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(13338 previous messages)
- 01:09pm Aug 21, 2003 EST (#
13339 of 13345)
The PROBLEM is, those who think they are WISE and POWERFUL
to SOLVE WORLD'S PROBLEMS usually end up in a HELL of their
Which would not be bad except they also take there an
awfull lot of innocent people with them.
- 01:12pm Aug 21, 2003 EST (#
13340 of 13345) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
References to a model of a Neu Man,%20Me%20Worry%20About%20Insults.htm
Thomas Friedman refers to "Spy Versus
Spy" cartoons, now a part of the culture. March 30, 2001
A New Man I've linked on this thread many times has
a face that has entered the culture, too. Paul Newman is a
fuller, more multidimensional New Man.
Lchic 11554
It's interesting to note how 'public
figures' who have satisfied their own needs take the time to
look to the needs of others - Buffet (Edu), Gates
(Vaccinations/Edu), Turner (Peace), Newman -- Spaghetti
sauce :)
Paul Newman Is Still HUD
shows concern for the needs of others - concerns for the needs
of the world.
It is certain Paul Newman cares about nuclear weapons - as
does Michael Douglas.
Paul Newman probably knew the Randy Newman song
"Political Science." , that Thomas Friedman quotes
Paul Newman starred in Fat Man and Little Boy and
wrote this letter
(He's not only better looking than I am - he
writes more sharply, too.)
dealt in part with a "tip" to contact Tom Hanks, and goes on .
. .
The theatrical-literary-movie person I've
been thinking of most, for an inital pitch, has been A.E.
Hotchner, Paul Newman's partner and Newman's Own
I referred to Joey Berlin's "low rent" contacts,
(like Paul Newman and his sidekick A.E. Hotchner. ) in 6063
I think that if Newman, Hotchner, or people they know,
could get interested, just now, it might save millions of
lives. (Or maybe, just for a joke, they'd beat the s*** out of
me. ) Newman and "Newman's own friends" can do things that
even The New York Times can't do - because they have
different roles. I've been trying to get presentable to make a
pitch, play a role for them. But I'm not as good as I'd like
to be at my "game" - though I try. Like everybody else who has
to show their work in public - I'm afraid of making mistakes.
Though I keep at it.
of April 10, 2002 is followed by a bit of "role playing"
between me, and a guy gisterme , who I often suspect
is, or is close to, the President of the United States:
"Gisterme is a highly esteemed visiter to this thread -
with hundreds of postings last year -but since March, an
infrequent one. On 1:53 today I made a post that ends
" Just musing -- if I put on a suit, shined
my shoes, and walked into the State Department - asking for
permission to see some people -- what do you think might
"I'd like to make a pitch to the Russian
Embassy, and some other places, as well.
" 13 minutes later, gisterme posts. . . .
1232 1233
are those posts.
Gisterme's posted a lot since, often in ways that
show how seriously he plays the role of someone serving the
interests of the President of the United States.
. . . .
Paul Newman reads high-toned magazines ( like The
Nation ) and k
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