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    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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idenbade - 10:18am Dec 28, 2001 EST (#10560 of 10657)

I am Egyptian born and lived there for 15 years. My mother and father are (were) Russian and were diplomats to Egypt. I went to Cambridge University in the UK and then I was asked to join Baykonur. I speak Arabic, Russian, English. So what is your story. (I am now a naturalize citizen of the USA) I am sure you don't work in the aerospace industry nor do you hold a degree that gives insight into what is reality with MD.

I can not explain to you how the targeting systems work because it is classified but your assumption that MD does not work is so fare off that you make yourself look like a foolish person.

As for just who said what... repeating a lie is the same as lying. By posting such lies from the authors of that trash you are propagating it. Consider this: Do the authors hold MS's or a PH.D. in Physics? I don't think so! Also what you read in the press with respect to how JDAM and other high tech weapons work is only about 10% of the story. The other 90% is classifies and can not be released.

So can you explain just how you can make a decision on whether MD is viable or not based on 10% of the data? You can't and that is my point! Everyone in this forum that is knocking MD does not have all of the data to make an informed decision on the subject matter unless they are working on the project. If they are working on the project and they are posting the essence of how the system works then they are traders and can be prosecuted for publishing classified information.

lchic - 12:53pm Dec 28, 2001 EST (#10561 of 10657)

So your L1 is Russian, L2 English. You miss some of the more subtle aspects of the language, and, don't follow the board closely - meaning you don't read the postings with the fullest comprehension.

My preferred method with threads is to look at the 'content' of the postings and speak to that, rather than pick-up on individual posters.

I just found some of your postings to be a little outside 'cultural' norms wrt respect.

I'll repeat - the posting you are referrring to re JDAM was a direct quotation from the NYT. The NYT generally tries to stay within guidelines - and would 'question' the aspects of issues that readership would need to evaluate.

lchic - 01:19pm Dec 28, 2001 EST (#10562 of 10657)

If you click - display thread - you will get the index to this thread. A poster did put up a post on how to search the thread that may be helpful rshowalter 9/30/01 5:21am

As i said above Missile Defence has the technical aspect .. one reality of which related to the fact that Laser Guidance isn't what politicians would have the public think it is ... and there is also the political aspect.

A concern re the political aspect has been - how many highly qualified people spend their day staring at blank walls .. playing at this and that - going nowhere, RobertShowalter 12/18/01 6:35pm when they could be using their brilliant tookkit of HighSkills to do things that are of benefit to mankind.

If all the billions and billions that have been channelled into MD (physics and maths related to MD) had been used in alternative ways that were helpful to humanity - would the world now be a better place?

Are 'wars' avoidable?

If the Poorer Countries of the world were assisted and enabled to develop their 'means of production' and educate and train people to work at higher and higher levels .. then, would the world be a better and more co-operative place?

idenbade you may now be working in the Areospace industry ... but .. looking back on life in Fifty years time, will you be able to say that you put your working years to best advantage - in world terms?

On Lasers ... the UK can hit a coke tin at 300 yards - as used in clearing runways ... but .. we are lead to believe that the accuracy in terms of US missile testing is far greater. The missile and target used in US tests actually 'talk' to each other to assist guidance. This isn't a real situation - people think they are being lied to by the Government Publicity machine and are very skeptical!

lchic - 01:32pm Dec 28, 2001 EST (#10563 of 10657)

idenbade go back and read this post - note the underline on the last character - click it for citation. lchic 12/24/01 9:05pm

lchic - 02:17pm Dec 28, 2001 EST (#10564 of 10657)

    "As for just who said what... repeating a lie is the same as lying. By posting such lies from the authors of that trash you are propagating it. Consider this: Do the authors hold MS's or a PH.D. in Physics? I don't think so! idenbade 12/28/01 10:18am
The popularisation of science via journalism ( and so that the 'masses' can appreciate how their tax dollars are being spent) is an ongoing matter.
Journalists have a code of ethics - presumably to reach to truth.
Check out 'truth' ... it does sit within cultural environments and as they are subject to change over the longer term - as newer truths are revealed, so truth reviews itself.
Cambridge looked at these matters in 1959:

good_guy - 02:46pm Dec 28, 2001 EST (#10565 of 10657)

idenbade - 02:34pm Dec 27, 2001 EST (#10547 of 10560)

Hillary Boos Vanish From McCartney Concert Rebroadcast

"The boos were replaced with general crowd noise," reports the New York Post's Neal Travis, adding, "the cable channel evidently wants to keep on Hillary's good side."

ME ~ Idenbade, this idiot post of yours shows your true colors. ...You are nought but an obsessive, religious, right-wing, fundamentalist, Republican/Libertarian Clinton basher. You have not one iota of honesty or integrity to your name.

Atheist Bill

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