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(11884 previous messages)
- 12:02pm May 23, 2003 EST (#
11885 of 11903) Can we do a better job of finding
truth? YES. Click "rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have
done and worked for on this thread.
In my view, the government owes my investors about 40
million bucks. That's one issue. Not that I can solve that one
- who says life is fair?
But the idea that "I gave up" is crazy - and the stakes are
high enough that I'll keep going, yet a while.
I also think that, though I may not be important or worthy
- the problems I've worked on are important. Getting
the record straight is important to me - and I think to the
whole world - and bit by bit that is happening.
I need my security situation clarified enough so that I can
legally try to do things.
"I would like to be able to set up something very much like
AEA again - and do it honestly - and work with Lchic in that
"I'd like to be able to do that with people involved in AEA
fully informed, and satisfied to the extent that was
reasonably possible.
"In ways that were reasonably satisfactory to my wife, her
husband, the New York Times, other members of families
involved, the federal government, and other people
more-or-less connected. In ways that most people at the UN, if
they happened to notice, might think fair.
"I think, under the circumstances, that it might be
particularly good if I could proceed on a basis senior people
at Deutsche Bank Securities would think honorable, workable,
and fair.
Note: Germany, Russia, and many other
countries care very much about issues of planning
that Eisenhower cared about - that are now "not to be
considered" in the US government.
"I've been trying to "play it straight" for a very long
Bragg contact^1265093@.f28e622/5785
"If the requests involved were awkward, the circumstances
were awkward, too.
I think, considering everything, I've been both honorable
and diligent. The idea that I didn't work hard enough is
Right now - as a practical matter I'm under restrictions -
If I was free of security limitations - or
had clear limitations, and that was in writing, or otherwise
clearly checkable then I could interact with people in
workable ways - for collaborations and business
relationships that fit real needs, in real circumstances.
The nation owes me that.
- 04:28pm May 23, 2003 EST (#
11886 of 11903) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Blair is verbally thumbing his nose at the NYT & Staff
... as a $sixfigure book is considered.
It seems illogical that a liar-taking money under false
pretences should hit gold!
- 05:03pm May 23, 2003 EST (#
11887 of 11903) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Steering in truth --- Ford 185000 - recall
- 05:24pm May 23, 2003 EST (#
11888 of 11903) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Fiction: No results found for: bbbuck
- You have been browsed 'and found wanting'!
- 05:28pm May 23, 2003 EST (#
11889 of 11903) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Audio snippet - John Grey - author
This guy has written a book that looks at terrorism - a
point he makes is the failure of Islamic scholars to say
anything ... to even speak .... he says the terrorist mvt is
more ideological than pyramid-based-binLaden ...
(14 following messages)
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Missile Defense