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(13876 previous messages)
- 09:39am Sep 23, 2003 EST (#
13877 of 13888) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
I'm very glad to see lchic's postings - she's
brilliant - poetic - and as intellectually grounded as anyone
I've ever known.
Here's a posting she made three years ago
lunarchick - 09:38pm Sep 27, 2000 EDT (#317
That's an ORDER! Milgram (1963) - the classic study in
this area:
That same link includes a quote from beckq that was
one of a number of things that led me to think that
beckq was, or was representing or simulating, a
powerful personage. (#315)
I think Lchic's posts are wonderful - and erudite,
too. Here's are two great dones.
lchic - 11:51am Mar 18, 2002 EST (#669
Decision making/tree, expert systems ...
often a decision is common sense .. when a framework is
required then :
posts some beautiful things from museums and artistic sites,
mostly Russian, collected by lunarchic in late 2001.
We need to remember both the ugliness, the danger, and the
good -- and do as well as we can, without lies that mislead,
brutalize, and endanger us.
Images of Culture :
There's a lot of good worth remembering - and working for
( somebody actually appreciated the post of mine above )
I've known some very able (and admirable) people - and it
seems to me that lchic is the most valuable mind
I've ever had the honor to work with. Kline (and a lot of
others) have said that "the mind is a superb associative
engine - but a weak logical engine." - I was assigned ,
among other things - to try to find out why. Lchic is
an astonishingly able, graceful, associator of ideas - and
wonderful at logic, too.
We talk a good deal. Often I'm "leading" - and the more
powerful - in the sense the horse drawing a carriage is
leading, and the source of power.
With a gentle pull or a flip of her reins - she takes me
where I could never hope to go by myself - and gracefully.
Quickly, too. She's a wonder.
- 12:53pm Sep 23, 2003 EST (#
13878 of 13888)
rshow55 - 09:33am Sep 23, 2003 EST (# 13876 of
Cantabb's comment ["Too bad the dots are NOT
numbered. That would have helped some to get 'some' picture
for the effort."] is interesting. Some dots are much better
numbered than others - and for such reasons - we share about
100,000 definitions of words that we figured out for
ourselves from a well marked context.
You missed the point.
For work that is new - things are more
precarious. And it takes more care.
Fuzzy, as usual.
- 01:14pm Sep 23, 2003 EST (#
13879 of 13888)
Yep. Sounds for all the world like a platitude generator.
- 02:14pm Sep 23, 2003 EST (#
13880 of 13888)
Students sodomized by bullies. The witnesses intimidated
and told to keep your mouths shut.
w.c. mepham high school, long island, ny.
The bullies views on md are unknown at this time.
(8 following messages)
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Missile Defense