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(13315 previous messages)
- 12:13pm Aug 17, 2003 EST (#
13316 of 13326) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
Believe It, or Not By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF
"Americans are three times as likely to
believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus (83 percent) as in
evolution (28 percent).
. . .
"My grandfather was fairly typical of his
generation: A devout and active Presbyterian elder, he
nonetheless believed firmly in evolution and regarded the
Virgin Birth as a pious legend. Those kinds of mainline
Christians are vanishing . . .
My grandfather was a Baptist clergyman in North Carolina -
and had similar feelings. 7016-9
We're in a time of logical crisis - and people who
live in societies, who feel that they have to choose
either to have faith or to doubt - choose faith.
To live in society - if that is their choice - that's
what they have to do.
But for faith to be workable - you need doubt, too. There
is no contradiction.
I've posted the sermon, WHEN THE FOUNDATIONS ARE
SHAKING by James Slatton
many times on this thread.
Sometimes doubt is necessary - in the real world you
need different points of view, at different times.
In the sermon
you can call the Russian colonel a "good guy" or a "bad guy"
from different points of view.
But given a clear point of view - the decision which
is clear. And the stakes are clear, too.
Often, it is useful, when the stakes are high - to find out
what happened without always being distracted by "who the bad
guy is." Often, once facts are clear, from specific
perspectives, the "good guy" and "bad guy" roles are clear
enough. And they can be clearly different, on the basis of
different assumptions - without contradiction.
What works - what fits - what matters - are key questions.
There's a question of the arithmetic of physical
modelling - where an imperfect assumption was "made" by Isaac
Barrow, Newton's old boss, about 350 years ago - that matters
too - and because that mistake persists - systems like the
power grid are much less stable than they could be.
Though if everybody always did their jobs - they'd be more
stable than they are, without people knowing any more than we
do. Since people are imperfect, the mathematical mistake
matters more than it would in a more perfect world.
- 06:27pm Aug 17, 2003 EST (#
13317 of 13326) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Water ME is in the news. The frog and the scorpion --- it
stings again leaving women in Iraq without water --- Saddam's
ego culture of perversity.
Were accounting - in the form of the actual costings of
infrastructure placed with each individual - would the
scorpions continue to sting?
Would a point be reached where even scorpions leant to read
a balance sheet?
- 06:30pm Aug 17, 2003 EST (#
13318 of 13326) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
- 07:24pm Aug 17, 2003 EST (#
13319 of 13326) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
bbc Peter Day
had an interesting talk with an Oxford Economist who had
the measure of USA economy wrt health and aged - $44 Trillion
In Australia 50 groups have come together to look at social
equity, the value to each of government service provision, to
try to turn Australia away from Howardism to once more
becoming a caring society.
Richard Armitage - coimment - war on terror
(7 following messages)
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Missile Defense