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(13661 previous messages)
- 04:20pm Sep 14, 2003 EST (#
13662 of 13668) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
When I think of gisterme - I have some mixed
feelings associating him with the words
cheat, con artist, con man, deceiver,
deluder, dissimulator, equivocator, fabler, fabricator,
fabulist, false witness, falsifier, fibber, jive turkey,
maligner, misleader, perjurer, phony, prevaricator,
promoter, storyteller, trickster
- - but I do think that he should be checked - and
enough is at stake that it would be quite justified to do so
against his will. The issue of what cheating is is
becoming a major one with regard to the Bush administration
and people associated with it - and Almarst isn't the
only one concerned - by a long shot. And though
gisterme may not be closely connected to the Bush
administration - he's done a good enough - extensive enough
imitation to be worth checking.
Posts by Gisterme are set out at
- 04:44pm Sep 14, 2003 EST (#
13663 of 13668) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
Loyalty is an essential virtue - but to do any complicated
job - responsible people have to ask
. What matters?
. In what order do the issues involved
matter in this particular case?
. How much to the issues involve
matter under the particular circumstances involved?
With current linguistic connections - and the emotions
involved - you can't even talk about these things
intelligently - if anybody objects to anything at all at an
emotional level.
That makes negotiation tough. Or discovering truth - even
"obvious" truth.
Under certain stupid conditions that occur with monotonous
frequency - people seem to be wired up so that bloody fights
are inevitable.
Some of the problems involved are technical - and
fixable. The points involved are obvious - and
basically simple - but there are strong emotions involved -
and problems of repression in every sense of the word.
- 04:53pm Sep 14, 2003 EST (#
13664 of 13668)
Robert, Re: your difficulty with an apology.
An apology could easily go something like this:
OOOps sorry Gisterme, I can see now you are just an
ex-submariner with sound, disciplined ideas and not connected
to government.
Now what do you think of my towed PV array idea and can you
assist me in getting the idea up to speed. Your Navy
experience should be invaluable.
Now I don't know Gisterme from a bar of soap ... but ...
that would do the trick for me. Mind you without the Mystique
of your allegations no one might ever bother to post here.
That's the risk you must take.
Hope this helps
(4 following messages)
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Missile Defense