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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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dirac_10 - 11:53pm Jun 11, 2001 EST (#4800 of 4807)

alty53 - 06:36pm Jun 11, 2001 EST (#4772 of 4799)

point 1: if dirac 10 took off his hat, he would see the point.....

That will certainly help you with the impartial observers. I know I'm impressed accordingly.

point 2: after 70 billion dollars, no missile has ever been shot down by another missile (including Patriot and SCUD missiles),

Actually they have, not to mention that we haven't spent 70 billion dollers, and the lasers have never missed. But no ICBM has ever been shot down. That's true. We spent 200 million on the lasers that have never missed.

....point 3: putting hundreds or even thousands of nuclear tipped missiles on space platforms will not make us more secure but will certainly increase the probability of accidental war or make a pre-emptive strike more likely....

Why on earth would we do that? What's the point? Not only wouldn't we put them in space, but we, so far aren't even planning on using nukes at all.

point 4: if you think the present world strategic aliances will last forever or even into the next 20 years, you have already forgotten the last 12 years ......

So? If the ruthless thugs all go away, what's the problem? Who's complaining?

point 5: why not have a real debate about nuclear tipped missiles in space rather than a phony debate about shooting down missiles with missiles.....

Because no one is planning on doing it? Because there would be no point?

Point 6. you and your reactionary ilk like to keep the waters muddied up with your ditto-head Hollywood notions of strategic warfare,

Did I mention that Bill Clinton is the best president this country ever had?

thereby allowing your business pals to go to the Pentagon and suckle at the teats of the middle and working class tax payer.

They're gonna take their toll regardless. Might as well put it to good use, saving the country from certain destruction.

dirac_10 - 12:02am Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4801 of 4807)

moose15 - 11:34pm Jun 11, 2001 EST (#4799 of 4800)

Yeah. All true. But you have to think that it is something Rumsfeld is taking into account when he says we need to change our priorities. Aircraft carriers will be of no direct help with that problem.

But our technical abilities are nothing to sneeze at. That plan would require involving others. It would take time. Very risky business indeed. Not a sure thing like pushing a button, with nukes.

almarst-2001 - 12:11am Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4802 of 4807)

gisterme 6/11/01 7:59pm

"Maybe there's some other reason that the Russians are having such a hard time getting their economy started."

May be there's some other reason that the Americans are having such an "easy" time getting their economy going?";)


If you missed this, I am not Russian. And when I left the country almost 30 years ago, it was probably significantly different then one I found today.

In some ways, to turn from socialism to capitalism is like to change the religion and the ethical norms of the society. That ought to be hard for any nation. Additionally, I already suggested to read the Russian farry tails to get a glimps into the menthality of a nation.

As for invetiveness, resoursfulness and "thinking for themselves", it is my oppinion, on average, the Russians are at least on pair with the West. Just to be polite;)

almarst-2001 - 12:22am Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4803 of 4807)

lunarchick 6/11/01 10:09pm

"There is a global culture ... "

Would you please give an example... Unless its the Holliwood you have in mind;)

dirac_10 - 12:32am Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4804 of 4807)

almarst-2001 - 12:11am Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4802 of 4803)

As for invetiveness, resoursfulness and "thinking for themselves", it is my oppinion, on average, the Russians are at least on pair with the West. Just to be polite;)

In science, yes. In academics, yes. But rookies when it comes to businessmen. Not to mention the incredible difficult transition.

To just dump dogmatic supply and demand on them, has caused vast misery. And the congress stopping Clinton from helping is a scandal and stupid beyond imagination.

The good news is that they will get a nice fat bribe to go along with NMD.

dirac_10 - 12:34am Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4805 of 4807)

The scary thing is that they might leave GW in a room alone with Putin. They should handcuff him to Cheney or Rumsfeld at all times.

almarst-2001 - 12:34am Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4806 of 4807)

lunarchick 6/11/01 10:28pm

"It all gets back to levels of education and tools to use to invent, innovate, process, make .. and the minds of the people have to absorb and accept and embrace opportunities as they arise. "

As far as I know, the US does not represent the best example of a public education. At least on the even today's Russian standards (however sadly fading).

As for "embracing the opportunities" - that has a lot to do with a culture and morality.

Particularelly importand is a tolerance to inequality within society.

It seems Americans have a very high tolerance to inequality... while choosing the "WHITE" as one of thir flag's colores. I wonder just how widely the meaning of those "colores" are known in America?

dirac_10 - 12:40am Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4807 of 4807)

almarst-2001 - 12:34am Jun 12, 2001 EST (#4806 of 4806)

It seems Americans have a very high tolerance to inequality...

It's racist. The Europeans won't tolerate it so much for racist reasons. They are related.

Same thing for the US. Except the converse.

Only Russia rivals the US in it's diversity, and it's not even close.

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