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 [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  /

    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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lchic - 04:26pm Jul 12, 2003 EST (# 12979 of 12987)
~~~~ It got understood and exposed ~~~~

Mandela - 'unemployed pensioner'

Criticism of Mandela re AIDS

    ' 'He, more than anyone else, could have reached into the minds and behaviour of young people,' said Cameron. 'A message from this man of saintlike, in some ways almost godlike, stature, would have been effective. He didn't do it. In 199 ways, he was our country's saviour. In the 200th way, he was not.'

""Blair and Clinton supported the frail old man as he walked slowly down the hall between the audience of a thousand Rhodes Scholars who were clapping Mandela much more than them. It was a poignant image: the two much younger leaders still needed the moral support of the old man.

How has a man with no formal political position retained such influence? Since Mandela retired as President of South Africa four years ago, when I wrote his authorised biography, I have talked to him often in London and South Africa, and have always been surprised. Since I first met him 50 years ago in Johannesburg, I have seen him in many different roles - as lawyer, revolutionary, prisoner, electioneer, President and global icon.

At each stage, many people have expected a let-down or, at least, an anti-climax. But in retirement, he provides many new surprises. He has become a more outspoken and, sometimes, angry old man, protesting against injustices - and now most notably against the warlike attitudes of Britain and America in the Middle East. It's a confrontation which is now coming to a head.,6903,992092,00.html

' Now, South Africans of all colours take for granted that their country is a multiracial working democracy. This is Mandela's most valuable legacy. '

' keeps crossing the world, particularly to Britain, America and the Middle East, often in a private plane provided by one of his rich friends, such as Prince Bandar, the Saudi ambassador in Washington.

He has embarked on writing the second volume of his memoirs, covering his presidential years, with help from his old colleagues. He's determined to write them himself, without being ghosted, and he conducts his research with very personal methods: he rings up old friends and even former enemies, such as ex-President de Klerk, to ask for their recollections of crucial meetings. '

lchic - 04:35pm Jul 12, 2003 EST (# 12980 of 12987)
~~~~ It got understood and exposed ~~~~

Clinton - London - North Korea

'' NK seen as an everpresent danger ''




lchic - 05:15pm Jul 12, 2003 EST (# 12981 of 12987)
~~~~ It got understood and exposed ~~~~

  • chaos|war >>
  • order|peace >>>
  • symmetry|efficientFunction >>>
  • harmony|beauty|cooperativeComplexity

    fredmoore - 05:38pm Jul 12, 2003 EST (# 12982 of 12987)

    ~~~~ It got undereducated and exploded ~~~~


    A simple 'what' you misconstrue - that's not untypical of you

    The 'what' above - i did implore - examine, weigh and next explore

    To find root cause of evil in -- then dissipate - a lessening

    A combing out of tangled inner -- logic that’s just not a winner

    "Under the blow of thralled discontent" *

    The 'whats' of terror their lot lament

  • Sonnet 124 Shakespeare

  • ******************

    A simple question: "Terror an expression of 'what' - define it?"

    I did answer, you miss the point

    There's just one TERROR for today

    and be careful lest WE pay

    the price the piper asks.

    And remember

    with the click of the fuse

    The winner

    becomes a loser

    and a sinner.

    There's a time for heart and a time for care

    you leave yourself misunderstood and bare!

    lchic - 06:27pm Jul 12, 2003 EST (# 12983 of 12987)
    ~~~~ It got understood and exposed ~~~~


    And once again Fred --- when he comes under fire

      takes to garments ---- those layers of attire
      under which 'BODIES of PROBLEMS' perspire
    Recall 'what' i said --- look in Terrorist Head
      let him re-calculate the world and his fate
      Choose future and live --- or mythical-past non-forgive
    There are some who manipulate others into terror ... many stand onthe brink -- Question -- HOW TO MAKE THEM RETHINK!

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     [F] New York Times on the Web Forums  / Science  / Missile Defense