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    Missile Defense

Technology has always found its greatest consumer in a nation's war and defense efforts. Since the last attempts at a "Star Wars" defense system, has technology changed considerably enough to make the latest Missile Defense initiatives more successful? Can such an application of science be successful? Is a militarized space inevitable, necessary or impossible?

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ledzeppelin - 10:43am Oct 21, 2001 EST (#10243 of 10250)

gisterme -

In the interests of fair play the following is the latest press statement....from the US & Russia.

I would draw your attention to Putins statement therein regarding the 72 treaty "Russia's insistence that it underpins global security".

Sunday, 21 October, 2001, 13:48 GMT 14:48 UK Bush and Putin hail new relationship.

Speaking after their meeting at the Asia-Pacific Economic Forum (Apec) in Shanghai, President Bush repeatedly thanked President Putin for his support over the terrorist attacks on America. He said it underscored the fact that the Russia and US no longer view each other as enemies. But he reiterated that the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, signed by Russia and the US in 1972, was anachronistic, despite Russia's insistence that it underpins global security.

No Cold War Mr Bush said he discussed "significantly lowering" nuclear arsenals with President Putin. But he also said the terrorist attacks of last month made it clearer than ever that the ABM is "outmoded and dangerous". The ABM treaty bars President Bush's plans for a US missile defence system, which Washington says will protect it from attacks by rogue states. Russia opposes both the US missile defence plan and the abolition of the treaty, which it regards as the cornerstone to global security. Further talks planned "At least we do have an understanding that we can reach some agreement taking into account the national interests" of the two nations, Mr Putin said. A senior White House official said after the news conference that although President Bush did not give President Putin a deadline for the US's exit from the ABM treaty he made it clear that it would happen soon. This would effectively sound the death knell for the treaty, as only Russia and the US subscribe to it. Mr Putin said he looked forward to longer negotiations on nuclear stockpiles and missile defence at their meetings at Bush's Texas ranch next month."

I sadly see nothing in this that says, be happy? I see lots that says the cost of Putins support will only destabalise the world further, such as are 1.2 billion Muslims going to stand by and watch their brothers and sisters in Chechnia slaughtered in the name of an oil for the Russian oil mafia to supply the west!

justlooking6 - 04:39pm Oct 22, 2001 EST (#10244 of 10250) Delete Message

They have a format for flexible discourse -- and that's quite a lot. Without more details, it could go anywhere - and have good consequences, badn consequences, or both, depending on many things.

ledzeppelin - 03:49am Oct 23, 2001 EST (#10245 of 10250)

justlooking6 - (#10244)

You say they, bush & putin "They have a format for flexible discourse -- and that's quite a lot". My ? is, have they really.

I already hear the cries and feel the tears of each and every child ever waiting for a parent whom will never come home from the Pentagon or WTC. Likewise I feel the tears and the pain of those little ones being broken, burnt and crushed and hears their cries in Afghanistan.

My fear is how many more children of our global village must suffer and die whilst our leaders talk with their new friends to day! Friends whom tomorrow we may well fight.

Osama bin Laden and the Taliban were the wests best friends not so long ago when it then served our ends in the wests cold war fight against russia............

Never think Putin or the Russian people have forgot that, nor forget Russia this way now has won won won, its not upset Islamic nations, its going to sell oil and gas at higher prices, and its got rid of the Islamic Emirate aka Afganistan.

logician3 - 06:42am Oct 23, 2001 EST (#10246 of 10250)
Bush's plan - fight terrorism by increasing hatred

Bush's holy crusade is misguided, as is only increaasing the probability of terrorism in the Muslim nations.

Bush is plainly a nitwit.

mazza9 - 08:40am Oct 23, 2001 EST (#10247 of 10250)
Louis Mazza


The barbarians are at the gate and you chose to vilify our President? What would you have instead? Slick Willie sitting in the Oval Office being serviced by Monica while he's on the clock? He should have been terminated for cause but the Senate voted in a partisan fashion. Those Two years of hate and accusations are what emboldened our enemies.

This World War is addressing the final issues of the 20th century. Cold War alliances were about strategic advantage, not necessarily right and wrong. The Islamic government of choice is a mixture of Royalty, Despot, and Dictator. And now they are developing missile systems. Now what do you think they intend to put on top? 8 years of non-leadership has brought us to this point. We need to reach rapproachment with the Russians so that an educated, scientific, logical course can be charted.


ledzeppelin - 10:26am Oct 23, 2001 EST (#10248 of 10250)

mazza9 - (#10247) Louis Mazza

You say "This World War is addressing the final issues of the 20th century. Cold War alliances were about strategic advantage, not necessarily right and wrong. The Islamic government of choice is a mixture of Royalty, Despot, and Dictator. And now they are developing missile systems....."

Sadly for those peoples within the likes of most of the Islamic nations you refer; it has been the west whom have kept these tyrants and despots in power. The reason they can make missiles is we have sold them the technology overtly or covertly.

Pres Putin is currently eating the west for breakfast indeed his years as head of the KGB has set him in good stead.....

Russians do not know the meaning of the word rapproachment for as you claim "so that an educated, scientific, logical course can be charted". We have a saying in Europe 'in your dreams' Pres Putin will only react to goodies and when the goodies stop so will his assistance.

Do you really think that any rogue state is going to spend some 250 millions on a ballistic missile that would not be accurate when for 25 millions they can walk a bomb across the border and then place it with pin point accuracy then go home and watch it all on CNN.

The US and here in the UK we should spend the proposed billions for Star Wars on ridding the world of arms and their componants for a nuke in a suitcase or biological thus ensuring that terrorist or rogue state can no longer get their hands on such weapons of mass destruction. As for their current missile capabilities cut of all Trade and aid until they hand over these missiles. If you note each of the heads of these rogue states are greedy and easily brought.

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