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(13642 previous messages)
- 06:49pm Sep 13, 2003 EST (#
13643 of 13649) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
Gisterme , I owe you a limited apology.
The specific statement
"...Gisterme feels very strongly that it is
cheating to work to solve these problems in any way that can
be economical and effective..."
was indeed disproportionate, unfair, and false as stated.
Though I notice you are focused, and don't contest some
other things. This seems true to me:
"...Gisterme feels very strongly that it is
cheating to work to solve these problems in very many of
the ways that I believe would be most
economical and effective..."
That's a significant difference - and I owe gisterme
a limited apology - on that point - but not on some
Gisterme , I have to admit that you try hard - and
so does GWB .
I want to think of the appropriate apology - that does
acknowledge an overstatement (and perhaps an unfair
overstatement) on my part - without apologizing for some
things that, it seems to me - you deserve to hear.
While I'm thinking about an apology in more detail - I'd
like to post this.
On Feb 28th, 2001 , just before this thread was restarted,
manjumicha2001 asked me to summarize everything I could
in two sentences.
Here they are:
" If the United States could, and would,
explain its national interest -- distinct from the interests
of its military-industrial complex, and explain how its
interests fit in the interconnected world we live in -- and
do it honestly, and in ways that other nations could check,
it could satisfy every reasonable security need it has,
without unreasonable or unacceptably unpopular uses of
" The rest of the world, collectively,
and in detail, would try hard to accomodate US needs, if it
understood them, and could reasonably believe and respect
That was written after September 11, 2000
I was terribly concerned before 9/11 - and on September
10th posted this on the Guardian
Those indented sentences were written after some
discussions with Gisterme of September 13, 2000
- where I summarized, nearly verbatim, lessons a very senior
soldier had taught me.
I think those two sentences from
are still true.
International law is being renegotiated - and when
agreements are in the process of being renegotiated - they are
also in temporary or partial abeyance 9522
The Bush administration, intentionally or not - may be
getting the world much better organized than it has been.
We need answers that fit the real needs and circumstances
we're in.
- - - -
I'm sorry I overstated something important. My motivations
weren't completely pure when I did it. But I was trying
to elicit a response.
I think Gisterme tries very hard.
God help me, I try, too.
I'll be working on an
- 06:53pm Sep 13, 2003 EST (#
13644 of 13649) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
I'll be working on an appropriate apology. There is
a comment about apologies in
So far, I see no reason to apologize about this:
Now, in my opinion - Gisterme was cheating
when he posted 13544
- - because I think he was lying.
. Gisterme: "I will certainly not
impersonate the President or any other government official."
I've posted strong suggestions that gisterme was
connected to the Bush administration - and was actively
misrepresenting that.
Could I be wrong? Sure. The fact that anybody can be
wrong is a major point I'm trying to get across so people
actually understand it on this thread.
But so far - I still think you are lying on the
point just above, Gisterme.
Or that that's the way to bet.
(5 following messages)
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