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(10256 previous messages)
- 07:44am Mar 20, 2003 EST (#
10257 of 10269)
Can we do a better job of finding truth? YES. Click
"rshow55" for some things Lchic and I have done and worked for
on this thread.
It better not be as simple as that - and if Russia, China,
and EU countries are at all careful - it won't be like that.
But people - including leaders - and surely including Blair
and Bush - have to be responsible for what they say and
do - and there have to be some limits on the right to lie -
that transcend borders.
Unless we can anchor discourse on some agreed upon facts -
set out and reinforced according to the standards that work
for human beings (that is, the standards actually needed in
jury trials) there is no solution.
If the basic principle that the Treaty of Westphalia
has failed is accepted - workable negotiations could begin
immediately - and everything is in place for a very stable,
much better set of arrangements.
includes a very wrenching quote for Goering -
that illustrates how utterly unstable conditions are under
current rules. We have to do better.
When things are complicated, truth is our only hope:
And a substantial hope.
Almarst , Putin and others aren't dealing with
Hitler - they're dealing with Bush and Blair who, faults and
all - work hard for what they think is right. You may not like
them. But if people have good sense, and negotiate decently -
a lot could get much better.
Some old patterns, which have long paralyzed the world -
are now broken. We need new patterns better
patterns - and while they are being renegotiated there's
reason to fear chaos.
But we can do much better than that.
- 08:31am Mar 20, 2003 EST (#
10258 of 10269) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
People are out on the streets - around the world -
protesting war ... as in, protesting the deaths of innocents.
International Law has to be revamped to enable early
intervention when National Leaders abuse their roles by
failing to respect their people and failing to act in the
interest of ALL constituents.
1441 -- moral issues -- CONFUSION -- in the
- 08:34am Mar 20, 2003 EST (#
10259 of 10269) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
- 08:37am Mar 20, 2003 EST (#
10260 of 10269) ~~~~ It got understood and exposed
Killer Flu - started @ Hong Kong's Metropole Hotel
- 11:41am Mar 20, 2003 EST (#
10261 of 10269)
Russia expresses regret -
Gorbachev - "Big political mistake" -
China Demands Halt to Attack -
India - "Attack Unjustified" -
US and Britain trumped the UN Charter and the will of at
least 80% of the World population.
US broke its own Law prohibiting the assocination of
foreighn leaders.
The Pandora Box to the New World DISORDER has being
widely opened.
(8 following messages)
New York Times on the Web Forums
Missile Defense