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 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  /

    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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rshow55 - 11:23am Aug 22, 2003 EST (# 13358 of 13365)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for on this thread.

Almarst , you're frustrated and angry - I feel that way, too, often enough - and a lot of bad things have happened that shouldn't have from a lot of points of view. Some in the last few days. I don't want to discount how bad things are - but that isn't the whole story - and it seems to me that we need to ask what we're wishing to preserve - what we're wanting to protect and sustain, what we're hoping for, and what we expect. The more frustrating things are, the harder some fights are - the more stupidity and misfortune - the harder balance is to remember. When I saw your postings - I sympathized - but also asked myself about balance and direction.

If a big question is

" What happens to the children?"

- then what do we want to sort out, and what do we want to do? Punishment and anger are only part of what's needed.

670 includes this:

"We are special animals -- and capable, often enough, of unbelievable brutality, duplicity, and ugliness.

"We'd be safer if we were clearer about that.

"Still, just now, I feel like posting some beautiful things from museums and artistic sites, mostly Russian, collected by lunarchic last year.

"We need to remember both the ugliness, the danger, and the good -- and do as well as we can, without lies that mislead, brutalize, and endanger us.

Images of Culture :

. (click to see the html's, j_p_g's, and g_i_fs - though some are now gone. Some are there, and are beautiful - and the others were beautiful. )

. . .

"We are animals. All the ugliness we see is real. MD648 rshow55 3/17/02 6:45pm - - and especially THE UNIVERSALITY OF INCEST by Lloyd DeMause at (scroll down to article) . The "inherent goodness or mankind" can't be usefully considered, without remembering the animality, ugliness, and deceptiveness, too.

MD648 includes this: " if what (DeMause) says is true, the catalepsy of some countries and cultures - - . . . . - their inability to show the economic growth one would expect, may be in large part due to having such a huge framework of lies and brutal usages, that there is just not the common ground, and respect for truth, that the complex cooperation of modern economic life takes.

There's a lot of paralysis of that kind.

But the potential for beauty is there, and is often realized, as well. . . . .

almarst2002 - 01:06pm Aug 22, 2003 EST (# 13359 of 13365)

Five months after he quit the country's peak intelligence agency, the Office of National Assessments, Andrew Wilkie today had the opportunity to re-state his claim of Government manipulation and lies, this time with the protection of Parliamentary privilege. Fronting an inquiry into pre-war intelligence claims, the former ONA analyst accused the Prime Minister's office of "sexing-up" carefully worded reports prepared by the intelligence community in Canberra. -

almarst2002 - 01:08pm Aug 22, 2003 EST (# 13360 of 13365)

It seems the AAA Company is quite absessed with SEX.

jorian319 - 06:07pm Aug 22, 2003 EST (# 13361 of 13365)

Almarst , you're frustrated and angry - I feel that way, too, often enough - and a lot of bad things have happened that shouldn't have

Showalter, Almarst is not a reasonable person. I have encountered such types on several occasions. I call them "professional victims". Without the afflictions visited upon them by the Forces of Evil™, they are cast adrift sans raison d'etre.

I applaud your attempt to bring him back to earth, but I don't think he's interested in any changes that might threaten the urgency of his "cause".

istopdeath - 06:13pm Aug 22, 2003 EST (# 13362 of 13365)

Archaeology is a partial record of the terrorism that goes with 3.56 billion years of dna replication/modification tenacity in an enviroment of unsolicited tragedy and rising collective genius.

Education is guaranteed to be inefficient when the origin and destination of intent are still unknown.

The Children's Immortalisation Network .... is searchable on our internet.


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 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  / Missile Defense