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(13411 previous messages)
- 11:36am Aug 26, 2003 EST (#
13412 of 13419)
jorian319 . I suspect you're a hypocrite.
God matters a lot to me...
Suspect all you like, Robert. Inferring hypocrisy on my
part is no different IMO than inferring Great and Powerful
Position on Gisterme's part, or any of the other things you
think you have divined about other posters. All have zero
Posting such irrelevence significantly reduces the already
small chance that someone might be reading and learning
something from your prolix posts. If you could refrain from
burning electrons on endless pages of links, and on inferring
things on the part of other posters, I, for one, would be more
willing to try to glean meaning from your original writings.
Brevity is not only the soul of wit, it could serve to make
your meaning palatable to readers.
- 11:49am Aug 26, 2003 EST (#
13413 of 13419)
Consider the source, hip crit.
A "hyprocrite," in Showalter's lexicon, is anybody who has
the temerity to suggest he's off the wall, obsessive,
paranoid, delusional, misguided, prolix, grandiose, or, my
current favorite, mean-spirited, for calling other people
liars and then resfusing to apologize for it when he finds out
he was wrong.
Consider the source.
This guy is a Wacky Wall Crawler who's completely off the
wall, which makes him just wacky.
The Missile Defense forum should be renamed the Showalter
Defense Forum, whose purpose will be to serve as a decoy to
divert his incoming posts from other real forums and cause
them to explode harmlessly unread and ignored.
- 11:49am Aug 26, 2003 EST (#
13414 of 13419)
jorian319 - 10:11am Aug 26, 2003 EST (# 13407 of 13412)
Apparently you paid enough attention to notice the
While prefering the UNDERSTANDING, I still take it as a
good sign:)
- 11:52am Aug 26, 2003 EST (#
13415 of 13419)
wrcooper - 11:49am Aug 26, 2003 EST (# 13413 of 13414)
One could wonder what such a smart guy like you are doing
in this pitifull forum?
- 12:08pm Aug 26, 2003 EST (#
13416 of 13419)
That's an excellent question. My answer is that none of us
is perfect. I got a bug up my ass about Showalter--it's a long
story--and I occasionally check in here to see what the old
boy's up to. I long ago gave up the idea that this forum
actually concerned missile defense. What can I say? I'm weak!
I love a crappy little dog fight as much as the next yo-yo.
- 12:10pm Aug 26, 2003 EST (#
13417 of 13419)
Come to think of it, Showalter's blathering on about
honesty and integrity and full disclosure and checking and all
that and his refusal to apologize to me for calling me a liar
when he discovered that I was telling the truth about who I am
is, well, there's no two ways about it--it's sheer
unadulterated HYPOCRISY.
Showalter's the hypocrite. We got him dead to rights on
that score.
(2 following messages)
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Missile Defense