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(13565 previous messages)
- 11:48am Sep 8, 2003 EST (#
13566 of 13566) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
Hi, gisterme - one thing you would see if you
went back and looked at your posts - is that you've worked
Another thing you might see, or remember - is that you've
sometimes asked me for answers - and I haven't given them to
That's true of Almarst , too.
There are some things one can say to criticise President
Bush's speech last night
TEXT President Bush's Address to the Nation
and I agree with a lot said in The President's
but, everything considered, I think it was a pretty good
speech - a step in the right direction. Not that I'm sure I'd
disagree with some things I'd guess would occur to
Almarst , reading the speech.
My college president sister's father in law, now passed
away, gave a wonderful toast at her wedding:
" Here's to it . . . . from it . . . .
and to it again.
" If you don't do it . . . when you get
to it to do it . . . .
" You never get to it, to do it
You can't reverse time. But sometimes you can get to
a situation like something that happened in the past -
and do it better.
Sometimes much better.
I've been spending a lot of thought - wondering about
things I thought about doing, and didn't - and whether I
should have - and about what might be done now.
A big question for me is this.
"Why didn't I level with people about my
background, from Eisenhower on - much earlier?
Working that through has interested me - and I've got
plenty of regrets. Times I wish I could have answered your
questions, and Almarst's questions more clearly. All
the same - it seems to me that a lot of progress has
been made - sometimes more than I expected. And I don't think
I've always done badly.
I think that lchic has been superb - not only in her
postings - but in her many hours of talking to me - guiding me
-keeping me straight.
In 13565
I talk of "miracles." Could I handle those "miracles" if they
happened? Or "miracles" like them?
I think so. I also think that if such "miracles" happened -
it would help Putin, Annan, Bush, and other leaders do things
they are expected to do. Not because I'm important. But
because problems I was assigned to do - and have worked on -
are important.
I think I could help Bush spend that 87 billion better - in
terms of what he wants to do .
It seems to me that I'm doing what Eisenhower and Casey
asked me to do - and that on a lot of things - it is working.
It seems to me that most of the useful intellectual work I've
done in my life has been done since I started working with
lchic - and it seems to me that this thread just might
be worth it - even for you.
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Missile Defense
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