Solving the world's energy problem -  a photovoltaic approach:


The UN Foundation/Better World Fund funded this superb edition of the UNEP magazine Our Planet .

includes many good statements – notably in  The Energy Challenge by Ted Turner  which includes this:


" Energy and human development


"Of the world’s 6 billion people, one third enjoy the kind of ‘energy on demand’ that North Americans take for granted, and another third have such energy services intermittently. The final third – 2 billion people – simply lack access to modern energy services. Not coincidentally, the energy-deprived are the world’s most impoverished, living on less than $2 per day. Their ranks will continue to grow. According to UN estimates, the populations of the 50 poorest nations will triple in size over the next 50 years. Without access to modern, reliable energy sources, social and economic development is not possible.


The bolded phrase above also occurs in The Future of Energy Policy by Timothy E. Wirth, C. Boyden Gray, and John D. Podesta , Foreign Affairs , July/August 2003   There is a powerful consensus.


The human stakes are high.  Every second, somebody dies who has lived their life without electricity, and somebody else dies whose material welfare has been stunted by inadequate energy services.   Conservation can only help, but for the world to get much better, the world needs MUCH more energy.



A proposal for study and action:



The task of removing energy as a fundamental constraint on human welfare isn’t manageable without much more specification.     But sub-tasks that could contribute to that objective are manageable tasks.      For example, it is a manageable task to state and evaluate photovoltaic approaches that could reasonably be expected to meet world energy needs at a cost of 2-10 cents/kWh.   There are few enough of them. 


The price target corresponds to fossil fuel costs.  The energy content of a barrel of crude oil is about 1700 kWh.    $10/barrel oil is priced at the energy equivalent of 1.7 cents/kWh.   $30/barrel corresponds to 5.1 cents/kWh.   


It would take about 15,000 - 20,000 gigawatts of photoelectric capacity to match the energy supplied from fossil fuels today.   That would take about 100 billion square meters of 20% efficient photocell area .   At a billion square meters/year, that would take a century to produce – at a billion square meters/month – 8.3 years – at a billion square meters/week – 2 years.      A total collection area of about .0125% of the area of the earth would be needed.  Roughly the area of Pennsylvania - if that area was on the equator.  In cloudy areas, and away from the equator, larger areas would be needed.   


Wherever the energy is produced - it has to be moved to where it is needed on an economic and secure basis. 


For photovoltaic solar energy to become a relatively substantial source of the world's energy - it is total system capital and operating costs of the installations that are going to matter - not the details of any particular approach or any particular installation or placement, except as those details are embodied in costs.  


But you have to start somewhere.   It makes sense to work through and prototype one approach that could do the job - not ruling out other approaches that could also meet specifications. 



Specification of what it would take to produce silicon photocells for 2-5 cents per watt in the quantities needed is a manageable task - applicable to many PV siting approaches.   This specification task is partly done - and prototyping of an approach that could meet cost and production quantity requirements appears to be manageable now.    An overview of the challenge is set out in - which includes this:


The assumption that high volume production of photocells can be done for under 2cents/ watt mostly hinges on whether or not silicon sheet or foil of the required properties can be made for less than 5-10 times the cost of a similar quantity of aluminum foil of the same thickness. 


a crucial component of the job – the question


" What would it take to get large scale, profitable production of fully interchangeable purity silicon by direct purification of metallurgical silicon one year from today?"


- is being addressed, with the intention of organizing a reasonable affirmative answer, at this time. 


Specification of one siting approach that could meet the world's energy needs at an additional cost of 2-5 cents/kWh, assuming the availability of photocells is also a manageable task.   The approach places collectors on the equatorial seas, with HVDC transmission of electricity to markets.   The 100 billion square meter collection area could be provided by 10,000 standard collectors of ten square km area and 2 gigawatt capacity each.  Basic structural costs of these collectors correspond to a charge below .1 cent/kWh .  The HVDC transmission components needed to move the DC electricity collected to markets can be specified using current knowledge and design experience.  Design data, including risk assessment data - is available.   If solar power is to be available 24 hours a day according to this approach - a circumnavigating HVDC trunk line would be required.   Prototyping of the collectors is manageable now.   


Specification of the organizational tasks involved with this siting approach is also a manageable task.   One subtask - discussion with United Nations officials who would have to be involved - has been initiated. 



Again, for photovoltaic solar energy to become a big energy source for the world, it is costs, not technical details, that will matter in the end.   The suggestion above may not be the only proposal possible, or the best one possible  – but I think it is one practical proposal.  


In many ways, the challenge involved is quite close to the challenge the U.K. government handled from January 1935 on through the Tizard Committee.    That committee supervised the development and installation of the radar system that just pulled England through the Battle of Britain.   The Tizard Committee was charged with doing whatever it could to come up with an air defense.   It was an “impossible” job that had to be done for essential national security reasons.  Now, national security and world welfare depend on energy independence. 


The idea that getting this job done with photovoltaics is "impossible"  hinges on a judgement about costs.    If a workable way to produce silicon photocells for 2-5 cents per watt in the quantities needed can be specified and done – as I believe it can be – the rest of the proposal may come to look very practical indeed.    I'm working, and hope to find others who will work, to convert that hope to an accomplished fact.