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lchic - 09:10am Mar 14, 2002 EST (#532 of 546)

Bush Focuses On Cutting Nuclear Arms

    WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush is offering to turn his verbal agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin on large cuts in nuclear arsenals into ``a document that outlives both of us.''
Bush's choice of words seemed to indicate a new willingness to engage in detailed negotiations - although he steered clear of that term - on aspects of nuclear arms reductions important to the Russians.

Administration officials previously have expressed reluctance to get into drawn-out negotiations, arguing that in the post-Cold War world there is no need for such formal arms constraints.

Bush said he discussed the matter this week with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, who also met Wednesday with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. Ivanov was scheduled to see Secretary of State Colin Powell and meet with CIA officials Thursday.

At a White House news conference, Bush said Wednesday his administration also is willing to discuss with the Russians their concern about his administration's plans to store, rather than destroy, thousands of the nuclear warheads Bush intends to remove from the active force over the next decade.

Bush said he hopes an arms agreement will be ready to sign when he visits Putin in Russia in May.

Bush and his senior national security aides have said in the past that because Russia is no longer an adversary, there is no need to codify arms reductions. Putin, however, has pushed for a formal agreement.

In response to reporters' questions, Bush said his chief concern in putting together a nuclear accord was ensuring that agreed reductions could be verified by both governments.

``The most important thing, though, is verification - to make sure that whatever decision is made, that there is open verification so as to develop a level of trust,'' he said.

On the issue of requiring the destruction, rather than long-term storage, of nuclear warheads removed from the active force, Bush said this would require ``a lot of work,'' presumably by negotiators.

``That in itself is going to take time, and that's got to be a part of the equation as well,'' he said.

Bush said he was wary of ``those who are interested in making sure that the Cold War relationship continues on.'' He did not elaborate, but said the U.S.-Russia relationship is important.

``I also agree with President Putin that there needs to be a document that outlives both of us,'' Bush said. ``What form that comes in, we will discuss.'' He added: ``I'm confident that President Putin is interested in making a deal, coming up with a good arrangement that will codify a new relationship.''

Earlier Wednesday, Rumsfeld and Ivanov held a joint news conference at the Pentagon.

Ivanov said Russia will not ignore ``international terrorists'' who have infiltrated neighboring Georgia. He said they are linked to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terrorist network and are ``full of new plans for terrorist operations.''

Ivanov said these terrorists had trained in Afghanistan, ``committed terrible crimes'' in the Russian breakaway province of Chechnya, and are now in Georgia's remote Pankisi Gorge, only a dozen or so miles from Russia's border.

``We cannot just sit and watch those activities indifferently,'' he said, adding that Moscow had provided the U.S. government a list of hundreds of names of such people with links to al-Qaida.

At the Georgian government's invitation, the Pentagon is preparing to send perhaps 150 troops to the former Soviet republic to train its armed forces in counterterrorist operations. Some in the Russian parliament have sharply criticized the plan, but Ivanov gave no indication Wednesday that he opposed it.

lchic - 09:15am Mar 14, 2002 EST (#533 of 546)

lchic - 09:18am Mar 14, 2002 EST (#534 of 546)

Re pipeline .. would be interesting to see the NAMES of the COMPANIES proposed to be involved in this work ..

almarst-2001 - 01:54pm Mar 14, 2002 EST (#535 of 546)

lchic 3/14/02 9:18am

To see if it's clean from Bushes?;)

almarst-2001 - 02:05pm Mar 14, 2002 EST (#536 of 546)

formation of a muscular new organization, ''Americans for Victory Over Terrorism.'' -

"Led by former Education secretary Bill Bennett, the indefatigable crusader for virtue and conservative values, the group stands ready to wage holy war against those who would weaken America's resolve to fight terrorism. In his opening statement, Bennett pledged to take this fight ''to campuses, salons, oratorical societies, editorial pages and television.''

... Bennett even felt compelled to warn, ''There was more unanimity and less dissent in the early days of the Vietnam War in the early '60s than there is now.''

Did this nation asked and got an answer on "WHY ??? ''There was more unanimity and less dissent in the early days of the Vietnam War in the early '60s than there is now.''???

lchic - 03:42pm Mar 14, 2002 EST (#537 of 546)

His is not to reason 'why' ...

The qualities of anyone standing to be leader of the western world are under discussion GU thread

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