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    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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ledzeppelin - 03:05am Nov 1, 2001 EST (#10261 of 10657)

gisterme #10253

I note that you agree that no one did care, by saying “Right especially those folks who bombed the place to rubble in the first place”. The lack of duty of care was self evident by the Russians however countries such as the UK and US whom trained and financed the Taliban and OBL to overthrow the USSR and then its puppet government, were not innocent and by walking away enabled the place fall further into degradation and the control of the likes of OBL.

“Just let 'em starve, right?” That is your answer, is it! That’s nearly as idiotic and crass as bombing the Hospitals, Red Cross Centres, and Mosques and peoples homes and expecting Islam to embrace such actions. You clearly like terrorists, given your wish, would but create many thousands more OBL’s.

You ask me, what would I have done, as I have stated herein before however to reiterate for you, most definitely and firstly not what the Taliban or OBL expected post 11th, as we have and fallen into that honey pot trap.

I would have taken all the evidence with regard the Embassy atrocities in Africa and the US Navy vessel I would have presented that to the Islamic Clerics in the US the UK and in Mecca and asked them to give a judgement on those crimes; alone, at that time. I would have increased the humanitarian Aid input to Afghanistan with immediate effect and ensured there was the required tonnage to ensure no Afghan this winter need starve simultaneously I would have used this time to gather real time intelligence. Thus subsequently saving several millions in the needless bombing of planes at airfields that had one wings and no engines, etc. moreover substantially reducing the risk of bombing the innocent by verifying the status of a target in the first instance. Once the Clerics in ‘three countries’ had determined that for those earlier offences OBL had a case to answer. I would have then insisted that the Taliban comply with Shariat law and hand OBL to a third party country (that’s all they could do as OBL had long gone by the 12th) and or disclose his last known whereabouts to the international community. The Taliban would have had to comply or lose total face. Ah, face, that being far more important to them than losing their lives. Had they not done so, the Taliban would have lost their international Islamic credentials by virtue of their non-compliance with Shariat law. Moreover OBL or they would have had no place to hide. Moreover no fundamentalist group would come to his aid. What is more there would not as now be tens of thousands of young men trying to get into Afghanistan to fight for the Taliban as they are now. By virtue of the very fact that both Shk Omar and OBL would even in the most fundamentalist Islamic eyes be now just criminals. So OBL would have given himself up in any event. OBL would have stood trial therefore as the likes of the Libyan Lockerby bombers did in Holland (third party neutral country) yet in a Scottish Court under Scottish jurisdiction. This system worked and it could have easily done so again for OBL. I would have simultaneously addressed covertly the situation within Palestine and without shouting about it ensured that Israel made the moves to put in place the appropriate UN resolutions. I would have purchased (swap for current aid and debt relief) both India’s and Pakistan’s nuclear arsenals if they refused then no further aid nor trade. I would have ensured that moderate Taliban and all indigenous tribal leaders and village headmen (not warlords or deposed geriatric Kings) were given all the help they needed to bring about an internal political realignment ensuring future free elections within the framework of a modern Islamic state. I would abandon Star Wars. To reiterate I stated that herein months ago, Star Wars just gives credence to criminals whom hide behind the cloak of freedom fighters to say no one Christian nation should have imperialistic control of the firmament.

ledzeppelin - 03:06am Nov 1, 2001 EST (#10262 of 10657)

Gisterme #10253


You further stated “ OBL says he hates the US is because the US didn't tell them what to do when the Russians left” I can not find any reference whatsoever to any such statement by OBL. Furthermore overnight or this morning Al Jazzera whom have controlled all of OBL dictates and proclamations over the last 8 years or so, could find no such quote by OBL that you attribute to him!

Again you state “ Saddam, OBL and the Taliban all belong to the same club” you again could not be more incorrect if you tried! Because OBL hates Saddam with a vengeance, OBL blames Saddam for the US troops first entering Saudi Arabia moreover the Holy places in the first instant, following Saddam entering into Kuwait.

You say about the previously despised and deposed King “ Why would he want to be king of that god-forsaken place when he can live in a comfy villa in Italy?” He appears to want to so; is it the money perchance he has been offered by the West and an ego to match that greed.

You state “ Also, since we're recalling facts here, don't forget that the Taliban leadership are foreigners in Afghanistan. They are Arabs not Afghans” Where on this planet did you come up with that spurious tenet. The Taliban most certainly are not Arabs as they are predominantly from the Pashtun tribe, whom is well and truly not Arab by any stretch of the imagination.

You state with regard missile defence “Do you doubt they'll hesitate to use an ICBM when they get one? I don't...” to further reiterate for you, I have always stated my grave concerns that the likes of OBL would use nuclear weapons. Nevertheless, not a missile that is both expensive ($250 millions plus) and inaccurate… but the cheaper (less than $25 millions) and that is deadly accurate by way of a suitcase bomb.

To terrorise and ensure fear follows is the pinnacle for OBL. He is also able to play and toy with the West because we work on sound bites and knee jerk reactions and gestures. Hence the west’s conflicting press releases and governmental briefings over the last three weeks that has enabled OBL to win more hearts and minds. That’s is Hearts and Minds the West lost, all because the West were not speaking from the same sheet of paper.

Islam is a peaceful religion as is Christianity.

You go on to say “As for Saddam, he never cared about Islam in the first place…” in the interests of fair play I do not believe Saddam has ever stated he did care about Islam. A point both the Kurds in the North and the Marsh Arabs in the South would concur that Saddam did not care about the teachings of the prophet, if he had; he would not of decimated their peoples. Moreover had he lived by the teachings and buried his pride and allowed Oil for food and medicines into Iraq thus saving at least 500,000 innocent Iraqi children’s lives over the last 10 years. Respectfully Saddam is not going to bomb anyone furthermore he could not catapult a missile out of Iraq let alone fire one out.

Respectfully walking on the moon was fantastic, but whilst we must correctly praise our successes, we must not fall into the trap and believe our own publicity and thus forget our failings. The war against terrorism must be won. I for one can never forget the absolute horror of the 11th and all I seek is that we don’t create a thousand OBL in our attempt to cull one.

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