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    Missile Defense

Russian military leaders have expressed concern about US plans for a national missile defense system. Will defense technology be limited by possibilities for a strategic imbalance? Is this just SDI all over again?

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possumdag - 09:12pm May 21, 2001 EST (#4125 of 4133)

Here are questions :

Does America really have a sense of Identity?

Do Russians have a sense of Identity?

In war-time situations do nations have a sense of Identity or is it a conjoured sense?

The reason i put this is because groups are seen to fail, even in a good environment, when they don't have a sense of who they are and what they are about.

On a personal and group level when people don't have Identity they are too troubled, resentful, and seemingly undervalued by others, to develop purpose and achievement.

Looking at America, does She really have a true sense of self?

If She did, would it be necessary to collect military nuclear toys?

possumdag - 09:18pm May 21, 2001 EST (#4126 of 4133)

Environments change. Does an individual/national sense of self/identity have to continually reshape.

If there is a lag in developing appropriate responses to change, does that leave a whole nation flapping in the shallows without a sense of purpose or direction.

possumdag - 09:24pm May 21, 2001 EST (#4127 of 4133)

Noted a film re Thanksgivings Day USA, in this the Director focuses on the Turkey center piece.
ThanksgivingDay must be an day of IDENTIY for Americans.
The story looked at how people from different cultures and national backgrounds had fused into their understanding of ThanksgivingDay.

Take away the Turkey table center piece, replace it with a white dove of peace for the world, and work out how people from different cultures and nations respond to this 'living' Dove.

rshowalter - 09:33pm May 21, 2001 EST (#4128 of 4133) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

I know the Russians and the Americans would respond differently. But with some thought, both could respond beautifully.

. . .

There are "culture wars" going on in many countries -- certainly in the US and Russia.

So there has to be more talking, within countries, because that's needed for comfort -- and because that's needed for productive and safe talking between countries.

The US needs to find reasons to go on, without having to make up or manufacture new fears and new enemies.

As for Russia, she has plenty of big concerns, plenty of things to worry about, without holding on to deep, wrenching fears that have done so much to blight the lives of the Russian people - when the reasons for these fears are either obsolete, or when these reasons can, with moderate work and care, be put aside.

rshowalter - 09:40pm May 21, 2001 EST (#4129 of 4133) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Before I respond again, I'm going to spend some time re-reading an essay by C.P. Snow -- just to see if some hopes that made sense to Snow in 1959, but fizzled then, might make sense now, and might actually work.


Snow thought the world, by 2000, would be a much safer and more beautiful place. We're late.

But maybe better later than never.


I think Bill Casey, Alan Dulles, Eisenhower, and a lot of others "present at the creation" would have thought so. And Solzhenetsyn, too.

possumdag - 10:20pm May 21, 2001 EST (#4130 of 4133)


rshowalter - 10:45pm May 21, 2001 EST (#4131 of 4133) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Chain breakers: !

rshowalter - 10:45pm May 21, 2001 EST (#4132 of 4133) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Learning to Stand: !

rshowalter - 10:46pm May 21, 2001 EST (#4133 of 4133) Delete Message
Robert Showalter

Secular Redemption: !

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