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(10526 previous messages)
- 09:13am Mar 26, 2003 EST (#
10527 of 10533)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
10484 -
I don't know what's in this proposal, but the idea of
making peace now - in ways that meet the reasonable needs of
all concerned, looking at the situation as it is - makes great
sense - and if it could be successfully accomplished it would
be a great step forward for the world.
. Saudis Make Peace Proposal to U.S.,
Iraq By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 11:44 a.m. ET
There is some matching that we need to do - to find
out ways to make things better, step by step - and the Saudis
are important people to work with. 10434
There is a vital distinction. It is the distinction between
valid statements in different frames of reference and
Muddle that is intentional unintentional. In the ways those
words can be meaningful.
One can believe in absolute truth about basic things -
especially basic physical things - and facts about real events
- including facts about interconnections - and yet acknowledge
that there can be many different perspectives about these
facts - many different cultural views of these facts. Many
maps. Many valid maps.
It is important to be able to tell the difference between
different perspectives and muddle or lies.
- 09:19am Mar 26, 2003 EST (#
10528 of 10533) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
- 09:22am Mar 26, 2003 EST (#
10529 of 10533) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
A good leader - would know when to 'walk'
Tyrants staying to the 'bitter' end
Assit the destruction of themselves, their culture, and
people .....
If Saddam had 'walked', had took the money
Then those dead and suffering from the actions of past days
would all be alive and healthy
Why can't he figure that out ?
- 09:35am Mar 26, 2003 EST (#
10530 of 10533)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
Maybe a lot of people have trouble figuring things
rshowalter - 11:53am Sep 30, 2002 BST (#328
includes this:
Lchic and I have been proceeding with our
work on the NYT MD forum on the assumption (or fiction) that
it is monitored by staffed organizations - and I'm posting
this selection of links on the basis of that assumption.
(for details, click rshowalter ). At a time when
basic patterns of international law are being renegotiated,
the discourse may be of interest to specialists - and the
channel it represents may be of international use. If we're
proceeding on the basis of a fiction, it is a fiction that
may protype patterns that are not fictional at some later
. . .
A key point about stability, and a story connected to
Nash's background, mine, and Psychwar, Casablanca . . . and
terror 4530-4531 <a
9/25/02 3:06pm</a>
Here's an old posting from Psychwar by a very able
poster - I can't guess who he is, but he says something
perceptive here:
Tony50 - 12:13pm Jan 11, 2001 BST (#109
"As far as I could see, you hope to reform
world opinion by means of a process of reforming logical
thought. If I'm right in that, I'm afraid that you must face
up to the fact that our generation is not noted for its
capacity for logical thought, even in quite high places.
"And the trouble is, even if you can achieve
99.9% acceptance of the logic of your position, the 1 in
1,000 who doesn't see it your way can bring the whole thing
down in ruins.
If we get just a little more logic straight - we
might not do perfectly - but we might do better than we're
doing. There's room for improvement.
(3 following messages)
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Missile Defense