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(13043 previous messages)
- 02:22pm Jul 17, 2003 EST (#
13044 of 13046) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
If "people in the White House were "bound and
determined" to include the allegation in the address" that
has to mean that George W. Bush intended to
mislead the American people.
- 04:12pm Jul 17, 2003 EST (#
13045 of 13046)
Can we do a better job of flailing? YES! Write to
Fredmoore for a list of things he and I have done to keep this
thread's damage to a minimum.
Woah there, Robbie! Methinks what we need here is a few
more links.
- 06:07pm Jul 17, 2003 EST (#
13046 of 13046)
'Write to Fredmoore for a list of things he and I have done
to keep this thread's damage to a minimum.'
No need for a list ....
the point's not missed
we need a bigger plan
and it goes like this:
First, answer the question: "Who are we and What do we
And the answer friends is EMERGY .. and ... that starts
with 'E' and that rhymes with 'KEY' and that starts with 'K'
and that stands for .... 'KAEP'.
Yes sir that's A Kyoto Alternative Energy Protocol. A
gently staged program for ALL nations to explore what it is
that humankind really wants and then deliver it without
interference in national sovereignty.
EMERGY is defined in:
and KAEP is:
An effective Kyoto Alternative Energy treaty would link all
1. In a 10 year plan
2. With countries providing funds on a percentage of GDP
basis ... up to .5% by mutual agreement.
3. For an international research and implementation program
for: A. Converting one major power station in every city over
5 million people to dry rock geothermal. B. Developing and
implementing Thermoelectric fabrics (eg polythiophene) for
urban and agricultural power generation. C. Developing space
based solar collectors and microwave transmission of power
from space D. Terminating every stormwater and major farm
runoff in an engineered wetland in order to conserve land
based EMERGY in riverine catchments - from where it
originates. This avoids the localised and catastrophic build
up of energy at coastal boundaries around the planet, which is
what we perceive as Climate Change.
Robert ...
As for floating PV arrays, I am in awe at the unforgiving
power of the Oceans as portrayed in the film "The Perfect
Storm". It is small wonder that life evolved out of the Oceans
and we must ask ourselves:
"Is such a large scale human tenement of the Oceans a
PS How do you get such long posts without a cut off. No one
else can do (get away with) that? Hmmmmm!
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