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Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a
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"Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed
considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense
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(12877 previous messages)
- 09:44am Jul 7, 2003 EST (#
12878 of 12881) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
There are some sharp conflicts. The Bush adminstration -
quite often - is committed to evasion and
The President needs to do better than that - and people all
over the world ought to use power that they have to motivate
The analogies between the "missile defense"
boondoggle and Enron seem pretty close. A lot hidden. A lot
of smoke and mirrors. Much more promised, and claimed, than
was actually there.
MD1076 rshow55 4/4/02 1:20pm includes this:
Challenge, questions, and invokation of the need for
MD729 rshow55 3/20/02 9:32pm
MD730 rshow55 3/20/02 9:37pm
MD764 gisterme 3/22/02 1:34pm
Comment and response:
MD780 manjumicha2001 3/23/02 2:28am
... MD783-784 rshow55 3/23/02 11:15am
. MD84 rshow55 3/2/02 11:52am
The missile defense programs need to be evaluated in a
reasonable tactical context, subject to the countermeasures
that can reasonably be expected and specified.
The reasons why that can't be done now ought to be
understood - thought about hard. Those reasons waste chances
and endanger us.
Other issues involving the military-industrial
complex need to be looked at carefully, too. There's both a
great deal of money, and national security at stake.
The things Eisenhower warned against in his Farewell
have happened. Eisenhower failed to solve some problems, too.
Nixon made some honest and not-so-honest mistakes. A lot of
messes were made -and not cleaned up. We have problems to
face, and fix, where evasion won't do. Evasion is both too
dangerous and too expensive. Lies paralyze.
- 09:54am Jul 7, 2003 EST (#
12879 of 12881) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
"A big problem now is to recognize where we are - and where
we've been - so we can have a better chance to get where we'd
like to be." (Showalter)
On the USA national perspective Bob Herbert OP-ED COLUMNIST
did exactly this today (July7), 'Civil Rights, the Sequel'
(2 following messages)
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Missile Defense