
And that's what counts, right? They are our
hosts, after all... ... ...
Sure, they are our hosts. But do we have to abuse the Forum
jorian319 - 07:58pm Sep 24, 2003 EST (# 13925 of 13926)
They probably elected to keep MD because it had a low post
count at the time - if it ain't broke, why fix it?
Don't know why it was kept, or why they allowed it to be
abused apparently for unclear personal purposes.
- 08:35pm Sep 24, 2003 EST (#
13928 of 13958)
rshow55 - 08:01pm Sep 24, 2003 EST (# 13926 of
I started today at 13899 - and I'm proud of
what I wrote at 13900- 13903
- - and I feel like resting now.
Good to know what you're proud of.
This thread is not an accident - and the
fact that I'm posting here involves more than
"wrongheadedness" on my part.
What is it that you're posting here for ? The purpose ?
What you want to accomplish ? and How ? And did you accomplish
anything so far? None of this made clear yet !
All we got was an unending stream of incoherence on
everything under the sun, with a big dose of biographgical
details, arm chair psycho-analysis and conspiracies. A soap
box !
- 09:27pm Sep 24, 2003 EST (#
13929 of 13958)
'What's fair' and 'what's cheating' don't seem to cover the
realities. Perhaps, in ways that transmute to something
tangible and something that really matters to juries and to
those concerned with connecting dots in order to achieve
symmetry outside of the kitchen sink, the following story
(retold) reaches the heart of the matter:
There was an ant in the jungle who fancied an elephant. So
one day he climbed all the way up her back legs to take out
his satisfaction on her. A Monkey in a nearby tree saw this
and was disgusted, incensed and secretly very jealous. So the
Monkey picked up a coconut and threw it at the ant. However,
his aim was poor and he hit the elephant on the head and the
elephant let out a sharp cry. The ant hearing this yelled out
"take it baby, take it!!"
Will the Monkey hit the ant or will he run out of coconuts
... or will the whole darned forest burn to the ground in a
firestorm? Will the ant pick up a coconut and hit the monkey?
These and all your other questions will be answered in coming
Roger Ramjet, He's our man
Hero of the Nation
For his adventures just be sure
To stay tuned to this station.
- 10:02pm Sep 24, 2003 EST (#
13930 of 13958)
I've just looked in for a brief moment and it's good to
you're still at it Rshow. Cantabb, Jorian, you really are the
most boring people ... block Rshow if you don't want to read
him or go somewhere else. Yawn.
(28 following messages)
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Missile Defense