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Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a
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(12993 previous messages)
- 05:26pm Jul 13, 2003 EST (#
12994 of 13003)
There was Adventureland and Tomorrowland and Frontierland
Fantasyland ... The happiest kingdom of them all!
but wait ... there's more ... there's ....
Powerland .... the greatest aphrodisiac of them all!
Oh! And Neverland ... but we won't talk about that one.
To win your free steak knife:
What were the tags for the first three?
To win your free CD knife:
In what year will Disney create Komodoland ... the
Gnarliest Kingdom of them all?
- 05:28pm Jul 13, 2003 EST (#
12995 of 13003) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Looking back .... Looking forwards .. a timeline
He's full of energy, which in some minds may raise the
questions -
- How much energy (worldwide) has been consumed in the
past 4 decades?
- How much energy will be required in the next 4 decades?
Let's check for varied energy resources ... how do
they stack-up ... will we get throuch coming decades ... it's
just that Alex way back made the point that much C20 conflict
related directly to one factor
- 05:28pm Jul 13, 2003 EST (#
12996 of 13003) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
Communication conventions sure do make a difference.
I think it is very good to have a mix of
sexed in powerful roles.
There are more possibilities. Many creative
- 05:38pm Jul 13, 2003 EST (#
12997 of 13003) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
A recent relaxed and winning smile, from a VIP visiting
Botswanaland, echoded, in Jumbo-Lingo that very sentiment
I think it is very good to have a mix of sexed in
powerful roles.
- 05:49pm Jul 13, 2003 EST (#
12998 of 13003) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
Issues of status, and priority, and the feelings involved,
including jealousy, are important. Since I was commandeered by
General Eisenhower in 1967 - I've been in some very awkward
situations - with difficulties about issues of protocol and
Fredmoore , your last posting isn't nearly up to the
standard of your 9425
or gisterme's fine piece of writing titled "The Talking
Dog" at 10:05pm Jan 17, 2003 EST (# 7768
cited at 12049
cites a professional piece of work, including a message in a
bogus http form
(5 following messages)
New York Times on the Web Forums
Missile Defense