Mankind's Inhumanity to Man and Woman - As natural as human goodness? |
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Started by rshowalter at 06:08pm Nov 12, 2000 BST I'm trying
to float and idea here - and that's something these forums are good for.
Looking at the world, there are so many cases of "unthinkable" and
"unexplainable" evil and negligence, that the mind and heart recoils.
People recall such behavior among the Nazis, and recoil, as well they
might. How could "civilized, aesthetically sensitive, cultured people"
ALSO act so monstrously, and with such clear and sophisticated murderous
But is this behavior so strange? Or is it the NATURAL s
rshowalter - 06:11pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#1 of 138) | But is this behavior so
strange? Or is it the NATURAL state of people, dealing with outsiders,
outsiders who they naturally dehumanize, and deal with as heartless,
exploitive predators? Is it civilization and mercy that are the
"unnatural" things - the things that have to be taught, and negotiated
into being, and strived for?
I'm coming to think that it is just as natural for people to act
"inhumanly" - that is cruelly, and in a dehumanizing way, towards
OUTSIDERS, as it is natural for people to act warmly, and with
accommodation and mutual support, for people WITHIN their group.
I'm coming to the view that, just as there is an instinct for
language, and an instinct for becoming a part of a group, inborn in
humans, there is an instinct to exclude outsiders, to dehumanize them, to
withhold cooperation from them, and to treat them as animals, subject to
manipulation an predation. I'm coming to believe that this treatment of
outsiders is an instinctive species characteristic, evolved over the
millions of years when people lived as gatherers and team hunters.
If this is true, we all have the basic instincts to be kind,
sensitive, and good, within our groups, but at the same time are naturally
"monsters" in our behavior toward outsiders.
If this is right, the role of civilization is to find ways of peace and
effective cooperation where isolation, conflict, duplicity, and merciless
manipulation, including murder, might otherwise occur. rshowalter - 06:16pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#2 of 138) | Some human behaviors,
supported by whole societies, involve what seems to me to be an
unbelievable degradation and oppression of women - rape, exploitation, and
passive consent to terrible acts in countless places.
Two examples are in papers today - in The New York Times an
editorial objects to "Honor Killings" where a woman is murdered by her
father or brothers for acts that are seen as besmirching the family's
honor, including committing adultery, defying a parental order to marry,
being seen in public with a man or becoming the victim of rape. Only by
dehumanizing women can this happen. And yet it is common, and even
Another story, one of a number about involuntary prostitution, is
Russians launch crackdown on 'sex slave' traffickers By Amelia
Gentleman Special report: Russia http://www.guardianunlimited.co.uk/russia/article/0,2763,396402,00.html
This horror could only go on if MANY people let it happen, as they have,
and if MANY men are prepared to exploit prostitutes who are obviously
unwilling - if men are willing to pay to rape women on a routine basis, as
they apparently are.
Gutwrenching behavior. And looking at the Middle East, on both sides,
and looking at nuclear weapons, and looking at much, much else, there is
plenty of such "gutwrenching" behavior.
Is this sort of thing the Hobbsain state of nature, the natural
way people deal with each OUTSIDERS?.
It seems to me that it is, and that the needs of complex cooperation
and peace take morally informed, careful building of more decent patterns.
If this is so, degradation is the natural thing - decency is a matter of
culture, that may depend on the insistence of groups of people on humanly
decent conduct.
This idea isn't quite the same as the notion of "original sin", but it
seems right to me. I'd like to pursue it. I'd be most grateful for
comments here.
What I'm saying makes human ugliness unsurprising, but may make it more
understandable, so we can deal with it better, and make the world a less
savage, warmer place. xpat - 07:53pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#3 of 138) Hobbsianism wins out in
societies that lack equilibrium in gender power balance.
One of the countries off Yugoslavia has a problem re mass enslavement
and raping of women, a loophole in legislation permitted the deterioration
which is now being addressed.
In Thailand there are now more prostitutes (many children for the
tourist trade) than monks.
Australia has determined that Australians abroad must maintain
Australian (Home) standards.
Some get prosecuted ... many won't! rshowalter - 08:05pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#4 of 138) | Much to be said for law and
power. Indeed, the more I look, the more important power, and arguments
for civilization are. And in the oppressive relations that so often exist
between the sexes, people, (in my view, mostly males) can be seen at their
very worst. It seems that lots of males find rape very comfortable.
The thing that strikes me is NOT that indignation isn't appropriate,
and not that imposition of rules isn't appropriate.
The thing that strikes me is that SURPRISE, which seems so natural a
response, is inappropriate. The horror is that so many terrible things get
done by "normal human beings" who are, in the main, unscarred by what they
have done.
Power relations between human groups that are decent, and efficient,
and nonexploitive, seem, almost always, to take "unnatural" civilizing
arrangements. "The golden rule" being perhaps the most powerful of these.
"Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." isn't
problematic when it is interpreted to mean "Do unto others within your
group as you would have them do unto you."
But when the Golden Rule is taken further, to mean
"Do unto others outside your group as you would have them do unto
the Golden Rule becomes a radical, behaviorally and intellectually
challenging admonition, a key piece of advice for fashioning complex
cooperation, for productivity and peace, rather than leaving "nature to
take its course" - the course of cruelty, conflict, and squalor.
rshowalter - 08:08pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#5 of 138) | Men are physically more
powerful than women, and women necessarily carry reproductive burdens men
do not face. Decent power relations cannot be "natural" in the Hobbesian
sense - they have to be based on conventions and the conventions
should be chosen so that they fit the needs of the people involved.
With the coming of an ideal of female equality in the workplace, these
conventions must be carefully rethought, and negotiated into being.
rshowalter - 08:27pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#6 of 138) | A point about human
murderousness being unsurprising. It is a hard thing to remember, that
the SAME person can be horrific mercilessly brutal, and at the same time
sensitive, aesthetically warm, supportive, tender - but tender to
"insiders" while treating "outsiders" as a professional hunter
instinctively treats animals- with no regard or mercy at all, indeed with
pleasure in inflicting pain and killing.
In the Middle East, it is easy to paint people and groups as "murderous
war criminals" - perhaps with perfect justice. These same people regard
themselves, and are regarded by members of their group, as fine,
sensitive, warm people.
There is no contradiction here. But there is a challenge. For peace, or
higher levels of complex cooperation, people have to somehow internalize
the Golden Rule, and deal even with outsiders as people. People with
complex needs, with which accommodations may be reached by negotiation and
Natural instincts are against these accomodations, and impasses are
unsurprising. But the things necessary so that common humanity can be
recognized, in a common enough reality for cooperation when it is
necessary, have to be worked out.
That working out is at once an act of morality, an act of intellect,
and an act of discipline. Without that working out, there may be no limit
to the ugliness man can inflict on man (or woman.) tethys2 - 08:39pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#7 of 138) Knowing on a personal level v
the impersonality of acts against a mass of people surely has an
Being able to transfer an appreciation of ones actions on a personal
level to their effects on an impersonal level ( i.e. empathy )is something
that I believe there have been some interesting studies on. rshowalter - 08:47pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#8 of 138) | tethys2 no question
empathy is a terribly important part of being fully human in a cultured
sense - and it is connected with the Golden Rule - connected with being
able, and willing to think of OTHERS as human.
But it is gruesome, and a major problem, that people, and especially
people who have been in some conflict (have lied to each other, for
instance) can deal with OTHERS with no empathy at all, with no more warmth
than a professional hunter, or a killer in a slaughter house.
It seems men often deal with women in this way - even women who are
their sisters or their wives.
My sense is that, terrible as this may be, the absense of empathy for
OUTSIDERS is natural, just as empathy for members of one's own group is
natural, a part of human instinctual equipment.
To think of OUTSIDERS as people, and not dehumanize them, takes
teaching - and a kind of teaching that doesn't always take. But to avoid
wars and opressions, and to permit the complex cooperations of
civilization, people MUST learn, and must be expected, to deal with
OUTSIDERS as human beings.
The most basic human instincts, I fear, go against this. Dealing
with an "outsider" the instinct-based reflexes are to dehumanize, to
exclude, to withold information from, and to misinform - just the proper
things in dealing with an enemy who is a military threat, so that threat
can be minimized.
But this pattern of dehumanization and misinformation is also just the
thing to make the outsider into either a victim, or a real threat, when
more humane responses could have done much better. hayate - 09:01pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#9 of 138) I don't believe humans have a
natural brutal streak. I think this is learned behaviour. Most of the
"uncivilized" societies I've read about were not very warlike or violent.
This hatred of outsiders I believe comes from areas where resources are
scarce and people begin to fight over them. In such cultures I've noticed
that the immediate familly is central, while others are considered 2nd
rate or worse depending how distantly related, with foreigners at the
bottom. These people tend to be fighters and take over the other cultures
near them, so spreading this philosophy further. People left to themselves
with enough to be comfortable would become more gentle with each
generation that passes as the need for violence disapears. rshowalter - 09:46pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#10 of 138) | hayate I wish I
believed, with you, that
"People left to themselves with enough to be comfortable would
become more gentle with each generation that passes as the need for
violence disapears."
At any rate, if brutality is learned behavior, looking around, it seems
to be EASILY learned behavior. And very widely distributed behavior.
I think your "noble savage" view falls down, if you look at the
circumstances our ancestors lived in, as gathererss and big game hunters,
for something over a million years. How does it make sense to deal with an
outsider, if that outsider might be a physical threat?
One would want to withold from this outsider (or outsider group) the
means to effectively attack your group. The imperatives would be the
imperatives that intelligence agencies have to this day. You'd wish to
exclude the outsider - hold him at a distance. You'd want to withhold
sympathy from the outsider, lest you might listen to him, and he might
misinform you, and set you up for physical destruction. You'd want to
withhold information about your group from the outsider, or limit that
information, or make that information obscure. You'd want to mislead (lie
to) the outsider.
Very young children do all these things, and have to be taught not to.
The performances surely seem natural.
Well, if ousiders are excluded, misled, and kept from information in
this way, complex cooperation is essentially impossible, but conflict, or
war, or the most gross sorts of exploitation can easily happen.
I'm saying that these exclusionary patterns, which made perfect sense
in paleolithic times, are instictive now, and that civilization needs to
build on, and modify the effects of, these instincts. And when
civilization fails, brutality happens.
You don't think people have a natural brutal streak, and I'm saying
that they do at the level of instinct. One could check data in sociology,
and construct experiments. It seems to me that brutal performances, in
situations where civilized accomodations don't exist, happen with
monotonous regularity. And that the level of brutality that occurs can be
gut-wrenching, and all too often is. hayate - 10:17pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#11 of 138) With the Native Americans of
the N. Am. plains, war did not really exist. They had conflicts alright,
but killing the opponent en mass was very, very unusual if ever practiced
before contact with whites. Counting coup ( touching an opponent ) rather
than killing was considered more important when fighting. Inter-nation
marriage was very common. People lived in clans which crossed
inter-national boundries. Rape of women was also unusual, women had a
greater say in operation of the national affairs local and
internationally, elected leaders or were the leaders in many N.Am.
nations. The evidence for inate brutality is just not there with
"pre-civilized" societies who did not live in areas of scarcity. They had
to learn this from the "civilized" which contacted them. KromeLizard - 10:19pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#12 of 138) Violent expansionistic
cultures are the kind that have the vitality to survive, without these
tendencies we would all have gone the way of the dodo very quickly.
hayate - 10:59pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#13 of 138) We Are. KromeLizard - 11:04pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#14 of 138) No just you. KromeLizard - 11:05pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#15 of 138) I'm gonna go find someplace
new to conquer. rshowalter - 11:41pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#16 of 138) | havate perhaps I need
a better word than "civilized." The Plains Indians didn't act on the basis
of culturally unconstrained instincts - but on the basis of conventions
that guided and shaped their basic biological responses.
So the indians did not live in a simple "war of all against all." They
lived within patterns of complex cooperation - and within conventional
arrangements, evolved among the tribes, they found ways to limit conflict.
(Counting coup, a nonlethal form of competition substituted for more
all-out war, is a good example.)
Indian brutality happened, even so. There are hair-raising stories of
the Indians. (Roger Williams describes some Rhode Island Indians in the
early 18th century as "Wolves with the minds of men" -- a phrase that fits
a lot of human behavior, alas.)
There ARE no human cultures that are so "precivilized" that they lack
conventions constraining conflict, and providing for complex cooperation.
But when those conventions break down, and they often do in wars, and
as they sometimes do in other circumstances, including the academic
circumstance of paradigm conflict, responses can be gruesome indeed. (See
the Semmelweis story in b Paradigm Shift - whose getting there in the
Science thread.)
Human "instincts for exclusion" must be, if they exist as I believe, as
subject to cultural control as "instincts for language" are constrained by
particular language usages. I think group exclusion instincts must exist,
and believe I've described the basic brutality of them.
I'm afraid I do believe that humans have a natural brutal streak, when
cultural conventions do not control it. Thorfenris - 11:50pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#17 of 138) hayate you seem to have a
rather dated noble savage view of native americans.there was extreme
brutality especially to prisoners and the apache were particuolarly known
for their brutality to women.Unfortunately liberals assume that native
americans share thier views for some reason but this is not so.
expat: we have far more prostitutes than monks in england too I guess
australia as well. rshowalter - 12:04am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#18 of 138) | Because people are so warm,
sensitive, and accomodating to people WITHIN their groups, one can look at
them, and put together a "noble" picture.
These same people may be utterly merciless to outsiders.
A big point I'm trying to make (that doesn't hinge on the question of
what's instinctive, so long as brutal group exclusion is widely and easily
taught) is that horrifically immoral, gruesome, behavior, that can easily
and rightly be called "evil" from a distance, can be entirely natural
behavior of normal, healthy human beings.
We have every reason to want to change that sort of behavior, and find
ways to avoid it having free play.
We may have a better chance of doing that, if we aren't surprised by
it. rshowalter - 12:16am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#19 of 138) | I've cited this poem before,
but want to do so again. Man is (putting it gently) "a little lower than
the angels" - and a recounting of how military training goes, says
something about how special the training is, and yet also how the
training connects to assumptions about human instinct that work reliably
enough for armies.
Here is a recounting, not at all sentimental, about military training.
rshowalter - 12:22am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#20 of 138) | Well trained soldiers, in
Julius Ceasar's day, and in ours, are trained in this fashion. The needs
for affiliation coerce the soldier into group patterns,- nonconformity is
punished severely by group exclusion reflexes that evoke emotions as
strong as the desire for suicide. And in the end, soldiers are trained who
will kill "others" efficiently on command, and risk death to do so. The
Nazis had extremely good training at this level - and so does the United
States Marine Corps, and so do the Israelis. Such soldiering is a matter
of culture - it isn't raw untrained instinct. But instinctive responses,
including the deep human need for affiliation, and group exclusion
reflexes, too, go into the shaping of that training. rshowalter - 12:28am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#21 of 138) | Is there any limit to the
brutality such soldiers are capable of - any limit to the damage they will
do, on command, or on their own initiative, and with pleasure, to
The limit is whatever limit is imposed by moral teachings and effective
conventions. Without such limits, the willingness to kill may be
limitless. In cultures where it is permitted, such as the culture that
trained the Japanese troops who ran amok at Nanking, the willingness to
rape, mutilate and kill for fun may be limitless. There would seem to be
no apparent limits at all, except when some convention says "this is
That is, to my mind, a strong argument for conventions, and yet also a
strong argument for being unsurprised when people do their ugly worst.
An ugly worst that gets done with some regularity. For example, at the
worst of the Balkan brutality. Or the very much worse horror that would
occur if some of our well trained Air Force personnel do what they are so
well trained to do, and murder millions of people by pushing a few
buttons. rshowalter - 12:31am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#22 of 138) | Is there any limit to the
damage that untrained people will do to "others?" Perhaps no more limit
than the limit for the soldiers.
The limit is whatever limit is imposed by moral teachings and effective
The golden rule, unnatural as it may be when it is used to apply to
"outsiders," is a saving grace that human decency very much requires.
bNice - 12:48am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#23 of 138) So, quality of life, relates
to our existing in a complex environment that has a woven webs/safetynets
that keep us from falling into 'hell' ? hayate - 01:08am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#24 of 138) Rshowalter
That is what I've been saying. People are not naturally brutal-THEY
By the 18th century, the Indians of Rhode Is. had about 100 yrs. of
contact with the colonists. The Apache were in conflict with the Spanish
and Mexicans from the 16th century on. These are examples of the brutal
behaviours after contact with whites. I have seen no evidence that
suggests they were as violent before this contact, in fact everything I've
seen points them being much less violent. This is not belief in some noble
savage concept, I've just not seen any evidence showing otherwise. Also
the Apache lived in an area scarcity which would impose more competition
amoung people, which pushes people to be more violent.
Something else to look at is religion. The typical
Christian/Jewish/Moslem exclusionary believe this or you are evil style of
view did not exist. Native American religion is very inclusive and
tolerant of different beliefs. War based on religion did not exist.
If anyone can show any evidence to contrary, I'd love to see it.
bNice - 01:48am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#25 of 138) So, quality of life, relates
to our existing in a complex environment that has a woven webs/safetynets
that keep us from falling into 'hell' ? bNice - 01:52am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#26 of 138) I've read accounts re
AmIndians in which depicted a lot of intentional cruel behaviour - one
towards another - unbelievable!
- - - - - - - -
Cruel behaviour arises when communities have high crime rates ...
The crimes are most often happening to community members ... theft,
beatings, rape, car theft ... the list goes on ... rshowalter - 02:04am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#27 of 138) | I like bNice's
formulation, and think it basically right.
I think, with bNice (and it would be nice to know her) that
"quality of life, relates to our existing in a complex environment that
has a woven webs/safetynets that keep us from falling into 'hell' ?"
That sounds right to me. Decency, kindness, and efficiency in
complicated circumstances aren't "natural" in the sense of spontaneous.
They are the result of careful crafting, and negotiation of standards,
based on both intellect and the aesthetics and disciplines of the heart.
If you look at the jobs involved in teaching young children, in wise
mothering, in careful early childhood teaching, there is a great deal of
this setting up of standards.
You don't have to teach children to lie, or to exclude, or to hurt
"others" - you have to work to teach them to do better than that (and, I'd
say, this is especially true of little boys.)
Whenever new complex cooperation is needed, and especially when
intergroup connections are degenerating into hostility and war, there are
webs of convention, and connection, that must be woven, to keep decent
life ongoing - to keep people from going to "hell."
War, conflict, chaos, and hostility aren't surprises - they are
human failures. When complicated cooperation works for the people
involved - there you see triumphs of human social crafting. And
when outcomes are not good, there is more social crafting to do.
Lest hell on earth descend. bNice - 08:56am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#28 of 138) From DailyMirror UK
JOHN NICHOL - BACK TO MY CELL RAF hero John Nichol's emotional return
to Iraq
WITH trembling hands, John Nichol touches the graffiti scrawled on the
four walls which once imprisoned him.
When he was last here, the former RAF navigator was a prisoner of war,
suffering torture and interrogation at the hands of his Iraqi captors and
afraid that he would never see his family again.
Now he has gone back to revisit the horrific past and try to make sense
of what happened to him there.
"There were times I thought my life might have ended," he says. "I
truly believed I was going to meet my maker. Words can't describe how I
feel. Emotionally drained... my heart is pounding."
John was a 27-year-old flight lieutenant when his Tornado was shot down
by a missile over the Iraqi desert during his first airborne mission of
the Gulf war in 1991.
He and pilot John Peters ejected safely from the blazing jet, only to
be captured and tortured until they agreed to appear on television and
denounce their actions.
Their battered faces were flashed across the world - lasting images of
the horrors of war.
Blindfolded and handcuffed, John was kicked, punched and whipped.
Cigarette ends were extinguished on his face, tissue paper stuffed down
his back and set alight.
Days after the humiliating TV appearance, John was brought here, to the
Military Police HQ in the capital, Baghdad.
Today, returning with The Mirror and the BBC breakfast news, he
crouches in the dust, examining the empty 9ft-square cell in minute
The smell of decay is unbearable, but John doesn't notice as he slowly
works his way around the discoloured, flaking walls.
Amid the Arabic graffiti left by other prisoners, pictures of women cut
from newspapers have been glued to the plaster. He runs his hand over the
rusting steel door - and jumps visibly at the sound of doors banging shut
in the corridors.
The stone floor is covered with pieces of rubble and rags and the beige
walls are pitted with holes which he used to fear were left by bullets.
Locked up for nearly 24 hours a day, he was allowed just 10 minutes'
exercise every couple of days. His bed was a piece of foam and his one
meal a day was bread, watery soup and occasionally meat or beans.
"I was terrified for my life. I was the most scared human in the
world," he recalls. "In the middle of the night I was kicked awake and
brought here. When they took the blindfold off, I was standing in front of
a group of Iraqi military policemen."
The Iraqi military police who greet him today are smiling and shaking
hands and offering tea.
The prison commander, Brigadier Sa'ad Minim, has offered to help find
his old cell.
John's face flickers as his memory is triggered by a simple band of
red, painted on the white walls.
"There was a small barred window high up in my cell," he explains. "If
I jumped up, I could just make out this red band running around the tops
of the buildings."
Then he stares through a tiny window and turns round, smiling. "Oh, my
God! This is definitely it," he says.
The block has been empty for seven years and the key has long been
lost. The brigadier orders his men to force their way in with
Then the armed guards watch in amazement as John races around the
corridors and finds his own cell.
Despite his ordeal as a PoW, his stay here was bearable, he says.
"I'm glad we came back to this prison, because I was treated with
respect here," he tells the brigadier. "I wanted to come back and meet the
Iraqi people as real people. It's amazing how friendly they've been.
"I'm pleased I've made myself do this, but I won't be sorry to leave.
Seeing the prison again took me back to some of my darkest days. I don't
think I could have faced revisiting the bad places."
There were a few lighter moments even then. He remembers being summoned
by the guards to play football with them.
"We came out here into the courtyard and they put me in goal," he says.
"They kept shouting: 'Gascoigne' and 'Kevin Keegan' at me, and I'd nod and
say: 'Yes, they are good footballers.' It was bizarre."
Now the brigadier calls his guards - and another impromptu game begins.
It is a bizarre but emotional scene. John, in jeans and a shirt, kicks
the ball to the guards, who throw themselves vigorously into the game
despite the blistering heat and their heavy uniforms.
The courtyard echoes to shouts and laughter and dozens of other
officers crowd in to cheer them on.
Afterwards. the guards hug and kiss John on both cheeks and ask to have
their photograph taken with the curious British airman who was once their
When we are invited to stay for lunch, John jokes: "If we say No, will
you allow us to leave?"
"Of course," smiles the brigadier. "You are free to go."
The last time, John heard those words was on March 5, 1991. He
remembers: "A guard came into the cell one morning and said: 'The war is
over. You will be going home in 20 minutes.'
"I literally got down on my knees and said a prayer of thanks. I
couldn't believe that I had survived. "
John has co-written an account of his ordeal and has left the RAF to
write thrillers.
As he leaves his old prison, he says: "I encountered some very evil
people when I was a prisoner who did some terrible things to me. But I
never believed that all Iraqis were like that."
John Nichol's book Decisive Measure is out now (Hodder & Stoughton,
pounds 16.99,). infodogg - 09:18am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#29 of 138) Arthur Koestler had some
pretty strong views on this. Personally, I think it's a question of
context, and all concepts of "good", "wrong" "evil" and so on, are
absolutely relative.
As regards authority, see this:
stevegreaves - 09:46am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#30 of 138) Did you ever consider that
the difference between kindness and cruelty of the magnitude discussed in
this thread may be God's grace? infodogg - 10:01am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#31 of 138) No. xpat - 11:31am Nov 13, 2000 BST (#32 of 138) http://www.cba.uri.edu/Faculty/dellabitta/mr415s98/EthicEtcLinks/Milgram.htm
This classic raises the question --- could this happen today? Or, would
modern people be 'individual' rather than herd thinkers ? rshowalter - 12:27pm Nov 13, 2000 BST (#33 of 138) | Superb posts. And
supportive of the basic idea of this thread. People, who are so kind to
people who, by actuality or convention are "members of their group", can
be MONSTERS with respect to OUTSIDERS. Kind and moral human beings, in the
first context, can be monsters in the second, unless morality and
convention keep the second kind of behavior from happening.
bNice - (#25) Said it well: "So, quality of life, relates to
our existing in a complex environment that has a woven webs/safetynets
that keep us from falling into 'hell' ?
I agreed and went on:
" Whenever new complex cooperation is needed, and especially when
intergroup connections are degenerating into hostility and war, there are
webs of convention, and connection, that must be woven, to keep decent
life ongoing
. . . .
"Lest hell on earth descend.
Then bNice posted a superb piece, exactly on the point (#28)
JOHN NICHOL - BACK TO MY CELL RAF hero John Nichol's emotional
return to Iraq Daily Mirror, UK
The jailers who had tortured Nichol were the same people who were so
decent to him when he returned. The difference was that in one case he was
"the outsider" - manipulated as an object, and with hate, and in the case
of the return, he was treated, by convention, as a human being - by
convention, "one of us."
It would be hard to find a more direct example of the dichotomy between
human cruelty to outsiders, and kindness to "insiders" than this passage,
but it would be straightforward to find MANY such examples, all over the
world. In one sense, they are horrific.
These cases are morally bracing. They also show how, against logic,
and abstract notions of justice, peace between old enemies has often
proved possible. The key is that they have to find ways to treat each
other as human beings.
stevegreaves -(#30) asks: "Did you ever consider that the
difference between kindness and cruelty of the magnitude discussed in this
thread may be God's grace?"
Perhaps that difference is what we mean, very often, when we speak of
"God's grace." But this "web of convention and decency" is a grace that
we, as human beings, in dialog together, must work to maintain.
The question "could these horrors happen again" has a bracing
but definite answer -- these horrors happen all the time, and always have.
The Milgram experiment, http://www.cba.uri.edu/Faculty/dellabitta/mr415s98/EthicEtcLinks/Milgram.htm
shows that MOST individual, put in a role where obedience to authority
follows, will act monstrously.
If we value peace, justice and complex cooperation, as we all do and
as, for survival, we must, we must work to craft, and maintain, ways of
dealing with each other as people, that permit complex cooperation between
groups. We must do so, knowing that cruelty and bad conduct between groups
is otherwise to be expected.
A major point that my life experience has forced upon me is this -- for
peace to be possible, basic facts, that connect to the interface relations
between groups, have to be established so that these groups do not erect
lying patterns of fiction, that make it impossible for them to
communicate, and that cause them to dehumanize each other in intractable
ways. infodogg - 03:17pm Nov 13, 2000 BST (#34 of 138) I kind of feel you're not
getting to the root of the question, rshowalter.
When people are forced into a situation where they are required to act
in contradiction to what they think is morally right (for example,
extermination camp guard), they may be obliged to choose between death or
honour. What would make someone choose death in these circumstances?
All I can think of with sufficient force is the peer pressure exercised
by one's own tribe , which would ostracise anyone who did not
follow the rules.
Nevertheless, this kind of blind faith in one's own standards probably
requires the existence of forces working in opposition to them.
Leading me directly to the conclusion that the dream of eliminating the
(subjective) cruelty and suffering perpetrated by man on his fellow man
(and woman) is a chimera. rshowalter - 08:15pm Nov 13, 2000 BST (#35 of 138) | infodogg as I
understand it, participants in the Nazi mass murders were mostly
volunteers, or people given many chances to opt out (though the
alternatives might have been the same combat other soldiers faced.) There
seems little support for the idea that the German guards were FORCED to do
any of the evil they did.
When you say that "the dream of eliminating cruelty and suffering
perpetrated by man on his fellow man (and woman) is a chemera"
you're surely right.
But the more we understand, and the less surprised we are by what
people actually do, the better we can cope. If cruelty to outsiders is
natural human behavior, there will always be some of it in the
world. We can hope to arrange things, with work and care, so that the
amount of it is reduced, and the damage done is reduced, as well.
andy87 - 12:27am Nov 14, 2000 BST (#36 of 138) I'm not convinced cruelty to
outsiders is instinctive in humans but I'm certain suspicion of outsiders
is. All it then takes for savage cruelty to become a possibility is for
some authority figure to identify them as being responsible for some ill
of society.
Humans can be very cruel to members of their own tribe as well. I'm
thinking here of child abuse and domestic violence. Are these behaviours
that are somehow "natural"? They have been around throughout human history
and are not purely modern phenomena.
I recently saw a documentary in which a group of chimpanzees viscously
attacked another group which had intruded into their territory. Their
human-like behaviour was truly striking. Perhaps violence is in our genes.
Perhaps our only real hope of reducing such behaviour lies in the slow
process of evolution. Any one for genetic engineering? rshowalter - 12:51am Nov 14, 2000 BST (#37 of 138) | As you say, the jump from
suspicion to cruelty may be a short one - and given suspicion, it may not
even take a leader to trigger cruelty, after suspiscion becomes fear.
Suppose the suspected one persists in hanging around? And suppose, when
someone tries to push him out, he resists. You have a fight right there.
And if the "suspected one" happens to win that fight, and the next, and
the fight after that, just watch suspicion change to fear. If the suspeced
one loses, on the other hand, just watch the dehumanization proceed.
Could I have the name of the documentary? I'd be interested.
You can find more examples of violence, and hateful action than you
have time or stomach for - plenty within families (who SAYS family members
don't sometimes dehumanize each other?)
All the same, the amount of human behavior that is kind, friendly,
sensitive and helpful is enormous as well. If people didn't do a lot of
things, just to be nice, just to be cooperative, most of the complex
cooperations that do work in the world, would not.
If violence is natural, the inclination to be kind and decent is
natural as well.
We need to find ways to emphasize to kind and efficient, and minimize
the angry and destructive.
We DO find ways to do so, very often.
From any of OUR perspectives, there isn't TIME for anything else.
xpat - 02:10am Nov 14, 2000 BST (#38 of 138) A story caught my eye this
a korean woman had a child to an American Serice Man in the Fifties.
The Womans family determined to kill her - they hung her - the child
watching, was torchured, then sent to an orphanage. Eventually taken by an
American couple she had no identity, no birthdate, and was not allowed to
grieve, nor was she given a socialworker 'friend' to ensure she was ok. At
sixteen she was married off to a person who abused her. Here is a case of
a child/woman who lived without being allowed to relate to herself,
establish identiy, or be accepted for herself. The book may be called 'Ten
Thousand Sorrows.' rshowalter - 02:27am Nov 14, 2000 BST (#39 of 138) | There must be countless
stories like that.
At many places, and at many times, a woman seems to be entirely
subordinated to her sexual function - to sexual rules - and her death or
torture seems less important than those rules.
The feminists have plenty to fight about - plenty that is worth
fighting for, both for decent lives for women, and for decency for men.
There are reports, based on brain visualization, about how complicated,
how ornate, how intimate, how compete human love, when it is real and
warm, actually is. And how much a work in progress it is -- how much
COURTSHIP and attention it takes.
How can men, and societies, that treat women so, hope for real love?
xpat - 04:07am Nov 14, 2000 BST (#40 of 138) Isn't it happening in the 'in
group' yet they reject the 'outer group' especially where this involves
taking a measure of respon$ibility. xpat - 06:52am Nov 14, 2000 BST (#41 of 138) Family & Political
Correctness: http://www.jannah.org/sisters/redriding.html
xpat - 07:24am Nov 14, 2000 BST (#42 of 138) http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/104.html
That's my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were
alive. I call That piece a wonder, now: Frà Pandolf's hands Worked busily
a day, and there she stands. Will 't please you sit and look at her? I
said "Frà Pandolf" by design, for never read Strangers like you that
pictured countenance, The depth and passion of its earnest glance, But to
myself they turned (since none puts by The curtain I have drawn for you,
but I) And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst, How such a glance
came there; so, not the first Are you to turn and ask thus. Sir, 'twas not
Her husband's presence only, called that spot Of joy into the Duchess'
cheek: perhaps Frà Pandolf chanced to say, "Her mantle laps Over my Lady's
wrist too much," or "Paint Must never hope to reproduce the faint
Half-flush that dies along her throat"; such stuff Was courtesy, she
thought, and cause enough For calling up that spot of joy. She had A heart
. . . how shall I say? . . . too soon made glad, Too easily impressed; she
liked whate'er She looked on, and her looks went everywhere. Sir, 'twas
all one! My favour at her breast, The dropping of the daylight in the
West, The bough of cherries some officious fool Broke in the orchard for
her, the white mule She rode with round the terrace--all and each Would
draw from her alike the approving speech, Or blush, at least. She thanked
men,--good; but thanked Somehow . . . I know not how . . . as if she
ranked My gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name With anybody's gift. Who'd
stoop to blame This sort of trifling? Even had you skill In speech--(which
I have not)--to make your will Quite clear to such an one, and say, "Just
this Or that in you disgusts me; here you miss, Or there exceed the
mark"--and if she let Herself be lessoned so, nor plainly set Her wits to
yours, forsooth, and made excuse, --E'en then would be some stooping; and
I chuse Never to stoop. Oh, sir, she smiled, no doubt, Whene'er I passed
her; but who passed without Much the same smile? This grew; I gave
commands; Then all smiles stopped together. There she stands As if alive.
Will 't please you rise? We'll meet The company below, then. I repeat, The
Count your Master's known munificence Is ample warrant that no just
pretence Of mine for dowry will be disallowed; Though his fair daughter's
self, as I avowed At starting, is my object. Nay, we'll go Together down,
Sir! Notice Neptune, though, Taming a sea-horse, thought a rarity, Which
Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me.
-- Robert Browning
I think this one is Great. A dramatic monologue and also the
aristocratic, unapologetic explanation of a poikilothermic murderer. You
read this poem as partial victim of the Duke's chillingly warped sense of
reality. This is not Evil revelling in itself- but Evil masquerading as
Righteousness... Deliciously creepy. The brutal arrogance of the supremely
egotistical Duke and his veneer of consummate refinement are brought out
masterfully in that telling line- "..and I choose/ Never to stoop." The
'inconclusive-ness' of the piece leaves the reader in horrified suspense
(a pretty innovative decision on Browning's part- the use of open-endings
as a technique had yet to catch on). A virtuoso performance by a
fascinating character,an exquisitely handled script, and a title that is a
dangerous revelation in itself.
Pavithra Krishnan
From: Rosanna.KING@dfee.gov.uk Thew2000 - 07:41am Nov 14, 2000 BST (#43 of 138) The debate about lowering the
concent age seems to have these concercerns at its heart. To protect the
rights of the younger generation from abuse I believe a minimum concent
age of 18 for hetero and homo people should be established. And a 21 year
age limited for exploitation in so called industries of rape tutuiion, or
porn which ever term you prefer. xpat - 09:07pm Nov 14, 2000 BST (#44 of 138) Possibly from the BBC (radio)
i part heard docco re China. In China there has been no recognition of
homosexuality. The western term 'gay' is being introduced re men. Yet for
women their is no equivalent word for Lesbian. Raises a question regarding
the timelyness of labels in relation to other social aspects. simmilar to
the English usage 'confirmed bachelor' not having an equivalent re
spinster. xpat - 09:28pm Nov 14, 2000 BST (#45 of 138) The decline and fall of the
Roman Empire.
The sucess of Empire Expansionism was to integrate the second
generation into the 'inner-group', whilst their slave parents were
generally 'outer-group'.
If this is so, then, via ONE generation there was transition from an
old cultural set of values, to recognition and acceptance of, a new set of
values. xpat - 09:33pm Nov 14, 2000 BST (#46 of 138) East Germany.
The minds of some young Nazi East Germans are said to contain a WALL.
[A wall divided Berlin]
Their value system of the 1930's has been fanned.
They see migrants into East Germany as a 'threat', whereas a female
German politician said they should be seeing the migrants as enhancement.
A trial is current, reflecting the death of a black man beaten to death
in a park by three NeoNatziSkinHeads. http://europe.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/08/24/germany.trial/
The exact spot has been marked, and the German Chancellor laid a
The East Germans were never 'educated' out of the negative propaganda
of the 1930's. This has still to be done. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2000/sep2000/germ-s13.shtml
xpat - 09:45pm Nov 14, 2000 BST (#47 of 138) Ownership is an issue in
The acceptance of 'change' via the use of workers to determine
problem(s) and devise solution(s), rather than appeal to an outside
authority (time&motionExpert) is now regarded as a best approach. A
business co. may be brought in to reveal the problems of a company via
questions to : TopManagement, Employees, and Customers. The revelation of
triangulated view points assists in devising new directions and repairing
'holes' in their systems process. http://ccs.mit.edu/papers/CCSWP189/ccswp189.html
Possumdag - 08:05pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#48 of 138) The Australian President of
the Medical Association for Prevention of War, Dr. Susan Wareham, talks
about the the suffering the Iraqi sanctions inflict on the Iraqi
population, particularly the children. http://www.abc.net.au/rn/science/ockham/stories/s207626.htm
Callidice - 08:18pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#49 of 138) Murder, rape and other
"atrocities" make complete biological sense. wilsontown - 08:22pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#50 of 138) Hm, OK. So what? Callidice - 08:24pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#51 of 138) Exactly. rshowalter - 08:24pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#52 of 138) | Re: 45-47 - GREAT POSTS !
The conversion of people from group "outsiders" to "insiders" makes all
the difference - in the difference between seeing new workers as sources
of enhancement, compared to threats, and in all sort of socio-technical
negotiations in business.
Plenty of engineering, and the "social engineering" of business looks
best optimized in terms of dehumanized, stark abstrarctions that put the
proposer in the position of the "power" and put many who would have to
implement in the role of "outsider." And such schemes, that may "look
optimal" very often fail - because they violate basic patterns of human
feeling. The efforts required to humanize, and find ways of conection and
inclusion, are very often essential for function. If the effort to
implement change is done by "outsiders" or "enemies" of the people who
have to learn and participate in the change, the technical arguments
aren't likely to be listened to, and aren't likely to succeed.
The tasks of fitting things to human associations, and human
institutions, is a very different task from the task of optimizing a
logical or mathematical problem. Both are often absolutely essential. For
difficult innovations, connections between the two patterns may be
difficult, delicate, and crucial for success.
And inventor who was trained and self trained to produce the starkest
possible definitions of abstract optimality, and work from them, may
therefore produce work that looks "technically perfect" and "wonderfully
promising" and yet that work may be sterile, unless the jobs needed to
take the starkness, and fit it to the perceptions of real human beings,
can be done. I have been such an inventor, and have had some difficulties
that trace to just that cause. How easy it is to elicit a fight with a
suggestion for radical change - even a radical change in something small -
even if the suggestion is in some sense "perfect !" rshowalter - 08:29pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#53 of 138) | Re: 48- 51 - More GREAT
Murder, rape and other "atrocities" make complete biological sense.
Acts that produce grave damage (for instance, the Iraq sanctions) may
make complete "logical" sense.
So, for decency, and if people care for moral and aesthetic values,
people have many jobs, that must engage both heads and hearts, finding
ways to fashion social arrangements so that people are dealt with, and
deal with each other, as human beings. rshowalter - 08:31pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#54 of 138) | And the question "are
people being dealt with inclusively, as human beings rather than
objects?" occurs again and again.
There are costs of dealing with people as human beings, of course.
But the costs of NOT doing so, though the may be hidden, may be much
larger, not only aesthetically, but operationally, as well. hoib - 08:32pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#55 of 138) Hayate I believe you
make the mistake of attributing to aboriginal cultures a level of
equanamity they no more had than any other cultures.
Tell a Lakota the Anishanabe are his "brothers" or the Cheyenne that
Crows and Apache were kindred and you'd surely get some interesting
You excuse Apache and Commanche violence by blaming their contact with
the Conquistadores. The main thing they got from them, I'd argue, was the
horse. They already knew about rapine and slaughter from the Aztecs.
Roger Williams was long dead in 18th C BTW. He left plymouth colony to
start Rhode Island because of the Puritans obsession with religion. That
was in roughly the 1640s.
Cultures can and do evolve, devolve, wax and wane it's true. Blaming
everything bad that befalls less evolved cultures on the more advanced is
a bit more than simplistic. Your posts are often sparkling but your
Caucasiophobia often blinds you to more apparent explainations.
There's nothing really good or bad...tis thinking makes it so."
rshowalter - 08:32pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#56 of 138) | And folks you've dehumanized
may turn around and hurt you ! rshowalter - 08:36pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#57 of 138) | There's plenty that's really
good, or really bad, so long as you have a way of keeping score that
you're sticking to.
Some approaches generate fights, and the necessity of inflicting pain.
Other approaches generate complex cooperation, often both pleasurable and
The approaches that generate fights are, by and large, bad . The
approaches that generate peace are, by and large, good. Callidice - 09:31pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#58 of 138) >>The approaches that
generate fights are, by and large, bad . The approaches that generate
peace are, by and large, good.<<
Care to expand? Funny how "fights" on a species level are so
commonplace. Could they be "good"? rshowalter - 10:22pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#59 of 138) | Callidice , fights can
be good, if they answer questions in a "biologically useful" way, and
if they are cheap enough, in context.
For example, in selective breeding, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap.
And so, in very many animals, there is sexual competition by males, with
winners and losers. Some of this winning and losing is resolved with
fights, some with conventional, nonviolent competitions.
From an evolutionary point of view, the conflicts are "good" and the
costs are what they happen to be.
But the "good" from fighting comes with a definite biological cost. And
the requirements of fighting sometimes drive evolution in directions that
seem inefficient.
In human affairs, there are conflicts, too, and sometimes they are
solved in some sort of "fight"- generally fights according to conventional
Most interactions aren't this way - most human interactions that work
are cooperative and peaceful.
But at a few nodes in the logic, fights may be forcing.
I'd never call fights "good" in any absolute sense, but they can be
necessary expenses in some contexts. When that happens, it is important,
and I'd say, wholly good, to limit the magnitude of the fights, so that
the damage, always finite, is fairly small.
For example, in paradigm conflict, when questions of fact need to be
established, there may have to be "fights." They should be little and
conventional fights, set up to minimize the damage to combatants, and to
get right anwers. Callidice - 10:46pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#60 of 138) >>I'd never call fights
"good" in any absolute sense,<<
What "fights" what "good"? Would you not describe the cutthroat
existence of bacteria in a Petri-dish as a "fight"? Would you deny that
the human animal has more than a few connections biologically with the
world of creatures with less cells?
"fights" are "wrong" are they? Possumdag - 10:59pm Nov 15, 2000 BST (#61 of 138) Nepotism - Employing the
in/inner group
rshowalter - 11:38am Nov 16, 2000 BST (#62 of 138) | Callidice asks
"What "fights" what "good"?"
That depends on how people choose (and we're social animals, so that
means, choose together) to keep score. It is in a sense arbitrary to say
that death is bad, that pain is bad, that effort intended to a achieve a
purpose, that fails, is unfortunate.
But in that sense all human ethical beliefs are arbitrary. Somehow, as
people make sense of the world, patterns of ideas converge in our heads -
and, for most people within a culture, with a common experience, these
ideas usually converge in ways that permit consensus.
I was using "good" and "bad" in this arbitrary sense - a sense I can
use, and others often choose to use, to guide choice.
Callidice asks ..... "Would you deny that the human animal
has more than a few connections biologically with the world of creatures
with less cells?"
No, of course not. But human beings are complex, and heirarchically
structured, and at the level at which our minds work, there are aspects of
us hat go above and go beyond what is to be found in "creatures with less
cells." rshowalter - 11:44am Nov 16, 2000 BST (#63 of 138) | Possumdag's post on
Nepotism shows that human beings, heirarchically structured and complex
beings as single animals, live in a larger, and perhaps even more
structured society -- in the cited example, a social structure where
institutions issue guidelines and rules - to guide conduct, so that bad
results, that might occur in "a state of nature" do not occur, or are less
I'd argue that most, or all, of the arrangements that permit complex
cooperation between people who are "outsiders" to each other require the
guidance of rules, implicit or explicit, from such social structures, and
that when rules fail, human results may be bad, even horrific. Possumdag - 01:58pm Nov 16, 2000 BST (#64 of 138) An observation re nepotism is
that many jobs are given to those known to the inner circle of those with
power to appoint, either family members, friends of the appointee or
people who fit the culture of the inner group.
The fact that guidelines are developed re nepotism are an
acknowledgement of it's existence. A question is - even with guidelines
and policies - do people prefer to appoint from the inner rather than
outer groups. Most job appointees assist a supervisor or manager with a
set process.
In 'monitored' appointments the guidelines may be deferred to, and 'the
best and most appropriately qualifed and experienced person' may be
allocated the position .. but ... does this ideal actally happen?
Possumdag - 02:02pm Nov 16, 2000 BST (#65 of 138) Zimbabwean problems re the
economy. The shift or distractor is the removal of the farms from white
farmers who provide the country with exports and income, to the populus
who may return to 'gardening' the land. http://www.africa.com/news/?aid=hfu741ma
Is this shift a temporary distractor to enable Mugabe to maintain
dictatorial power. Inflation is currently 60%, and the country is
recovering from a wartime engagement. Truth has been a casualty of
dictatorial policy. Possumdag - 09:11am Nov 18, 2000 BST (#66 of 138) inner inbetween outer
differences ? rshowalter - 10:58am Nov 18, 2000 BST (#67 of 138) | That's a huge question. How
do people learn to percieve another as "one of the group" or "an
That could merit a LOT of study, from a lot of careful academics, that
could be useful, for human feelings, for business, and for peacemaking.
One thought I have is that affiliation may come fairly hard, and may,
in its most "natural state" come from "shared and important
things" and the animal inclination may be to turn away from people who
don't "share something important" especially if they
"disgree" about something important.
Tolerance of difference comes hard. It must be learned, and nurtured.
It can easily be suppressed.
Intolerances of difference can be passionate and heartfelt. Pretty
early in a child's life.
I've spent a good deal of time watching kids, a lot of them between 4
and 7 years old. When they have a difference about what a word means,
or what "the right thing to do" is about something they are invested
about, how fast a fight can flare!
A tremendous effort, teaching young children, goes into teaching open
mindedness. Teaching kids to get along, and share. Teaching kids not to
fight. Enormous effort goes into setting up situations where kids are
expected to play together, and get along, so that the kids learn to. The
people involved have to worry about this, and care about this, and
exercise their minds and hearts about this, because this socialization of
children comes hard.
But it is essential for civilization.
Tolerance for difference isn't easy for people, and maybe the
neurological reasons are basic.
The idea patterns in our heads are hard won - people in social groups
jabber at each other, thousand of words a day, talking about "this and
that" getting the furniture of their minds the same. And that means, in
uncountable ways, they can cooperate easily.
For someone who has NOT been included in all that "social construction
of reality" communication is harder, and involves unforseen "bumps" where
misunderstandings stop communication, and discomfort an confusion must be
sorted out in the minds of the different people involved. That takes both
more imagination, more disciplined knowledge, and a more open minded
stance about one's own "reality" than people show spontaneously.
And if a person is part of a group that values "rigor" -- a military
group, an academic group, an academic training system, such as a graduate
school, --- rigidity to tight standards may be valued, and insisted on, in
ways that exclude people who are different, either in their person,
or in their systems of ideas.
Look at a business, as a social group. How rigidly any busines group
can draw the line between "them" and "us." And for lots of function,
anything else would be unworkable, even unthinkable.
But complex cooperation requires cooperation between "outsiders" who
are still, somehow, in ways that work, treated as "insiders." Treated as
"insiders for a particular purpose" in the sense of treated as valid,
full, human beings, at an interface, enough for cooperation.
The skills, and feelings needed for this don't seem to be natural at
all, but cultural. And sometimes, these feelings break down, or (in the
case of Nazi Germany, or many other "rigorous" groups, in many other times
and places, these feelings and patterns are suppressed, so that a group
takes the stance of predator with respect to the other groups it interacts
with. rshowalter - 11:11am Nov 18, 2000 BST (#68 of 138) | "Nice" comes hard.
And sometimes "nice" is not the objective of a group. Military traing
takes in "ousiders" treats them brutally (the first day of military
training is sometimes as brutal as the people in charge can make it) to
"whip them into shape" as a homogenous group of "insiders" for a specific,
often warlike purpose, to the exclusion of all who are in any
"significant" way different.
Academic training can be similar. Especially when the idea of
"rigor" is valued. If you go to a dictionary, and look up
"rigor" many of the definitions are not only about discipline, but
about cruelty.
Inflexibility, too.
Committments that produce the ability for complex dealmaking, complex
cooperation, and peace, have to stand against patterns that are set up
strongly for exclusion and rigidity. Tolstoy - 11:33am Nov 18, 2000 BST (#69 of 138) Rshowalter:
Cheers for the interesting thread. Anyway, all these problems could be
relatively easily overcome if people were to accept the basic spiritual
(NOT institutionalised religious) message promoted by all the great
teachers of history - that there is an eternal dimension to life, and the
speed of our progression to a condition of absolute bliss is dependent on
our manifestation of the qualities of love, non-violence, tolerance etc.
In other words, the rejection of all concepts of 'insiders' and
'outsiders' (and the abolition of all military and other violence-based
This model combines self-interest with altruism, a win-win situation
for everyone. It is also possible to argue the same case from a purely
materialistic (i.e. non-spiritual) basis: at the end of the day, what we
all really crave more than anything is companionship, respect and love
from our fellow human beings - and common sense should tell us that what
we want for ourselves we should give to others.
On the fundamental question in the thread title - I believe that
EVERYBODY is essentially good (indeed, perfect), but we all make lots of
mistakes on our journeys towards ultimate enlightenment.
Just some thoughts, hope they don't across as too pompous! Possumdag - 11:53am Nov 18, 2000 BST (#70 of 138) " ... at the end of the day,
what we all really crave more than anything is companionship, respect and
love from our fellow human beings - and common sense should tell us that
what we want for ourselves we should give to others. ... "
So, you're saying that everyone wants to belong to the ingroup. Yet
when ideas that challenge the redundant knowlege of the ingroup arise,
then, the messenger is shot, along with the message!
It seems 'strange' that science people, ingoups, don't welcome 'new
knowledge' when it more perfectly fits and assists their needs in relation
to problem solving.
Back to Plimsole: the company had sailors on contracts which they could
not break. That ships went down, was the factor that eventually encouraged
the company to think about 'not loosing them' ... insurance may have
increased contract prices. That people were lost and died was of no
consequence to the Shipping Companies .... a sunken ship was evenually
recognised as bad planning rather than misfortune.
(That lives were lost when ships sunk was of no consequence to
Failure to adopt new paradigms may be a failure to contain loss of life
.... but ... again ... this may be put down to luck and misfortune rather
than planning and quality performances.
Is there an 'inbetween' land, between the inner and outer groupings.
Who lurks in the nether regions and when are they either accepted into the
fold or cast to the wolves.
The scienists in NSW (Australia) are in netherland and outerland. Their
response has been to group. To determine to seek publicity. To use media.
To continue to promote and voice their ideas. They felt the current method
of gaining professional acceptance was out moded and a sham.
A further matter to explore is the power of redundant knowledge and its
empowerment. People who fade and die take with them their knowledge both
useful (wisdom) and the redundant. Death in one way clears the decks of
old knowledge to make way for the NEW and appropriate knowledge. Death in
relation to this concept is Spring Cleaning. The old giving way
(literally) to the new. rshowalter - 12:20pm Nov 18, 2000 BST (#71 of 138) | Tolstoy , I agree with
the thrust of your ideals, though I've been a pugnacious person myself, on
some occasions.
But if peace and comity are the ideals , we better look clearly
at how to get them in the world as it is, with real people.
If essentially instinctual responses can easily lead to discord,
exclusion, lies and wars (and I can't see the evidence any other way) then
we'd best know it, and find the discipline and the wisdom to find ways,
cultural ways, ways of both mind and heart, to get to complex cooperation
and peace.
The joy and love in the world are perfectly real, and powerful.
But the horror and avoidable loss is, too, and I don't think looking
away from that is the best way to reduce these things. rshowalter - 12:22pm Nov 18, 2000 BST (#72 of 138) | Right on, possumdag.
Tolstoy - 12:23pm Nov 18, 2000 BST (#73 of 138) Possumbag - "So, you're
saying that everyone wants to belong to the ingroup. Yet when ideas that
challenge the redundant knowlege of the ingroup arise, then, the messenger
is shot, along with the message"
NO - I am saying that everyone ultimately wants to belong to the
'whole' group ('the family of man') - and that all intolerant,
messenger-shooting 'ingroups' should be abolished.
I accepted the down-side of (temporary) human nature in my posting, and
am just trying to point a way forward.
PS - Rshowalter, just saw your reply to me, thanks for that. Anyway, I
hope my positing didn't give the wrong impression, I am certainly not
advocating a turning away from the horrors of life - just, again, a
possible way to overcome them. rshowalter - 06:47pm Nov 19, 2000 BST (#74 of 138) | Tolstoy, like your namesake,
you're great! Tolstoy - 07:17pm Nov 19, 2000 BST (#75 of 138) Rshowalter, cheers for that,
the compliment is reciprocated. I'm going through a bit of a gloomy time
just now, so all kind words gratefully accepted! rshowalter - 10:49pm Nov 19, 2000 BST (#76 of 138) | Tolstoy, I hope you feel
better. I DO think you're great, and represent a kind of tough, inclusive
hopefulness the world needs, and that I find beautiful. And I DO think
you're beautiful.
I worry about making your fine and good ideals fit, gracefully, with
some other needs. We need a sense of wholeness, a sense of oneness. But we
also need a world small enough and simple enough to be our size. And not
very threatening. So we need to be perceptive, to find ways to work out
ways of having multiply structured, multiple level committments, so that,
for a lot of purposes, we're both "outsiders" and "insiders" in various
ways, and for various reasons. Negotiating that, so it works for head and
heart, on an everyday basis, takes social perception, heart, and social
inventions coming up with new conventions that work.
For example, in #70, Possumdag cites some socially inventive, creative
"The scienists in NSW (Australia) are in netherland and outerland.
Their response has been to group. To determine to seek publicity. To use
media. To continue to promote and voice their ideas. They felt the current
method of gaining professional acceptance was out moded and a sham."
That's a creative response, though the last line is hostile, though the
argument for an alternative is good. They're fashioning, bringing into
focus, a system of social invention-accomodations that make for new
possibilities, new kinds of hope.
Seems to me, that with the world complicated, and people still
"hunting animals" full of instincts that can misfire in ugly ways, finding
hope, grace, peace, and prosperity takes plenty of heart, some guts, and a
great deal of head. There's plenty of need for social inventiveness.
Some people with astounding gifts of both head and heart (and plenty of
guts) are around on these Guardian threads. And they can write, too! A
creative place.
Tolstoy, I hope your gloom lifts. I'll be thinking of you (and your
namesake) and trying myself, to be more a person Tolstoy would approve of,
and less of a reflex fighter. Tolstoy - 08:42am Nov 20, 2000 BST (#77 of 138) RSO, what can I say apart
from many thanks again, and a big hug - you have singlehandedly blown away
the blues! This is not just because of your (over) kind words, but also
your thoughtful and incisive points re. the world's problems and the means
to overcome them.
Incidentally, I have no problem at all with people coming together in
groups and associations, it is only the historically divisive, intolerant,
and ultimately pro-violence ones (such as nations, 'races', most
institutionalised religions etc.) which I was querying.
Also re. the last sentence in your Possumdag quote - I have always felt
that it was perfectly all right to use strongly critical language re.
ideas, just not about actual people; I accept I could be wrong here, and
that I should maybe moderate my tone across the board. On the other hand,
perhaps being ideologically 'pugnacious' (and you are being far to hard on
yourself there) is the way to go after all....?
I also totally agree with you about the quality of gifts of a lot of
the contributors to these Guardian talk sites (and I absolutely include
yourself in this); in general I think that the Internet is already proving
to be a force for enormous good (though with a few downsides) - pointing
the way forward to a properly integrated, compassionate, barrier-free
Anyway, many, many thanks again, your comments really couldn't have
come at a better time. rshowalter - 11:33am Nov 29, 2000 BST (#78 of 138) | If human decency, and safety,
in complex societies depends on cultural inventions and conventions acting
against some basic dehumanizing influences with respect to "others" -there
are many human consequences.
Here is one. Academic output that is "obscure" from the point of view
of outsiders may be made so because of ordinary human instinctive
responses to exclude others, and the obscurity may NOT be due to logical
necessity. Outsiders asking for clarity may have a right to ask for it,
and in the asking may cleanse and sharpen the intellectual output of the
academic group.
If an academic group puts out painfully obscure intellectual product,
descriptions after the manner of H.L. Menken may be fully justified.
Painful obscurity, and pleasure in "difficulty" may be no more than ways
to hide inadequacy from all concerned.
That's one more reason why the literary and writerly virtues are
important. rshowalter - 12:02am Dec 1, 2000 BST (#79 of 138) | from THE NEW YORK
TIMES November 30, 2000 Horrors Behind Rebel Lines in Sierra
UMBUNA, Sierra Leone — The villagers crept out of the bush on a recent
morning, and although the soil here is among Africa's richest, some
arrived with hollow cheeks and shrunken limbs.
They were temporarily safe here in Bumbuna, a small town that offers a
tiny haven in the heart of an area ruled by one of Africa's most brutal
rebel groups. The tales they told offered some inkling of what life is
like behind rebel lines, a peek into a broad region of thousands of square
miles that is one of the grimmest and least accessible parts of the globe.
A brother and sister, William and Sirah Kargbo, said rebels in their
village had taken 10 young women as sex slaves, forced the village men to
work and give them food and, until earlier this year, chopped off the
hands of those who disobeyed.
"If we don't contribute, they will take everything or kill you," said
William Kargbo, 30, who taps palm trees for wine and has often been forced
to carry goods for the rebels.
A woman, Jemilatu Bangura, 30, arrived with her son, Samba Diallo, who
was 4 years old but looked maybe 2. Her village, like the Kargbos', is
only 15 miles from here. But so isolated was Ms. Bangura that she did not
know whether Sierra Leone was at peace or at war. She did not know that
such a thing as the United Nations existed, much less that it now had
12,500 troops in her country.
Horrors like this are probably as old as history, and the inhumanity
may be as natural as human goodness.
There are too many of them to be aberrations. But they remain horrors.
Culture, and the disciplines of culture, are essential for us to avoid
Hell on earth, and offer hope, in some times and places, for human
experiences approaching the heavenly. For all the horror, beauty is
possible and real, as well.
An essential requirement is information, transferred effectively and
quickly, among people. Without it, the possibilities for decency get
rapidly less. Tolstoy - 02:47pm Dec 1, 2000 BST (#80 of 138) Rsho,
Hello again, hope you saw my thank you note above - still feeling much
In any case, I liked your paragraph "Culture, and the disciplines of
culture, are essential for us to avoid Hell on earth, and offer hope, in
some times and places, for human experiences approaching the heavenly. For
all the horror, beauty is possible and real, as well."
As well as cultural and other interchanges, I think that it is
important to counter and ultimately defeat ideological myths - such as the
one which says that violence (always 'defensive' when it is being
advocated) is sometimes necessary to make the world a better place. It is
this illusion which is directly leading to tragedies such as the one in
Sierre Leone (as well as similar conflicts in Chechnya, Serbia, Iraq etc,)
you so graphically outlined.
All the best. rshowalter - 08:34am Dec 2, 2000 BST (#81 of 138) | I hope sometime the world
will have gotten entirely past violence.
There are plenty of cases where oppression so severe that it must be
enforced and reinforced by violence dominates and makes hell of human
lives. http://www.channel4.com/slavery/
There are 27 million slaves today. xpat - 09:51pm Dec 2, 2000 BST (#82 of 138) The misuse and brutalisation
of people as slaves or surfs has been a factor of past centuries to
I heard an interesting talk by a guy who's written a book on the
'Enlightenment...' that outlined the progress of thinking. England and
Holland in the early 1700's were the places to be. In 1695 the political
procedure of all printed matter in England having to have Royal approval
lapsed and the use and availability of printed matter was cp to the use of
the internet today enabling free discussion.
Voltaire, freed from the Bastille, went to London and interacted with
the intellectuals in the Coffee and Chocolate houses. Ideas were discussed
and papers written to advance knowledge and ideas. Voltaire wrote a book
re his impressions 'letters from England' and was influenced by them.
The Bogey today is the clamps placed on free thinking and discussion by
'institutions' ... New Zealand has free thought, whereas Australia demands
that all publically said by Academics are mediated via their Media
That Academics be free to talk and discuss and push new ideas, or
comment on community happenings, is imperative. The move from Tenure to
Contracts is another means of 'undoing' freedom of expression.
Institutional 'inhumanity to man' stagnates progress. The Academic
regime might be compared to a political dictatorship ... how does a
multi-headed institution 'think'? xpat - 10:00pm Dec 2, 2000 BST (#83 of 138) English historian ROY PORTER
The 18th century European Enlightenment has long been regarded as the
domain of French thinkers such as Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Diderot
- rather than earlier British thinkers such as Newton, Locke and Hume.
After the French Revolution, few in Britain would have wanted to claim
that the Enlightenment originated there. Edmund Burke's conviction that
the ideas of the Enlightenment had led directly to the violent overthrow
of the established order in France was widely shared.
ROY PORTER believes that this prejudice, coupled with a national
distrust of intellectuals, has meant that the role of the British
Enlightenment in the creation of the modern world has gone largely
unrecognised... as he explained at the recent CHELTENHAM FESTIVAL OF
Publications: Enlightenment: Britain and the Creation of the Modern
World. Author: ROY PORTER Price: $60 Publisher: Allen Lane The Penguin
Press. http://www.abc.net.au/rn/arts/booktalk/stories/s218994.htm
+ this also looks interesting http://www.abc.net.au/rn/arts/booktalk/stories/s170502.htm
rshowalter - 09:28pm Dec 3, 2000 BST (#84 of 138) | The needs of institutions
housing "communities of practice" to fit the needs of these communities of
practice are real. For academic institutions, which compete intensely for
academic reputation (decided on the basis of something like votes or
surveys by members of the "communities of practice" itself) to ignore the
strong prejudices and interests of communities of practice is too much to
A university, confronted with a threat to its reputation, must be
expected to respond vigorously.
So, for similar reasons, can a government institution, or a private
That can stultify debate, and institutionalize false answers for
decades, if the university is the ONLY arbiter of academic status, under
all conditions.
A key question is procedural - what do the "invisible colleges" owe
to other invisible colleges that depend on their results, and what do they
owe to the public at large, that pays for their maintenance and trusts
their results? Currently, the operational answer seems to be "nothing"
- at least whenever a question is raised that REALLY disrupts some
established interest of the "invisible college."
Disruptive questions, including ones which carry the seeds of great
progress, aren't adressed. The questioner of status quo is branded as an
outcast. The practical effect of the shunning is attribution of insanity.
The case that needs to be made is never made in a way that can stand.
This is in line with the thesis of this thread - it fits the patterns
of natural "insiders" dealing with "outsiders" as enemies in an
essentially military sense, on the basis of sponteneous responses that may
be instictual for humans.
The solution, as in the case of other circumstances where more
effective complex competition is needed, than a "state of nature" permits,
is the establishment of conventions, and/or institutions, that can deal
with situations that produce bad results in the "natural state of man."
rshowalter - 09:33pm Dec 3, 2000 BST (#85 of 138) | The issue matters most under
conditons discussed in "Paradigm Shift - whose getting there?
<xpat "Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there?" Fri 28/07/2000
Here are #242 and #243 from that thread:
When progress is delayed due to paradigm conflicts, the loss, in
retrospect, are often huge. In the case of Semmelweis, millions died
horribly and much sooner than they might have. Other cases are almost as
bad. Sometimes progress is delayed for generations. Sometimes the human
dramas involve very ugly behavior, and real tragedies.
But though the stakes can be high, and acceptance of correct answers
can be long delayed, the questions involved in paradigm conflicts are
starkly simple. In the cases of Semmelwies, and McCully, the questions
1. When going from patient to patient, does sanitation matter, or
not? (It matters.)
2.Does homocysteine relate causally to artheriosclerosis, or not?
(It does.)
In the recent revolution in fluid mechanics, the question was
3. When a flow becomes turbulent, are the laws of Newtonian physics
adjourned, so that only statistics applies, or does causality continue?
(It continues.)
In my case, the key question is
4. Do the axioms of pure math have a domain of definition, or not?
If they do, and you are outside that domain of definition, can you do
experiments (symbolic and model-physical system matching) or not? (This
isn’t settled in the profession - but YES YOU CAN.)
These questions are simple, and have simple answers. But these
questions are not simple in human terms, for the people most concerned
with them.
When these questions are nested in a mass of cultural-social-emotional
construction, they may be invisible, or emotionally charged to a
prohibitive degree, and resolution of them may be humanly impossible.
For example, to see Semmelweis’s point, doctors had to rethink what
they were doing, and admit that they were inadvertently killing patients.
To see McCully’s point, a team of cardiologists who had organized
themselves around one research subject (chloresterol) had to admit that
another issue might matter as well.
In my case, procedures that have become embedded in three centuries of
mathematical physics practice have to be re-examined.
My late partner, S.J. Kline, one of the few people who successfully
worked through a paradigm shift (in fluid mechanics, after a fifteen year
fight) put it this way:
"One cannot reasonably expect successful peer review of a
proposition, or acceptance of it later, if people in the profession wince
at the ideas in it so much that they look away. ..... Ideas, to work, have
to fit in people's heads, and in their institutions."
Here’s another statement of the “abstractly easy” but “humanly hard”
point that’s taken me and Steve so much time and effort. The key point,
the “showstopper” point, is at least as much a matter of recognition as of
formality. The measurable world and the axiomatic "world" of math are
DIFFERENT. Mathematical models represent physical circumstances by a kind
of ANALOGY. The arithmetical mechanics by which we form these analogies
EXPERIMENT. The analogy formation mechanism, itself, is entirely beyond
the axioms of formal math as it is now taught. It is EXPERIMENTAL tests,
not proof by axiomatic usages, that must be applied to evaluate the
completeness and correctness of the analogy-forming procedures.
There’s a “territorial” issue that arises. At the stage where the
analogy is being formed as a good representation, is “formal math” in the
professional sense being done, or not? I put it this way”
The point isn't that I'm doing formal math. The point is that I'm not
doing formal math, and for where I'm working, and what I'm doing, that's
all right.
My objective has never been to short circuit peer review, but to get
checking done, prior to peer review, that gets people past the wincing
stage, so that our arguments, right or wrong, can stand on their own.
In abstract terms, the issues are easy. For the community of
practice involved, this time, mathematicians, and people who have math as
part of their conceptual equipment, the issue is not easy, because three
centuries of practice and doctrine are called into question. Sometimes the
issues are “only conceptual” - and quantitative implications are
negligible. Other times, in neurophysiology, turbulent fluid mechanics,
and some other complex coupled problems, the quantitative implications are
huge, and explain the failures of past approaches. tethys2 - 09:40pm Dec 3, 2000 BST (#86 of 138) You are very difficult to
read for the layperson rso and maybe the people you have to try to
convince are lacking in the lateral thinking required purely by the nature
of the beast they are involved in, is it not unusual to find persons at
that level who function in such detail in several disciplines and
therefore the easiest way to protect themselves from something which
requires a dimension of thought they are incapable of is to ignore it?
(just some nonsense from someone functioning on a lower intellectual
level here :O) rshowalter - 09:42pm Dec 3, 2000 BST (#87 of 138) | #243: Questions of value
of the results, questions of “who objects” are very interesting
In the past, HUGE amounts of money, and values people would value in
money, have been at stake, and that's true in the S-K case, as well.
It is worth remembering something very easy to forget. The core
questions on which paradigm conflict hinge are SIMPLE . It is the human
relations, and the psychology, and the social usages, that are hard.
Here’s an essential reason why they are hard.
Under paradigm conflict, new ideas, that are right, are “obviously
wrong” to the working group of professionals who judge them.
“Obviously wrong” , for most people, means something like i--- “in
tension with the current body of socially (and logically) constructed
ideas and “working knowledge.” That tension can cause extreme emotional
and territorial responses, including blindness to evidence, and enough
tension to produce tics, shaking body parts, and generally averse, angry
When that happens, abstractly simple questions aren’t practically
simple for real people. And answering these "simple" questions is
problematic for real societies.
(end of quote from Paradigm Shift - whose getting there )
Under a "state of nature" - responses to the "boat rocker" in the
paradigm conflict case can be ugly indeed -- the treatment of Semmelweis
Bendiner -- Facts of File, NY and Oxford) is as ugly as many of the worst
atrocity stories I've encountered.
At the same time, the very same people, facing the same logical
situation under conventions that required them to deal with the questioner
as a provisional "insider by convention" or subject to umpiring, might
behave in much better fashion.
In the Semmelweis case, the doctors who hounded Semmelweis to his
death, and caused so many millions of unnecessary deaths because they
could not listen, really were concerned with the preservation of life. If
there had been a way to communicate key ideas to them, how much would have
been saved!
Here, as elsewhere where man's inhumanity to man occurs, it is
conventions and institutions on which our hope must rest. A blind faith in
"human nature" can be sadly misguided otherwise.
I think I'm beginning to see evidence of the formation of conventions
and institutional adjustments that will get my case a technically
competent hearing, which, given the billions of dollars and many lives at
stake, it deserves.
In the course of this, the very same people who in the past might have
behaved comparably to Semmelweis' tormenters may - I'm beginning to think,
will, behave in public spirited fashion, with concern for technical truth.
If my hope here turns out to be real, I'll owe a substantial debt of
thanks to the Guardian, to the fora of the NYT, and to collaborators who
have posted with me here. rshowalter - 09:57pm Dec 3, 2000 BST (#88 of 138) | tethys2 you might be
right, but I don't think so. We haven't seen problems with clarity in such
a simple sense. Steve and I have often enough gotten technical people (not
laypersons) to understand what we're discussing - and sometimes to look at
There's a well documented and extensive history that bears this out.
Nobody's found counterexamples. Objections to the logic haven't been
prominant or problematic either. Some people have plainly looked hard, and
have understood.
The difficulty has been that the CONSEQUENCES of the results have been
held to be horrifying. Uniformly and intensely horrifying to members of
the invisible colleges effected. We've seen truly violent and intense
averse responses.
Identification of a 350 year old oversight, even one that faces no
counterexamples and solves big problems, is methodologically horrifying
(as it would not be to "laypersons") to people who fear that their own
intellectual furniture will have to be changed. That response is entirely
reasonable - one reason I know that is that Steve and I had similar
responses to the result ourselves - it scared us very thoroughly, simple
as it is.
The position taken in the "Paradigm Shift" thread is that, for such
impasses, one needs umpires, or some set of conventions, that make
checking morally forcing even when the results are distasteful to
specialists, once there is sufficient good evidence that the impasse
involves real and important issues.
I think that adjustments are being made so that the checking occurs in
my case. I wish Steve Kline were still alive to see the progress. We'll
see how things progress. xpat - 01:46pm Dec 12, 2000 BST (#89 of 138) I think there's a chance that
people we're connected to do hang around after death .... if we 'call'
them. They sometimes 'walk over and through us' at significant junctures
in our progress, even when we don't 'call them' ! xpat - 01:51pm Dec 12, 2000 BST (#90 of 138) Inhumanity to man ....
perhaps the American expectation that 'an other' should prepare and kill
prisoners http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f05e1ab/2726
tethys2 - 06:22pm Dec 12, 2000 BST (#91 of 138) #89 xpat
I believe special people haven't left us. All that is important is what
one believes personally, it doesn't matter if no one else agrees.
rshowalter - 04:31pm Dec 13, 2000 BST (#92 of 138) | thethys2 , it matters
if we have to live in the world, and if we are to hope to make the world
better. tethys2 - 08:49pm Dec 13, 2000 BST (#93 of 138) I was just referring to
whether one believes that people can still be with you after they have
died...... that was all rso
( & the name's not got a "th" at the start) xpat - 08:52pm Dec 13, 2000 BST (#94 of 138) Interesting name The Thys
.... very hip! tethys2 - 08:53pm Dec 13, 2000 BST (#95 of 138) oh lol xpat.......don't you
start! infodogg - 08:37am Dec 14, 2000 BST (#96 of 138) rshowalter - Have you read
Koestler? I know he had some fairly questionable ideas, but for me, his
essay Ad Majorem Gloriam deals with this subject in an admirably
straight, lucid way. rshowalter - 08:40am Dec 14, 2000 BST (#97 of 138) | No. I'll look. Thanks!
rshowalter - 07:05pm Dec 17, 2000 BST (#98 of 138) | Art and Sexual
Selection by Denis Dutton http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/philosophy_and_literature/v024/24.2dutton02.html
an essay discussing Geoffrey Miller's The Mating Mind
discusses the use of evolutionary psychology as a way of looking at human
This thread deals with whether "mankind's inhumanity to man is as
natural as human goodness, while The Mating Mind deals with
evolution of the mind, and especially aesthetics from a sexual selection
perspective. But the connections to evolutionary psychology make the piece
worth reading for reference to this thread.
Dutton's essay starts:
"Followers of evolutionary psychology have marveled in the last few
years on the capacity of this discipline to throw new light on aspects of
human life, both the obvious and the curious. The Swiss Army Knife
metaphor of the mind as a multipurpose instrument fitted by evolution to
solve Pleistocene problems with natural ease has great attractiveness. It
offers a significantly more powerful way to view our specialized mental
capacities than the older model that tries to see us as creatures with
general abilities to learn whatever parents or society teach us. We're not
usually as motivated to learn the calculus, or as adept at it, as we are
in figuring out who's sleeping with whom in the neighborhood, and these
differential interests and capacities are not socially constructed.
Striking empirical findings, such as the statistic that a small child or
infant is roughly a hundred times more likely to die at the hands of a
stepfather than at the hands of a biological father, defy explanation in
terms cultural imperatives but are consistent with evolutionary psychology
and explained by it. And persistent average sex differences, like the
superior detail noticing capacities of women and the better map-reading
abilities of men, nicely fit with evolutionary psychology's account of
Pleistocene adaptations. "
In Natalie Angier's Woman: An intimate Geography there's an
interesting counterpoint in Chapter 18 "Hoggamus and Hogwash: Putting
Evolutionary Psychology on the Couch"
Here's one of her lines: i"Evolutionary psychology professes to have
discovered the fundamental modules of human nature .. " Of course, this is
more than evolutionary psychology can reliably claim.
The thought patterns of evolutionary psychology may be fine sources of
inspiration - but they are suggestive, not self checking.
We've used them to be suggestive, and to fit patterns in this thread.
The suggestions seem to fit a good deal, and have broad applicability, but
they could, and should, be subject to further testing of various sorts.
rshowalter - 01:52pm Dec 21, 2000 BST (#99 of 138) | December 21, 2000 Japanese
Veteran Testifies in War Atrocity Lawsuit By HOWARD W. FRENCH
TOKYO, Dec. 20 — Under the code of his secret wartime army unit, which
experimented with chemical weapons on live prisoners and dropped bombs to
spread plague bacteria through northern China, Yoshio Shinozuka should not
be alive today.
As a member of the Japanese Army youth corps, it was his duty to wash
the victims with a hose and a deck brush before the operations began.
"When I finished, the surgeon applied a stethoscope to his chest and
listened to his heartbeat," he said, describing his first experience of
such an experiment. "As soon as he lifted the stethoscope, the dissection
Mr. Shinozuka was the first of several veterans of the unit who in the
last month have described their actions. They also testified that some
prisoners had been deliberately frozen to death and some had been injected
with lethal chemicals and germs to study the efficacy of those agents as
Last week in Tokyo, private Japanese and international organizations
convened a war tribunal that found Japan's military leaders, including
Emperor Hirohito, guilty of crimes against humanity for the sexual slavery
imposed on tens of thousands of women in countries controlled by Japan
during World War II.
The tribunal has no legal power to exact reparations for the survivors
among these so-called comfort women. But with its judges and lawyers drawn
from official international tribunals for the countries that once were
part of Yugoslavia and for Rwanda, it brought unparalleled moral authority
to an issue scarcely discussed or taught about in Japan.
. "During the cold war situation, Japan just didn't have to face the
issues of the past," said Hiroshi Tanaka, a professor of history at
Ryukoku University. "We could always get by just ignoring it. Japan was
under the umbrella of the United States, and America settled Japan's Asian
Others, meanwhile, are focusing on the "comfort woman" issue, saying
that since war crimes against women were not even taken into consideration
by the international tribunal that tried Japan's leaders after the war,
they should not be covered by the San Francisco Treaty.
Yuan Zhulin, 78, a Chinese woman who was one of several former sex
slaves to testify, explained that she had been kidnapped at age 16 after
being told she would be given a job washing dishes at a hotel.
"Every day there was a line of soldiers, with ticket in hand, waiting
to have sex with me," she said. "All of the soldiers were simply inhumane.
I used to hurt so badly that I couldn't sit down, or even sleep."
Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, a former leader of the international Criminal
Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, said the San Francisco Treaty "was
designed to resolve property issues." She said Japan's leaders, including
Emperor Hirohito, knew of the "comfort stations" for Japanese soldiers,
which involved the effective sexual slavery of 200,000 or more women, by
some estimates.
"The notion of command responsibility was established at the Nuremberg
Trials and holds commanders responsible either when they knew of, or
should have known of, atrocities being committed," she said.
Asked why he had wanted to cooperate with the continuing trial
involving Unit 731, Mr. Shinozuka delivered a long and highly personal
meditation on guilt and forgiveness. "The government made no apology at
the time," he said, "and has kept the same attitude ever since. They
remain silent.
"But all these years I've thought about who received the germs I
created, and how much they must have suffered. I thought about the
bereaved, and about the survivors, people whose lives were forever
damaged. I thought about the victims of vivisection, and I felt these acts
must not be buried away, or else we are condemned to go from darkness to
darkness." rshowalter - 01:56pm Dec 21, 2000 BST (#100 of 138) | These things were done by
ordinary people, organized in ordinary ways in ordinary organizations, by
societies that were humane, competent and perceptive to the "insiders" in
their societies in many ways. It is too comforting to think of these
things as done by "monsters." Once people become "outsiders" -- man's
inhumanity to man may, indeed, be as "natural as human goodness."
Cultural conventions, and insight, may be the only defense we have
against horror. If we know that, we can strenthen the conventions, and
concentrate on them. And concentrate on the moral need to imagine human
consequence of what is done. If that happens, people may learn to avoid
much of the horror and inefficiency in the world. Possumdag - 04:49pm Dec 22, 2000 BST (#101 of 138) I don't understand the
'misnomer' usage of the word 'comfort' in relation to the rape, abuse, and
KILLINGS of women .... a japanese guy on radio, interviewed only this
month said (wrongly) that the women were 'recruited' from the 'lower ranks
of prostitutes' ..... he still would not admit to the 'serious nature' of
this war crime.
These women have lived with the 'shame' of their torture for up to
sixty years, and have never been adequately acknowledged nor compensated.
The BIG MOVIE on this is yet to be made ? Possumdag - 04:50pm Dec 22, 2000 BST (#102 of 138) In the light of POST ONE:
" rshowalter - 06:11pm Nov 12, 2000 BST (#1 of 101)
But is this behavior so strange? Or is it the NATURAL state of people,
dealing with outsiders, outsiders who they naturally dehumanize, and deal
with as heartless, exploitive predators? Is it civilization and mercy that
are the "unnatural" things - the things that have to be taught, and
negotiated into being, and strived for?
I'm coming to think that it is just as natural for people to act
"inhumanly" - that is cruelly, and in a dehumanizing way, towards
OUTSIDERS, as it is natural for people to act warmly, and with
accommodation and mutual support, for people WITHIN their group.
I'm coming to the view that, just as there is an instinct for language,
and an instinct for becoming a part of a group, inborn in humans, there is
an instinct to exclude outsiders, to dehumanize them, to withhold
cooperation from them, and to treat them as animals, subject to
manipulation an predation. I'm coming to believe that this treatment of
outsiders is an instinctive species characteristic, evolved over the
millions of years when people lived as gatherers and team hunters.
If this is true, we all have the basic instincts to be kind, sensitive,
and good, within our groups, but at the same time are naturally "monsters"
in our behavior toward outsiders.
If this is right, the role of civilization is to find ways of peace and
effective cooperation where isolation, conflict, duplicity, and merciless
manipulation, including murder, might otherwise occur. " Possumdag - 04:55pm Dec 22, 2000 BST (#103 of 138) I'd comment here that the
Japanese culture was a cruel one.
Lifting the Japanese from the preWWII perception of themselves - as
against others - has still not been done ... especially with regard to the
Of-Korean-Origin peoples who are 3generations Japanese. This is why the
Koreans beating the Japanese on the Sports' field is so welcomed by the
Koreans. It is a means of 'showing the Japanese' who is (sporting) master.
The women who were mal-treated, have never had the opportunity to do
this, excepting a MOCK court case was held Dec2000 that condemned and
found the war-time Emperor GUILTY of a war crime - with respected to the
multi-raped women. cyclist - 05:06pm Dec 22, 2000 BST (#104 of 138) Possumdag
"I'd comment here that the Japanese culture was a cruel one."
As the recent TV documentary showed, the cruelty we associate with WW2
Japanese militarism was very recent - German prisoners of the Japanese in
WWI commented on how well they were treated by the Japanese.
The needs of Japanese capitalism to compete with the western
colonialisation of SE Asia led to the growth of a very cruel military
regime, which dehumanised its own troops in preparation for the coming
It took only 10 years or so to turn Japanese soldiers from reasonable
humans to monsters.
I think that can be achieved with any nation given the appropriate
social conditions and training.
I am still amazed by how fast Yugoslavia degenerated from the holiday
destination of the late 70s, full of friendly people, to what we have seen
in the last decade. rshowalter - 05:51pm Dec 22, 2000 BST (#105 of 138) | That means we need to be
suspiscious of HUMAN nature, and carefully concerned for the cultural
patterns, both in terms of ideals and human arrangement, on which
kindness, decency, and tolerable decency depend. What happenen in Nanking
at the beginning of WWII should be remembered, and especially when people
consider the (very great deal) that there is to admired about Japanese
Similar things can be said about people in other cultures. If man's
inhumanity is as natural as human goodness, and the evidence suggests so,
it is safer if we know it. paulq1 - 05:53pm Dec 22, 2000 BST (#106 of 138) Anyone remember the old psych
study carried out years ago in which the subjects thought they were giving
people electric shocks? The results were quite surprising in that a
significant number of the subjects were prepared to go on delivering
painful and near lethal shocks (or so they thought)to the actors. They did
it on direction but no one had to hold guns to their heads to continue. I
think it showed that a significant number of people will do anything if
directed to by a higher authority. Or understood another way, a
significant proportion of the population have no real moral priciples.
rshowalter - 12:35am Dec 31, 2000 BST (#107 of 138) | Erica Goode wrote an article,
connected to that study, and I reacted to it in the NYT Science
in the News thread, relating it to a question people often ask.
rshowalter - 07:26am Aug 29, 2000 EST (#1422 of 2535) http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f05e1ab/1689
It starts:
Erica Goode's IDEAS AND TRENDS piece Hey, What if
Contestants Give Each Other Shocks? deals with issues of concern to
most people I know, and shows a case where scientific information can give
evidence on an issue about humanity, and one particularly troubling.
During WWII, what did the Germans know, and when did they know it?
I key the argument to a great Rudyard Kipling poem http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f05e1ab/1693
and ended with a discussion of military and civilian responsibility and
knowledge, keyed to the Germans, that I was proud to write. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f05e1ab/1696
Shortly afterward, there followed posts, written indirectly but
usefully for their purpose, that meant a great deal to me, and were of
practical help, in a circumstance where my humanity had been called
into question.
That posting sequence represented something of a turning point in my
life. rshowalter - 12:49am Dec 31, 2000 BST (#108 of 138) | ERICA GOODE's article
was Hey, What if Contestants Give Each Other Shocks? August 27,
2000, NYT
It includes the following passages:
"... psychologists, who carried out a variety of experiments at
prestigious universities from the 1950's and into the 1970's, were
fascinated by the power of situations to influence people's behavior,
sometimes even overriding individual personality traits and the dictates
of personal conscience.
"The experiments were compelling, and still enthrall undergraduates
when they are taught in introductory psychology courses. In perhaps the
most famous, Dr. Stanley Milgram's study of obedience to authority, the
subjects meekly delivered what they believed were potentially fatal
electric shocks to another person when ordered to do so by an experimenter
in a white coat.
"In another, student volunteers at Stanford University who were
randomly assigned to play prisoners or guards for a two-week stay in a
simulated prison became so caught up in their roles that the study had to
be halted after a week.
. . . . . . .
"By the late 1970's, ethical guidelines discouraged the use of most
deception in psychological research, and required thorough debriefing of
subjects. As a result, neither the Milgram study nor the Stanford prison
experiment could be carried out today.
Ugly as these results are, it is good that we know them. It is very
easy for human beings to behave monstrously, and very common. rshowalter - 01:06am Dec 31, 2000 BST (#109 of 138) | We can "easily" think about
Nazi responsibility. It is harder to think of our own. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f05e1ab/1847
Here's a key question, that I have come to think more and more
important. The Russians agree about the basic importance of this question:
How do you make people properly appalled and ashamed of people
willing to use nuclear weapons?
If this is an "unnatural" question, we have to arrange social patterns,
and explanations, that make it a common question. If this question was as
widely asked, and as clearly faced, as it should be, full nuclear
disarmament would be a practical proposition. rshowalter - 12:07am Jan 1, 2001 BST (#110 of 138) | ". In perhaps the most
famous, Dr. Stanley Milgram's study of obedience to authority, the
subjects meekly delivered what they believed were potentially fatal
electric shocks to another person when ordered to do so by an experimenter
in a white coat."
That's an ORDER! Milgram (1963) - the classic study that showed that
people would follow orders, even if it inflicted damage, or even death, on
an innocent, pleading human being: http://www.fsu.umd.edu/dept/psyc/southerl/prism/bill.htm
Thanks to Lunarchick of the NYT forums. rshowalter - 03:01pm Jan 1, 2001 BST (#111 of 138) | In the Science in the News
forum of the The New York Times I posted this, and I think it
fits here http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f05e1ab/1935
Here it is in part:
"rshowalt - 05:00am Sep 27, 2000 EST (#1648 of 2549)
"As a mathematician, I've used a pattern, that is as old as the
perfection of scientific instruments, that may be called the "loop test."
Things are supposed to add up. Proportionalities are supposed to yeild
consistent results . . . . . . .
"How about "getting things to add up" in moral conduct? Isn't it
necessary to our function as social animals, in practical ways?
"Nobody can say "it is all right, under some circumstances, to make a
first strike with nuclear weapons" and have things add up, according to
any SELF CONSISTENT ethical standard at all. Try it, and try sequences of
reasoning, and you'll find that the consistency of your moral universe
self destructs.
"In some of the literary forums, people talk about the death of
culture, the death of any standards at all. I think it starts here, and
think that it is profoundly important. Our culture has been corroding,
degrading, eating into itself, and making the moral instruction of
children foundationless, by staying committed to the proposition - a basic
stance of our national policy, that the U.S. President can, and will, use
nuclear weapons when he chooses, and that "morality is not applicable to
the actions of nation states."
"Americans insist on that in international conferences and
"It is a horrific stance. If morality doesn't apply to nation states,
how does one object to Adolph Hitler, or Eichmann, or their like?
Logically, one cannot. Even so, to justify the use of first strikes with
nuclear weapons, one logically has to take this stance. The United States
Government that we'd like to be so proud of does this.
"I feel that, even if the dangers with nucs were small (and they are
HUGE) this would be too high a price for us to pay for keeping them.
". . . . . . . the United States of America insists that it has the
right to use nuclear weapons when it chooses, and it has coerced silence
on the point from the Russians and the rest of the world.
"If we're trying to get even rough senses of proportionality in
morality, and if we presume to make moral judgements of others, how can we
make this stick?
"And if we want to comfortably do the complex negotiating that our
society needs to work, don't we need some moral common ground amongst
ourselves, that people can agree on?
"We're paying far too high a price for keeping nuclear weapons, and for
justifying our past actions, which may have been necessary during the Cold
War, but are surely not justified now. We should get rid of them, and
admit the obvious fact that they are reprehensible, shameful, weapons -
the ultimate no-nos by reasonable moral standards. Things to be forbidden.
Moral questions are practical questions. Moral beliefs shape human
The arguments for outlawing nuclear weapons have been set out by many
people -- it is worth noting that some very careful consideration of them
has been given by a number of Islamic clerics. The moral justification of
terrorism depends, in large part, on comparisons with the "moral
justification" of nuclear weapons.
Then there's another issue. What, from a totally "morals-free" point of
view, are nuclear weapons good for? As bTony50 points out above, they are
worse than useless in "limited" engagements -- they are good for the
extermination of nation states (with all the allies those nation states
may happen to have) -- and nothing more. Such extermination is not a
practical policy, even for terrorists or monsters.
The confusion about the morality of nuclear weapons, which is
now almost solely the responsibility of the United States, is the greatest
barrier to nuclear disarmament. Breach that, and set out clearly that the
U.S. is not justified in acting as if first strikes with nuclear weapons
are workable, and widespread nuclear disarmament becomes a practical
proposition -- far more practical than missile defense, for example, which
cannot work, and has absorbed huge amounts of resources.
I'll be back on the issue of "threat." Confusions about what threat is
good for, confusions that concern questions of fact, are central to
discussions of the practicality of nuclear disarmament.
Pakistan and India can't use the nuclear weapons they have, or could
reasonably be expected to build. If they understood that, getting rid of
these holocaust makers would be doable. Jenny28 - 12:17am Jan 6, 2001 BST (#112 of 138) Fear and the desire for
self-preservation are what makes it impossible at the moment, IMO, to put
this particular genie completely back in the bottle. For example, it is
said that Iraq is on track to build a nuclear weapon. Would you care for
Saddam Hussein to be the only world leader with a functioning nuclear
Nuclear weapons are certainly deadly, but a functioning weapon would
not have to be world-destroying to be a sufficient threat. The bombs
dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki only affected Japan. A determined
dictator would only have to have the power to destroy a couple of cities
to wield power out of all proportion to the size of his country.
I absolutely agree about the useless missile defence programme, but I'm
not convinced that unilateral disarmament on the part of the current
nuclear powers is wise, though a 'no first strike' policy should be a
given. rshowalter - 12:38am Jan 6, 2001 BST (#113 of 138) | There have to be EFFECTIVE
ways to outlaw nuclear weapons, for complete disarmament to work. I think
there are.
A central issue is establishing a more sensible sense of what nuclear
weapons are "good for". They work as extermination weapons, and they are
good for nothing else. It would do Saddam, or any other dictator, no good
at all to use "a few" nuclear weapons. If a nuclear attack is not
successful at exterminating and enemy, and that enemies effective allies,
it does the agressor no good, unless the agressor already has the victim
at SUCH a disadvantage the the nuclear explosions are entirely irrelevant.
That's a fact, and if that fact were widely understood, the world would
be far safer.
But there's a way to go before FULL disarmament. If the superpowers had
only "a few hundred" nukes, instead of the thousands, then control would
be far better - and the world would survive.
That's worthwhile. Possumdag - 12:42am Jan 8, 2001 BST (#114 of 138) Balkan Syndrome: the uranium
scattered around from the war: is causing problems affecting the EC
civillian population - Lukemia. For 'peacekeepers' are often civillians
who went to work in a war zone to aid peace.
The use of uranium on bullets has effected 'Shooting Ranges' in the Uk.
"There are no ill effects" is the official line!
Common Sense - says there are effects. Yet logic seems to be lost when
war-thinking-caps are worn.
The moral is ... don't get into a war situation the first place.
rshowalter - 12:51am Jan 8, 2001 BST (#115 of 138) | Another moral is CHECK what
military people say.
Deception is essential for any reasonably effective attack -- that is
an unchangeable fact of war.
It means that disciplined patterns of deception are inextricably linked
to military organizations and cultures.
Soldiers lie. To be effective soldiers, they have to.
When things are inconvenient, or when careful accounting is in some
sense embarrassing, military people, in both war and peace, decieve.
I don't think anyone can hold it against them, or call it
"dishonorable" - but when a soldier looks you straight in the eye, and
tells you something is true, where deception might hold a tactical
advantage, it is not reasonable to believe her totally.
That means that outrageous lies get told, and propagated, and often
grow and mestastisize in the retelling. Obvious stupidities such as "there
are no ill effects from depleted uranium rounds" get perpetrated.
When journalists believe what senior military officers tell them,
without reservation, as they do with monotonous regularity, shame on them.
Jenny28 - 08:21am Jan 8, 2001 BST (#116 of 138) Until you can outlaw fear, or
find a way of making it unnecessary, there will be conflict. 'Perfect love
casts out fear' we know - and in the ideal world we'd no doubt all like to
see, that's what would happen.
But until then, we have to recognise that that is the basis from which
people and nations operate. Along with greed, it's at the root of all
conflict. Possumdag - 07:52am Jan 11, 2001 BST (#117 of 138) The chickens have come home
to roost ... with lukemia and cancer ... and the Europeans don't like it,
that is, don't like being lied to by the military .... but they did little
about the same problem now a decade old http://www.independent.co.uk/news/World/Middle_East/2001-01/fisk100101.shtml
rshowalter - 06:46pm Jan 17, 2001 BST (#118 of 138) | No one needs to doubt the
primal, fundamental fact of human fear, and human fear of "outsiders." Nor
is that fear irrational. But the better our conceptual abilities, the more
we can apply "the golden rule", even to our enemies, the more complex
cooperation is possible, and the fewer horrors are inevitable.
The fewer "enemies" there need to be, and the more limited the
conflicts can be. Tolstoy - 06:59pm Jan 17, 2001 BST (#119 of 138) Rso - Hi there, and a very
happy New Year to you (and everyone else)! Anyway, I am not sure why you
think that dishonesty on the part of the military is not dishonourable
(or, indeed, the mass murder which is their stock in trade).
It is only through a process of deep, millennia-old indoctrination that
the violent agencies of nation-states have somehow managed to persuade
people that they are exempt from normal moral codes. They are not (in my
opinion, anyway).
Jenny, like RSHO, very good points well expressed. I can only say that
(again, in my opinion) love is ultimately MUCH stronger than fear - and
that is why I am a complete optimist! It is only a matter of time before
mankind spiritually evolves out of its current, confused, partially
pro-violence state. Let's just make it as soon as possible!
All the best rshowalter - 10:48pm Jan 24, 2001 BST (#120 of 138) | I've been looking at a number
of citations involving the Semmelweis case. Amazingly rough story. And
yet, the same doctors who were so inhumane in that case, were surely
paragons of kindness and consideration in many others. I'll be posting
more on this. rshowalter - 11:21am Jan 26, 2001 BST (#121 of 138) | In the Is there such a
thing as truth, and if so, how can we find a new Spiritual Path for our
era? thread, Boog, in Re #192 quoted a full Newsweek article
Searching For the God Within: The way our brains are wired may explain
the origin and power of religious beliefs
By Sharon Begley
A wonderful article.
Begley ends with -
"If brain wiring explains the feelings believers get from prayer and
ritual, are spiritual experiences mere creations of our neurons?
Neuro-theology at least suggests that spiritual experiences are no more
meaningful than, say, the fear the brain is hard-wired to feel in response
to a strange noise at night. Believers, of course, have a retort: the
brain’s wiring may explain religious feelings—but who do you think was the
master electrician?
© 2001 Newsweek, Inc.
Well, whether the "master electrician" is God, or a VERY FANCY
evolution, far more sophisticated than the current reductinist model,
there are emergent properties involved that DO provide MEANING to human
beings, and without which, humanity would be impossible. For a God,
working with physical materials, how else could you do it? And if there is
no God, mankind still exists, and insight into how the brain embodies and
generates these collective yet intensely personal feelings might make it
more possible for us to cooperate, both because we are the same, and
because we are different.
If the question of religious feelings as natural brain function
makes sense, then the question raised by the title of this thread, and
discussed here, is an emotionally and practically important one.
rshowalter - 07:52pm Jan 30, 2001 BST (#122 of 138) | THE UNIVERSALITY OF INCEST by
Lloyd DeMause at http://www.psychohistory.com/
makes bracing reading, but if it is as credible as it seems to be,
ought to give people sentimental about the "inherent goodness or mankind"
pause. rshowalter - 12:18pm Feb 2, 2001 BST (#123 of 138) | When I read DeMause, I
thought this --- if what he says is true, the catalepsy of some countries
and cultures - their inability to show the economic growth one would
expect, may be in large part due to having such a huge framework of lies
and brutal usages, that there is just not the common ground, and respect
for truth, that the complex cooperation of modern economic life takes.
Jenny28 - 01:34pm Feb 2, 2001 BST (#124 of 138) Bracing indeed
rshowalter. I had to go away and recover from that one.
I'm not sentimental about the 'inherent goodness of mankind', but I do
think most of its evils spring from ignorance and a lack of love. This is
an excellent illustration of both those. Nobody can wave a magic wand and
make the whole world better, but if those who have that level of awareness
in their own hearts take it upon themselves to decrease ignorance and
increase love in what they do and how they interact with the world, things
will slowly get better - slowly, as in generation upon generation, being
the operative word. rshowalter - 06:44pm Feb 2, 2001 BST (#125 of 138) | Maybe, if people get better
at persuasion, and with better ways at getting truth to be morally forcing
when it really matters enough, we can get progress faster than that.
I'm with you at the level of the heart. I've come to feel, however,
that practical morality can reasonably repay some careful study, and
improvement, at the level of mechanics. Jenny28 - 07:01pm Feb 2, 2001 BST (#126 of 138) Good point. bNice2NoU - 06:22am Feb 4, 2001 BST (#127 of 138) right-on! rshowalter - 08:16pm Feb 5, 2001 BST (#128 of 138) | I posted this on There's
Poetry -and I'm posting it here. It comes from the "hypothesis ...."
thread in Europe, started by Beckvaa . It represents, we believe, a
reframing of the notion of scientific theory, that, if it were adopted,
might much reduce the probablility and seriousness of paradigm conflict
impasses. In it, I refer to "my beloved partner." She, under a number of
pseudonyms, has been my main co-author in this thread. We fell in love
with each other (platonically so far - we have never so much as touched
hands ) in the writing of this thread, and the basic idea in this thread
was an idea that came to us, together, working as partners.
rshowalter - 09:44am Feb 4, 2001 BST (#95 )
My beloved parter and I dance together in our work as partners.
Here is something we did as partners. And it shows reasons why I
love her as a partner, adore her as a partner, long for her as a partner,
and think she's beautiful as a partner.
WE did this.
I couldn't have done it without her.
She couldn't have done it without me.
I'm proud of it, and think it is is important. rshowalter - 08:17pm Feb 5, 2001 BST (#129 of 138) | rshowalter - 09:44am Feb 4,
2001 BST (#96 )
I'll call it, for now:
An operational definition of Good Theory in real sciences for real
people. "Partnership output of a beloved lady partner, not yet named,
and Robert Showalter.
In "Beauty" http://www.everreader.com/beauty.htm
Mark Anderson quotes Heisenberg's definition of beauty in the exact
"Beauty is the proper conformity of the parts to one another and to
the whole."
SUGGESTED DEFINITION: Good theory is an attempt to produce beauty in
Heisenberg's sense in a SPECIFIC context of assumption and data.
Goodness can be judged in terms of that context,
The beauty, and ugliness, of a theory can be judged,
Theories that are useful work comfortably in people's heads.
Ugliness is an especially interesting notion. The ugly parts are where new beauty is to be found. ( Note: my beloved thinks "dissonant" is nicer than "ugly", and she's right, and I think that "ugly" is sharper, and closer to the human interest, and that seems right, too. So we're weighing word choices here. ) (footnote): A lot of people think Bob Showalter is ugly. He's always pointing out weaknesses, uglinesses, of other people's theories. But the reason Bob gives (which is maybe, from some perspectives, a rationalization, but may be right in onther ways) is that the ugly parts provide clues to new progress -- hope that new, more powerful kinds of theoretical and practical beauty can be found. THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS OF OUR PARTNERSHIP. I think it is beautiful. And I think by beloved partner is beautiful, something I first felt,
thinking of her as a partner. rshowalter - 08:19pm Feb 5, 2001 BST (#130 of 138) | rshowalter - 09:58am Feb 4,
2001 BST (#97)
Here's a part were I did more work than she, though she was
To make good theory, in complex circumstances, beauty coming into
focus must be judged, and shaped, in a priority ordering - and even though
the priorities may be shifted for different attempts at beauty, the
priorities need to be remembered, and questions of "what is beautiful" and
"what ugly" have to be asked in terms of these priorities.
She has been completely indispensible, and mostly responsible, here,
and has been a world intellectual leader, here, for years:
Intellectual work, and scientific work, is an effort to find
previously hidden beauty , and this is what moves people, and warms
people. This need for beauty must be remembered, and not stripped
For a long time, I loved her as a partner, and only really thought of
her as a partner. When I thought of her, I mostly compared her to Steve
Kline, my old partner, and friend, who died three years ago. ( How
beautiful she was viewed in that light ! Though Steve was beautiful and
special too. )
And then, with overwhelming force, I found myself in love with her as a
woman ... a beautiful woman in all the ways that mattered most to me.
We feel that, if people paid more attention to aesthetics, and paid
especial attention to the notion of ugliness set out here, we might
have improved guidance for crafting a world of social relations where
"man's inhumanity to man and woman" was less in evidence.
rshowalter - 11:42pm Feb 7, 2001 BST (#131 of 138) | In the Europe folder, there
is a thread
"We need an international missile system now - Why "son of Star
Wars" is a good idea."
started by Beckvaa that discusses nuclear dangers, and refers to
this thread. Especially insert #9. rshowalter - 11:45pm Feb 7, 2001 BST (#132 of 138) | In the History folder,
there's another thread, also started by Beckvaa , If Jesus were
alive today . . .
That refers, extensively, to this thread, and the expanded notions of
"the golden rule" that it contains. rshowalter - 08:11am Feb 10, 2001 BST (#133 of 138) | Some of the harshist, but
perhaps most hopeful, insights my partner and I have come to are on this
When we wrote the first and most essential part of it, the notion of
"disciplined beauty" that we've come to was not yet focused, though we
were moving that way.
Getting the ideas here more clearly expressed, more widely understood,
might go a long way towards making complex cooperation more likely, and
cruelty and ugliness less likely, for real people in the real world.
But I think the expression here, though improvable is pretty clear.
Comments on how the ideas might be clarified, or better connected to
existing notions, would be welcome. xpat - 08:22am Feb 10, 2001 BST (#134 of 138) The same 'ugly' mistakes are
repeated generation after generation, handed down so to speak, the victim
becomes the perpertrator.
Which are the successful frameworks that do break cycles ... which
don't. rshowalter - 06:37pm Feb 12, 2001 BST (#135 of 138) | In the last few days, the
Missile Defense thread of New York Times on the Web Forums ,,,
Science has had interesting, hopeful discussions. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/727
I believe these discussions have been noticed by government officials.
This thread has been referenced. SeekerOfTruth - 11:27pm Feb 13, 2001 BST (#136 of 138) China has about a thousand
bactrian camels that live on the Mongolia-china borders where nuclear
testing events happened. Were there to be an escalation of nuclear arms
these unique animals would be under severe threat in relation to the
furhter pollution of their habitat.
""The wild camels in the Gashun Gobi are members of the first stock of
camels that were domesticated 4,000 years ago, and have been proven to be
genetically distinct from the common domestic Bactrian camel. "" http://english.zhaodaola.com/travel/cruise/wan200616.html
ON inhumanity to man, the situation in China is of interest to me.
There is the bid for 'The Games 2008' and additionally the safety of
people in China - working and visiting later.
China is keen get the games, and sign any necessary international
treaties regarding humanity. The reality is though that it sanctions
torture of individuals via allowing police to detain and torture people
... in order to extract false confessions and dollars!! If China is
incapable of setting 'quality standards' from the top regarding behaviour
of the inhumaine variety ... then travellers into China have reason to
fear .. especially with regard to 'The Games'. rshowalter - 01:00am Feb 14, 2001 BST (#137 of 138) | Seeker, you're right. Rule of
law is very important.
Beckvaa set up a thread, titled Men are naturally good in
The Haven.
I've referred to this thread there, and rephrased some of my arguments.
I think this thread may have some of the most interesting ideas that
have come from my partnership with Dawn Riley -- who knows a lot about
sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, and such things.
Were certain kinds of ugly behavior towards outsiders adaptive
for our ancestors? Are these patterns built into human instincts that can
cause trouble now?
We argue yes. And also argue that, once this is known, social
conventions, and applications of the Golden Rule that deal with
complexity, and show a search for disciplined beauty, may make it possible
to avoid, and reduce, some ugly, dangerous, expensive patterns that cause
difficulties now.
Perhaps the most interesting single thing that comes from this argument
is that it implies that ..
Lying to outsiders is natural.
Deception of outsiders is natural.
That might explain a lot, pretty compactly. rshowalter - 01:04am Feb 14, 2001 BST (#138 of 138) | If lies are to be
expected between adversaries, if we were to become less puritanical
about the notion that "everybody lies" .... then it might be
possible to sort out a lot of things in the world that are only partly
"honest mistakes" -- things that are, in some significant part, the
product of inclinations to decieve that are natural to human
beings. rshowalter - 01:04am Feb 14, 2001 GMT (#138 of 256) | If lies are to be
expected between adversaries, if we were to become less puritanical
about the notion that "everybody lies" .... then it might be
possible to sort out a lot of things in the world that are only partly
"honest mistakes" -- things that are, in some significant part, the
product of inclinations to decieve that are natural to human
beings. rshowalter - 01:10pm Feb 14, 2001 GMT (#139 of 256) | A point essential to complex
applications of the Golden Rule .
Honesty is better than deception, and honesty, with careful thought and
a few conventions, can be safer than people think. In nuclear arms
negotiations, we need more honesty, more openness, and fewer lies.
Generally: To live to together, in peace and prosperity, and
comfort, we need more honesty, more openness, and fewer lies. We can all
stay well defended, and even become better defended, if we are more open,
in ways consistent with disciplined beauty as we see it, and as we expect
others to see it. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f1983fb/407
I referred to these things, in a place where I believe some people
concerned with nuclear arms may be looking. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/750
wildorchid - 11:48am Feb 16, 2001 GMT (#140 of 256) Black and white is really not
a issue for me with you. It is a big issue in the world, because of the
way things are. Or if other people other want to see it that way.
rshowalter - 03:38pm Feb 16, 2001 GMT (#141 of 256) | Sometimes, at the change of
an assumption (or the turning off or on of a deception) black turns to
white - beautiful to ugly - moral to immoral - right to wrong. I think it
helps to be able to see that switching, to savor it, and to question one's
judgements of "black" or "white" on the basis of the aesthetics of
If results (or matches to reality) are ugly - something's wrong. When
we see ugly results in human interactions, we should look for wrong
Lies are much more common than people are often willing to
think. Including our own.
Helps to be able to see the yin and yang of things, both at once, as a
matter of discipline, and the choose "the good" with a sense of what one
means when one does the valuing, and the choosing. captainz - 03:44pm Feb 16, 2001 GMT (#142 of 256) The Golden Rule is a last
resort. Sensitivity is more useful generally. I am not offended by the use
of the left hand, but others are. rshowalter - 04:05pm Feb 16, 2001 GMT (#143 of 256) | Given sensitivity, one knows
how to apply the golden rule. Without it, one cannot.
As far as deception is concerned, --- it is a standard part of the
grammar of conversation -- want to terminate a string of logic, an area of
dialog? As a matter of grammar, say something evasive, something off
point, something counterfactual. People do it, they do it all the time,
and it is often very graceful. The "social lie" can, and usually does,
mean no more than "Let's not talk about that."
There is a problem, though, when the deception is passed off, not as
logical termination (something we'd be paralyzed without) but as TRUTH. --
then we may be leading people, quite intentionally, to conclusions that
will HURT them. rshowalter - 04:08pm Feb 16, 2001 GMT (#144 of 256) | If I were to pick a
wrenching, damaging fiction - the one I'd pick would be the notion that
"I never lie .... "
and its close relative
"Liars are subhuman -- liars are the other."
The idea seems pathetic, amazingly counterfactual - yet people feel
that, to call someone a "liar" is to dismiss him completely.
We are all liars - very frequently and unavoidably in the grammatical
sense, and sometimes in the agressive, harmful sense, as well. rshowalter - 02:09pm Feb 17, 2001 GMT (#145 of 256) | Notes on deception, and
primate characteristics that make "mankind's inhumanity to man and woman"
possible -- and understandable -- and might make ways of reducing that
inhumanity more clear. We need social interactions that permit complex
cooperation -- not mutual destruction.
New York Times on the Web Forums Science ......
Missile Defense http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f0ce57b
"Stanley Milgrams experiment ought to be required reading for all
trying to form judgements about the probable "rationality" of our current
nuclear arrangements. ........ Here are other references relevant to how
willing we ought to be to say
...."the authorities say trust us so we should surely trust them.
The (11) references below (more, available through a hotkey) were
gathered by Dawn Riley and posted on this (NYT MD) thread #317-322
bNice2NoU - 12:35pm Feb 20, 2001 GMT (#146 of 256) Black and White; true or
false; are dyadactic viewpoints. Sometimes arriving at truth is via an
incremental process. bNice2NoU - 12:51pm Feb 20, 2001 GMT (#147 of 256) Looking at inhumanity there
is often a 'commercial_gain' aspect. To designate minorities as 'other'
offers the thought or actuality of gain to the 'in crowd'. rshowalter - 02:58pm Feb 20, 2001 GMT (#148 of 256) | But the gains from complex
cooperation can be greater, if people can actually find the sophistication
and decency that make the cooperation possible. bNice2NoU - 02:57am Feb 21, 2001 GMT (#149 of 256) Falun Gong
I'm surprised the Chinese Government haven't thought to set up a
similar mass movement to the Cult Falun Gong ... giving outlet for
spiritual needs and exercise to maintain the temple of the spirit. This
would be strategically-logical and collect revenue.
The cult Falun Gong undoubtedly makes the organiser extremely rich ...
and cult leaders with excessive bank accounts can and do propergate evil
(if they so desire).
The methods employed by China to dissuade are examples of inhumanity to
man ... excesses of torture and designation to psychiatric
Perhaps there's an official move to clean China up ... in an effort to
make a clean bid for the Games in 2008. rshowalter - 04:22pm Feb 22, 2001 GMT (#150 of 256) | This kind of inhumanity has
been all-too common hisorically:
U.N. War Crimes Court Convicts Bosnian Serbs in Rape Case By THE
ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 9:38 a.m. ET .....February 22, 2001 http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/world/AP-War-Crimes-Rape-Camps.html
"THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) -- A U.N. war crimes tribunal Thursday
convicted three Bosnian Serbs standing trial on charges of rape and
torture, the first case of wartime sexual enslavement to come before an
international court.
"The tribunal convicted Dragoljub Kunarac and Radomir Kovac of
sexually assaulting and torturing Muslim women at rape camps during the
Bosnian war. Kunaric was sentenced to 28 years imprisonment, and Kovac got
20 years.
"The court said Kunarac was involved in a ``nightmarish scheme of
sexual exploitation'' that was ``especially repugnant.''
".....``You abused and ravaged Muslim women because of their
ethnicity, and from among their number you picked whomsoever you
fancied,'' said the presiding judge, reading the first verdict.
"The third defendant, Zoran Vukovic, was convicted of raping and
torturing a 15-year-old girl -- who was about the same age as his own
daughter -- but acquitted him of most other charges for lack of evidence.
He was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment.
"Presiding judge Florence Mumba went through the testimony of woman
after woman who had given horrendous accounts of rape and torture in the
Bosnian town of Foca, a city southeast of Sarajevo, after it was overrun
in April 1992, when Muslims were herded into separate prison camps for men
and women.
"The women, both in their testimony and in the verdict, were
identified by numbers rather than names to avoid further shame.
"The defendants stood in silence, wearing headphones as the judgment
was read in somber tones.
"Dirk Ryneveld, the lead prosecutor in the case, welcomed the
verdicts and commended ``the bravery of the victims who came forward to
tell their stories.'' Peggy Kuo, another prosecutor, said ``the length of
the sentences shows that the court takes these kinds of crimes
"Mumba said the defendants carried out their rape in full knowledge
of the systematic attack against the Muslim population ordered by the
Bosnian Serb leadership.
"They were not ``political or military masterminds behind the
conflicts and atrocities,'' she said. ``However, they thrived in the dark
atmosphere of the dehumanization of those believed to be enemies.''
I "The verdict in the Foca case follows months of testimony from dozens
of witnesses, including 16 former rape victims who came to The Hague to
confront their alleged former tormentors. The trial began March 20.
"The women told how Bosnian Serb paramilitary soldiers entered
detention centers and selected women and girls as young as 12 for nightly
gang-rapes and sexual torture.
"They were charged with about 50 counts of war crimes and crimes
against humanity, including rape, torture, enslavement and outrages upon
personal dignity. The crimes carried maximum life sentences.
"The tribunal was established by the U.N. Security Council in 1993
to go after the alleged architects of the Bosnian war's bloody ``ethnic
cleansing'' campaigns, including the former Bosnian Serb president,
Radovan Karadzic, and his military chief, Ratko Mladic, who remain at
"However, prosecutors indicted the three irregular soldiers to
spotlight the widespread use of rape as a weapon throughout the 1992-1995
"Human rights groups have estimated that tens of thousands of
people, mainly Muslim woman and girls, were raped in the war. The sexual
assaults were designed to intimidate Muslim families into flight and force
women to bear Serb babies.
"In their testimony, some witnesses sobbed and others shrieked with
rage as they recalled being assaulted by up to 10 soldiers at a time in
classrooms of the high school where they were detained, or in soldiers'
private apartments -- so-called ``rape camps.''
"The women attested to the long-lasting gynecological damage and
other injuries that resulted, in many cases, in permanent infertility.
. . . . " ``I remember he was very forceful. He wanted to hurt me,''
one witness said, referring to Kunarac. ``But he could never hurt me as
much as my soul was hurting me.''
".....``I think that for the whole of my life, all my life, I will
feel the pain that I felt then,'' said another woman, who was 15 at the
"Last July, Bosnian Serb lawyers opened their defense, seeking
unsuccessfully to get the torture counts thrown out. They did not deny the
occurrence of widespread rapes in Foca, but maintained the women who
testified had been willing partners.
"The case has been followed closely by women's rights groups, who
contrast the tribunal's progressiveness on sex crimes to other omissions,
in particular Japan's reluctance to fully recognize the suffering of the
``comfort women'' who were forced to serve as prostitutes for Japanese
soldiers in World War II.
Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company
Perhaps, slowly, the world is getting more decent. This behavior
should be punished, and acknowledged, more often --- so that ways can be
found to make it MUCH less likely.
The hardest thing, to many, is to acknowledge that these rapists
were "normal human beings."
But they were. rshowalter - 08:38pm Feb 26, 2001 GMT (#151 of 256) | Initiation of nuclear war
must be, realistically considered, the ultimate war crime - the ultimate
example of man's irrationality, and inhumanity to man. And man's
I have the priviledge of posting a sermon, When the Foundations are
Shaking by Dr. James Slatton of the River Road Church (Baptist) in
Richmond, Va. - a church I grew up in, a church where my parents have both
been deacons, and active in other ways. This church is much like the one
Jimmy Carter goes to, theologically, though it is much richer, and more
republican, and perhaps basically more conservative. River Road Church has
resigned from the Southern Baptist Convention, for various reasons, but is
well within the conservative Protestant tradition. I have deep
intellectual, moral, and personal respect for the people at River Road
I believe that most people of good will, including exalted ones, could
benefit from the 21 minutes this sermon takes.
WHEN THE FOUNDATIONS ARE SHAKING ..... by James Slatton . . .
. available in RealMedia, Quicktime, and Windows Media7 formats http://www.wisc.edu/rshowalt/sermon.html
I think any military leader, or political leader, who ever attends any
kind of religious service, anywhere in the world, could relate to this
I think any member of the clergy, of any faith or creed, anywhere in
the world, could relate to this work. I wish religious people in a
position of leadership WOULD listen to it.
People of a more secular view might want to skip ahead to 9:27 in the
sermon . Thereafter, it is a tribute to a Russian colonel, who kept
nuclear war from destroying us all, during the Reagan administration. And
a teaching of lessons that most people know, and live well by, that are
important to the preservation of our world. I believe that people of
enough good will to be human would be interested, and moved, by this part
of the sermon, no matter how secular their views. bNice2NoU - 01:49pm Mar 3, 2001 GMT (#152 of 256) The world think the Taliban
destruction of Afghan people and cultural history is an example of
inhumanity to man.
The issue re Isalm : mohamed couldn't write .. so the books were put
together after him, and don't contain, necessarily issues being touted by
Talibanimals. rshowalter - 04:06pm Mar 3, 2001 GMT (#153 of 256) | Taking from any book, and
then applying to a real situation, requires judgements of context that
don't come from the book.
The Taliban are fine examples of human beings, finding excuses for
hateful behavior in books that deserve a more respectful, decent reading.
Or a willingness to SEE when things don't fit. rshowalter - 05:54pm Mar 7, 2001 GMT (#154 of 256) | The story of Henry Kissinger,
great shaper of american foreign policy, setter of style, hypocrite, and
war criminal, has been developing for a long time, with some major
contributions from the Guardian-Observer.
Here is a man who has lived in a COMPLICATED world - and often tried to
do well. Looking at the stories I see - it isn't easy to even look.
But here is man who had much good, and much bad, in his character. Or
so we must assume - the notion of Kissinger as monster doesn't fit all we
He seems to have acted naturally, by the standards of this thread, for
good and ill. And so, too, did many around him. rshowalter - 12:08pm Mar 13, 2001 GMT (#155 of 256) | Looking at the world,
there are so many cases of "unthinkable" and "unexplainable" evil and
negligence, that the mind and heart recoils. People recall such behavior
among the Nazis, and recoil, as well they might. How could "civilized,
aesthetically sensitive, cultured people" ALSO act so monstrously, and
with such clear and sophisticated murderous intent.
I think it is probable that, in the United States, many respected men
have been willing to risk the destruction of the world, and have
acted in ways that have killed many innocents. They have done so in
order to make money illicitly, and to cover that up.
I haven't proved it -- but it seems consistent with the facts, and with
the facts of human behavior discussed in this thread. rshowalter - 12:09pm Mar 13, 2001 GMT (#156 of 256) | http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/1005
ends: "A strong circumstantial case for massive fraud and deception,
involving massive violation of trust and law, is constructable now."
"It is possible to show, now, beyond reasonable question, that the
means for this have been in place, and that, unless you happen to defer to
the ethical purity of the people involved, massive fraud, including very
large conflicts of personal interest close to the current administration,
are consistent with the facts."
Concerns about Missile Defense, and nuclear disarmament, are crucial
here. With Dawn Riley, I've done very extensive work on this, in many TALK
threads, and in a NYT Science forum thread - Missile Defense . . .
. . . . . set out in #153-162, Psychwar, Casablanca, and terror
, with many hotkeys to that NYT thread.
A basic point is that classified military expenditures are NOT
REALLY SUBJECT TO CLEAR ACCOUNTING --- and so are subject to the
possibility of MASSIVE fraud. ---- enough, over 50 years, to subvert the
whole economy.
. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/1011
" Now, we all know the standard usages of "front operations. . . . If one
assumes those usages, what might be done with an enterprise such as the
Carlyle Group , or a number of similar investment businesses?
"one could do a great deal. . . How much would a substantial change in
military policy change the current market value of Carlyles equity
(currently about 3.5 billion.) ? . . . . Relatively minor changes might
cut that equity by 2/3 or more. . . .. James Baker's share of that equity
may be of the order of 180 million dollars. The share of the current
presidents father is likely to be substantial, as well.
"These influential people have very direct, and very specific monetary
interests in military policy. They may have other interests and
liabilities at stake, as well. . . . . Their interests are broad, and many
H"ow fast, within such a structure, would it be possible to convey
information untraceably, or move money nobody knew they had?
"How fast could you motivate a change in oil supply or price? How
untraceably? How easily?
"How fast could you buy a baseball team? How untraceably? How easily?
Fast..... Untraceably. .......Easily.
This isn't proof -- it is leads -- with motive, means, and
opportunity. A lot of "coincidences" could be explained. rshowalter - 12:10pm Mar 13, 2001 GMT (#157 of 256) | Especially in the last two
days,there are discussions with "almarst2001 --- who I believe to be an
influential Russian, possibly Vladimir Putin.
Highlights: 925: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/1010
"China and Russia are afraid that the US is preparing a first strike, or
preparing to to invade them -- because they can imagine no other
explanation for what is being done.
"And so they assume the worst.
"They ought to imagine another explanation. A combination of a snafu, a
"good" policy that involved so many lies that no one knew how to turn it
off, and a fraud.
"From the point of view of Russia, China, and many other countries --
how comforting that thought should be !
"I'll be posting soon with more details -- enough to assist in the
imagination -- an attempt at disciplined beauty to replace "explanations"
that are so ugly and disproportionate that they don't seem to make sense
to anyone.
953: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/1038
956: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/1041
"It seems that nobody has anwers to our most basic questions about nuclear
weapons, then the world needs them. . . . Answers can be gotten by press
people -- more might be accomplished Goals:
"Establishing FACTS beyond reasonable doubt - and explaining these
facts very broadly.
"Crafting a fully workable, fully complete, fully explained "draft
treaty proposal" for nuclear disarmament and a more militarily stable
world. Such drafting would, at the least, make for stunningly good
journalism -- that could be widely syndicated among papers. Useful as that
would be, I think the drafting would serve a much more useful purpose.
That purpose would be actually getting the points that need to be worked
out for nuclear disarmament set out coherently - - to a level where
closure actually occurs. That would involve a great deal of staff work
done coherently, quickly, and in coordinated fashion.
"work . . . . done IN PUBLIC --- say if some Moscow Times staff, and
people from a couple of US papers, some Guardian staff, and people from
some interested governments, started an OPEN dialog together.
closing last night: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/1052
"Historically, presidents left a power vacuum in American nuclear
policy, and people like LeMay and his proteges, and people in the CIA, and
some contractors, filled it. And now, that conspiracy, long past any
legitimate usefulness, and long since financially corrupt, is menacing the
peace of the whole world, and imposing huge costs on innocent people.
adamlb - 01:27pm Mar 13, 2001 GMT (#158 of 256) Rsoh
To get back to your original issue posting, I feel it to be a spiritual
truth that those who strive towards their full potential as human beings
can develop rich spiritual lives, and their potential as agents of
positive change multiplies.
They also become more vulnerable to our darkest impulses, spiritual
negation, evil, call it what you will.
In opening their hearts to the light, in creeps a bit more of the
As CS Lewis would say, the enemy steps up his attack.
Hence the disintegration and ruin of brilliant minds, and cultured,
civilzed, aesthetic groups becoming barbaric. rshowalter - 04:48pm Mar 13, 2001 GMT (#159 of 256) | Yes, and when it happens, one
needs to take care, to reverse the bad decisions, cleanse what one can,
and establish conventions (which have to be based on facts not
fictions to be safe) that let the good things in humanity function,
with reasonable limits on the bad.
In nuclear policy, it is as if the United States has made a sign change
error, and joined "the Dark side." The United States is, in many, many
other ways, better than that.
Still, the mistake, and the fraud, may destroy us all. It could easily
do so. rshowalter - 04:57pm Mar 15, 2001 GMT (#160 of 256) | Man's inhumanity, very often,
is made possible by denial.
Australian Broadcast Corporation The World Today - Thursday 15
March 2001 Pakistan's women forced to sell sex to survive
[audio] There are many troubling problems facing Pakistan. Many of them
to do with the position that women find themselves in. And not all of them
so easy to talk about.
The full transcript includes this:
rshowalter - 04:51pm Mar 17, 2001 GMT (#161 of 256) | From "H-NET List on the
History of Science, Medicine, and Technology"
REPLY: Spurling on Nikolic-Ristanovic, _Women, Violence, and , War_
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 16:09:13 +0200 From: Stowell Kessler
Dear Colleagues: It is, of course, questionable that such terrible
atrocities against women and also men in war can be written about so soon
after the events described in an objective way. But even so there is
something to be said for doing it. If such quasi-emotional writings do
anything they alert the other corners of the world to the ravages of war.
Because my own work is pressing I only wish to comment on one statement
regarding rape in warfare.To say that the same motivations generate rape
outside of the conditions of war is blatantly in error. War-vain glorious
war gives silent approval to every sin on the face of the earth. It
justifies acts against the "enemy" that are precisely anti-thetical to
what is accepted inside the society. Homosexual rape in prisons is made
more prevalent by placing men in a situation where normal sexually
activity is precluded. War also does that. No doubt some men hear war
giving them permission for this terrible act of hatred toward women. And I
do not doubt that at least some have a propensity to rape outside the war
zone. However the conditions of war like the prison create some very
different kinds of pressures. I have served in a war and I have also
counseled rape victims and abuse victims. In the Korean War I never
experienced a situation in which rape was taking place. I think that the
nature of the Yugoslavia situation were and are quite different. In my
work I bend over backwards not to engage in oversimplification. Writing
about the concentration camps in the South African War I often comment to
the media and other interested persons that in the case of atrocities it
is sufficient to narrate what happened. The reader can see the horrible
nature of warfare and the atrocities of war.
If our purpose is to relate the history and also to interpret it, and
interpret we must, we must be restrained and very ethical in our
statements. And we must not make statements like this unless they are well
documented in a non-selective research model. Otherwise the ho rrors we
describe will be lost in a sea of our own lack of credibility. The truth
is bad enough and in some respects we must allow the truth hold center
Stowell Kessler (male) ruth1954 - 05:10pm Mar 17, 2001 GMT (#162 of 256) The terrible things we do
when we abdicate responsiblity for own actions to others. I dont know if
its natural or not ...... I dont want to think it is. If love of self was
acceptable in society then we wouldnt do these to ourselves would we? In
many cultures (I dont know if it applies to all) to be 'yourself' has
been/is unacceptable. I suppose we are all always want to put our
interpretations of truth onto everyone else ............
rhs if you do know something we dont know if there is a conspiracy ....
would I be surprised ...no....... would the knowledge of it make me feel
impotent ... yes ... what a tangled web we weave.. rshowalter - 07:14pm Mar 17, 2001 GMT (#163 of 256) | We need to untangle many of
the webs - and we can.
But there are patterns, so common that, in a sense, we don't notice
them, that make thing very, very hard.
I can only take action, when there is SOME chance of success. I take
risks, and serious ones, but I'm not suicidal.
You'd think, from where I am, that it would be EASY to move things
forward. But in some very imporant ways, I'm facing "Chain Breakers" --
and very big ones. I need help, and in a sense, the help I need looks easy
-- but it is harder to get than it looks -- much, much harder to get.
Do you know how few people, in the last year, have been willing to talk
to me face to face? Or to use their real names? I need help. I'm trying to
think out how to get it.
It would seem simple. Once, it hasn't been so long ago, I thought it
made sense to talk to a major newspaper. I went to their office -- used a
name that should have worked, -- some conversation ensued -- and I was
thrown out -- to come back at a later time. When I did so, I was greeted
by the Press Secretary of the woman who was then Secretary of State of the
United States of America. I had come, in the hope of smoothing out the
entry, with some flowers, as a gesture of thanks at a time when I felt a
certain insecurity -- this government official, and the news people around
him, were so threatened by the unexpected presence of these flowers that I
was escorted to the door -- in something that looked for all the world
like a mix of panic and aversion -- thrown out -- and nobody let me tell
them anything. They didn't want to know. They were afraid to so much as
hear the first word. Their reactions were stark with fear. Not so very
long ago.
Such reactions, and themes and variations of them, are a common part of
my experience, and they are personally hard to bear, and mean that I live
in more danger than one might otherwise expect.
I neeed help, to be able to do things, like talk to people, that ought
to be possible. Somehow, much too often, even by people who seem to care
for me, I'm treated like a monster.
So much, that looks so possible, is barred for that reason. And the
reactions that I get make me hesitate to do what might seem like easy
How do I break past the "forum" level of public discourse. It is harder
than it looks, because in ways that count, nobody will vouch for me.
A poem on exactly that point, from my personal experience, is in
"There's Always Poetry" in Guardian Talk. That poem, and two others
of interest, are linked in the NYT Science News Poetry #265 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f1983fb/412
the poem is CHAIN BREAKERS.
For the Secular Redemption that is needed here, I need to get
past some chain breakers that might seem, from a distance, unbelievable.
These barriers, so far, have also been almost unbelievably severe. I need
some help. I'm thinking hard, about how to ask for it, in a way that could
actually work, in my world as it is. ruth1954 - 07:43pm Mar 17, 2001 GMT (#164 of 256) I havent read your poems rsh.
I admit I dont even really understand the problem.
People wont hear what the dont want to hear. I dont know how desperate
this mission of yours is. You cannot take it all on your own shoulders. If
your family find it hard to understand I think you're going to find it
even harder to get others to take notice.
I suggest you try meditation and allow the inspiration to come to you.
If its meant to be its meant to be. If not stop torturing yourself and
your family and let it pass. Things have a way of working out. rshowalter - 08:50pm Mar 17, 2001 GMT (#165 of 256) | "rhs if you do know
something we dont know if there is a conspiracy ...."
How do I know what you don't know? Anyway, maybe life is looking up.
One thing is clear. Some problems beyond a certain level of complexity
take staff work to solve. That's just how it is.
That is especially true, for situations where the pattern by which
things are hidden is "hiding in plain sight under very complicated
Ask the questions:
If people take the position "we don't ever have to listen to conspiracy
theories" any coordinated explanation has been classified out of
It doesn't seem to me that there is any terrible hurry. Before "things
have a way of working out" the people who "work them out" have to
assimilate, and integrate what they know, and react. ruth1954 - 09:09pm Mar 17, 2001 GMT (#166 of 256) exactly I just get so fed up
with everything being a conspiracy and nothing being down to plain
somebody somewhere I am sure is pulling together all the purported
conspiracies and putting them into an even more convoluted conspiracy
which they will publish as a bestseller at some point....just give it a
sexy enough title
and I dont see what proper and improper have to do with it. Proper and
improper from what or who's perspective?? rshowalter - 09:11pm Mar 17, 2001 GMT (#167 of 256) | People who share a paradigm,
a way of thinking, can LOOK LIKE an illicit conspiracy (maybe it is
helpful to think of people who share a paradigm as being part of a "licit"
So there's always a "null hypothesis" associated with a conspiracy
But when the issue is GROSS conflict of interest -- where people know
that there are strong money reasons for distorting thought and decision
--- the question of conspiracy, though it can be very impotant, isn't
It may also be true that redemptive solutions may occur where people
are allowed to "cover their tracks" when the evil that the conspiracy did
is stopped, especially with adjustments that get the important things
I'll be thinking about "uncovering conspiracy" -- though, for me, by
far the more important thing is getting the nukes under control -- and
ideally effectively outlawed, in a workable way. rshowalter - 09:19pm Mar 17, 2001 GMT (#168 of 256) | Ruth, wrote my last without
seeing yours. Let me respond.
You say that you
For example, if a significant number of very close associates of the
President of the United States have financial stakes, in the tens of
millions each, that hinge on the support of specific military expenditures
that is, by very broadly shared standards, an improper
circumstance. rshowalter - 09:29pm Mar 17, 2001 GMT (#169 of 256) | http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f1983fb/409
A lot can be done, pretty safely, in clear in this situation, because
so much is "hiding in plain sight" -- and on the public record.
But it is also true that very much of it is BUILT so that it does not
comfortably fit newspaper usages -- so you have to give the matter some
Thing DO have a way of working out. ruth1954 - 09:43pm Mar 17, 2001 GMT (#170 of 256) :) ok rsh
Of course I wont disagree that it is improper for the president to be
influenced by his friends on matters of state but doesnt the american
process have a system for critqueing military expenditure ........
The electoral system itself is so expensive only rich people with rich
backers can become president anyway. And who are some of the wealthiest
people in the world... people connected with the arms industry.
The nuclear issue has become so complex now that I wonder if anyone can
actually control the outcome. You may know something different but I
believe its out of the US control now. The US has had its chances to exert
influence on the control of nuclear power and stopped short at every
instance because of the influence of money usually for short term gain.
No one is given the medium term never mind the long term to sort out
problems every thing has to be done now immediately or its not good
enough. The people influencing nuclear proliferation at the moment have
longer time horizons and know how to wait. Americans need to stop and
think but I dont know if they're capable of doing that. The culture is so
tied up with material wealth. The links to other longer traditions have
been cut. I wonder if societies with longer traditions actually see that.
They maybe think a Chinese American is at a heart Chinese or an Anglo
American is at heart English but of course they are at heart American and
inheritors of a different tradition.
:) by the way the more I think about natural good and evil if you
accept those concepts the more I think its nothing to do with being
natural more to do with failure to understand cultural differences. The
Nazi rise made sense in the context of events leading up to it in the
early 1900s. It was the failure of other European governments to see that
rise in the context of German culture that allowed Hitler to act out his
inhuman policies.
:) bNice2NoU - 07:08am Mar 23, 2001 GMT (#171 of 256) Yes that's a point .. only
the RICH can stand for president ... and to become rich might involve some
sort of corruption or compromise back when. rshowalter - 09:05pm Mar 28, 2001 GMT (#172 of 256) | We need more openness.
Campaign finance reform, which is making headway in the US, would help.
ruth1954 - 09:45pm Mar 28, 2001 GMT (#173 of 256) even if there was a more open
political system in the states do you think the size of the country and
the diversity of populations could produce anymore choice than exists at
present? I get the impression that the States is quite happy to allow the
rich to inherit the earth because thats why most of their forefathers or
even their current fathers and mothers went there. The freedom thing is a
useful veneer to cover that basic commonality of purpose.
The 'evil' acts that pervade the world in the name of politics or
religion are relative to the doers and recipients at the end of the day.
We can look on in horror at the tit for tat evils in the Middle East or
the absurdities in Afghanistan and use those examples to support a view of
natural evil but I look at the vast majority of people in this world and
see them trying to live thier lives and keep thier families alive. Most of
those people are basically good people but their lives are never reported
unless they're blown up by accident or used for propaganda by some regime
or other. The majority of these people dont support the loonies in their
midst or if they do its part of their culture and so from thier point of
view evil is not involved.
Whats my point .... same as my last posting I suppose ... until as
groups we are prepared to allow another group with different
beliefs/cultures to coexist the acts usually carried out in the name of
truth will continue... maybe as individuals we can be naturally good but
as a group the sum of that good is evil. I know ....I'm probably spouting
rubbish here ... just thinking aloud ! And I know I've spelt their
incorrectly several times (talk about what really matters !! spelling
wheres the thread for demanding spell check on the message board!!)
bNice2NoU - 08:07pm Mar 31, 2001 GMT (#174 of 256) S I L E N C E
is a weapon of inhumanity ... silence is keeping people 'in the dark'
... having secrets, locking people out, keeping secrets secret.
Silence can be a weapon against other 'people' .. who may be taxpayers
and voters --- and should have 'rights' bNice2NoU - 09:02am Apr 13, 2001 GMT (#175 of 256) A doco on the German invasion
of Paris WWII showed examples of inhumanity to man - torture. People died
rather than implicate others.
The torture part of the plan to re-locate the resources of France
(including labour) towards fueling the German war machine.
Memory of better times, own culture, need for future generations to
have a better future, revenge for enemy crimes etc would be motivators to
overthrow an enemy driven by a 'madman'. rshowalter - 08:31pm Apr 14, 2001 GMT (#176 of 256) | Since the time of Confucious,
in 550 BC, the idea of "the Golden Rule" has been enunciated --- and it
may be as old as mankind itself, in one form or another. And yet, the
Golden Rule has often failed. An essential reason, Dawn Riley and I
believe, is that inhumanity to "outsiders" is natural, too.
And people are more fragile than is sometimes thought. The Nazis did
degrade and exploit the Kapos as they did in the death camps. And they
were able to do so. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/2410
. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.ee9baab/2705
rshowalter - 08:32pm Apr 14, 2001 GMT (#177 of 256) | There's tangible progress in
the mutual practice of "the golden rule" between the US, Russia, and other
bNice2NoU - 04:18am Apr 18, 2001 GMT (#178 of 256) will follow up rshowalter - 05:12pm Apr 19, 2001 GMT (#179 of 256) | Here is a partial follow up.
I've commented on recent news on the Osprey program in the NYT Missile
Defense Tread -- and the first of my postings was accepted, http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/2576
while the following was not:
"I think the case, including Mr Augustine's involvement in it, connect
well to concerns about deception, and imbalances of evidence presented and
considered, with respect to some government matters, notably Missile
The Osprey issue hinges in large measure on an issue of vortex ring
state , as Dao's piece makes clear. With Steve Kline, I've done a
great deal of work on the engineering of vortex flow fields, particulary
for mixing, and have several patents on the subject, and much successful
technical experience.
The technical area involved does not lend itself, nor is it likely to
lend itself in the near future, to adequate computational study for
Osprey's purpose.
Nor is it clear now that ANY experimental fluid mechanical
investigation can assure that Osprey passangers will be safe for vortex
ring state caused fatalities.
The reasons were partialy reviewed in a recommendation letter Steve
Kline wrote about me http://www.wisc.edu/rshowalt/klinerec
and a visual sense of the difficulties in dealing with the matter
experimentally can be gotten in reference to Van Dyke's An Album of
Fluid Motion , referred to also in that letter.
Can the military-industrial complex evade clear answers, and, in
practical effect, lie to the American people? I believe that this affair
shows, rather clearly, that it can do so, and shows the essential
Casts of characters are chosen.
Someone of "total authority and integrity" lies, or evades in a way
that has the effect of a lie, and does so in public.
And he is trusted. rshowalter - 05:14pm Apr 19, 2001 GMT (#180 of 256) | It seems to me that this case
illustrates, rather clearly in some ways, some techniquest that can be
used for diversion and deception. Used to defend against inquiry. Used to
set the stage for predatory behavior, or the taking of money under false
pretenses. Used to cause mechanisms trusted to make sound balanced
judgements "judge the worse to be the better cause." catdude - 12:23am Apr 21, 2001 GMT (#181 of 256) rshowalter,
I think that most people have some "inherent good" in them. Yet, there
are some "natural psychopaths" who are going to do terrible bad without
remorse due to a terribly messed-up brain. At the same time, there are
people such as the notorious Nazi doctor Josef Mengele who have what I
would call "psychopathic leanings" who, given the right (wrong?)
environment, are willing to commit atrocious acts. This leads to the Nazi
atrocities as a whole. How could something like the Holocaust happen? It
is true that in ancient and medieval societies, a lot of killing and
torture wasn't exactly unknown. However, the people being oppressed or
attacked generally often made good serfs or slaves. And, just as the germ
theory of disease was unknown during those times, people didn't know about
causes of heredity or worry about it excessively (except in crude
agricultural experiments). I feel it really took the modern nation-state,
subject to modern economic crises, coupled with pathological views of
racial superiority and modern technology, to make something like the
Holocaust possible. Modern mass communications (radio and newspapers) and
modern education really helped in this regard, too, especially when they
were tightly controlled by the state. Put all this in a blender, along
with a "starter agent" of a minority of fanatical Nazis in the 1920s, and
a populace that was largely willing to "give their program a try" in the
1930s, and you could have a Holocaust. (Anger at defeat in WWI and
required reparations from it probably also helped the Nazis gain power.)
Indeed, it took something wrong in Germans' thinking in the early 20th
century to get the disease to germinate, but to really get it to blossom,
the modern nation-state, technology, modern communication and education,
and warped racial theories and rabid anger were needed, the latter also
serving as a convenient scapegoat for Germany's problems as well. BTW, I'm
not a Luddite; modern technology, education, medicine, etc. have brought
many people wonderful things that have greatly enhanced the quality of
their lives. I'm just trying to explain how these ingredients, when
combined with a very sour economy and pathological thinking, could create
a Holocaust. A Holocaust is the most horrible thing that an industrial
revolution could produce; we found out in the late 1930s and especially in
the early 1940s that indeed, it could be produced. And, it took a "modern,
cultured" country with the technological know-how to carry it out. (Also,
BTW, I don't hate modern Germany if anybody has drawn this conclusion.)
rshowalter - 09:04pm Apr 21, 2001 GMT (#182 of 256) | Catdude -- the point of this
thread, especially the first part of it, is that people are BOTH good (to
members of their own group) and EVIL (to outsiders percieved in some way
as threatening.)
In the Nazi case the homogeneity of the response of a whole nation
makes it hard for me to excuse the majority of Germans -- though it was a
particularly evil and monstrous groupd of bad actors who converted a whole
nation to the predator band that Nazi Germany was.
The apparatus of nuclear war is more terrible than anything the Germans
contemplated -- and so I can't give a pass to the "benevolent" americans,
Even Hitler did SOME good things, and was gracious and attractive SOME
of the time. So your point that
catdude - 04:07am Apr 22, 2001 GMT (#183 of 256) rshowalter,
First of all, it takes a sensitive person to start this type of thread.
And, it's true that the horrors of something like Nazi Germany and
Japanese collaboration were met with the horror of atomic weapons to try
to put a quick end to the war.
I know you may not agree here, but given the ruthlessness of the Axis,
I feel that those bombs were less evil than, say, Nazis at Auschwitz
dumping truckloads of children into a fire to quickly exterminate them
because the gas chambers and crematoria were becoming overloaded.
If there is a God, I think it wants people to be happy, not miserable,
despite the existence of misery in the world. I don't think we need to
feel "guilty" about trying to find happiness, despite all this misery.
However, in a small way, there are things that we can do to try to make
the world a better place and ameliorate torture and suffering. For
example, through my membership in Amnesty International, I feel I have
done a small part in trying to stop torture and executions.
Maybe the day will come when we have such a good understanding of the
human genome and environmental influence that we can truly "eliminate
evil." (How much we should tamper with genes would, of course, open up a
can of worms in itself to bioethicists and the public.) However, we can
only work with what we have at our disposal at this time, and as I just
mentioned, I think that it is morally okay to try to be happy, and that we
should try to achieve this.
It can be most difficult for a person as sensitive as you are at first,
but talking out the dilemma with others (as you are doing on this board)
and helping others where you can will hopefully allow you to find peace.
rshowalter - 02:19am Apr 23, 2001 GMT (#184 of 256) | I'm finding some peace, and
some satisfaction -- I've been very concerned about nuclear weapons, all
my life, and I've had something of an education in evil.
But it seems to me that things are getting more hopeful, that
the number of reasons for ugliness and sufferering are basically few, and
that things can be a lot more beautiful.
I've got some hope about finding peace -- real contentment. Some
things, it seems to me, are going hopefully.
I believe that, if a relatively few things are understood (including
the naturalness of evil - for human "hunting groups" ) we can make the
world a happier and more graceful place.
And the last year of my life, since Dawn Riley took me in hand, has
been, everything considered, the best and happiest of my life. And I've
got a lot of hope that things will get better -- I hope for both of us,
and ideally, for both of us, together.
You're sure right that "the pursuit of happiness" is vital. Thanks.
Fact is, I'm getting a big charge out of a lot of things, stress and
all, these days. catdude - 03:25am Apr 23, 2001 GMT (#185 of 256) rshowalter,
Good to hear that last positive note! And BTW, with my own bouts with
anxiety and depression, finding happiness has been difficult. However, I
have improved considerably over the last two years.
Finding things in life that have meaning to them, which have both a
creative ingredient as well as a social ingredient of helping others, has
been some of the most powerful medicine available to me.
Someone once described the search for human meaning as trying to
visualize a four-dimensional cube. We, being merely human, can only see
the outlines of such a cube. These outlines were metaphorically referred
to as "meaning lines." The best we mere mortals can do is travel along
these meaning lines to find meaning, and ultimately happiness, in our
And the real kicker is...no one can really do it for us. Not even the
world's best therapist, although he/she can serve as mentor and guide. We
have to take the journey ourselves and explore into the scary environment
along those lines to catch that meaning and happiness.
I'll admit that with my anxiety and depression, medicine did help a
hell of a lot. I don't feel it changed who I am...it simply transformed me
into "the healthy version of myself," which allowed me to find the
strength to walk along those meaning lines. If you feel that you are
chronically anxious or depressed, you may want to talk about it with a
health practitioner, who could probably be of assistance.
I wish you the best journey possible in your quest for meaning and
happiness. I know that you can reach it and obtain it, although sometimes
it can seem like trying to grab hold of a slippery snake. And, as you are
doing, always feel free to talk to others when you need to...it's such a
powerful healer. Take care and find peace. bNice2NoU - 07:15am Apr 23, 2001 GMT (#186 of 256) Sounds as if some of you guys
have been to Talibhan and back .. one hell of a journey! rshowalter - 02:35am Apr 30, 2001 GMT (#187 of 256) | In these Guardian Talk
threads and in the NYT Missile Defense thread, Dawn Riley and I have
worked to focus patterns of human reasoning and persuasion, and problems
with human reasoning and persuasion.
These citations deal with that: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/2758
We believe that controversies that could not be resolved before may
be resolvable now.
The techniques we (and so many other people on the net) are using to
get things to closure are the same techniques that often work in well
conducted jury trials.
Perhaps we're too optimistic, but we feel that, in small part because
of our efforts, and in large part due to the wonderful resources of the
Guardian Observer that we've been grateful to use, the risk of
nuclear destruction may be coming down.
At least sometimes, we get that happy feeling.
American opinion may, alas, probably will, have to lag opinion outside
America on issues here. That makes the Guardian Observer, which is
respected all over the world, an especially vital force. rshowalter - 02:38am Apr 30, 2001 GMT (#188 of 256) | The death of about 20 unarmed
women and children in Vietnam more than 30 years ago is a clear example of
many of the issues in this thread -- including the anguish of people
trying to come to terms with what they have done. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f1e4c5b/74
As readers here know, the thread is extensive, and represents an effort
to set down, using techniques the internet makes possible, an open corpus,
with many crosslinks, adapted to assist in the focusing of issue toward
closure. A summary of the thread, which is too large for easy reading, but
not for sampling, is set out in a few pages with many links from #153 on
in -- International Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror
rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Sun 11/03/2001 16:35
The Kerrey matter is related to the larger atrocity of nuclear terror
through his very good NYT OpED piece ARMED TO EXCESS ... March 2,
2001 http://www.nytimes.com/2001/03/02/opinion/02KERR.html
. Nuclear war involves atrocity on an almost unthinkable scale, and the
Kerrey story tends to make that more thinkable.
<br> http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/2834
<br> http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/2835
<br> http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/2836
<br> http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/2837
<br> http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/2838
ends > " If more Americans could rise to (Kerrey's) level of moral
sensitivity, current grave risks to the survival of the whole world could
be ended." rshowalter - 02:02pm May 1, 2001 GMT (#189 of 256) | People and things need to be
checked, and some things can be. Sometimes some progress gets made. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/3077
rshowalter - 08:53pm May 12, 2001 GMT (#190 of 256) | I'm grateful that this thread
is being left up - - it makes an argument that I believe may be essential,
if we as human animals are to learn to make peace, so that it
I'm posting this note in Guardian Threads I'm personally very
interested in, as a matter of pride, and to keep them current.
The New York Times - Science - MISSILE DEFENSE thread would
total about ten 1 1/2' looseleaf notebooks by now. I summarized it, in a
way you might find interesting, and could read quickly, in 3532: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/3791
, which reads in part:
Work on the NYT Missile Defense is ongoing, at a fast pace, and I feel
things are happening that are sometimes wrenching, as deep disagreements
are being made clear, but yet very constructive.
I believe that the Guardian-Observer , and The New York
Times , using the new possibilities of the internet, are making real
world progress possible. Dawn Riley and I are trying to participate in
some of that. rshowalter - 01:03am May 13, 2001 GMT (#191 of 256) | http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/4045
I feel that a great deal of progress has been made since
gisterme's debut #2997: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/3218
....and my response to gisterme's direct question ... #2999: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/3220
Especially since gisterme's 3319 - http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/3563
..to which I responded in .. 3327-3328 : http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/3571
with the citation http://scienceforpeace.sa.utoronto.ca/WorkingGroupsPage/NucWeaponsPage/Documents/ThreatsNucWea.html
THREATS TO USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS: The Sixteen Known Nuclear Crises of the
Cold War, 1946-1985 by David R. Morgan
We've come long way since - common ground is being established,
differences are being clarified, thoughts and ideas are coming into focus.
Dawn Riley and I believe that, especially with the augmented memory of
the internet, controversies that could not be resolved before may be
resolvable now.
2565: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/2758
2566: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/2759
2567: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/2760
It seems to me that the NYT Missile Defense thread, and the wonderful
threads here, contain steps toward showing that.
I've been heartened by how much progress is being made in these thread
-- even in the four days, and 235 posting, since #3532 - .
A lot has changed about the prospects for world peace and world nuclear
safety in the last 100 days, and not all of it is bad, by any means. If
we're more scared than before, and more frustrated, that could be all to
the good -- some people are paying attention. rshowalter - 02:37pm May 13, 2001 GMT (#192 of 256) | Cited this thread, to "Putin
stand in" almarst http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/4058
, who I believe is well connected to the Russian government. rshowalter - 10:34pm May 14, 2001 GMT (#193 of 256) | In NYT Missile Defense #3839
almarst_2001 , our "Putin-Stand in" asked a key question - and in
context, it is an example of good faith, and of difficulties to be faced:
A great question, that I'm trying to answer, with people listening.
rshowalter - 08:36pm May 17, 2001 GMT (#194 of 256) | Many citations from
Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there? Guardian Talk ,
Science, are cited, and are playing a crucial part, in dialog on the NYT
Missile Defense thread that appears to be involving representatives of
MD 4048: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/4334
MD4050: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b
I deeply appreciate Guardian Talk -- and anything Dawn and I are lucky
enough to accomplish will be, in large part, due to the the wonderful
resources and readers here. jihadij - 03:11pm May 20, 2001 GMT (#195 of 256) Germ warfare is on the Bush
agenda http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/20/world/20GERM.html
rshowalter - 05:40pm May 23, 2001 GMT (#196 of 256) | Last weekend, I went to a
small scientific meeting, and discussed both missile defense issues and
some personal science. What I displayed is discussed and linked at
NYT-Science- Missile Defense MD 4080-4081 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/4366
I was pleased with the meeting. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/4411
Paradigm conflicts are resolving on the scientific side. Some of the
social-psychological-institutional conditions for workable discussions on
reduction of nuclear risks seem to me to be promising.
Partly because they fit the MD discussions, I've reposted parts of an
old thread started by Beckvaa -- "If Jesus Was Alive Today" in
Detail and the Golden Rule -- Guardian Talk, Issues , and
discuss it a little in MD 4159 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/4456
The start of this tread is an organic part - now at the end, of
Detail and The Golden Rule . A poster in the NYT MD thread, who I
have reason to think is a thoughtful, well connected Russian, seems to
have found the argument good.
I'm hopeful. And also very thankful for the Guardian Talk
community. rshowalter - 03:42pm May 25, 2001 GMT (#197 of 256) | Mankind's inhumanity to Man
and Woman -- in spades.
If the information here were more widely known, and faced, in the USA
and the world, much good would follow, and much deception and misfortune
CIA's Worst-Kept Secret by Martin A. Lee May 16, 2001 http://www.consortiumnews.com/051601a.html
rshowalter - 12:25pm May 27, 2001 GMT (#198 of 256) | Deception, self deception,
group deception, all come easily, and can reinforce and "justify" man's
inhumanity to man and woman.
Putting Your Faith in Science? by GINA KOLATA http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/27/weekinreview/27KOLA.html
is, I believe, a fine contribution to the culture. What it says
reinforces, and reinforces strongly, the arguments Dawn Riley and I have
been making, about the need for checking , in Paradigm Shift
.... whose getting there? Guardian Talk, Science .
Kolata's piece, which makes essential arguments beautifully, and takes
them into the mainstream culture with a grace I could never muster, and
from the commanding position of the NYT Week In Review, ought to make a
dent in many minds. It ends:
sn1337: rshowalt 8/22/00 3:29pm http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f05e1ab/1587
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sn1343: rshowalt 8/23/00 7:31am http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f05e1ab/1593
MD4210: rshowalter "Missile Defense" 5/25/01 6:04pm http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/4510
xpat - 02:00am May 31, 2001 GMT (#199 of 256) This inhumanity to man thing
is happening again in Macedonia ....
... are packs of men with guns 'just selfish?' rshowalter - 03:13pm Jun 2, 2001 GMT (#200 of 256) | The politics in the US is
shifting so that the basic ideas on this thread are becoming more
acceptable. If the ideas about "man and outsiders" become more
widely accepted, there will be new, practical opportunities for
peace. I've been heartened by political happenings this last week.
rshowalter - 12:39pm Jun 6, 2001 GMT (#201 of 256) | A big story, with wrenching
consequences, and all aspects of mankind's humanity and inhumanity --
wisdom and folly -- the ongoing tragedy and struggle with AIDS.
How much better the world would be, how much less agony there would now
be, if lies and self deception about AIDS could have been less, and
discipline in the common good could have been greater.
See an admirable NYT Special AIDS at 20 -- http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/science/aids/aids-index.html
and especially a stunning graphic THE SIZE OF AIDS ON A (NATIONAL AND
GLOBAL) SCALE http://www.nytimes.com/images/2001/06/05/science/sci_AIDS_010605_01.pdf
jihadij - 03:25pm Jun 7, 2001 GMT (#202 of 256) Important to educate and
re-educate .... that's the only protection - truth! rshowalter - 10:40pm Jun 8, 2001 GMT (#203 of 256) | Thoughts about getting more
good done, and less bad, using internet discourse.
MD4532 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/4839
bNice - 03:12am Jun 13, 2001 GMT (#204 of 256) Knowledge used to double
every ten years .. with improved communications systems .. enabling
discourse .. wonder how many years to double the volume of knowledge now
... at least some can be cyber-stored, accessed and distributed.
bNice - 03:55am Jun 13, 2001 GMT (#205 of 256) Outlawing use of child
soldiers ...
UK USA deploy under 18's
Africa - children made to go back to own villages and kill their
families ... so they have no where to run back to; children raped - used
as bounty.
Lightweight weapons - enable children to be used!
5 countries have signed international treaty re child soldiers --
including the Congo. rshowalter - 05:41pm Jun 15, 2001 GMT (#206 of 256) | I'm about to cite #163, this
thread, on the NYT Missile Defense board, where, it seems to me, some
folks may be paying attention. rshowalter - 07:18pm Jun 19, 2001 GMT (#207 of 256) | Some folks continue to pay
Since Missile Defense 4433 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/4839
there have been 906 postings.
The NYT forums have now reinstalled a search function, after a long
time -- and it seems to be the same one the Guardian uses, with search
page lengths the same as in these TALK threads.
The NYT Missile Defense thread is being extensively used, and
discussion and controversy are continuing. Main contributers are:
almarst_2001, previously almarstel2001 who, since March 5
has acted as a "Putin stand-in" in the Missile Defense forum, and
shows extensive connections to literature, and to Russian government ways
of thought.
gisterme , who since May 2nd has acted as a "Senior Bush
administration advisor stand in" who shows some plausible connections
to the Bush administration.
Posters ( beckq , cookies ) who, according to the dialog,
are the same poster, who I'd interpret as "stand-ins" for former President
Clinton since August 2000
Me, and Dawn Riley, who have been arguing for improved communication,
and as much nuclear disarmament as possible within the imperatives of
military balances, since September 25, 2000
Counting search pages, for characters, gives some sense of the
participation. Here are the number of search pages for these
Putin stand-in, Almarst --- 55 search pages.
Bush Advisor stand-in, gisterme ----- 35 search pages
Clinton stand-in, beckq, or cookies2 ----- 7 search pages
Dawn Riley - - - - 85 search pages
Robert Showalter - - - - 166 search pages.
I've contributed the most words to the MD thread, and Dawn the most
citations and the most connection to the news.
But the involvement of the "stand-ins" has been very extensive, too,
represents an enormous work committment on thier part, and their postings
are, I think, very impressive. The involvement of these "stand-ins"
continues. I believe that their work has assisted in the focusing of
problems where neither the US nor the Russians were clear about how to
make contact with each other before.
The thread is an ongoing attempt to show that internet usages can be a
format for negotiation and communication, between staffed
organizations, capable of handling more complexity, with more clarity and
more complete memory, than could happen otherwise.
I believe that is something relatively new, in need of development, and
clearly needed.
I feel that progress is being made, and that impasses that were
intractable before may be more tractable now.
These Guardian threads are more flexible than the NYT threads, and
stylistically freer. Many of the ideas at play in the MD thread originated
and were focused here, and these TALK threads are extensively cited in the
Missile Defense thread. For discussing an idea, over under around and
through, these TALK threads are the most impressive place for discourse
that I have ever seen, and I appreciate them very much. rshowalter - 01:20pm Jun 24, 2001 GMT (#208 of 256) | Work on the New York
Times ... Science ... Missile Defense thread continues.
MD5913 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/6329
includes this:
MD5916 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/6332
MD5917 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/6333
If one wants to see the enormous usefulness of the Guardian TALK
section for the NYT Missile Defense thread, go to the thread, and search
"guardian" -- there are 14 search page (the same size as TALK search
pages) of citations - and I'm personally grateful to be able to make those
citations. rshowalter - 07:02pm Jul 1, 2001 GMT (#209 of 256) | There have been 461 postings
since MD5917 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/6333
, some that seem important to me.
MD6370 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/6843
MD6371 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?7@@.f0ce57b/6853
tell a story, from my own perspective, about the Cold War, and plans to
end it with which I became involved.
The connections to mankind's inhumanity to man seem direct to me.
rshowalter - 04:35pm Jul 8, 2001 GMT (#210 of 256) | I was glad, on July 4th, our
Independence Day , to have a chance to post some of the things I
feel are important for the welfare of the US, UK, and the world, in these
postings, many of which include other links:
MD6549 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/7056
MD5450 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/7057
MD6551 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/7058
MD6552 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/7059
MD6553 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/7060
MD6554 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/7061
MD6555 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/7062
MD6556 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/7063
Some who've followed my work may find the background interesting.
I'm posting them here, because I hope some may find them interesting,
and because I feel that the more people read them, and the more widely
this information is spread, the safer the world may be, and the safer I
may be personally.
Progress is continuing on the NYT Missile Defense board, and I've got
hopes that, with the help of Dawn Riley, and some others, we may make a
positive difference for peace.
We need to reduce mankind's inhumanity to man. hayate0 - 06:31am Jul 16, 2001 GMT (#211 of 256) Rshowalter
Don't see you over here on the Talk much, too bad, miss your insights.
rshowalter - 07:58pm Jul 18, 2001 GMT (#212 of 256) | Thanks, hayate0.
Since July 4th, The New York Times -- Science -- Missile
Defense forum has had 611 postings - many extensive. These include
useful comments from almarst , our "Putin stand in", and
gisterme , our "Bush administration high official stand-in."
Has the thread been influential? Worth the trouble? As successful as
I'd hoped?
Perhaps yes, on all these points, though the work seems inconclusive in
some ways. In the end, I'm hoping to set out many arguments, like a
case to a jury, subject to crossexamination, and then "pick a fight" - in
some way that can work in public -- to establish truths that remain, so
far "somehow too weak." The case is far along. On the MD
thread, and many other places. Getting to a place where a fight in public
is possible is not far along -- though progress toward that goal may not
be so far away.
MD7097 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/7767
.. includes high praise for the Guardian-Observer , and especially
its interactive specials, including
MD7100 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/7770
sets out directories, and the key story set out in I'd like to post links
to a Guardian thread where I've said many of the most important things I'd
like people to know. Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror ... rshowalter
"Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Tue 24/10/2000 21:57
including the key story, #13.. http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?7@@.ee7a163/13
... to #23.. http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?7@@.ee7a163/24
ands note #26 ... <a href="/WebX?14@@.ee7a163/25">rshowalter
"Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Tue 24/10/2000 23:13</a>
Summaries and links to the Missile Defense thread are set out from #153
in rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Sun 11/03/2001
MD7144-48 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/7827
contain working summaries, and a working objective of the MD thread:
Truths, that seem perfectly clear, are not being sufficiently
influential -- they remain "somehow, too weak." ...MD6670 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f0ce57b/7209
Bertotdt Brecht's essay, WRITING THE TRUTH, FIVE
DIFFICULTIES is in my version of his play, GALILEO , set into English
by Charles Laughton, and includes this:
Fear is a problem, and a deeply embedded one, all through the system,
for journalists, for members of the government, and for people who depend
on the government (that is, all of us.) And reluctance to face new ideas
is, as well.
I think some may enjoy "Chain Breakers" rshowalter "There's Always
Poetry" Fri 08/12/2000 20:05 in this regard. Some might enjoy it more in
terms of the information linked to MD6613 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/7137
MD6671 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/7210
.... contains this phrase:
Could the situation be as serious as that now? I think so -- I've long
believed that the world could easily end, on the basis of things I believe
I understand from a more grounded perspective than many have, that the
world could end. I'm not alone in that fear:
gisterme replied to the question directly in these posting, and
doing so conceded that issues of technical feasibility and probablility of
projects, based on the open literature, can be discussed in the United
MD6028 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/6452
MD6033 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/6457
MD6060 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f0ce57b/6494
That concession is important, in part because of the mechanics of
discourse in these affairs. The shroud of classification, even when only
used as a threat, can slow discourse down to a crawl. For example, the
REVIEW 10 August 2000 . . . . http://www.house.gov/reform/min/pdf/nmdcoylerep.pdf
, though not formally classified, has been restricted informally. It took
months for Congressman Tierney to get it released -- something plainly in
the public interest. Working outside of classification rules could
be much faster -- and could happen in public -- ideally, recorded in
streaming video on the net, with key calculations also on the net, and the
whole world invited to see and check those calculations.
If this were done, and somehow made public -- some key points, now
supressed, might stand out - - and some good decisions might come. I've
been trying to find ways to force that checking -- with someone from the
administration - with a real name, a real face, and real engineering
creditials at risk - on the other side. People often will not attend to
fancy arguments -- especially these, where it is so often numbers
that are far fetched -- not qualitative ideas alone.
Perhaps, if it could be arranged, more might attend to a umpired
fight. I might lose such an umpired, public fight, but I'm prepared to
risk that.
The NYT Missile Defense thread is ungainly, in the same kind of way
that human memory is ungainly, in the same way that trial transcripts are
ungainly. In part because there is so much in it. But with the net, the
details in it can be brought up -- it is a sort of "associative memory."
Things come into focus -- and extensive focused evidence, subject to
supplementation and critique, is there to be brought to bear. Perhaps the
format can be useful.
My background is unusual. It is a source of both insight and
difficulties for myself and people who have to deal with me.
I'm hoping to set out many arguments, like a case to a jury, subject
to crossexamination, and then "pick a fight" - in some way that can work
in public -- to establish truths that remain, so far "somehow too
weak." The case is far along. On the MD thread, and many other places.
Getting to a place where a fight in public is possible is not yet far
along -- but perhaps not be so far away as it was.
I deeply appreciate the fact that these talk boards are here -- and am
grateful for the existence of the Guardian - Observer hayate0 - 04:35am Jul 20, 2001 GMT (#213 of 256) Your welcome rshowalter - 05:28pm Jul 25, 2001 GMT (#214 of 256) | There have been 262 postings
on The New York Times -- Science -- Missile Defense thread
since July 18th, and I believe that things have gone well - and hopefully.
Dawn and I have worked hard.
Postings that may interest some of you start with this:
MD7386 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8168
MD7388 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8170
MD7389 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8171
MD7390 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8172
Minds are opening to the possiblility that the US may be fallible.
Outside the US, and in America, as well. I take that as a good sign, for
the sake of the world, and the United States itself. . . . . .
Pollution deal leaves US cold by Charles Clover in Bonn http://portal.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2001/07/24/wkyot24.xml
Probitas - 08:36pm Jul 25, 2001 GMT (#215 of 256) At every moment, each person
choses who they are going to become, and every choice is a step away from
ones animal existence and heritage.
What does one choose? How does it augment or diminish creation?
Nature may be 'red in tooth and claw', but personhood is not.
Persons are halfway between the Animals and the Angels according to
Aquinas - every person has to choose to which they aspire:
Is one going to be merely human 'being' (human existing) or aspire to
the realms of personhood (human living)?
One knows only that the first path is easier...
P. rshowalter - 10:31pm Jul 25, 2001 GMT (#216 of 256) | But the second more hopeful.
rshowalter - 10:26pm Aug 1, 2001 GMT (#217 of 256) | Man's inhumanity to man might
be less if we became more clear about some problems on display in
the US concerning the US military-industrial complex. I'm asking for some
I know that I've posted a lot here, but I'd like to ask some help from
any Talk folks who might be interested. I've felt, for a long time, that
it should be possible to check the crucial technical issues
involved with the US Missile Defense programs, in public, on the basis of
what's known in the open literature. And, by doing so, show that, whatever
one may think of them as strategic programs, they are also deeply flawed
I've been under some pressure about that, but have also gotten a good
deal of attention - perhaps including some attention from people
associated with governments. Perhaps some of you may be interested in some
aspects of that, as background, set out in the following links.
I'm trying to make an argument that can stand in public -- that
can be set out on the web, and that might be illustrated, for clarity, in
the sort of detail that would work for a jury -- including perhaps the
"jury of public opinion." Here are the links I hope someone might
comment on:
MD7712 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8599
MD7713 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8600
MD7714 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8601
Thanks so much.
Bob Showalter
mrshowalter@thedawn.com rshowalter - 12:36am Aug 9, 2001 GMT (#218 of 256) | With more insights like those
set out by Rumsfeld here, man's inhumanity might get perceptively less,
and we might become both safer and richer.
U.S., Russian Defense Officials Meet By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/news/AP-US-Russia.html
includes this from U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
"WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. and Russian defense officials are meeting
behind closed doors at the Pentagon to explore the prospects for an
agreement on building missile defenses and cutting nuclear forces.
. . . . . "
" Rumsfeld said there are psychological barriers to creating a new
security relationship with Russia.
"``There is an awful lot of baggage left over in the relationship,
the old relationship, the Cold War relationship between the United States
and the Soviet Union,'' he said.
" ``It is baggage that exists in people's minds, it exists in
treaties, it exists in the structure of relationships, the degree of
formality of them,'' he added. ``And it will require, I think, some time
to work through these things and see if we can't set the relationship on a
different basis.''
One doesn't have to approve of everything Rumsfeld has done, or even
much of it, to be glad that, as a leader and working politician, he said
these words. It means that many people, including military people, have
these words in mind. Perhaps some things can get better.
Perhaps we'll even come to some technical clarity -- something I hope
for. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8694
To really end the Cold War, the United States would have to work itself
through some fictions, and Russia would have to do so as well. That may
take a while, as Secretary Rumsfeld suggests
But perhaps some limited progress is being made, and more can be
made, as more and more people draw reasonable conclusions from facts.
Many of those facts well reported in the Guardian Observer.
And just for beauty, and appreciation of good things, some nice sites
found by Dawn Riley: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8644
xpat - 03:11am Aug 13, 2001 GMT (#219 of 256) http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/roguestate/default.htm
Plutonium: USA : http://www.nytimes.com/2001/08/11/national/11PLUT.html
rshowalter - 02:31pm Aug 21, 2001 GMT (#220 of 256) | If people understood how
human beings normally treat "others" -- we'd all be safer.
Facts are essential to right action. Toward that end, I've made
a proposal, that might work.
MD7935 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8873
MD7936 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8874
The proposal, for checking of key technical points by professional
engineers, with writers of PE exams serving as umpires, would involve some
action by people with some power and independence. I've had contacts with
such people that may be promising. On matters central to world peace,
and balances, there should be "islands of fact" that all concerned are
morally and socially bound to respect. Hard to get, but perhaps not
MD7940 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8880
MD7944 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8884
Some things about military balances and security procedures in
general could use some review.
MD7950-7951 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8891
xpat - 08:27pm Aug 21, 2001 GMT (#221 of 256) http://www.guardian.co.uk/globalwarming/story/0,7369,539945,00.html
Subsidy - can hide real costs - affecting decision making. rshowalter - 01:30am Aug 29, 2001 GMT (#222 of 256) | If the basic insight of this
thread -- that "nice people" can naturally act like monsters to
"outsiders" were more widely understood, the world would be a more hopeful
place than it is.
A nice quote from Envisioning Information by Eward Tuftie and
some illustration and explanation jobs I'm hoping to help get done.
But there is some reason to hope that, after some "due diligence" - -
some resources can be brought to bear, so that some fundamental questions
of fact and proportion may be prepared well enough "so that they can be
put before a jury."
Well enough, perhaps, to influence events.
It seems to me that the world is polarizing. That makes this a
dangerous time. But a hopeful one, as well. rshowalter - 10:02am Sep 4, 2001 GMT (#223 of 256) | Some progress, and hard work,
on the MD thread. The key insight of this thread, if it were widely
understood, would do great good.
Here is some great coverage: The Fortunes of Russia and China, as
Told Through the Pages of The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/library/magazine/home/20010902mag-china-russia.html
The New York Times is a major source of information about
missile defense. Discussion of that corpus, and the complexity, richness,
and challenge of it, and link to many articles on missile defense that
have been discussed on this thread. Listings of missile defense
articles in the NYT, with working no-charge links MD8309 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9296
MD8310 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9297
Colin Powell, and his TIME magazine cover story MD8392 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9389
Some history, going back almost a year now, that may interest some who
have been following the MD thread, and wondered about barriers to news
coverage in the United States. It includes events set out in Mankind's
Inhumanity to Man and Woman - As natural as human goodness? #163 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?13@@.ee7b085/193
. MD8393-8395 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9391
We shouldn't miss what even a monkey could see: MD8289 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9276
On issues of military and nuclear balances, "no solution as stated:"
... We need a reframing: MD8300-3 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9287
MD thread summary and background: MD8344 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9331
The world could still end -- and we could fix that -- reasons for
concern: MD8377-89 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9373
Has all this work been useful? Dawn and I have tried to make it
so. MD8386 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9383
In any case, some stances are being taken by Putin that are just as
Dawn and I would wish. MD8243 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9230
MD8380-82 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9377
Perhaps, along with all the things there are to fear, there are reasons
for hope. If some "islands of technical fact" could be established,
I believe that things might go a great deal better. MD8343 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9330
Fools - 12:29am Sep 6, 2001 GMT (#224 of 256) http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?224@@c04b@.ee7b085/259
I notice you do that on many threads you post on. I find it overloading
and read none of it. Maybe one URL at a time with your comments will help
me see what you want to say in this case. Thank you and sorry for any hurt
I may cause. rshowalter - 07:58pm Sep 6, 2001 GMT (#225 of 256) | Thank you for your comment.
One thing I'm trying to do is build an "associative case" -- where a
number of things, over a period of time, fit together in a checkable,
coherent whole. Sometimes a ref, cited much later, in a different and
richer context, gains force.
All the same, I'm sorry for the overkill. rshowalter - 04:02pm Sep 12, 2001 GMT (#226 of 256) | Since September 4th there
have been 400+ postings on the MD thread.
A few may interest some people here. I'm grateful for the chance to
post links here, for the record.
Postings dealing with the current tragedy in New York and Washington,
and its relations to larger risks, involve postings Dawn Riley and I have
done on these wonderful Guardian Talk threads: MD8827 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9894
Points were raised by gisterme , the MD board's "Bush
administration stand in" that led me to repost Detail and the
Golden Rule here: MD8737 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9788
MD8743 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/9796
I made the point that American institutional and intellectual
traditions, shaped by the Cold War, may be standing in the way of safety
now, in
rshowalter - 02:20am Sep 19, 2001 GMT (#227 of 256) | The problems considered on
this thread are central to world survival now.
The Big Terrible by THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/18/opinion/18FRIE.html
MD9374 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/10511
To cooperate, we must act on the basis of ideals that work for our
friends, and that can convert many people, against us now, to our side. To
do that, we have to be the good guys.
As a species, we are beautiful, but ugly, too.
chef16 - 06:53am Sep 26, 2001 GMT (#228 of 256) chef16 - 06:07pm Sep 25, 2001
BST (#23 of 80) | Delete mattdiamond - Here in Britain we have a
collection of newspapers, regardless of their quality, most follow, or
support, either of the main political parties (they have been known to
change allegiance when their particular party as no possible chance.eg
when labour took control from tories in 97 or whatever). In doing so they
quite often paint a false picture just to further the agenda of the
particular party they are supporting, this happens. Why is it therefore
not possible for a media that is on the whole totally controlled by Jews
to paint a picture to favour Israel? I am talking about the main media
here, as I know there are some Jewish agencies that try to get at the
truth. It seems even stranger to me that as soon as you mention any thing
critical about Israel or mention that Israel has a hell of allot to gain
by what happened in US (not least to mention the death of allot of
Muslims) that they all come out with the vitroil, ignoring the truth and
searching little discrepancies to which have no relevance to the big
picture. Is it really so wrong of me to ask such a question? If you can
answer that without the personal abuse I'd be willing to listen. AND SO TO
Muzeo - 02:55pm Sep 25, 2001 BST (#16 of 17) < I would like to know if
serious debate on the subject is possible? > As soon as serious debate
is in sight you may be sure that we will respond. I'm still waiting for
something other than cobbled together quotes from very old / obsolete
articles, spurious arguments, racist slanders, etc etc. I noticed there
muzeo, you may want to read yourself even, begins to chuckle, that you're
not interested in old stories, even when they come from nahem Begin, David
Ben-Gurion, Moshe Dayan, Chaim Weizmann. Anyway they are not really that
old, are they? Do you hold even older stories in the same regard? Because
if you don't where does the justificacation of the Zionist dream come
from? So I'll say it again
again..................................................I read on a thread,
by someone else, that to be anti Zionist was to be anti Jew. Which I
thought was a bit much because I know allot of Jews who don't support
Zionism. But I started to think what if it is true; the media, which is
mainly controlled by Jews, does not represent a true picture of what is
happening. Politicians seem not to address the problem fully and I
wondered if maybe it was worth some discussion. That is all, this is a
very confusing time for all of us we do not know who was behind the
attacks on US yet some people don't seem to worry about that as long as
someone else gets out there and bombs them. We know why the problems in
Palestine exist and yet no body with the ability to do so is speaking
about them. The problem in Palestine could be resolved. It will be hard
for Israel to accept (but possibly not for all Jews) but it has to be done
or this apocalyptical spiral we are on is going to lead to something far
chef16 - 06:29pm Sep 25, 2001 BST (#24 of 80) | Delete Azor When things
look confusing he does help a bit. The problem with students is they think
they are clever, and so they should, society tells them they are. Most
know allot about a little. They have to study take exams find people to
have sex with ect.........They think they are intelligent, one only has to
spend time with them and that myth can soon be disproved. They are lucky;
they have a potentially bright future (or so we are led to believe). They
leave education; some of them go on to good jobs like a politician for
example. Some may work in the media even. All the time knowing how clever
they are. But seeing as the world is in the verge of a catastrophe, was
the education really worth the tax payers money? Don't try and knock me
for what I read it's quite pathetic of you rshowalter - 03:08am Sep 27, 2001 GMT (#229 of 256) | If the key lesson of this
thread were learned, the world would be much safer.
There have been 430 postings on the NYT Missile Defense Board since I
last posted here, and since this posting, which cites a number of warning
references posted on the Guardian: MD9421 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/10566
Dawn Riley and I have done most of them, but there have been many
interesting ones from almarst and gisterme , people we have
reason to think are associated with the Russian and US governments.
In MD9757 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/11037
I made the hopeful point that
- - - - - -
I review links discussing a proposal that I've made from time to time
since March, and discussed with almarst and Dawn Riley extensively
in - - - MD9842-9844 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/11158
The proposal deals with the idea of
Conditions favorable for something like this may be ripening, among
journalists, world leaders, and their publics. I personally believe that
such a thing could solve a lot of problems, especially if the Russian,
German and UK governments took an interest. I feel that chances of Russian
interest might be substantial, though this is, of course, only a guess. If
leaders were interested in such a thing, I believe some people of means,
proud to support some of the expenses of the effort, would be likely to be
available. I also feel that the work would be first rate journalism,
justifying the effort of journalists on that basis.
_ _ _ _
Postings on the NYT Missile Defense board are often held for a while
before they are displayed. People who make postings that are held can see
such ongoing postings. The posting below was displayed prominantly for
almost seven hours after it was removed from the ongoing (but hidden) part
by the moderator. I'm sorry that it was removed, but glad that is was on
display, at a time when I think people were looking, for those hours.
rshowalter - 12:37pm Sep 25, 2001 EST (#9849 of 9849)
I believe that, terribly unfortunate as the WTC and Pentagon
tragedy-crimes were, they have given political actors a sense of urgency
and reality that may be very useful. My own view is that with more
discussion, and checking of key facts, some of the ugliest and most
dangerous messes in the world could be handled much better. rshowalter - 01:08pm Sep 27, 2001 GMT (#230 of 256) | The world is interconnected,
and one issue recurs with monotonous, but deadly serious regularity.
It is that sequences where lies are involved are likely to go wrong in
ugly, expensive, unjust, unpredictable ways.
MD9808 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/11103
MD9809 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/11104
MD9810 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/11105
This isn't much reading, and perhaps some who looked at these pieces
would find them boring. But perhaps some might be interested. I'm posting
them on the off-chance that some people of responsibility, directly or
indirectly, might find them interesting. rshowalter - 11:33pm Oct 5, 2001 GMT (#231 of 256) | The NYT Missile Defense board
is going on, at high intensity, and I've had reason to think it may be
being influential. And perhaps constructive.
Some of the dialog , which I found revealing, and that may have
influenced judgements of staffed organizations, has been deleted. I think
that may be just as well. The dialog was up long enough, I feel, to have
served a purpose. The board is being carefully censored. Under the
circumstances, I'm grateful for that.
Some movement toward closure on some technical points about missile
defense has, I believe, occurred.
This thread has been cited on the MD board 5 times this week.
rshowalter - 05:38pm Oct 10, 2001 GMT (#232 of 256) | Toward a New Security Framework It is a thoughtful, proactive response to events from September 11th to date. I think some approaches different from those he now has in mind might condense from the processes Senator Nunn gracefully envisions. I've not always been 100% on Senator Nunn's side, or an advocate of his associates, and perhaps I've been unfair. But I want to point this speech out. I feel that it is beautiful, and a beautiful integration of issues, coming form where the United States' "security elite" is, and has been. I like Nunn's ending remarks especially:
I made a suggestion, on September 25, 2001 in a day "web meeting" that ended with an offer: Senator Nunn would know all the reasons why the suggestion is impractical. If only the world were that simple. Sometimes, even now, I think it is. I believe that if the fundamental lesson of this thread were
learned, things that have gone badly in the past might go better.
rshowalter - 03:11pm Oct 12, 2001 GMT (#233 of 256) | Advice I got once:
I think
Possumdag - 01:33am Oct 25, 2001 GMT (#234 of 256) Mankind's Inhumanity to Man
and Woman - As natural as human goodness? rshowalter " I'm trying to float
and idea here - and that's something these forums are good for.
Looking at the world, there are so many cases of "unthinkable" and
"unexplainable" evil and negligence, that the mind and heart recoils.
People recall such behavior among the Nazis, and recoil, as well they
might. How could "civilized, aesthetically sensitive, cultured people"
ALSO act so monstrously, and with such clear and sophisticated murderous
But is this behavior so strange? Or is it the NATURAL?"
Isn't the common call 'Sometimes a military solution IS necessary' ?
SeekerOfTruth - 02:51am Nov 2, 2001 GMT (#235 of 256) Is goodness a quality
process? http://www.brint.com/wwwboard/messages/368.html
SeekerOfTruth - 10:32am Nov 9, 2001 GMT (#236 of 256)
rshowalter - 03:24pm Nov 18, 2001 GMT (#237 of 256) | I review links discussing a
proposal that I've made from time to time since March, and discussed with
almarst and Dawn Riley extensively in - - - MD9842-9844 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/11158
The proposal deals with the idea of
Conditions favorable for something like this may be ripening, among
journalists, world leaders, and their publics. I personally believe that
such a thing could solve a lot of problems, especially if the Russian,
German and UK governments took an interest. I feel that chances of Russian
interest might be substantial, though this is, of course, only a guess.
If leaders were interested in such a thing, I believe some people of
means, proud to support some of the expenses of the effort, would be
likely to be available. I also feel that the work would be first rate
journalism, justifying the effort of journalists on that basis.
The rest of the world is organizing in ways that should permit the
United States to be held to reasonable account - - - and in important
ways, the United States is behaving in ways more accountable to world
opinion than it did before September 11. - The time may be ripe for
reviewing the reasons why the current nuclear terror occurred, and coming
to understand how we may, responsibly and carefully, get out of that
horrible situation. It makes no sense to have thousands of obsolete and
terribly dangerous nuclear weapons around for decades more, when they
serve (especially at such high levels) no military purpose. The
misunderstandings and terrible patterns that caused these weapons to come
into being should be better understood, and the reasons for them examined
and deconstructed. xpat - 06:34am Nov 27, 2001 GMT (#238 of 256) Interesting to note the
Afghan settlement gets down to basics
Food water clothing shelter
Re women being accepted as equals there The lid on an squirmy can of inequitable worms has been RAISED.
rshowalter - 12:31am Dec 5, 2001 GMT (#239 of 256) | That lid has been raised --
and applications of "the golden rule" have to be considered -- in the
complicated world people are actually in.
We don't, after all, have to agree about that much - but we need to
communicate well enough so that economic cooperation is possible, and so
that cruelties are avoided.
A set of rules "dictated" by ancient texts, interpreted by minds
steeped in medieval traditions, isn't good enough.
The question
MalcolmMcm - 02:25pm Dec 10, 2001 GMT (#240 of 256) Personally I believe in Evil
as a direct motivating force. Humans have an appetite for destruction
which isn't found in any kind of wild animal. It's a consequence of our
domestication and the resultant tension between our animal instincts and
our conditioned behaviour.
We resent the responsibilities that go with being human. From that
resentment emerges a desire to destroy what contrains us. (See http://www.pigsty.demon.co.uk/fenris.html).
That's why individuals, or whole nations go on the rampage from time to
time. That's why disaster movies are good box-office. That's why it's so
easy to recruite suicide bombers.
That isn't the case with the apparent injustices of society, though.
Most of those are directly traceable to the needs of society itself. For
example woman couldn't be in charge of their own sexuality while child
birth was such a highly dangerous excersise or there wouldn't have been
further generations. Women's lib became possible only with improvements in
gynocology. OptimusPrime - 07:18am Dec 12, 2001 GMT (#241 of 256) "Nature is red in tooth and
claw." And it's only arrogance that persuades us that we're more than very
clever monkeys. I feel that our capacity for inhumanity is inherent
(rather than the result of some external corrupting spiritual influence),
but that we can and should try to rise above it (we're professionals...).
I don't know if we're "worse" than other animals; maybe just cleverer
enough, so that the difference between the consequences of our "good" and
"evil" actions is a little more marked (see war, terrorism, ethnic
cleansing etc. etc.). Or just a little more imaginative... rshowalter - 03:44pm Dec 12, 2001 GMT (#242 of 256) | If we were wiser, and more
able to get rid of unintended consequences --- we'd do better.
After all, as a species, for all the carnage and ungliness, we
sometimes do both well and beautifully.
There ought to be awareness of our limitations as "clever monkeys" --
but given the beauty and accomplishment people often achieve, hope too.
OptimusPrime - 04:29am Dec 13, 2001 GMT (#243 of 256) I couldn't sleep last night,
and thought of a bit more...
Nice Monkey; Shares banana.
Mean Monkey; Doesn't share banana.
Nice Man; Gives up life of riches and luxury to nurse in a Calcutta
convent. Runs back into a burning building to save a trapped baby.
Mean Man; Flies planes into skyscrapers. Drops A-bombs. Rapes.
Ethnically cleanses.
I think our intelligence just gives us greater scope to do very very
nice or very very nasty things. MalcolmMcm - 09:47am Dec 13, 2001 GMT (#244 of 256)
I don't think wild animals have an actual appetite for destruction. If
they kill it's a matter of indifference, not pleasure. OptimusPrime - 12:46pm Dec 13, 2001 GMT (#245 of 256) Could be. But I wonder; I
live well outside the M25, and often see lambs etc. with entrails torn
out, completely uneaten, just lying in fields. Now, I'm not an animal
psychologist, and maybe Fantastic Mr Fox could provide an excellent
justification for his misdeed were he gifted with the capacity for speech.
But it does look like they do it for fun, whatever that means for a fox.
MalcolmMcm - 11:08am Dec 14, 2001 GMT (#246 of 256)
Predators kill when the oppertunity arrises. When Mr. fox gets into the
henhouse you can't really expect him to count the dead chickens and think
"Well that's as many as I can eat today".
And of course cats are imfamous for toying with their play. That's how
kittens learn to control prey. But the cat can't be expected to empathise
with the mouse. He doesn't see the mouse as something suffering, just
something that reacts in an interesting way.
Humans, on the other hand, do empathise with suffering and,
sometimes, do their best to maximise it.
That's genuine cruelty. OptimusPrime - 06:22am Dec 15, 2001 GMT (#247 of 256) True (about genuine cruelty).
But maybe that's a development from the cat and mouse. Cruelty must have
roots in animal behaviour, even if we can't see what we would call
"genuine cruelty" among animals.
Back to Fantastic Mr Fox... I wouldn't expect him to assess the exact
nutritional value of each chicken relative to his own requirements at the
time. But when he's wandering through a field at night, and sees a lamb,
and thinks "Well I'm not hungry*, but hey, I'll kill it anyway...", maybe
that is the seed of what, in a more "developed" creature, could be seen as
cruelty, or an "appetite for destruction".
I've also seen predators pass up opportunities to kill, for reasons
best known to themselves, but which may include lack of hunger,
self-preservation, etc. ... I don't accept that a predator will kill
WHENEVER it gets the chance to do so.
SeekerOfTruth - 07:49am Dec 21, 2001 GMT (#248 of 256) Inhumanity is often praised,
or ignored and thereby approved in war.
Many wars are run by MADMEN ...
Under Madmen many men go mad ...
Inhumanity if failure to humanise and visualise the numbers .. as
Games that traumatise - should be despised. rshowalter - 10:39pm Dec 23, 2001 GMT (#249 of 256) | The fact of tragedy -- set
out day by day in the "A Nation Challenged" section of the New York Times
-- is serving a great purpose. Look at the faces, with enough words
associated -- they are real -- and too many to comfortably count, or
attend to.
In wars, especially with nukes, THOUSANDS of times that many can die
--- and with nukes, with controls as they are, and vulnerabilities as they
are ... MILLIONS of times more can die.
It helps to "look at" a few thousand.
And then try to count to a few thousand, one at a time - yourself --
with each a GROUP of similar tragedies.
The world could use more perspective like that -- quantitative, at
least a little bit, and touched by the humanity of the lives lost and at
stake. SeekerOfTruth - 09:04am Dec 24, 2001 GMT (#250 of 256) ah! like the wtc equates to 3
standard highschools on the numbers basis ... that's 100+ classes (30)
deleted! Their near and extended famlies left void.
So if the event were nuclear then WOW ... the world would take a long
time to recover.
Note the UK put the NucPowerstations up for sale ... no buyers showed
.. says there's concern re the fuller aspects of accounting. 2050 is the
date the UK have set to close down all NucPower ... there's a move to
renewable energy. MalcolmMcm - 01:39pm Jan 2, 2002 GMT (#251 of 256)
I think deliberate cruelty is a perversion in the true sense of
the word. A perversion is something done because you believe it to
be, in some sense, wrong. An act of defiance against conscience, God or
society and it's taboos.
In a natural situation predation is very rarely free of risk and energy
expenditure. Our domestic animals, rendered incapable of effective flight
or fight for the convenience of our own predation, create a special
circumstance. rshowalter - 05:36pm Jan 3, 2002 GMT (#252 of 256) | From an undelivered speech by
Franklin D. Roosevelt, written shortly before his death:
Fletching - 12:10am Jan 4, 2002 GMT (#253 of 256) I don't think humans behave
much different from other predatory species. It is worth watching wild
life programmes to see that they all behave much the same. They will
defend their own young and members of their own tribe, pride, pack,
school, whatever.
We like to think of ourselves of top of the pile but perhaps only for
now as in reality in behaviour we are no different. Just a bit lucky (from
development) with a cortex. That can soon change especially as we still
have not become sophisticated enough in our behaviour to be tolerant of
our own species. Just a blip in the chemical soup that supplies us with
air which we are so careless with and bye, bye homo sapiens welcome new
species! rshowalter - 12:49am Jan 4, 2002 GMT (#254 of 256) | If humans "don't behave much
differently from other predatory species" then the weight of
responsibility of culture is very heavy.
We are animals, all right. Beautiful animals, sometimes. I hope the
species goes on.
We can hope, and fear, based on the idea based things that people do.
People will die and kill for ideas and ideals. Maybe, with work, they'll
learn to come up with workable arrangements, too.
Often, it happens. rshowalter - 05:01pm Jan 4, 2002 GMT (#255 of 256) | I was glad to see http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/12334
by gisterme , a person who I suspect has high connections with the
Bush administration.
Gisterme said that
rshowalter - 10:00pm Jan 12, 2002 GMT (#256 of 256) | The Collapse of Enron--
Moderated http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f276dbc/18
is a very interesting forum - pretty short, with excellent stuff
Postings on the MD board so far this year, though too many to interest
the casual, involve things I believe ought to be of great interest to
staffed organizations, all over the world, interested in military
stability, and reduction of nuclear and other risks.
MD9057 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/10144
MD9440 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/10594
bNice - 03:38am Jan 19, 2002 BST (#255 of 317) Is it the Collapse of Enron
The Collapse of lapsed government? rshowalter - 12:28am Jan 20, 2002 BST (#256 of 317) | Here are wonderful NYT Op. Ed
ENRON AND THE GRAMMS by Bob Herbert http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/17/opinion/17HERB.html
THE UNITED STATES OF ENRON by Frank Rich http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/19/opinion/19RICH.html
rshowalter - 12:29am Jan 20, 2002 BST (#257 of 317) | MD10870 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/12622
Last year, Russia hosted a meeting on the militarization of space -
something like 104 countries attended. The United States did not. Laser
weapons were centrally involved in the issues of concern. Take away the
laser weapons, and the other offensive ideas for space weapons don't
amount to much.
The point, long discussed on the NYT Missile Defense thread, was
discussed in detail, with respect to the ABL ("AirBornLaser) http://airbornelaser.com/special/abl/
MD10861 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/12613
MD10862 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/12614
MD10864 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/12616
MD10866 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/12618
I believe that if representatives of some of the countries concerned
with the weaponization of space asked for clarification, on basic
technical questions of feasibility beyond politics, the clarifications
would happen. If this were done, I believe that some wrong assumptions,
that now stand in the way of world safety, could be swept away.
Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror #207-210 , linked in
MD10882 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/12636
, offers background on things that might be understood, and done.
rshowalter - 06:10pm Jan 27, 2002 BST (#258 of 317) | The New York Times has been
doing a remarkable job covering the Enron scandal, and a collection
of their coverage is linked here: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/14/business/_ENRON-PRIMER.html
There is a moderated discussion on the topic "The Collapse of Enron."
"lchic" has many especially useful contributions.
Perhaps " enron " should become a verb. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f276dbc/709
rshowalter - 06:27pm Jan 27, 2002 BST (#259 of 317) | I was very glad to see
Organizing the World to Fight Terror by IGOR S. IVANOV ,
Russian Foreign Minister http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/27/opinion/27IVAN.html
Much of the NYT Missile Defense thread deals with subjects related to
those that Minister Ivanov speaks of. MD11068 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/12865
The need for openness, and international relations built on trust is
very great. Towards that end, it is useful that things be checked. MD11071
People and nations do make their systems work better. Russia has made
great progress since "Muddle in Moscow" http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=533129
Efforts on the NYT MD thread may not have had anything to do with any
of that progress, but lchic and I have tried to be constructive. md7389 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/8171
ExGuardianReader - 11:48am Feb 5, 2002 BST (#260 of 317) People are naturally
aggressive to weaker people.
Just like wolves and our closer cousins the chimps. They have strictly,
and physically enforced social heiarchies, and aggressively defend their
groups from outsiders.
There is no inherent universal human kindness to the world, we can all
be cruel. This is why the more utopian leftist visions of the world are so
I suppose you've heard of Milgram's experiment where subjects were
willing to electrocute people?
Have you heard of Zimbardo's prison experiment which gave volunteer
student subjects the power of prison warders over other volunteer student
subjects? The violence got so out of hand, so quickly that the experiment
had to be stopped:
rshowalter - 07:55pm Feb 6, 2002 BST (#261 of 317) | Great references. Erica Goode
did a good article in the NYT science section keyed off those pieces,
about two years back.
There are those who think the current US defense budget proposal is
excessive and misshapen, and I'm one of them. The NYT is of the same
opinion. http://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/06/opinion/_06WED1.html
My own special interest is nuclear disarmament,and that has meant
special attention to the NYT Missile Defense message board -- which
remains quite active. I believe that it is being demonstrated that the
basic technical parts of the Bush administrations's MD program are
tactically useless. An interesting example is the Airborne Laser system
(ABL) -- which depends on adaptive optics that requires a feedback path
that does not exist. Key numbers are classified, but what is possible (and
impossible) can be seen from widely known data in the open literature. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/13124
Some days, I feel the MD board is productive -- I'm stuck there, to
some extent, because of a "credentialling problem" that can be viewed from
several perspectives. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/12592
In the last week, I've had a subjective sense of progress. rshowalter - 09:31pm Feb 13, 2002 BST (#262 of 317) | The NYT MD board has been
active this week -- with a great many postings by " gisterme ", a
personage I've sometimes suspected of high US government connections.
Dawn Riley pointed out that
That's happened, to a significant extent, to projects in the US military establishment. I was most interested in Margaret Thatcher's Advice to a Superpower http://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/11/opinion/11THAT.html MD11481 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/13351 With Enron much on the mind of the country, there have been some most interesting speeches by distinguished US Senators in http://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/13/business/13TEXT.html and issues that have not been "second guessed" before, but deferred to, may be subject to more scrutiny. US credibility is being questioned, and that's being pointed out by Friedman, along with a very important point, on which Friedman and I agree with the Bush andministration -- deterrance has to be credible, and that means sometimes you do have to fight. Crazier Than Thou By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN. http://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/13/opinion/13FRIE.html MD11526-11527 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/13403 Some key issues on the functionality of the US missile defense systems were set out in MD11502 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/13376 , with some partial agreement (on what matters, not what the facts are) from gisterme. For each weapons system, key questions are:
I don't believe that the missile defense programs could stand careful,
organized scrutiny about these questions, at the level suggested in
MD10764 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/12487
, and feel that it would serve the interest of virtually all people of
good faith concerned with world security to get some key facts checked, in
some way that went beyond "trust me" -- and got down to specific, clear
cases. TiggerTheBouncy - 09:46pm Feb 13, 2002 BST (#263 of 317) Boinggggg! rshowalter - 05:31pm Feb 20, 2002 BST (#264 of 317) | Inhumanity is often
justified, and permitted, by lies.
Concerns about the Bush administration are widespread -- very often,
things are done for reasons that don't make sense, in terms that are
explained. Perhaps things cannot be explained in terms that can stand the
light of day. The Enron scandal may illustrate a great deal about
the role of "information control" (aka fraud) in current US government
policy, foreign and domestic.
The emotive slogan in "Superman" comics, and movies, is
Managing the News http://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/20/opinion/_20WED2.html
The NYT Missile Defense thread is extensive, and represents an effort
to set down, using techniques the internet makes possible, an open corpus,
with many crosslinks, adapted to assist in the focusing of a complex,
difficult issue toward closure. It is set up as a prototype - illustrating
patterns that may be useful for communication between staffed
A fairly compact ongoing summary of this thread from September 25, 2000
to date, which is too large for easy reading, but not for sampling, is set
out with many links in Psychwar, Casablanca, and Terror -- from #151 on
MD690 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/757
seems particularly appropriate here.
MD11655 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/13554
MD 111656 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f0ce57b/13555
The administration's "missile defense" program is essentially a fraud -
- based on what seems to be an assumption of a "right to lie and evade"
built into current American arrangements in the course of fighting the
Cold War. If facts, repeatedly pointed out by people with credentials,
were taken into account, the "missile defense" fraud, and all its foreign
policy implications, would simply be impossible.
For practical reasons, important in America, and important elsewhere in
the world, there have to be limits on the "right to lie" about subject
matter that is of consequence.
People need to expect decent action. It cannot be taken for
granted, and has been too often - - something well illustrated in a piece
An Enron Unit Chief Warned, and Was Rebuffed By JOHN SCHWARTZ http://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/20/business/20PIPE.html
rshowalter - 01:33am Feb 28, 2002 BST (#265 of 317) | In analogy to
rshowalter - 01:33am Feb 28, 2002 BST (#266 of 317) | The NYT Missile Defense
thread, which now fills 28 notebooks of text, is being rebooted -
continued, but without holding previous text on the database. The last ten
days have been especially active, with our "Putin stand in, almarst", and
the "Bush administration stand-ins" quite active. I've saved the thread. I
posted the following summary of the thread to date. (MD11896)
. . .
"This thread has made some progress. The "missile defense" programs are
technically much less tenable than they used to be. I think the discourse
on this thread has been part of that. Very serious efforts to defend BMD
have been made here - and they have taken up much space, and involved many
evasions. But they have made no specific and detailed technical points
that have been able to stand about technical feasibility.
The "lasar weapon" programs have been significantly discredited --
because countermeasures are easy, because adaptive optics is not easy, and
because a fundamental misunderstanding about the "perfect coherence" of
lasers has been made.
"There are other key errors in the laser systems, too -- including a
"feedback loop" in the ABL system without enough signal to function at
"Whether these oversights have anything to do with a hostile takeover
effort of TRW Corportion, I can only speculate -- but hostile takeovers of
major US. military contractors are generally consistent with DOD policy.
"The midcourse interception program that has taken up so much
diplomatic space has always been vulnerable to extraordinarily easy
countermeasures. This thread has reinforced points that should already
have been clear. Points much of the technical community has long insisted
on. It costs perhaps a ten thousandth as much to defeat the system as it
costs to build it. Perhaps much less. Some facts are based on physics of
the sending, reflection, and recieving of electromagnetic radiation
(light, radio waves, or any other) are now well known, and inescapable.
"Arguments on this thread recently have favored BMD as psychological
warfare -- as bluff. In my view, the bluff is grotesquely more expensive
than can be justified -- and fools almost no one, any more, but the
American public.
I feel that the technical credibility of ballistic missile defense
ought to be questioned, in detail, and to closure -- because so much
diplomacy, and so much of the current rationale for Bush administration
policy, hinges on it.
We need some islands of technical fact to be determined, beyond
reasonable doubt, in a clear context. It is possible to do that now.
rshowalter - 12:46am Mar 7, 2002 BST (#267 of 317) | Just a thought for a happy
ending, based on the pattern in How a Story is Shaped http://www.fortunecity.com/lavendar/ducksoup/555/storyshape.html
Status Quo . . .
Initial Problem . . .
Exposition . . .
Complications . . .
Crisis . . . A superpower out of hand - - with plenty of
muddle and danger.
Climax boom, crash -- . . . A few world leaders say, in
public, "this is an intolerable mess -- there are muddles here -- we want
the key facts and relations sorted out -- staffed to closure -- beyond
question . . ."
to be continued .
Denouement . . .
Description of New Status Quo . . .
New Status Quo
I think some pretty satisfactory resolutions would occur, pretty
naturally, once there was enough "news value" for public scrutiny -- along
with formats that were able to handle the logical problems involved.
MD170 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/203
MD171 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/204
MD84 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/99
I think many of the questions raised by almarst , the NYT
Missile Defense thread's "Putin stand-in" are interesting, and I've
collected some of them in MD183 to MD186 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/217
are worth a lot of respect, attention, and concern. rshowalter - 12:44am Mar 13, 2002 BST (#268 of 317) | I believe, for reasons of
context that you can judge for yourself below, that manjumicha2001
either is, or represents, a major player in the Bush adminstration defense
establishment. That is, of course, deniable, unless some journalists do
some work.
manjumicha2001's posted MD401 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/493
rather than respond, or have a cohort respond, to a challenge of mine
explicit enough that it could not be run away from. MD393 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/483
In MD401 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/493
manjumicha2001 says this:
in MD401 manjumicha2001 continues:
MD18 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/26
MD21 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/29
MD26 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/34
MD27 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/35
MD29 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/37
MD30 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/38
MD32 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/40
MD35 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/43
MD37 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/45
MD40 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/49
MD41 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/50
MD226 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/262
MD374 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/459
MD375 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/460
MD401 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/493
Wouldn't it be dramatic if "easy inferences" from such
dot-connecting happened to be right - - and people in positions of power
and trust took the stances in manjumicha2001's MD401 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/493
If people responsible for making the United States a "Nuclear Rogue" http://www.nytimes.com/2002/03/12/opinion/_12TUE1.html
know the technical things that they must know, and that
manjumicha2001 acknowledges -- scandal ought to be fully justified.
lchic - 05:37pm Mar 16, 2002 BST (#269 of 317) Bush didn't get the
conservative judge .. what is 'conservative' decision making ... is it
make the decisions that satisfy an unchanged 'yesterday' rather than the
new reality of today.
Bush was disappointed !
At least. if Bush makes an 'appearance' before the bench - it won't
necessarily be before one of his hench men ! rshowalter - 08:58pm Mar 20, 2002 BST (#270 of 317) | Lead article in MIT's
Technology Review Why Missile Defense Won't Work by Theodore
A. Postol April 2002 http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/postol0402.asp
From -GEN. GEORGE LEE BUTLER former commander, Strategic Air Command http://www.mindfully.org/Nucs/Nuclear-Lighthouse-Hertsgaard.htm
Some key aspects of the US military-industrial-complex deserve
analogous scrutiny. For it to happen, for it to be news, world leaders
are going to have to ask for checking.
MD708 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/879
MD709 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/880
There may be some reason to hope for that.
I misjudged manjumicha2001 MD717 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/892
- - - and may have underestimated the amount of hard work, and brilliance,
that NYT people are putting into the MD thread. rshowalter - 07:37pm Mar 28, 2002 BST (#271 of 317) | Debate? Dissent?
Discussion? Oh, Don't Go There! By MICHIKO KAKUTANI http://www.nytimes.com/2002/03/23/arts/23STUD.html
contains a lot of wonderful stuff -- I was struck especially with this
We have to think about them now.
When groups of people can "filter out" key pieces of information, the
truth can be too weak, and results can be disastrous.
When things are complicated enough, truth is our only hope of finding
our ways to decent solutions. That means we have to find ways to keep
people from "filter(ing) out information that might undermine their
Challenge, questions, and invokation of the need for force:
rshowalter - 01:26am Apr 5, 2002 BST (#272 of 317) | All Roads Lead to D.C.
by EMILY EAKIN http://www.nytimes.com/2002/03/31/weekinreview/31EAKI.html
Almarst , the NYT Missile Defense thread's "Putin stand-in" has
been asking "why so much American military power?" - - since March a year
ago. Questions of "why?" and "in whose interest" are vital, in the old
sense of "matters of life and death" because some of the easy answers,
that Americans have been comfortable with, aren't working in America's
interest, and aren't pleasing the other governments in the world.
The question of a "vast right-wing conspiracy" is raised, and given
focus, in .
The Smoke Machine http://www.nytimes.com/2002/03/29/opinion/29KRUG.html
and Connect the Dots by PAUL KRUGMAN http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/02/opinion/02KRUG.html
I believe that the "American Empire" is as large as it is, and has some
of the characteristics that it does, because the interest of the United
States, as a nation, has diverged from the interests of a
"military-industrial-political complex" constructed to fight the Cold War,
that has taken a dangerous degree of control over US government affairs
since that time. The American "missile defense" program is interesting for
some of the same reasons that the Enron affair http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/1/Transcripts/721/4/business/_ENRON-PRIMER.html
. . . is interesting. The "missile defense" programs are nonsensical and
corrupt, in the senses that ought to matter either technically or
militarily, and illustrates broader corruptions that concern the whole
world, because American power is as great as it now is, and is used as it
now is.
Checking on these issues is important - but for it to happen, some
leaders of nation states are going to have to be interested - as I believe
they should be, because it is risky to be led, and to defer, to an
administration that is taking positions that go wrong, and produce
unnecessary risks, costs, and fighting, again and again.
MD1076 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/1369
MD1077 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/1370
contains references to a Guardian talk, and ends with this:
JudgeJustice - 10:58pm Apr 6, 2002 BST (#273 of 317) Some people are born sick,
some are not. Some people become twisted, others live outside London. Some
people are sheep and follow the mass hysteria. rshowalter - 09:56pm Apr 12, 2002 BST (#274 of 317) | Movie makers have to "play
god". http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/1574
rshowalter - 10:49pm Apr 25, 2002 BST (#275 of 317) | To sort out problems,
including problems of peace (and the smaller related muddles of the
missile defense boongoggle) people have to face the truth, tell the truth,
and avoid misinformation. When right answers really count, they have to
"connect the dots" ( MD1055 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/1344)
so that patterns emerge -- and to check those patterns.
Here are some OpEd pieces by Paul Krugman quoted on the
NYT Missile Defense thread:
The Big Lie http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/27/opinion/27KRUG.html
Bad Heir Day http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/30/opinion/30KRUG.html
The Great Divide http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/29/opinion/29KRUG.html
The Smoke Machine http://www.nytimes.com/2002/03/29/opinion/29KRUG.html
Connect the Dots http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/02/opinion/02KRUG.html
At Long Last? http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/05/opinion/05KRUG.html
The White Stuff http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/12/opinion/12KRUG.html
Losing Latin America http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/16/opinion/16KRUG.html
The Angry People http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/23/opinion/23KRUG.html
A number of links discussing Krugman's pieces are set out in MD1741 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2181
I'm so glad Guardian Talk is back! rshowalter - 10:54pm Apr 25, 2002 BST (#276 of 317) | Hatred - and LIES.
MD1755 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2201
Revenge - book review http://www.sacbee.com/content/lifestyle/story/2319783p-2747920c.html
MD1756 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2202
MD1759-60 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2205
rshowalter - 10:51pm May 3, 2002 BST (#277 of 317) | The NYT Missile Defense
thread has been very active, and I sometimes think that it may have been
U.S., in Surprise, Announces Global Talks for Mideast By TODD S.
PURDUM and DAVID E. SANGER http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/03/international/middleeast/03CAPI.html
shows a situation where, if complications can be faced - - and
resolved, enormous good could come. lunarchick's MD1972 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2454
includes key questions:
For that matching to be possible, there have to be mechanics in place
that make it possible, for the real people involved. I've suggested simple
things, practical things -- mechanically easy things -- that I believe
would increase the chances for real success in the middle east. They
involve internet usages, for communication, condensation, clarification,
and closure. For all sorts of complex cooperation, we need to do better
getting to closure than we have done. We can.
MD1956 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2437
MD1959 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2440
MD1961 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2442
MD1962 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2443
Opportunities for a safer, more prosperous world are very great -- but
they depend on openness, and correct decisions. I believe some of the most
essential opportunities were set out eloquently and well in Organizing
the World to Fight Terror by IGOR S. IVANOV , Russian Foreign Minister
. The reasons that the hopes expressed there have been lagely dashed (or
at least postponed) bear looking at. U.S. and Russia Fall Short on
Nuclear Deal by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/national/AP-US-Russia.html
. . . I think that important hopes Ivanov expresses, and patterns or human
cooperation he expresses, could be revived if the mechanics of complex
negotiation were improved.
If our techniques improved --- and they could, if people used the net
as it can be used - - we might learn to deal more humanely and
effectively with each other. rshowalter - 02:39pm May 6, 2002 BST (#278 of 317) | I've asked
MD2045 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2544
Lchic and I just had a two hour, 70 post session on negotiation in the
middle east in the Guardian thread Anything on Anything from lchic
"Anything on Anything" Mon 06/05/2002 02:39 to rshowalter "Anything on
Anything" Mon 06/05/2002 04:37 that includes many links to this thread.
We considered the question -- if Thomas Friedman wanted to use web
resources (with a staff) to facilitate the search for peace in the Middle
East, what could he do?
MD2043 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2540
MD2047 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2546
MalcolmMcm - 04:44pm May 7, 2002 BST (#279 of 317)
More often the problems of the world are based on genuine conflicts of
interest and the solution is that one side gets screwed. rshowalter - 04:49pm May 7, 2002 BST (#280 of 317) | Genuine conflicts of interest
do in fact happen a lot -- and sometimes there "has to be a fight."
At some level.
But limitless, escalating conflicts - such as wars - almost always
involve "terrible oversimplification" - or costs and moral positions that
can't stand the light of day.
I stand by what I said, particularly about soluble problems that
are not solved:
You can't "change human nature" - but sometimes better ways of
"collecting the dots" and "connecting the dots" can be found. In fact,
over then last few years, better ways are being found - and we there's
more progress to be made in that direction. rshowalter - 12:18am May 17, 2002 BST (#281 of 317) | A Wider Atlantic: Europe
Sees a Grotesque U.S. by TODD S. PURDUM http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/16/international/europe/16NATO.html
illustrates some of the challenges.
lchic - 02:52pm May 20, 2002 BST (#282 of 317)
rshowalter - 12:26am May 24, 2002 BST (#283 of 317) | I believe that Erica Goode
has made a contribution to the culture, and that the NYT Missile Defense
thread may also have done so. I'm only basing my jugement on statistics,
and what I myself have noticed, and may be wrong. But the matter could be
checked, pretty readily, by searching the net. It concerns the phrase
"connect the dots." -- and whether that phrase has gained in meaning, and
frequency, since Erica Goode's Finding Answers In Secret Plots http://www.nytimes.com/2002/03/10/weekinreview/10GOOD.html
. . which speaks of:
lchic - 12:38am May 28, 2002 BST (#284 of 317) http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/java/dinodots/dino1.html
lchic - 04:45pm Jun 6, 2002 BST (#285 of 317) War is the culdisac Why 'war' ... sheer waste! lchic - 01:14pm Jun 13, 2002 BST (#286 of 317) War Crimes - Afghanistan
USA (Taliban) rshowalter - 08:25pm Jun 20, 2002 BST (#287 of 317) | Work on the NYT Missile
Defense thread has been busy, and I feel that some of that work might
interest many readers of the Guardian-Observer, and participants on this
thread. In that thread, Guardian articles, and TALK threads, are often
referred to, and are important and much appreciated sources.
A number of pieces have run in the NYT that I've been glad to see,
perhaps this one most of all:
Playing Know and Tell by John Schwartz http://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/09/weekinreview/09BOXA.html
Schwartz's piece ends:
I sent a fax to an officer at the C.I.A., and at the same time, sent
the identity of that officer to some senior NYT people. That officer and I
have not conversed since - but a phone call between us was almost
certainly recorded. That conversation contains nothing at all that can
concievably justify classification. I think that conversation also
involved a sort of "voice stress analysis" -- a sort of "lie detector
test" over the telephone. It would be interesting to see what the test
showed, and on what basis. For the record, during that conversation I was
VERY disappointed, VERY upset, VERY scared, and too busy being careful to
bother about being angry. MD2621 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3265
MD2629-2631 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3275
MD2631 cites MD262, which includes this:
I think people who follow "missile defense" and related military and
geopolitical issues, or any work of mine, might be interested in MD2637 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3284
to MD 2641http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3288 today.
MD2637 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3284
includes this:
I think what I'm asking is reasonable, and might reduce the incidence
of horror in the world. lchic - 11:53am Jun 28, 2002 BST (#288 of 317) Bush-y has a new plan
Give everybody access to 'the button' ! rshowalter - 05:32pm Jun 30, 2002 BST (#289 of 317) | Bush can get himself turned
around even when he's trying to do right - and that can be disastrous.
For the record:
I do not now see any errors in MD2770 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3445
Those errors matter when they matter, and are big or small from
different points of view. Did I make an inadvertent error - make an
"error" setting up a "trap door" or "ambush" -- or set up a teaching
device, to illustrate a point?
Things be exactly right for some purposes, and treacherously wrong for
other purposes.
Systems built for stability, and systems that are explosively unstable,
can look much the same.
I appreciated Debuting: One Spy, Unshaken http://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/23/weekinreview/23CUST.html
was an interesting, but not exactly balanced, review of The Bourne
Am I trying to debut, as one spy, unshaken? Yes. I feel some progress
has been made - and some work on making clear warnings made.
Thought problem: You're Bourne - how do you "come in" -- gracefully,
and in a way that is in the reasonable interest of the United States, and
Thought problem: You're me. It seems to me that there are solutions
"all over the place" if some facts can be straighted out. Graceful ones,
Progress has been made. What a wonder the NYT is!
I've been working on this thread, and lchic has been working on
this thread, for good reasons - - and motivated by strong concerns. MD2000
With current usages, nothing can be checked in the face of
opposition from "authorities."
This is very dangerous. There are things to get straight, important in
themselves - - and important because of the patterns that they show.
MD84 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/99
MD1076-1077 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/1369
Flavors of Fraud By PAUL KRUGMAN http://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/28/opinion/28KRUG.html
includes this:
A reason it is easy to be corrupt is that our discourse, and our
contracts, are full of gestalt switches and people need to check -
and don't.
It is terribly easy for us to come to believe wrong answers, unless we
check more, and more systematically, than we have in the past. But with
better checking, things can get much better. Things are so
dangerous that they have to. rshowalter - 10:11am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#290 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
rshowalter - 03:13pm May 22, 2001 EST 4157
There are some important, hopeful issues here -- and I'm wanting to emphasize them again. gisterme 5/21/01 6:27pm asked if I think murder is OK -- and alluded again to my comment that the US military, in other eyes, too often looks too much like Major Strasser, the Nazi villian in Casablanca . --- I think death is unfortunate, and prefer aimed fire to random murder. I don't think the distinction between "murder" and "death by reason of military action" is a particularly interesting distinction, for a lot of purposes. I bet gisterme knew those things. 4121: rshowalter 5/21/01 8:54pm says these things among others.
Here is 4123: rshowalter 5/21/01 9:01pm , which I think is essential:
rshowalter - 03:29pm May 22, 2001 EST 4158 <br> I think almarst's 4148: almarst-2001 5/22/01 1:48pm .... 4149: almarst-2001 5/22/01 2:06pm <br> 4150: almarst-2001 5/22/01 2:14pm are superb, and the more widely they were understood, in America, and among nations and people all over the world, the safer, more comfortable, and richer we'd all be. It seems to me that the best thing I can do, just now, is put up a thread on the Guardian, a condensation of another Guardian thread I let expire -- dealing with the Golden Rule, and some intellectual issues fitting it to complex cases and real people, not as we might like to think of ourselves, but as the animals we are. I think I'll have it done in less than 40 minutes. rshowalter - 05:20pm May 22, 2001 EST 4159 <br> Detail, and the Golden Rule Guardian Talk Issues http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?14@@.ee83429/0 is about 10 printed pages. It deals with issues that I believe matter for complex cooperation -- the Golden Rule, its interpretation in terms of notions of disciplined beauty, and the notion that man's inhumanity to man can sometimes be instinctual. Man's inhumanity to man, therefore, has to be guarded against by culture and learned wisdom. The basic message is closely related to things that people, all over the world, already know well, and often use gracefully. I'm not a church-goer, myself, and Dawn isn't either. I feel that the ideas here make sense in secular terms, and ought to be common ground among religions that work well for people. Almarst , Dawn, and I have discussed these ideas on this thread extensively. Here the notions are set out as concisely as I've known how to make them on short notice. I hope they are clear. I believe that these ideas, applied in detail to real cases, and
combined with the new internet tools for enhanced human memory and
complexity tolerance, may make it possible to cut deals that work well for
people that would have been more difficult before. rshowalter - 10:12am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#291 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
rshowalter - 01:48pm Jun 6, 2001 EST #4532 <br>
lunarchick 6/6/01 1:02am
But you can also say
Some of the techniques evolving on this thread offer some hope in that direction -- this thread is an attempt at something new -- a format for workable, traceable, checkable communication and negotiation between staffed organizations, with openness, and more effective memory and accomodation of complexity than was possible before. There are many horrors. But there is some common ground, and there are some common goods. The good things that Putin hopes for, and the good things that Bush hopes for, even with all the differences, have much common ground, as well. And those good things, in the complex world that permits so much more than the over-simple models we have in our heads - ought to be, and logically can be compatible and not contradictory -- with careful accomodation - and some toughness and honesty sensibly applied by the many capable people, capable of honor, who are involved. rshowalter - 02:22pm Jun 6, 2001 EST I thought Missile Shield Realities http://www.nytimes.com/2001/06/04/opinion/04MON1.html was beautiful and constructive. The piece proposes reasonable accomodations, and credit is given where credit is due.
rshowalter - 10:13am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#292 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
rshowalter - 07:22am Jun 26, 2001 EST #6057
I say here that I knew Bill Casey a little. And of course, everything's deniable - I'm not sure anybody has any records at all. Maybe I'm a literary figure -- call me Ishmael. The story I like best about me, in this regard, is that I'm just a guy who got interested in logic, and military issues. A guy who got concerned about nuclear danger, and related military balances, and tried to do something about it. Based on what he knew - with no access to special information of any kind, he made an effort to keep the world from blowing up, using the best literary devices he could fashion, consistent with what he knew or could guess. Let me go on with another story. I don't think of Casey as a critter, a phrase Dawn used above -- though he was capable of almost any evil at all. In fact, though I have mixed feelings, some of those feelings for Casey are of great respect. In significant ways, Casey's sophistication and morality seem to me to much exceed the sophistication and morality of the leaders who succeeded him. I didn't talk to Casey often, but during the '70's and 80's we had a number of meetings, each about 2 hours long, each at the Hotel Pierre in New York. They were intense, careful, interesting meetings -- and I left them, every time, with a lot of respect for Casey's intelligence and sophistication. I also left with real feelings, but not unmixed ones, that Casey had a real and intense desire to act in good faith when he felt he could. I also left those meetings relieved. But still afraid, though not so afraid as I was when I went into them. In my interaction with The New York Times , I've been doing just exactly what Casey coached me to do -- ordered me to do -- what I promised Casey I would do. When I got a problem solved (really several problems solved) after giving people a chance to take me in through other channels -- I was to come in through The New York Times . Casey thought that was what was going to have to happen -- but thought it had to be a last resort .. I should try other things -- things I did try -- first. ... But Casey felt that the TIMES was a last resort that would work. The TIMES would have the connections, when the situation seemed right, to get things moving gracefully and well -- the way America, in Casey's view, and mine, was supposed to work. When I figured out the "buried problem" in applied mathematics, and "figured out how to really talk to the Russians" -- and figured out what a stable stand-down of nuclear terror was to be like -- I was to come in. They wanted the answers, but weren't sure how they'd accomodate them, and would have to sort it out at the time. Its been rougher than that, for reasons, I believe, that Casey might be ashamed of. I've been doing my duty, I believe -- making decisions I've felt I had to. In this regard, a phrase that Casey used in an answer to me occurs. He said, with a twinkle in his eye -- but a menacing twinkle (people who knew Casey may remember such twinkles) that, under difficult circumstances "it was easier to get forgiveness, than it was to get permission." I've often thought, writing on these forums, about whether I've been keeping faith with Bill Casey -- doing things that, on balance, he would have thought reasonable, and right, on balance, under the circumstances. So far, weighing what I've known and believed -- I've always judged that I have. I believe that now. rshowalter - 07:23am Jun 26, 2001 EST #6058 I'm needing to weigh what to do - and while I do so, I'd like to post links to a Guardian thread where I've said many of the most important things I'd like people to know. Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Tue 24/10/2000 21:57
MD3044 rshowalter 5/2/01 5:31pm .... MD3045 rshowalter 5/2/01 5:31pm MD3046 rshowalter 5/2/01 5:32pm ... MD3831rshowalter 5/14/01 12:09pm .... MD3523 rshowalter 5/8/01 4:12pm Summaries and links to this Missile Defense thread are set out from #153 in rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Sun 11/03/2001 16:35 MD4778 rshowalter 6/11/01 7:31pm gisterme , raises the threat that I'm committing treason. I think not. I also think that the people saying so have been in such violation of the real interests of the United States, for so long, that they may not know what treason is --- because they have come to embody it themselves. They may have much good in them, too. The world is a complex place. We shouldn't let the world blow up. As of now, it could. And the world is far, far uglier than it needs to be, because people don't face up to facts, and deal, as responsible human beings, with things as they are. Lies are dangerous. We need to deal with some of them, that keep the
Cold War going, when we should put it behind us. rshowalter - 10:14am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#293 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
lunarchick - 05:04am Jul 1, 2001 EST #6368
America boasts itself as being a democracy, the land of the free, having open media, having an open press. It pushes Putin on feedom of the press, and yet America falls on it's face with respect to Showalter asking:
lunarchick - 05:26am Jul 1, 2001 EST #6369 2008 games : http://www.observer.co.uk/china/0,10604,514467,00.html But officials will not be boasting of how China publicly executed more than 1,000 people last year for a range of criminal offences; last week alone more than 60 men and women were put to death, just minutes after their sentences were passed rshowalter - 07:19am Jul 1, 2001 EST #6370 Dawn, there were some important extenuating circumstances -- in many minds, including mine at the time -- about the way the US fought to Cold War -- ugly as it was. That is, there were before the fall of the Soviet Union. Bill Casey felt passionate about this - agonized about this. Yes - it had been and was going to be necessary to do terrible, morally indefensible things. Yes, gross injustice had been and was going to be done to many people. Yes, it had been and was going to be necessary to subvert the Constitution, and many of the most dearly held values of the American people and our allies. These things had been, and would continue to be necessary -- to fight the Cold War, against forces of totalitarianism that, Casey sincerely felt, had to be stopped at all costs - including both practical and moral costs. Yes, it had been and was going to be necessary to lie and cheat and steal -- and kill innocent people beyond the ability of any individual human being to count. (Ever tried to physically count to five million?) Yes, it was ugly -- ugly beyond anything you could get in your head -- ugly beyond telling. But the US, Casey felt, could do these things. Do them in secret, concealed in elaborate patterns of lies. With the secrecy and the lies justified, not only by expediency, but because there was a real desire to preserve the good things about America -- the kindness, the flexibility -- the opportunity -- the beauty. Preserve them by isolating them from the ugliness. Bill Casey deserved, I believe, the same criticism as Kissinger and his colleagues and proteges deserve -- that he took positions that "made Machiavelli seem like one of the Sisters of Mercy." And acted on them. rshowalter - 07:19am Jul 1, 2001 EST #6371 HOWEVER, Bill Casey also not only respected -- he revered , the standards of decency, and openness, and flexibility -- that THE NEW YORK TIMES tries to stand for -- and usually does. When I talked to Casey, he was very clear about the conflict -- and his sense of the terrible moral box he and others had gotten the United States into. When he talked to me, a special asset who, it had been provisionally decided, was not to be killed -- (at every meeting I had with Casey, I was sure he was re-evaluating that decision) -- what we talked about was finding an end game -- finding a way out of the horror . Perhaps, if Casey hadn't had the brain tumor he had, and died in 1989, the terrible tragedy of the last decade might not have happened quite as it did. Perhaps some grace not found could have been found. I don't know. This happened. When the Soviet Union fell, and everyone, on all sides, had so much hope, we didn't have an end game -- and the United States was so tied up with lies, that it could not sort out problems before it -- or help the Russians sort out their problems. Now, the country (those Americans led by the current Administration) is slam-banging into disaster -- throwing every decency imaginable overboard, one by one, in a doomed attempt to avoid having to face what has been done. If we faced it, as we must -- there'd be much hope. As it is now, --- America is being degraded, besmirched, made ugly - betrayed -- by the people now in control of the Federal government -- with but very few people standing up at all. Few are pointing to the obvious, pervasive lies that are so clearly before us. There simply is no alternative but for us to put the Cold War behind us. And that means that some core facts - that must be clear, for any reasonable shaping of the future --- must be set out. I think that this thread is part of that. rshowalter - 10:14am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#294 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
rshowalter - 08:00am Jul 2, 2001 EST #6397
MD6376 lunarchick 7/1/01 8:23am . . .
I don't think I'm doing US security any harm, or telling anyone anything very surprising, when I say that in the late 1950's and early 1960's, work at Fort Deitrich on biological warfare also included much work on "animal intelligence" -- especially as it related to guidance. How was it that birds or bats had so much greater ability to intercept moving tartgets than the best missiles? The idea crystalized - and it was an entirely reasonable idea, that there must be a gross mistake in the mathematics being used in our guidance systems -- the disparity between the clumsiness of manmade missiles, and the relatively fantastic grace and accuracy made this idea seem compelling. There were somewhat similar huge disparities involved in language processing and cryptography, as well. We had fast, powerful actuators, and plenty of speed and accelleration on our missiles -- but control was very problematic - and the instabilities encountered when tight control was attempted (a problem that was still central last year in MD experiments) were stunning and embarrassing, beside what animals such as bats could routinely do. It became clear that, if animal level control facility, or anything close to it, were achieved in our air to air missiles (or the Russian missiles) combat balances would shift radically. Then, as now, air to air missiles often missed. With good controls, they wouldn't. The story I heard is that McGeorge Bundy got interested in finding ways to get breakthrough math, and one of his initiatives, very informal, was to have the Ford Foundation fund the Cornell Six Year Ph.D. Program -- which brought together a lot of high test score, high achievement kids. I was one of these. In ways that were informal but highly disciplined I got recruited for a very unconventional, intense education. My impression was that I was told anything that I could use searching for answers people wanted, got all the instruction people could arrange for me, and was pushed as hard as they found it humanly possible to push me. My impression also was that my technical output earned my keep, from a fairly early stage. Kids are impressionable, and during this time, people found that the more they could tell me I was unusually smart, the more they could justify working me unmercifully, with my agreement. In many ways, I knew most of what was interesting before I came to Cornell -- I'd been deeply influenced by the Patent Office, by the process of invention, and by the questions involved in finding out how to do real, effective optimal invention, not in Edison's world, but in the much more complex and differently challenging, world of today. Perhaps the only really unusual part of my training was that I was taught to identify and solve differential equations in my head, using the series method. It was arduous to do this - but it did give me an ability to spot mathematical structures, and classify problems, that was useful. I believe that, before 1972, I knew every mathematical stumper that the government knew about -- had a sense of most technical anxieties -- and knew in some detail why the problems mattered. I also solved some problems, and I believe more than earned my keep -- most of these problems I solved, I believe, mostly because of my patent training. My intention was to work for the government for my lifetime, solving problems I was specialized to do, giving answers that other people could and would use, concentrating on problems of importance that were thought to be, in some sense (in retrospect, usually a social sense) "too hard" for others. People around me emphasized thes problems were "Robert Showalter problems." I was to make breakthrough inventions, on call, of a stark analytical nature -- and hand off he solutions when other people could use them. That was something I wanted to do -- and still want to do. I refused to lie, at a decisive time, on a matter connected to the discourse of the 1972 nuclear arms talks. I was to exaggerate how close I was to a solution of the tracking problem that made the difference between animal and human technical function on interception controls. I thought that do do so, in context, would be destabilizing. rshowalter - 08:02am Jul 2, 2001 EST #6399 Here's a snapshot of what I set out to do, with some encouragement and support, after stopping daily association with military matters. -- It is from a piece of writing I did some years ago. It gives a sense of what I knew at that time -- partly due to more-or-less formal education and work, partly due to attention to specific problems of concern to the government -- especially problems of system control and guidance, and partly due to an interest in inventions and patents that started when I was fourteen years old.
You can say that I've tried to find ways to invent in ways that have
disciplined beauty, in the real, complex socio-technical world in which we
live. By training (perhaps mistraining) I've tended to concentrate on
problems that are large, and that have, in some clear sense, stumped a
field of endeavor. I can talk about nuts and bolts of that sort of work.
rshowalter - 10:15am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#295 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
rshowalter - 08:02am Jul 2, 2001 EST #6400
I think for this thread, it is more interest to talk of output I've gotten from this "optimal invention" approach that might offer examples of things that the military industrial complex might do, more profitable for all concerned than missile defense efforts that technically cannot work, and perhaps, for world peace, should not work. Here are things that I believe can be achieved --
These are just "back of the envelope" thoughts I have -- comparable in many ways to the "back of the envelope" designs DOD is not backing on Missile Defense. But there is a difference. These are all well within the realm of the possible, and subject to reasonable cost estimation, with information in the open literature. I've suggested that the impossibility of the administration's missile defense proposals (which are far fetched indeed given what's known about signal resolutions and controls) be examined, in public, by setting out the miracles that DOD would have to achieve, in the sense of very large advances on what could be done with established knowledge in the open literature. The very same approach would show how possible -- in context, even easy, it would be to get global warming, human energy needs, and other basic human needs under far better control than they are now -- for less money than the administration is proposing to squander - to the reckless endangerment of the world, on missile defense programs that are, as I've used the phrase before, shucks . rshowalter - 08:04am Jul 2, 2001 EST #6401 With just a little honesty, the US, and the whole world, can do much better than it is now doing. The US military industrial complex can have plenty to do -- honorable work --without the need for lying -- work within the capacities of the technical people there. Currently, things are much worse, they are corrupt and uncomfortable for the people involved, and they are unacceptably dangerous. I've been prepared to answer questions many times before, and am still prepared to do so. On September 25, 2000, after a long and interesting dialog that started with a proposal in MD266 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:32am . . . MD267 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:33am MD268 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:35am ... MD269 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:36am I made an offer MD304 rshowalt 9/25/00 5:28pm . . . That offer stands. rshowalter - 08:10am Jul 2, 2001 EST #6402 I have some promises to keep to gisterme , but must go to a meeting, and tend to some things, before I keep them. The mechanism of getting full peace with the Russians, and sorting things out in other ways-- is available. There are many ways to do it. But the people involved have to be talking about what matters, in the contexts that are really there. rshowalter - 08:12am Jul 2, 2001 EST #6403 In my view, this is worth listening to, for those who have not done so. We need to attend to what matters, and we need to exercise judgement. After the first 9 minutes, the message is mostly secular. It is preached in a Baptist Church where many are of Jimmy Carter's persuasion on many issues. Most of the people in that church are Republicans -- some active, and ranking, in Republican organizations. http://www.wisc.edu/rshowalt/sermon.html
rshowalter - 10:29am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#296 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
rshowalter - 07:09pm Jul 24, 2001 EST #7384
" Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., criticized Russia even as he stressed that the ABM Treaty should be scrapped as ``a relic of a bygone era.'' " ``While Russia's government is still autocratic and undemocratic, and its war on the Chechen people is an abomination, nevertheless the world is now a long way from the days when the Soviet Union wrapped its tentacles virtually around the globe,'' Helms said. " Helms insisted no one was bowled over by the Russians. " ``We are short of Pollyannas in the Bush administration,'' Bolton assured him, adding later, ``We're a group of pretty hardheaded realists.'' " Many missile defense critics, including allies, have worried that it might prompt a new arms race. " ``The reason the Russians object to this, the reason the Chinese are apoplectic about their 23 missiles perhaps being completely rendered useless by a defensive system, is because they know it alters the balance,'' Kerry said. " ``If you change a country's perception of its safety, ... aren't you also then inviting them to alter the balance of power in order to secure a greater level of safety?'' he asked. " ``If their perception is inaccurate, ... it is our task to disabuse them of their misperception,'' Bolton replied. " Said Biden: ``The bottom line for me is: At the end of the day, are we more or less secure?'' " The United States could violate the ABM Treaty with any of a variety of planned steps, and Feith said a group studying the treaty should make that determination Monday." rshowalter - 08:13pm Jul 24, 2001 EST #7385 MD6057 rshowalter 6/26/01 7:22am
But more than that, there was an admonition, an order, that he repeated again and again, when we met. If I had to come in, and things were awkward in various ways, there was one thing, Casey felt, that I had to remember. That was to "preserve infrastructure." He was very definite about what he meant by "preserving infrastructure." He meant that it was necessary to arrange actions, messages, and pacings, so that adjustments that needed to be made could be made, without unnecessary damage to people and institutions, with people moving at their own pace - in ways that worked for the human organizations, and the sunk investments, in place. I was told to "come in through the TIMES," and I've tried to do that, and done so making minimal waves -- just setting messages out, and letting people read them, think about them, and check them. Has it been a waste? If only the past matters, not much but hope has
been accumulated. But some things have been hopeful. rshowalter - 10:30am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#297 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
rshowalter - 08:14pm Jul 24, 2001 EST #7386
I was glad to be able to have a one day meeting on this thread with becq on September 25, 2000 between MD266 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:32am and MD304 rshowalt 9/25/00 5:28pm . I still think the short suggestion MD266-269 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:32am makes human and practical sense, and the offer of rshowalt 9/25/00 5:28pm still stands. Did this accomplish anything? Maybe it sowed the seeds of some ideas. Anyway, I think Casey would have approved. He wouldn't have known of the internet channel, dying when he did, but he would have liked it, and approved of the usages. "Outside of channels" in some ways, but plainly "through channels" in some others. With Dawn Riley, there was a lot of work from September to March, summarized in MD813-818 rshowalter 3/1/01 4:08pm . . . and I set out some motivating background in rshowalter "Science News Poetry" 3/1/01 11:58am . . . and rshowalter "Science News Poetry" 3/1/01 2:07pm Perhaps after some initiative on the part of the TIMES, MD827 armel7 3/4/01 3:04pm ... there was the first of many hundreds of good posts by the person I've taken to calling this thread's "Putin - stand in" -- almarst . . . MD 829 almarstel2001 3/5/01 12:17am rshowalter - 08:17pm Jul 24, 2001 EST #7388 Dawn and I were proud to interact with almarst , and I think we both were fascinated with his passionate, angry arguments that, dealing with the United States, Russia needed nuclear weapons. It was like talking to a very smart, responsible person, living in a different conceptual world from the one I came from. Part of my job, for years, strongly encouraged by Casey, was to work on negotiation dynamics, and especially to try to figure out "why we couldn't talk to the Russians." Casey was clear that, even when we tried to avoid fights with the Russians, we got into them. The Russians had corresponding problems with us. I'd spent a good deal of time, working with Steve Kline, thinking about problems of complex cooperation -- and the idea of complexity itself -- partly because of a sense of those problems, and partly because of related difficulties with "paradigm conflict" that Steve and I had become interested in, that Dawn Riley and I have clarified this last year. rshowalter - 08:18pm Jul 24, 2001 EST #7389 We were especially interested in dialog with almarst after we read "Muddle in Moscow" http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=533129 ..... cited in MD1126 rshowalter 3/17/01 4:57pm ... When we read that story, we imagined that we really were dealing with a powerful man who had taken time, with a staff, to do some listening. Or perhaps we were in a "dry run" that that powerful person might be interested in. And for the next week, Dawn and I worked hard to tell almarst things we thought President Putin might be able to use, and got a lot of perceptive dialog back from almarst while we were doing it. MD1127 rshowalter 3/17/01 5:06pm ... MD1128 rshowalter 3/17/01 5:31pm MD1129 rshowalter 3/17/01 5:38pm ... MD1130 rshowalter 3/17/01 5:38pm MD1131 rshowalter 3/17/01 6:02pm ... MD1132 rshowalter 3/17/01 6:10pm Kline's Index of complexity -- V + P + L < C < V times P times L ... a key reason why truth is critical for good function in complex systems. MD1133 rshowalter 3/17/01 6:13pm ... MD1134 rshowalter 3/17/01 6:17pm MD1135 rshowalter 3/17/01 6:19pm ... MD1136 rshowalter 3/17/01 6:24pm MD1138 rshowalter 3/17/01 7:20pm ... MD1139 lunarchick 3/17/01 7:47pm MD1140 lunarchick 3/17/01 7:52pm ... The need for 3 views -- the need to account for positions that have "some of the truth, but not all of it." MD1143 rshowalter 3/17/01 8:03pm ... MD1144 rshowalter 3/17/01 8:04pm MD1145 rshowalter 3/17/01 8:22pm MD1150 rshowalter 3/17/01 9:57pm The dialog went on, and we got onto some crucial information, I felt, about economic efficiency, which I set out in: MD1394 rshowalter 3/23/01 5:30pm ... MD1395 rshowalter 3/23/01 5:36pm MD1396 rshowalter 3/23/01 5:38pm ... MD1397 rshowalter 3/23/01 5:41pm MD1398 rshowalter 3/23/01 5:43pm ... MD1399 rshowalter 3/23/01 5:51pm MD1400 rshowalter 3/23/01 5:53pm . and, for emphasis, ... MD 1401 rshowalter 3/23/01 5:56pm It is important for Russians to talk more informatively and reliably among themselves, and with others. MD1402 rshowalter 3/23/01 5:58pm ... MD1403 rshowalter 3/23/01 6:22pm MD1404 rshowalter 3/23/01 6:33pm ... MD1405-8 rshowalter 3/23/01 6:37pm A key point that should be common ground, for all the disappointment and bitterness: MD1409 rshowalter 3/23/01 7:10pm And I suggested an exercise in MD1410-1415 rshowalter 3/23/01 7:30pm rshowalter - 08:20pm Jul 24, 2001 EST #7390 After that week of dialog, I felt I understood the Russians better, and hoped that, if the Russians could understand these things, they might be able to sort out some of their internal and international problems better than before. I don't know if it has worked. But it seems to me that the Russians have done pretty well in a lot of areas since March, and almarst , Dawn and I have kept talking. (There have been 6258 postings since we cited "Muddle in Moscow" http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=533129 ) We've also had a lot of dialog with our "Bush administration stand-in" gisterme , starting with a powerful one in his first posting .. MD2997 gisterme 5/2/01 1:09pm ... that has clarified a lot. almarst has paid attention to that dialog. Has all this work been useful? Dawn and I have tried to make it so. It seems me that, if Bill Casey was looking down, he might be smiling. Maybe laughing at me. Hard to know. rshowalter - 10:31am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#298 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
lunarchick - 09:04pm Jul 24, 2001 EST #7391
People, good-bad ideas, money .. Interesting American - General Reinhard Gehlen center stage. 'Over the years, the diminutive dynamo helped amass $50 million in political war chests' $50m could probably put to more interesting uses than ensuring an electoral candidate. lunarchick - 09:22pm Jul 24, 2001 EST #7392 The Nazi's who were attracted into and influenced, and still influence, USA political international thinking have a philosophy that is unacceptable to most. On history, Adams said lunarchick 7/20/01 8:02pm history is NOW. Not yesterday, rather NOW ... which will become yesterday. So we look at the future, live in the present making history, and reflect back upon it when social historians pick it for patterns and focus. The most important now group who forge both future and past are engineers, of whom there is always a shortage. Talking with an Aussie engineer i learned this: "Tell an Engineer the problem - and s/he will set out to find a solution" So Engineers are problem solvers. There are lots of problems to be fixed. This raises the question - 'Why does the USA lasoo in so many, only to tie them up in MD knots and deny them to the world communities who have problems and needs - that can easily be fixed?'. Listening to a speaker regarding the world 'clean-up' conferences happening this week, she said, we were told that to fix this or that problem was 'too expensive' ... reports were produced to back up figures. Eventually the clean-up legislation went through in an individual country (say re air pollution), and it was found that the cost was far, far, less than the rebuttal suggestion - additional to which there were beneficial spin offs. lunarchick - 10:01pm Jul 24, 2001 EST #7393 Engineers need to work within financed frameworks, solutions are expensive, yet inexpensive, but people need steady salaries. A steady wage, a steady job ... yet little job satisfaction ... occurs when people are tied into a non-functional 'big picture'. ...' try to ensure a minimisation of mindless labour in order to maximise the time available for creative activity both inside and outside "work." This is to be achieved by free cooperation between equals, for while competition may be the "law" of the jungle, cooperation is the law of civilisation. This cooperation is not based on "altruism," but self-interest As Proudhon argued,
The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. Ellen Parr rshowalter - 10:04pm Jul 24, 2001 EST #7394 They ought never to be used. The damn things are unbearably ugly, unthinkably dangerous -- and we should junk them. If Russians and Americans agreed on some key things ---- after some hard work, we could. I made a suggestion, that I liked for practical and ceremonial reasons, on September 25th. People, both young and old, could understand what I'm suggesting, and people, including children, could remember it. MD266 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:32am ... MD267 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:33am MD268
rshowalt 9/25/00 7:35am ... MD269 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:36am rshowalter - 10:32am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#299 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
rshowalter - 11:56am Sep 9, 2001 EST #8698 <br> Robert
Showalter mrshowalter@thedawn.com
The CSIS Board, Counselors, and Advisers include people of overwhelming
influence, achievement, and experience in an established, interlocking
system of trusted and tested people. http://www.csis.org/about/index.htm
With patterns of secrecy and intricate defense in place, the issue
is not effectively discussable.
In dialog with gisterme I've been struck, again and again, by
what I've regarded as an amazing reluctance to admit that Americans could
be even partially at fault for the ills of the world, or for the agonies
of people. I've seen what I've felt to be a stunning reluctance to
consider the possibility that Americans might have to rethink patterns,
and change.
Could such a view be common in the American "establishment"?
If it is, is this position in the national interest of the United
States as a country? rshowalter - 10:33am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#300 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
rshowalter - 01:11pm Sep 9, 2001 EST #8699
Do American patterns now endanger the world? Many of the patterns that the elite members of CSIS regard as most beautiful are exemplified, I believe, in the NUNN-WOLFOWITZ TASK FORCE REPORT: INDUSTRY "BEST PRACTICES" REGARDING EXPORT COMPLIANCE PROGRAMS . . . but are these the patterns we need now, or the patterns we need to get away from? Here is Ted Turner's statement on January 8, 2001, announcing the Nuclear Threat Initiative. Turner personally stands for the complete elimination nuclear weapons, and makes that clear. And he has committed 250 million dollars to the effort -- a huge sum, compared to other sums available from foundations - for the cause of peace.
When a man does a wonderful, generous thing, he has some reason to expect that he'll be praised. (There is a nice scene about that, when Rick is generous, in Casablanca . ) Since January 8, Turner has been afflicted. And, still today, the Nuclear Threat Initiative has not set up a web site, and when I asked for their mission statement, I got the distinct impression that they didn't have any definition of what they were about, and had to take time to write it. Whenever it was written, their mission statement is a beautiful one: MD8426 rshowalter 9/4/01 11:11am
My own view is that some basic admissions are going to have to be made by people who have worked, their whole lives long, to harden their hearts, and been very successful in that, and in other things. Dawn Riley and I have worked hard to try to find and focus insights that will make levels of peace and collaboration that have been impossible before possible. I believe that one of our basic insights, set out in the beginning of Mankind's Inhumanity to Man and Woman - As natural as human goodness? fits, and is on point, here. rshowalter Sun 12/11/2000 18:11 MD8552 rshowalter 9/6/01 6:24am ... MD8553 rshowalter 9/6/01 6:26am MD8554 rshowalter 9/6/01 6:49am ... MD8503 rshowalter 9/5/01 4:18pm rgbrasel - 01:51pm Sep 9, 2001 EST #8700 RGBrasel@hotmail.com re: nonproliferation, test bans, chemical weapons, biological weapons, and other issues Before we can expect transparency from other nations that have developed or are developing deliverable weapons of mass destruction, we ourselves should be transparent. Under the current security paradigm, the US military and other agencies involved in weapons r&d still operate under an umbrella of paranoia. First of all, there is no accountability to the people, under the guise of national security. I believe that programs such as stealth, etc. should retain their complete secrecy for the reason that those technologies will save the lives of American and allied soldiers. However, I also believe that the books should be opened on our own mass destruction weapons research--past and present. Neutron bombs, bioweapons, etc., are not defensive weapons, nor are they weapons to "neutralize" military targets. They exist for one reason: to kill large numbers of human beings, military and civilian. We have lived too long under the shadow of annihilation. Disclosure on the part of our country is the most important step in ensuring a world free of weapons that threaten our very existence. lunarchick - 02:43pm Sep 9, 2001 EST (#8701 lunarchick@www.com believe that programs such as stealth, etc. should retain their complete secrecy for the reason that those technologies will save the lives of 'no one' ... in that a plane 1/4 the size of a football field creates distortion patterns as it moves --- and can be 'seen' rshowalter - 08:03pm Sep 9, 2001 EST #8726 <br> Robert Showalter mrshowalter@thedawn.com wrcooper 9/9/01 7:30pm I agree with you. Sometimes, I think community standards do very well. Usually when the facts are clearly and truthfully represented. In terms of the reasonable sense of proportion of the people I know -- the missile defense program looks so dispropotionate as to be wrenchingly ugly. All the same, I don't think it makes sense to dehumanize people like Rumsfeld, without some more information. Quite often "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions." -- and the question is -- when somebody asks you to "stop and check" -- what do you do? I think we've got whole subcultures of people living in delusional structures, and living within systems that classify some very important values out of existence. I personally believe that there is serious corruption, too. That, I believe, needs to be shown in detail. I believe it can be. rshowalter - 10:34am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#301 of 317) | lunarchick - 10:26pm Sep
9, 2001 EST #8727 lunarchick@www.com
.... and the winner is ...
There are a lot of things that we're having to learn. And there are reasons for change in the United States. We can't just keep telling others to change, to fit our views, without meeting some standards of decency and efficiency ourselves. I've tried pretty hard today, but there were a lot of things I hoped to get to that I just have to leave for tomorrow. But I'd like, in case anybody is interested in looking back, to emphasize MD8696 rshowalter 9/9/01 7:32am ... MD8698 rshowalter 9/9/01 1:10pm MD8699 rshowalter 9/9/01 1:11pm rshowalter - 10:33pm Sep 9, 2001 EST #8729 Have to go. Things are moving so that they could get a lot worse, or a lot better, pretty soon. Time to stay awake. Back tomorrow. My comment about "same connective structure, different coefficients" wasn't casual. It works in the "logic of international relations" as well. The things that look to me and many other people like corruptions and indecencies change the values in a lot of decision sequences. It seems to me that Bush is not only degrading, but impoverishing, the United States, by lying in a world where, most often, life is so complicated that the truth is the only real hope for improvement. rshowalter - 10:43pm Sep 9, 2001 EST #8730 Brave man: .... http://www.christusrex.org/www1/sdc/tank-1.jpg MD7946 rshowalter 8/20/01 11:34pm rshowalter - 10:35am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#302 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
gisterme - 11:49pm Sep 9, 2001 EST #8731
rswhoalter wrote ( rshowalter 9/9/01 7:56pm ): "...In terms of my
assumptions, aesthetic judgements based on those assumptions, and emotions
connected to the assumptions and aesthetic feelings, (it) feels right to
me to say that..."
"...If I made other substitutions,..."
Robert, you might also consider substituting words like " prudent " or
" responsible "; but, knowing you, I doubt that ever crossed your mind.
Of course, you have every right to believe what you want to believe. We
all do. After all, what differentiates our society from the structures of
enforced socialism, as they exist in China today and used to exist in the
Soviet Union, is that we can also freely express our personal beliefs.
But what is the relationship of personal belief to reality? Is the
relationship causal? I'll bet that (at least in your own mind) you'd
strongly argue against causality when it comes to the beliefs of religious
folks, who may present an identical basis for their faith as you've
presented above for yours. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
From a strictly causal view, one might argue that the faith of the
religious is based only on ancedotal evidence and "emotion"; yet, by your
own statement above, you've concisely defined, as the foundation of your
own equally fervent faith, an equally intangible basis. You've summed it
up very nicely in the first paragraph above. I commend you for your
honesty...for the first time I'm beginning to have a clue as to your
motivation. This is the foundation of your faith... "...my assumptions,
aesthetic judgements based on those assumptions, and emotions connected to
the assumptions and aesthetic feelings, (it) feels right to me to say...".
Hmmm. A lot of people feel the same way about Moses, Jesus and others.
I'll bet you've spent more time on this thread every week, at least
since I've been noticing, than just about any clergyman spends preparing
his weekly sermon. Certainly more time than the most devoted layman spends
on his/her religious faith. Robert, this seems to be your religion. To
each his own. I haven't noticed that God has appointed me anybody's judge.
I do have to wonder though if you'd object if others tried as hard as you
do to dominate a forum like this with their religious beliefs. You really
do spend most of your effort talking about things not related to missile
defense but rather related to demonizing the United States government,
particularly people who haven't had any significant influence for decades.
It's just an observation, Robert; but, give it some thought...that's the
way it looks to me.
I also wonder if some of those other religous zelots honestly don't
realize they're talking about religion... :-) rshowalter - 10:36am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#303 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
gisterme - 12:11am Sep 10, 2001 EST #8732
wrcooper wrote( wrcooper 9/9/01 4:13pm ): "...Why is the Pentagon and
its friends placing so much political capital in this flawed scheme? Who
really believes that it will work?..."
I do WR, I'm certain that BMD will work and that your assumption that
the idea is "flawed" is one that is entirely faith-based. There's far more
evidence that BMD will work than that it won't. I was neutral on the topic
when I first got involved with this thread but I've been inspired to study
the topic in considerable depth. I'm now convinced that BMD is quite
doable. We've been over that in detail several times on this thread. We
could do it without any great technological leaps...just some
re-integration of already exisisting stuff. With some additional
incremental improvements to existing technology (not an unreasonable
expectation) a successful limited BMD should be a slam-dunk. Bob has often
and loudly responded to analytical presentation of physical facts (that I
spent a good bit of time on at his request) with "it requires miracles".
I'm beginning to realize that he's a man of faith. Facts are facts. Not
believing will not change change the facts...and we're not moving backward
in the technological capability department.
lunarchick - 12:49am Sep 10, 2001 EST #8733
take time by the forelock.. King of New York
lunarchick - 01:05am Sep 10, 2001 EST #8734
The NYT report re the Flushing Meadows match ommitted an important
point, simply this:
The Aussie beat Sampras this time, last time and the time before when
they met. This Aussie at age 14 also beat Agassi - which may have inspired
that guy to shape-up again - which he did.
WRT our spirituality Gisterm the story runs thus:
Tribal communities - where ever express spirituallity - via their
environment in the rocks, the birds the shadows.
With the advent of the horse and travel - god was thrown skywards -
thus accompanying a believer anywhere they went.
The Taliban ridded us of the 'mud' statues of yore because they weren't
sky gods.
WRT Showalter and his dedication to MD reduction .. it might be viewed
from the HEALTH AND SAFETY aspect - missles are neither safe nor healthy!
The weekly literature seach noted that 10,000 missiles are 'launch ready'
continuously ... Showalter has pointed out the statistical possibility
that these might just 'fire' ... and indeed on the thread we have an
example above of Russian operators seeing a missile coming at them (on
their monitors), these guys had to determine whether to retaliate and
start a massive nuclear war ... or ... to discount it as an error - this
they did - overriding the system! rshowalter - 10:36am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#304 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
rshowalter - 12:53pm Sep 10, 2001 EST #8738
I take religlious matters, including ideas about religious causation, quite seriously. But I take practical matter seriously, and on the issues involved with this thread, see no contradictions. I've written about issues of morality, which I think are essential for decent and practical action, on this thread for a long time, and on the Guardian Talk threads as well. MD816 rshowalter 3/1/01 4:25pm ... MD817 rshowalter 3/1/01 4:27pm MD818 rshowalter 3/1/01 4:32pm ... MD2203 lunarchick 4/13/01 9:24am ... MD2204 lunarchick 4/13/01 9:28am MD2205 lunarchick 4/13/01 9:30am ... MD2206 lunarchick 4/13/01 9:35am MD4157 rshowalter 5/22/01 3:13pm .... MD4158 rshowalter 5/22/01 3:29pm MD4159 rshowalter 5/22/01 5:20pm ... Now, I've had some personal background that I've tried to be clear about, and asked people to check, and it is consistent with either an entirely secular or a quite religious view. I don't think the right answers, for me, at the level of action, depend much on whether I'm considering things in terms of religious belief, or in secular terms. And I don't feel that the right answers for other people depend much on that either. MD6057 rshowalter 6/26/01 7:22am MD6370 rshowalter 7/1/01 7:19am ... MD6371 rshowalter 7/1/01 7:19am MD6397 rshowalter 7/2/01 8:00am ... MD6398 rshowalter 7/2/01 8:00am MD6399 rshowalter 7/2/01 8:02am ... MD6400 rshowalter 7/2/01 8:02am MD7385 rshowalter 7/24/01 8:13pm ... MD7386 rshowalter 7/24/01 8:14pm MD7388 rshowalter 7/24/01 8:17pm ... MD7389 rshowalter 7/24/01 8:18pm MD7390 rshowalter 7/24/01 8:20pm ... These experiences do give me a strong sense of duty , and a sense, that I think many people would appreciate, of a calling on the subject matter of this board -- which is getting rid of nuclear weapons, and getting to a more workable and productive peace -- with missile defense one issue among a number of fundamentally coupled issues. When I was routed to this board by "kate_nyt" , my interest in nuclear disarmament was not in question, and was made clear from my first postings MD266 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:32am ... MD267 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:33am MD268 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:35am ... MD269 rshowalt 9/25/00 7:36am on that day to an offer that still stands MD304 rshowalt 9/25/00 5:28pm I think there's a significant chance of the world ending because of people like you gisterme , and that seems to me to be sufficient motivation to work on this board, backslider and doubter though I am. From an entirely secular point of view, it seems a good reason to me. rshowalter - 12:54pm Sep 10, 2001 EST #8739 My own view is that I'm doing just exactly what Bill Casey told me to
do, and that, to an extent that I sometimes find surprising, it seems to
be working. rshowalter - 10:37am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#305 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
rshowalter - 12:56pm Sep 10, 2001 EST #8740
I believe that Dawn and I are delivering "good news." Which productive professionals, after hard work, are expected to do. The good news (and warnings) includes these things: Some issues involving the interface between physical modeling and math. New techniques and insights that make it possible to "talk to the Russians" at a level that wasn't possible before, and to adress, define, and focus problems more than before. So that people have a chance of solving problems that were insoluble before, that can now be solved by hard work. Explanations of how to address paradigm conflict , a very serous problem The importance of understanding details if "the golden rule" is to be practical and operational, especially under difficult circumstances. and A basic insight about how people function in groups, set out in the first pages of Mankind's Inhumanity to Man and Woman - As natural as human goodness? rshowalter Sun 12/11/2000 18:11 that I believe is essential if people are to more effectively adress problems of complex cooperation, and the avoidance of explosive fights. rshowalter - 12:58pm Sep 10, 2001 EST #8741 I let a Guardian thread referred to in MD4159 rshowalter 5/22/01 5:20pm lapse. I will be modifying it in terms of things that have happened, and reposting it . . hopefully today. There's also an excellent thread on the Guardian, where I have only a few postings, God is the Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential - Discuss gjowilson "God is the Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential - Discuss" Sat 06/07/2002 21:07 that I think is very good. Discussions there make the point that, on many issues of morality and practicality, people with very different backgrounds and beliefs should be able to find common ground on some basic things. I believe that Dawn Riley has some posts in there that she should be very proud of - - that represent intellectually first rate and aesthetically beautiful work. Some other people have contributed some really find posts in that thread, as well. But I also want to say more about the points in MD8717 wrcooper 9/9/01 5:05pm to MD8726 rshowalter 9/9/01 8:03pm rshowalter - 01:01pm Sep 10, 2001 EST #8742 I'll have other things to say about MD8731 gisterme 9/9/01 11:49pm ... MD8732 gisterme 9/10/01 12:11am as well. gisterme makes one point, where we have an essential disagreement, and a disagreement that matters very much: "You really do spend most of your effort talking about things not related to missile defense but rather related to demonizing the United States government, particularly people who haven't had any significant influence for decades. " Things that have happened over decades matter still. On the matter of "demonization" .... I believe that there are many, many beautiful, credible things about my country, the United States. And I love my country. But for the good of the United States itself, and for the safety of the whole world, people both inside the US and outside it need to understand that there are ugly things about the United States, and need to know what they are. These ugly things need to be tended to, and made better in the future, rather than denied. If that happened, the United States would be a much more efficient, comfortable, safer place. With considerably less reason to be afraid than she now has. There are significant and entirely avoidable risks that the world may end, and the world is far uglier than it needs to be, because the United States government, in some essential ways, has been so evasive, so predatory, and so dishonest. There are things that need to be fixed. And facts that need to be checked. Including some basically simple
technical ones, that gisterme has worked long and hard to evade and avoid.
rshowalter - 10:37am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#306 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
rshowalter - 06:43pm Sep 10, 2001 EST #8743
Repost, as promised in rshowalter 9/10/01 12:58pm Detail, and the Golden Rule http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?128@@.ee8b441 Religious? In a sense, yes. In another sense, maybe not. Either way, I have no apologies for it. I'm proud of it, in fact. gisterme , perhaps you may have objections to the piece when you read it. I think it is intensely practical. Also, for most people, inoffensive. I don't think my maternal grandfather, who was a Baptist preacher, would have objected. Nor granddaddy's best fishing buddy, who was a Rabbi. Nor another good fishing buddy of his, a scoffer. rshowalter - 09:26pm Sep 10, 2001 EST (#8744 of 8748) Robert Showalter showalte@macc.wisc.edu Nazi war criminals in Britain . http://www.guardian.co.uk/nazis/ http://www.guardian.co.uk/nazis/article/0,2763,478005,00.html almarst represent thoughts of the RUSSIAN culture -- and Russians, having watched the coddling of Nazi war criminals for fifty years, are likely to respond cynically to selective prosecution of war crimes. We, as a nation, and the British, and NATO, ought to build a single standard here. I think there should be many more prosecutions for war crimes. Not fewer. But the decisions of the past need to be accomodated. And if the standard is "severe prosecution of all war criminals with Communist ties - - - almost no prosecution of war criminals with Nazi ties" that is a problem. We have that problem. In our dealings with the Russians, we need to
know, as they know, that we have it. We can't change the past. But we can
remember it, as we move into the future. rshowalter - 10:38am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#307 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
rshowalter - 09:08am Sep 12, 2001 EST #8827 <br> Robert
Showalter mrshowalter@thedawn.com
It seems to me, still today, where so much of human concern, and human
hatred is on view, that the concerns in Mankind's Inhumanity to Man and
Woman - As natural as human goodness? 1-3 , rshowalter Sun 12/11/2000
18:11 make sense.
We need to be able to think about our enemies as people -- either to
defeat them, or to make the people who support them less likely to remain
active enemies. To do this, we have to be able to understand how they
think -- and how they feel.
The terrorists who did so much damage yesterday did something that was,
to them, a beautiful thing.
There are plenty of things about our society, and its connection to
other societies, that need to be thought through more carefully. Almarst ,
Dawn Riley, and I have been involved in extensive discussions of these,
involving both journalism and the performance of intelligence agencies.
MD8754 rshowalter 9/11/01 8:30am
wrcooper - 10:20am Sep 12, 2001 EST #8828
Yesterday's attacks point up the wrongheadedness of Bush's NMD plan.
Terrorist groups or rogue nations won't use nuclear-tipped ICBMs to strike
at the U.S. They'll use what one commentator called "low-tech, high
concept" weapons, such as commandeered commercial airliners loaded with
jet fuel to kill Americans. If they obtain nukes, they'll carry them on
their backs and land on our shores in the dead of night on a remote beach;
they won't launchan easily trackable missile from their homeland, inviting
retaliation. These horrifying events show the madness and futility of
bush's plan.
rshowalter - 11:51am Sep 12, 2001 EST #8829 <br> Robert
Showalter mrshowalter@thedawn.com
I made some references to this Missile Defense forum on some Guardian
Talk threads, including this one in Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror
rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Tue 04/09/2001 10:01
logician3 - 12:03pm Sep 12, 2001 EST #8830 Bush is an
wrcooper 9/12/01 10:20am
Quite true, only a large country with a significant nuclear presence
could hope to have any success in a traditional nuclear strike scenario -
"rogue" states just don't have the wherewithall to pull something like
that off.
Nontraditional modes of delivery, however, could be tried by a rogue
fructidor_18 - 12:03pm Sep 12, 2001 EST #8831
``The cause of the Arab people… has never been worse served than by
terrorism against civilians, now practiced systematically by Arab
movements. Terrorism delays, perhaps irremediably, the solution of justice
that will eventually come''. -Albert Camus, circa 1950s
Donors who wish to give blood in the coming days to replenish the
nation's blood supply are encouraged to call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE.
American Tragedy - Find out how you can help the victims.
America Under Attack--GOVERNMENT GUIDE rshowalter - 10:39am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#308 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
gisterme - 01:48pm Sep 12, 2001 EST #8832
logician3 wrote (WRT the possibility of a terrorist nuclear missile
attack, logician3 9/12/01 12:03pm ): Quite true, only a large country with
a significant nuclear presence could hope to have any success in a
traditional nuclear strike scenario - "rogue" states just don't have the
wherewithall to pull something like that off.
Those sound like famous last words, logician3. Before yesterday, few
thought a horror like the one we witnessed was possible either. That
attack scenario is now used-up. It's obvious that these folks are
attacking as much for symbolic impact as to do real damage...and few
things evoke greater symobolic visions of grandure than nuclear missiles.
They were the Cold War phallic symbols of the superpowers. What these
animals don't seem to comprehend is that, like Pearl Harbor, the WTC
murders will be the symbol that focuses the entire western world against
their cause and leads to their ultimate destruction.
No amount of negotiating or "understanding", as Robert puts it, would
have prevented yesterday's tragedy. These mass-murderers are no more
interested in those things than Hitler was. They want to kill Jews just
like Hitler did. Same spirit. They hate the US because it has prevented
them from doing that. It's as simple as that. They are not rational...and
in an irrational enviornment, conventional wisdom does not apply.
rshowalter - 10:39am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#309 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
HOW THE BRAIN WORKS <br> lunarchick - 01:49pm Jan 8,
2001 EST #2178 lunarchick@www.com
Code Breakers would see it at first glance. I note you had either a
time deadline, or, so much confidence in your output that 'checking' and a
read through (by yourself) didn't happen.
You are no doubt, hinting that the logic of the 1/6/01 posting would
have been enhanced, had it been read it through!
One notes that although possibly 80% of Australians no longer live
outside the City - it is the most urbanised country in the world - When it
comes to promoting products, the back to nature astpect has massive appeal
to buyers who wish to identify with The Land and traditional values.
HOW THE BRAIN WORKS <br> rshowalter - 07:49am Jan 9,
2001 EST #2179 <br> Robert Showalter
On code breaking - a central assumption code-breakers make is that the
"code machine" does what it is known to do. The braint does some wonderful
There are two beautiful articles in Science Times today that relate to
animal sound processing:
Eavesdropping on Secrets of Elephant Society By ANDREW C. REVKIN
and Sonata for Humans, Birds and Humpback Whales By NATALIE
ANGIER http://www.nytimes.com/2001/01/09/science/09MUSI.html
the musicality of brain would be inherent in the anatomy of neural
structure, according to a suggestion I've made, connected to resonance,
including organ pipe resonances that would show many harmonies. rshowalter
12/26/00 10:55am
The argument depends on the arithmetic of representation of physical
circumstanes by dimensional numbers in coupled cases, where more than one
physical effect is at play in the same space at the same time. Both math
and experiments are now being dealt with in a way that I believe will lead
to right answers. I'm doing my imperfect best to facilitate that, and it
seems to me that things are proceeding, just now, in a scientifically and
institutionally proper way.
HOW THE BRAIN WORKS <br> rshowalter - 07:55am Jan 9,
2001 EST #2180 <br> Robert Showalter
Another aspect of looking at the code of the brain is not directly
musical. But it may be related to resonance (and ideas that somehow ring a
bell). Ive written a passage on the connection of associative thought, and
intuition, to statistics, and perhaps to resonance in the Guardian. God is
the Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential-#202
It refers to Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) , a technique now used in
all successful web search engines. Landauer and Dumais suggest that LSA is
in some ways close to things that must be happening in brain. #202
includes this, about associative and aesthetic aspects of our mental
There are people, some of whom may read these forums, who believe that
I've been unreasonably slow, and indirect, putting others to unnecessary
and unjust trouble. Some may feel that I owe them both explanations, and
apologies. I know I feel that I do owe them such explanations and
apologies - and also, some clear and properly proportioned thanks. I'm
trying to set these things out - insofar as I can. I'm not finding it
easy. There are things I wish I could have done differently. But I think
progress is being made, and that things may resolve in ways that justify
and redeem much of the hard work, and institutional tolerance, on show in
the NYT forums I've been luck enough to be involved with. rshowalter - 10:40am Jul 7, 2002 BST (#310 of 317) | Links cited in DETAIL AND
THE GOLDEN RULE http://talk.guardian.co.uk/Web@.eece621/0
HOW THE BRAIN WORKS <br> thenutcracker1 - 03:46pm Feb
25, 2001 EST #2255
One difference King points out is that the brain is more likely to be
an anticpation system than a computation system. High speed computation
isn't necessary because the variables are infinite or almost infinite.
High speed decision making of viable alternatives would be necessary.
HOW THE BRAIN WORKS <br> rshowalter - 04:06pm Feb 25,
2001 EST #2256 <br> Robert Showalter
Decision making is computation - often very fancy computation.
Somehow, someway, people have to be fast enough to read, and see, and
hear, and reason, as fast as they do.
HOW THE BRAIN WORKS <br> lunarchick - 04:19pm Feb 25,
2001 EST #2257 lunarchick@www.com
HOW THE BRAIN WORKS <br> rshowalter - 12:02pm Feb 26,
2001 EST #2258
Sometimes, academics set up territorial conflicts, and fights, with
real losers, and effective tendencies to keep people from listening to
each other, for reasons that aren't logically necessary.
Here is Nick Chater, referring to the contrast and false conflict
between statistical and symbol processing approaches to mind:
The debate Chater speaks of has had some of the characteristics of a
rshowalter - 12:09pm Feb 26, 2001 EST #2259
In the middle 1990's a major advance was made, forming a connection
between statistics and symbolics. It is Latent Semantic Analysis. I
discuss some of the implications, or possible implications, of LSA, from
an aesthetic, or mystical, or literary, or religious perspective in LSA
from a broad intellectual-aesthetic-literary-religious perspective
Here is a draft of a Psychology Review paper explaining LSA:
A Solution to Platos Problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis Theory of
Acquisition, Induction and Representation of Knowledge .......Thomas
K. Landauer and Susan T. Dumais
I comment on LSA and connect it to the connectionist tradition in
Statistical-Associational Correllation and Symbol Reasoning are mutually
On the basis of connections in time and similarities in
statistical-contextual context, LSA connects words. LSA programs can do so
well enough to score impressively (~ 50% correct) on the multiple choice
synonym tests that are the usual tests for human word knowledge. LSA does
so with no definitions at all.
Landauer and Dumais draw this basic conclusion:
lchic - 07:08am Jul 9, 2002 BST (#311 of 317) Data warehousing / BELL -
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http://www.bell-labs.com/project/serendip/ lchic - 07:47pm Jul 13, 2002 BST (#312 of 317) Riefenstahl [Helene (Leni)
Riefenstahl (1902- ) ONE HUNDRED YEARS OLD] was an artist whose personal
preoccupations were primarily artistic and technical, not political, but
that her films were used by Hitler and the Nazi party for their own
political games.
If you've seen 'The triumph of the will' ... would you realise that
you're watching a cut of the film from the CIA? Not her original version!
Shot in September and October 1934.
Original length: 3,109 meters; 114 minutes.1 35mm. Black and white.
Recognitions: German National Film Prize 1934/35; International Film
Festival Venice 1935: Best Foreign Documentary Film; Gold Medal and Grand
French Prize, 1937.
rshowalter - 09:35am Jul 22, 2002 BST (#313 of 317) | The NYT-Missile Defense forum
is extensive, and with the help of an excellent computer professional, I'm
organizing it into the form of a CD, with indexing and some searches and
search capability. I believe that copyright issues can be reasonably,
fairly adressed. MD3155-57 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3936
There's plenty there to check - - the CD includes 5000 html text files
(120mb of text files -- 5.7 million words.) It would take some effort to
check the facts presented -- but there are enough of these facts,
connected and crosslinked clearly enough to a checkable outside world,
that it should be possible to establish a lot. And rule out the "fiction
hypotheis" on a number of key points.
MD3225 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/4029
MD3226 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/4030
MD3160 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3941
... MD3158 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3939
... MD2646 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3294
Sometimes the coverage in the NYT is so distinguished that it revives
my sometimes-wavering confidence in Bill Casey's judgement and advice on a
key issue. I think the following coverage is really distinguished.
NEWS ANALYSIS Investor Confidence Ebbs as Market Keeps Dropping
By GRETCHEN MORGENSON http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/21/business/21CONF.html
Related Articles:
News Analysis: No Strong Voice on Bush's Team http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/21/politics/21ECON.html
Week in Review: Hold On for a Wild Ride http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/21/weekinreview/21BERE.html
I was especially impressed with this:
INTERACTIVE GRAPHIC The Incredible Shrinking Stock Market
More Than $7 Trillion Gone By SETH W. FEASTER http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/21/weekinreview/20020721_MARKET_GRAPHIC.html
Here's a beautiful technique -- graphs under graphs: Market Value: 17.25 Trillion - March 24, 2000 Market Value: 10.03 Trillion - July 18, 2002 Market Structure: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FRANK RICH is right in The Road to Perdition http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/20/opinion/20FRIC.html
. . . "Everything is connected."
When Bill Casey advised me that, after easier options were exhausted,
my best chance was to "come in through The New York Times - - he
had good reasons. When exposition is difficult, and depth is needed - it
is the best newspaper in the world. Surely the best in the U.S. Though
not, perhaps, as good as Casey thought in every respect.
The Times can't and won't break a story that is too difficult
all alone -- and for pretty good reasons. But some situations are unstable
- maybe even ready to "break" -- and break into print.
If anybody wants a copy of the CD, which is presentable now, though it
will be in better form later - please email me at mrshowalter@thedawn.com
with your mailing adress, so that I can mail you a copy. rshowalter - 06:18pm Jul 31, 2002 BST (#314 of 317) | I believe I'm justified in
posting this due to the quite exceptional circumstances involved.
3377 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@167.77ySa2gXP2j^3825406@.f28e622/4240
includes this:
"Lchic's point about "crowd's that don't even know their own staff
list" refers to the CIA, but may also apply, in some measure, to a
newspaper and institution I respect and revere - The New York Times
"Am I, after all, wrong about George Johnson, and his interactions with
me, on the boards and in private correspondence, over the last four years?
"Is it possible that George was doing what he was told to do, or what
people at NYT knew he was doing?
"Was Johnson, who MRCOOPER pointed out is a "family man" with a family
to support, being paid by the government to resist and defame me, with the
NYT's knowledge?
"It wouldn't necessarily be right for the public, or for Congressional
people to know (thought that might make sense)
"It wouldn't necessarily be right for me to know (though I think it
would be.)
"But it seems to me that it would be right for the top people of the
NYT, near the masthead, to get themselves informed about this.
"If I've connected some dots wrongly, I also believe I've done so
reasonably here. If I happen to be wrong, on anything of significance, and
can be shown that, I'll hasten to apologize.
Repeated for emphasis: Almarst2002 , the NYT MD thread's "Putin stand-in" then rejoined the forum, after an absence. I was very glad that he did that, and made such interesting postings. 3365 includes a number of citations to the Guardian Talk thread Psychwar, Casablanca, and terror - - - I'm asking that some things be checked. I believe that I deserve that much -- in the national interest, the world interest, and my own. - - - - - For some purposes, I feel that the NYT Missile defense forum has worked extremely well . . . . In very large part, it is valuable because it involves lchic - - probably the most valuable mind I've ever had the honor of being in contact with. And a first-rate animal and human being, as well ! MD3316-17 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@167.KYOsaxDFPEG^3508826@.f28e622/4168 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@167.27iMaawUPxl^3829439@.f28e622/4247
rshowalter - 06:57pm Jul 31, 2002 BST (#315 of 317) | MD3365 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@167.27iMaawUPxl^3829411@.f28e622/4227
includes a number of references to postings in the TALK thread
Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror . . and includes this:
rshowalter - 07:56pm Aug 5, 2002 BST (#316 of 317) | Polls are shifting in the US.
That could be important. Stanley Greenberg's What Voters
Want http://www.nytimes.com/2002/08/05/opinion/05GREE.html
includes this:
Pity that markets have to dive to provide the discipline. All the same,
US politicians who have felt immune to "arguments about details" before
may be immune no longer. Some things that need to be attended to, and
checked, may get checked. Problems that have festered may get addressed.
Questions that people outside the United States have asked to be
answered are more likely to be addressed thoughtfully now. rshowalter - 10:53pm Aug 12, 2002 BST (#317 of 317) | I'm finding this thread most
useful for reference on the NYT MD thread. My estimate now is that,
putting my own work aside (and much more reluctantly, lchic's work
aside) the NYT Missile Defense thread now represents something more than a
million dollars, US, worth of staff work. And is maybe worth the cost.
MD3668 -Aug 12, 2002 EST http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.zO9OaxYRQWo^0@.f28e622/4621
references a previous posting that read:
Reasons that I've had to believe that Ann Coulter has posted on the NYT
Missile Defense thread extensively, as "kangdawei" are set out
between MD3640 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.zO9OaxYRQWo^0@.f28e622/4586
and MD3643 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.zO9OaxYRQWo^0@.f28e622/4589
. . . There were 44 postings by kangdawei . Perhaps I'm incorrect
in my inference that Coulter was kangdawei. But if so, I've drawn
my conclusion for clear reasons - stated so that others can judge for
themselves. My key evidence is that kangdawei posted a web link to
Coulter -- and that it was removed quickly after I attempted to contact
Given the interaction in its totality, I think it is fair game for me
to post this here, as well as on the NYT MD thread.
Probabilities link. For a year of very extensive postings,
gisterme knew that I'd been referring to (him-her), on this thread
and on the Guardian, as a Bush administration stand-in - - and
gisterme's postings played that role admirably, for more than a
thousand postings. By Washington standards, I feel that those postings
represented a million dollars worth of staff work. Almarst also
knew that I'd been referring to (him-her) as this thread's "Putin stand
in" and almarst's postings seemed to me to play that role
admirably. They also reprented impressive and extensive staff work.
Perhaps I'm guilty of jumping to some conclusions about who posters
are. Playing a "game" - - one may forget that it is a game. But it seems
to me I stated the case reasonably in MD1999 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.zO9OaxYRQWo^0@.f28e622/2484
whether I've made some "connections that aren't there" or not. MD3639 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.zO9OaxYRQWo^0@.f28e622/4585
If I feel that I have apologies to make (and that is surely a
possibility) I'll hasten to make them - but don't feel right about doing
so now, on the basis of information that I have. I'm not sure any are
warranted - though I'm willing to be convinced.
The Odds of That by LISA BELKIN http://www.nytimes.com/2002/08/11/magazine/11COINCIDENCE.html
is a very interesting piece.
The process by which human beings "connect the dots" -- form patterns
in their minds -- is the same process - - whether the particular
relationship "seen" happens to be real or coincidental. You have to check.
Our culture, these days - is in a lot of serious and unnecessary
trouble because checking has become so difficult. I believe that this is
an especially large problem in the United States -- and an especially
large problem in the Bush administration.
Here are facts that it seems to me are basic - things that we all know
- and have to know at some level - from about the time we learn to talk.
In the United States, and elsewhere, it seems to me that these basic
things are too often ignored.
Too often, it seems to me, the Bush administration forgets these simple
facts -- on which some basic human needs rest. But much too much of the
rest of America does, too -- and the failings are strictly bipartisan.
rshowalter - 09:10pm Aug 19, 2002 BST (#318 of 339) | I believe that Patrick E.
Tyler's Officers Say U.S. Aided Iraq in War Despite Use of Gas http://www.nytimes.com/2002/08/18/international/middleeast/18CHEM.html
should be read carefully and repeatedly by citizens and nation states, all
over the world. And by news organizations, too. There is a lot of
substance, and, with a little thought, there are a lot of implications and
leads from Tyler's story. MD3804 August 18, 2002 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/4788
rshowalter - 02:47am Aug 28, 2002 BST (#319 of 339) | The questions
Both to explain how technical solutions that get breakthrough results
can be found and proven - - and how the processes of finding these
solutions can be learned and taught.
And to explain how socio-technical aspects of these problems are hard.
Hard, but not hopeless. The social and psychological difficulties with
getting solutions implemented can be handled more easily than they are
handled now --- because of thigs that lchic and I have worked out.
3992 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5025
Since Socrates' time, at the latest, philosophers and ordinary people
have discussed questions close to these questions:
How can "connecting the dots" work as well as it most often does? (This
is "Plato's problem." )
We know a prodigious amount, and everybody agrees on an enormous body
of common ground, about the meaning of words and many other things. How
can the process work as badly as it sometimes does? When the process goes
wrong, how can we know that it has gone wrong?
We don't agree on even very basic things about how human reason works
when it works well. Or how it sometimes fails.
How can we know that one answer is better than another?
Landauer, Dumais, and co-workers made a big contribution - that had
precedents, of course - but that made a big difference.
I'm trying to clarify -- and simplify - - and generalize some of the
basic points of Landauer, Dumais, and co-workers - and carry them further.
What's new is a clear sense of HOW VERY BIG the payoffs with
simplification usually are -- how VERY likely checked sequences are to
converge on useful (if imperfect) order. And how VERY large the number of
checks often are.
Looking hard at the statistics of induction is worthwhile. That hard
look lets us think about induction in a more orderly, hopeful way.
I have tremendous respect for the references cited in 3936-3945 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/4959
But it seems to me that as far as human welfare goes, lchic's
rhyme, widely taught, might do as much good as all those references put
together. In part by summarizing much of what those references teach. With
an added "sense of the odds" that hasn't been taught enough.
If children and adults understood that - we'd be more humane, and solve more practical problems. Before adults would let children learn lchic's little rhyme -- they'd have to learn some things themselves. Things that would make the world more humane. rshowalter - 09:45pm Sep 5, 2002 BST (#320 of 339) | Countdown to a
Collision http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/05/opinion/05THU1.html
President Bush's promise to seek Congressional approval for action against
Iraq was heartening but does not substitute for a comprehensible policy.
No Action on Iraq Until Congress Approves, Bush Says By ALISON
MITCHELL and DAVID E. SANGER http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/04/international/04CND-IRAQ.html
President to Seek Congress’s Assent Over Iraq Action By
ELISABETH BUMILLER http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/05/international/middleeast/05PREX.html
Bid to Justify a First Strike By DAVID E. SANGER http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/05/international/middleeast/05ASSE.html
German Leader's Warning: War Plan Is a Huge Mistake By STEVEN
ERLANGER http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/05/international/europe/05SCHR.html
These are perilous times. From discussion - if there is enough care to
get facts and ideas sorted to something decently resembling closure
- we'll get to better outcomes.
I've wondered whether the work on the NYT Missile Defense thread has in
any way contributed to the discourse involved in the decisions being made
- whether it has made a difference in Bush's decision to finally discuss
more openly what he is doing - and share some powers the Us Constitution
plains means have to be shared. Can't know, of course. But I do think that
there are things that can be applied from the MD thread, and things
that are coming into focus - that will permit better closure, and
better outcomes - if people are willing to use them. Too often, we give up
on even the pretense of a common culture - - we give up on the idea that
we may agree about facts -- we give up on the idea that we can share basic
ideas about right and wrong (in the linked objective and moral senses of
"right and wrong.) Sometimes, when it matters, we can do better than that.
Getting clearer on the mechanics and logic of "connecting the dots" can
further that. Working through some key facts about missile defense would
be a fine way to work out many problems that the whole world needs solved.
1076-77 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@167.abnJaYcKQY8^4029732@.f28e622/1369
. . . . If the key points about the "missile defense" boondoggle can't be
taken to clarity and sensible closure it is because, under current rules
and usages -- nothing can be. I've had a personal concern - I feel that
the current US policy of keeping me under effective house arrest, by
keeping me in an intolerable security situation - - isn't in the US
national interest - and if anybody is watching, isn't even good politics.
There's room for improvement, people are stumped, problems are real,
and President obviously has sense enough to know that he doesn't have all
the answers exactly right. On the 3d, there was this. A Silence That
Coolidge Would Envy By DAVID E. SANGER http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/03/national/03BUSH.html
Now there's less silence.
Perhaps concerns about humanity can be heard. rshowalter - 09:45pm Sep 5, 2002 BST (#321 of 339) | 4135 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.cpRiaZpRSiK^4078662@.f28e622/5216
. sets out Piaget's developmental stages 4136 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.cpRiaZpRSiK^4078662@.f28e622/5217
contains a good poem, and asks:
9/11 Lesson Plan by Thomas Friedman http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/04/opinion/04FRIE.html
Who's Your Daddy? by Maureen Dowd http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/04/opinion/04DOWD.html
It is also a question that I believe the whole world should be asking.
Gerhard Shroder is asking similar questions. The US needs to treat other
nations as grown ups -- not children. Nor should consultation be
mere notification. rshowalter - 09:47pm Sep 5, 2002 BST (#322 of 339) | 4140 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.cpRiaZpRSiK^4079964@.f28e622/5223
reads as follows. wrcooper - 08:37pm Sep 2, 2002 EST (# 4140 of
"This is George Johnson this time.
"You can examine me in light of Piaget all you want, but it's not
going to change how I think, and it's not going to change the fact that
your opinions represent a dangerous aberration that requires the strongest
possible refutation.
"You will be checked and checked thoroughly.
"It is not for naught that we saw to it that you began posting here
in the New York Times. This is a controlled venue. We know who you are and
where you are.
"Don't call the CIA again. It won't do you any good. If you want to
talk to us, just whisper into your pillow.
That posting was in response to this from me: "And it will be
worthwhile to discuss the work of George Johnson (not that he's Cooper at
all - but he does have a certain point of view) in terms of Piaget. And
truth that is, somehow, too weak."
As for the substance of 4140 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.cpRiaZpRSiK^4079964@.f28e622/5223
it seems to me fair to opine that
After some long hesitation, "wrcooper" now dismisses 4140 and
related postings as jokes. My view is that cooper is George Johnson, that
he lost his temper, and that he now needs a shed of deniability because --
once it is clear that cooper is Johnson -- there's a chain of evidence,
some of it embarrassing, that leads quite clearly up to the oval office,
and the President of the United States.
Although my personal concerns are secondary to others - I care about
this: The U.S. government owes the AEA investors something around forty
million dollars (the number depends on interest rates) and even if that
can't be worked out, a number of things should be.
There's a lot more at stake than that - that involves the US national
and world interest.
I was assigned to solve some trillion dollar problems. And to
find ways to avoid mistakes that were putting the whole world at risk.
I've solved some problems. I've kept my promises - and done
difficult duty. Whether Casey was murdered or not, whether I'm liked or
not -- I should be talked to.
When "cooper" imitated G.W.Bush in 4138 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.6ySnaQufSqp^4391504@.f28e622/5221
- - Almarst noticed. On the speculation that if almarst
noticed, some others could have, as well - - that could be embarrassing.
This thread has many of the characteristics of pretrial
discovery , 4146 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.6ySnaQufSqp^4391504@.f28e622/5230
When people are watching, lies are unstable. That can be bad politics -
and, of course, in the long run it is almost always against the national
interest, unless we're talking very short range tactical deception against
enemies. Perhaps we can get some things sorted out. Consulting with
Congress about Iraq is a step in the right direction.
No Action on Iraq Until Congress Approves, Bush Says By ALISON
MITCHELL and DAVID E. SANGER http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/04/international/04CND-IRAQ.html
Flag waving: 4128 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.6ySnaQufSqp^4391504@.f28e622/5205
There are some links right up to the oval office 4106 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.6ySnaQufSqp^4391504@.f28e622/5174
and they are getting stronger.
Honorable conduct is usually the sensible thing - especially when
people are watching. rshowalter - 09:48pm Sep 5, 2002 BST (#323 of 339) | A rather complete record of
the NYT MD thread exists, has been improved since 3145-48 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@167.abnJaYcKQY8^4029989@.f28e622/3936
, and is being made available.
4057-4059 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.pgASa518SfA^3784635@.f28e622/5108
includes this:
"Casey knew very well that he was participating in decisions that were
killing millions of entirely innocent people -- decisions that were
degrading values that he held dear - - and yet he went ahead.
"And talked to me about it. Casey wanted better answers.
"He didn't know how to do any better than he did, given the risks he
saw, the situation he was in - and the terrible stupidity and ignorance
both around him and within him.
" He was stumped.
"So were the Russians.
"We can do a lot better now.
Why don't we?
. . . . . . . . .
If Bill Casey were looking down, I think he'd be very proud of me.
Though not of his old agency. The key things that Eisenhower warned
against in his Farewell Address http://www.geocities.com/~newgeneration/ikefw.htm
have happened - - and we need to fix them.
Republicans could take the lead. That wouldn't be hard. Some prominant
Wisconsin republicans, who were old friends and AEA investors, and who
have met George Bush and some of his senior officers, know me well. With
one call from the White House, a lot could be sorted out. . . . . . I'd do
my very best if that happened. And I'll do the best I can, under the
circumstances, if it doesn't.
Key things that we need to do to sort out many of the world's problems
can be illustrated with respect to reading instruction. An area where we
ought all to be on the same side. A field of endeavor where I expect I can
continue to work on in jail, if need be. 3923-3947 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.DwV4apiGSAK^4318415@.f28e622/4946
deal with reading instruction, from a partly statistical perspective, with
a new numerical insight in mind. Especially 3935_3946 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.DwV4apiGSAK^4318415@.f28e622/4958
3946 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.DwV4apiGSAK^4318415@.f28e622/4971
asks "is it possible to do much better than we've done?" - - and suggests
that it is. Lchic and I feel we're onto something new and hopeful.
On the NYT MD thread, the notion of "connecting the dots" has been much
discussed - and maybe we've made advances. 3991_4001 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@193.DwV4apiGSAK^4318415@.f28e622/5024
In a world where weapons of mass destruction are not going to go away
completely - and where crazy hatred is real - interdiction has to
be an option for nation states.
Bid to Justify a First Strike By DAVID E. SANGER http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/05/international/middleeast/05ASSE.html
The Bush administration is right that interdiction has to be an option
- and it is a major point. It is a point that I've been arguing, in detail
(but also in context) since September 25, 2000 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@201.GMA9a16wIiq^1846609@.f28e622/2008
- . But interdiction has to be a last resort -- and it has to be
justified (preferably before the fact, at least after the fact) in
credible ways - lest the world get far worse than it is. For
stability, interdictions that can be justified , and that make
sense in terms of balance, may have to be an option for many or all nation
states. The United States can't ask for a right to interdict for itself
and long deny this.
For credibility, a number of things have to be better done - by the
United States, and other countries, too.
Is interdiction really the best option available with respect to
Iraq, now?
The Bush administration is working to make the case that it is.
I don't know enough to judge the situation for sure -- but it seems
clear that people and nations on the other side have to carefully, but in
ways that matter, also forcefully, make the case that it isn't. lchic - 11:44pm Sep 5, 2002 BST (#324 of 339) Mulgabe - encourages
'rascals' from his side to 'rape' women of opposition.
1 in 4 have HIV in that place.
Women mass raped then to have AIDS
Mulgabe encourages GENOCIDE
Mulgabe is inhumane
and 'totally illogical' to boot! rshowalter - 11:56pm Sep 5, 2002 BST (#325 of 339) | Casey, and a lot of people
around him, were stumped on the question of how people could
possibly be as ugly and stupid and treacherous as they are.
We need answers to that - - and I don't think they are so far away.
With those answers -- we can do better - and be beautiful more often --
and ugly less. rshowalter - 01:13pm Sep 13, 2002 BST (#326 of 339) | Lchic and I have
worked hard on the NYT Missile Defense board. I've also had the pleasure
of meeting with some people face-to-face, and will meet with more.
4233 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5350
4251 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5372
4253 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5375
4255 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5378
4264 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5392
4272 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5401
4273 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5402
4278 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5407
Here are articles cited in these postings - every one of them
impressive in its way, with some comments of my own:
Reflections on an America Transformed Tom Daschle, Muhammad Ali,
William J. Bennett and 9 others explain their views on the most
significant change the country has undergone since Sept. 11. http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/08/opinion/08ROUN.html
9/11/00: Air Congestion, a Hot Enron and Unhung Chads By ANDRÉS
MARTINEZ http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/08/opinion/08SUN2.html
From Powell Defends a First Strike as Iraq Option By JAMES DAO
Smart People Believe Weird Things Rarely does anyone weigh
facts before deciding what to believe By Michael Shermer http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=0002F4E6-8CF7-1D49-90FB809EC5880000&catID=2
'Wilson's Ghost: Reducing the Risk of Conflict, Killing, and
Catastrophe in the 21st Century' by ROBERT S. McNAMARA and JAMES G.
BLIGHT http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/29/books/chapters/29-1stmcnam.html
Condemnation Without Absolutes by Stanley Fish http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/15/opinion/15FISH.html
These are key things to check, patterns that generalize relationships
that "condense out of the chaos of human relations" again and again. They
are stability conditions. They should be checked, every which way, when
stability matters enough to think hard about, for real systems involving
real human beings, and real stakes:
MD2906 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3623 Think about these constraints, and sometimes "impossibly complex' problems become "simple." And practical. ... Technical constraints that are entirely inanimate matter, too. 3740-3741 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/4710 2738 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/3409 Maslow image: 2749 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3425 - - - These things are important, but people don't automatically know them, or think about them. They need to be checked, understood, learned, and taught. Lchic's simple lines need to be understood, too. They are basic, and people who don't know them should.
So do children. So do we all. But when things go wrong -- we need to look and think - even though it does not come naturally. The middle east is full of horrors that look unresolvable unless our simple humanity and fallibility is recognized - and, when it matters enough - decently dealt with. Requiem for an Honorable Profession By GRETCHEN MORGENSON http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/05/business/yourmoney/05CULT.html http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/14/business/_ENRON-PRIMER.html From lchic -- Times writer looks at Iraq attack 09-09-2002 -- New York Times writer Tom Friedman . . since the events of September 11 last year, he now has the freedom to explore what he has called "the biggest single news story in my life". [Hear the audio] http://abc.net.au/lateline/ (notably the "pottery shop model -- "if you break it, you own it" -- applied to Iraq and elsewhere.) Securing Freedom's Triumph By GEORGE W. BUSH http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/11/opinion/11BUSH.html Anger at U.S. Said to Be at New High By JANE PERLEZ http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/11/international/middleeast/11ARAB.html Foreigners Ache for U.S., but Also Take Issue With It By FRANK BRUNI http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/11/international/12WORLD.html Echo of the Bullhorn By MAUREEN DOWD http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/11/opinion/11DOWD.html Noah and 9/11 By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/11/opinion/11FRIE.html Bush to Warn U.N.: Act on Iraq or U.S. Will by DAVID E. SANGER and JULIA PRESTON http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/12/international/middleeast/12IRAQ.html We can easily make mistakes, and often do. http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=0002F4E6-8CF7-1D49-90FB809EC5880000&catID=2 Piaget and communication models: 4129 lchic http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5206
- - logic comes hard - and comes late - and for all of us - only comes
imperfectly. We have to check, to avoid serious mistakes. And that is a
basic piece of information that is not now an adequately emphasized part
of our culture. rshowalter - 01:13pm Sep 13, 2002 BST (#327 of 339) | People respond better to
stories than statistics - and that can be fine, so long as the stories
convey messages that make sense -- that teach things in the interest of
the listener, and not just the teller of tales.
How a Story is Shaped. http://www.fortunecity.com/lavendar/ducksoup/555/storyshape.html
But lessons, to be effective - have to fit in a shared space, and
within the shared reality of the people involved. A Communication
Model http://www.worldtrans.org/TP/TP1/TP1-17.HTML
Does the "story" the Bush administration now tells make sense -- if it
is set out in detail?
Does it work for other people who have to be involved?
I wonder how difficult it would be to "tell the administration's story"
-- about what it intends to do, and what it hopes for, using disney
characters http://www.whom.co.uk/squelch/world_disney.htm
Bush's Pilgrimage Ends With Vow to Prevail Over 'Terrorist or
Tyrant' By ELISABETH BUMILLER http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/12/politics/12BUSH.html
Kofi Annan's Speech to the General Assembly http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/12/international/12UTEX.html
The human race is in a struggle to accomodate modernity - including
science, engineering, and modern sociotechnical systems -- with the human
condition, and humane values. Including religious values. Including
national and tribe values. In a way that can work, from childhood up - a
way that works emotionally, practically - comfortably - sustainably. That
struggle's gone on a long time - for centuries in the west. That struggle
has been HARD for us, and remains so.
That same struggle is especially hard for the people of the Islamic
nations, locked into, ambivalently trying to emerge from, a medieval
mind-set that has shut out challenges rather than respond to them since
the 14th century. Enriched in the last century with a windfall of oil
wealth that cannot last - unable to block out the effects of mass
communication and technology - the islamic world is full of tensions -
some of them desperate tensions. They are trying, often, to make
accommodations. They are, too often, paralyzed by lies and deference to
false assumptions.
That can happen to us, too.
Doing nothing is not an option. But we have to be sensible in what we
do. History is full of craziness. Is the United States making some crazy
decisions now - making a bad situation, which needs to be made better,
much worse?
Pakistan Wants No Part in an Attack on Iraq By PATRICK E. TYLER
Foreigners Ache for U.S., but Also Take Issue With It By FRANK
BRUNI http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/11/international/12WORLD.html
President Bush's speech to the United Nations - September 12 http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/12/politics/12AP-PTEX.html
If all the points and implications of President Bush's speech were
clearly discussed - so that all the nation states in the UN were clear
about what intended meanings were - now and in ways that would be clear in
the future - that would be great progress.
Not only points and standards with respect to Iraq, but with respect to
the United States and other nations as well.
Not only promises made by Iraq, but promises and statements made over
the years by the United States, as well. (For instance, statements made,
and agreements signed, about nuclear weapons reductions.) If these
questions were asked and answered, very many of the concerns almarst and
lchic have raised on this thread would become much clearer.
The power of the United States (not only Iraq) would be clear - but
also clearly limited. And we'd live in a safer world.
We're a long way from that clarity, but the president's speech took
steps toward it, if the United States is willing to stand up to questions
about American national behavior. Perfection isn't possible and wouldn't
be necessary.
Chidren and nations need to tolerate some logical tensions, too. But when consequences matter enough - clarity is important enough to insist on. Not just from Iraq. From ourselves, as well. If we lied less -- if truth broke out -- peace might break out, too. At the level of technique - - the sorts of procedures discussed in MD1076-77 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/1369 with respect to missile defense might be useful. These discussions describe a pattern of fighting to a finish - a pattern for settling things. Nobody has to be killed or, with honorable conduct, even much embarrassed. When situations are desperate enough, perhaps we could think more carefully. I'm haunted by Michael Shermer's lines:
goldwing3 - 01:35pm Sep 13, 2002 BST (#328 of 339) Surley to become fully
developed individuals we really should experience all the emotions which
we were born with love, hate, fear, anger, joy and the fact that some
societies try to protect its citizens from the more unpleasant ones is one
of the reasons why some think the west has gone soft and mediocre in the
same way as children can be spoiled. By trying to close off certain parts
of the the spectrum of human emotion may in fact put us at a disadvantage
to other less sophisticated societies leaving us less able to hold our
place in the world.
Man is more than just a rational being by virtue of the nature of the
way we were conceived. rshowalter - 03:25pm Sep 13, 2002 BST (#329 of 339) | Much more than just a
rational being.
But if the rational part screws up - - all the emotional values can be
forfeited. So the rational counts - and needs, sometimes, to be
passionately pursued, and passionately defended.
Here's a sermon that I like for a lot of reasons - it connects to the
ancient world, to the founding of the middle ages - and to all our
emotions - including the need for fear, and for judgement. Many might not
share the religious views - but the humanity is something to value - to
me, especially because it combines the values and emotions of specific
times, and the timeless -with imperatives, including logical imperatives,
of the here and now.
lchic - 01:40am Sep 22, 2002 BST (#330 of 339) Conceived in an Automobile
and terribly perceptive - voom voom V8 - powerful thinker .. excuse me as
I change UP a gear! lchic - 12:42am Sep 30, 2002 BST (#331 of 339) Now i'm in overdrive :)
rshowalter - 12:16pm Sep 30, 2002 BST (#332 of 339) | We live in a too wretched
world - and need to learn ways to act more decently - - in a big
world - where 250,000 people die, day after day. It takes empathy - and
also a clear head.
I've been arguing for the necessity of interdiction (with respect to
nuclear missiles in the hands of "rogue nations) on the NYT Missile
Defense thread for two years. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2008
Interdiction, I've argued, makes sense as a last resort in the face
of a clear threat. Not that interdiction was pretty. But that the
"technical fix" of "missile defense" was an illusion - while interdiction,
as a technical matter could work.
"The National Security Strategy of the United States," http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/20/politics/20STEXT_FULL.html
does indeed make explicit a policy that is at variance with some
old agreements. The US, under the leadership of G.W. Bush (no angel) is
abrogating and renegotiating the key deal that the US has made with the
rest of the nations of the world.
The "new deal" could be far worse for all concerned, or better for all
concerned. That depends on many details, many of them crucial.
The "deal" proposed implicitly and explicitly in http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/20/politics/20STEXT_FULL.html
isn't cut yet - and for inescapable reasons, acknowledged in http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/20/politics/20STEXT_FULL.html
, is a multilateral deal.
The new parts of the deal, as proposed in http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/20/politics/20STEXT_FULL.html
, seem to me to be this. Terrorism as a tactic is to be outlawed.
Nation states led by people who do not conform to the hard won and
fragile usages of modernity - as the United States defines it - aren't to
be permitted to hold weapons of mass destruction.
If the United Nations can't see to that, the United States will.
In the last two weeks, the NYT Missile Defense thread has been very
active - and discussed issues of international importance, including much
discussion on Iraq. Links to the Guardian-Talk threads -- Psychwar,
Casablanca, and terror ; Mankind's Inhumanity to Man and Woman
; and others have been frequent, and useful. I'm grateful that the
Guardian permits me to post here - on threads that are somewhat
unconventional - because of somewhat unconventional circumstances.
rshowalter - 12:17pm Sep 30, 2002 BST (#333 of 339) | For a little while I've been
distributing a sheet to a few key people that reads as follows:
Here is a copy of a CD -- “Missile Defense - New York Times on the
Web - Science Forum http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3936
- by distinguished anonymous posters and M. Robert Showalter.” Some of
the anonymous posters are very distinguished - by their writing, and by
their role - as “stand-ins” for the Bush administration, and for Vladimir
Putin, of Russia. I believe that:
I believe that there are issues that need to be checked to closure -
facts that need to be established, and I'm trying to work to see if that
can be done. If journalistic organizations wanted it to be done - though
it might take some external funding and some unusual cooperation, it could
be. rshowalter - 12:18pm Sep 30, 2002 BST (#334 of 339) | Lchic and I have been
proceeding with our work on the NYT MD forum on the assumption (or
fiction) that it is monitored by staffed organizations - and I'm posting
this selection of links on the basis of that assumption. (for details,
click rshowalter ). At a time when basic patterns of
international law are being renegotiated, the discourse may be of interest
to specialists - and the channel it represents may be of international
use. If we're proceeding on the basis of a fiction, it is a fiction that
may protype patterns that are not fictional at some later time.
Big papers like the Guardian and the NYT are pushing the limits of what
they can do, excellent as they are - without some additional initiatives,
broader cooperation - and special funding
4278-9 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5409 references to Psychwar, Casablance . . . and terror: Iraq may be a quagmire: 4308-9 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5446 4327-4328 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5471 Issues of humanity are practical concerns if we are to make peace stable. We're human beings 4364-4367 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5516 4369-70 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5521 :
"Here's a quote from a mystery story writer, Dashiell Hammet in The Thin Man , 1933. Hammet's speaking of a sexy, interesting, treacherous character named "Mimi". He's asked by a police detective what to make of what she says:
If world leaders want some things clarified, questions of US veracity are going to have to be adressed. If leaders want these matters clarified, these issues can be -- and I believe that it would be greatly to the benefit of the United States to have them clarified. The "missile defense" boondoggle is one fine place to start, because
so many of the technical issues are so clear. rshowalter - 12:19pm Sep 30, 2002 BST (#335 of 339) | Lchic and I have been
proceeding with our work on the NYT MD forum on the assumption (or
fiction) that it is monitored by staffed organizations - and I'm posting
this selection of links on the basis of that assumption. (for details,
click rshowalter ). At a time when basic patterns of
international law are being renegotiated, the discourse may be of interest
to specialists - and the channel it represents may be of international
use. If we're proceeding on the basis of a fiction, it is a fiction that
may protype patterns that are not fictional at some later time.
Explosive instabilities: 4427 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@192.viNRa1P6U4T^0@.f28e622/5591
Neuro refs: 4428-29 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5596
I've been doing my duty: 4430 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5598
Links to CIA and my security problems: 3774-3779 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/4753
There are some good things in Bush's National Security Strategy - if
there is balance 4451 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5622
If other nation states wanted answers, that report would be an
important one to refer to. 4455-6 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5626
The United States is renegotiating the basic terms of
international law with the rest of the world. 4467-71 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5640
Religious crisis, and weapons 4474 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5648
Lchic and I have been working on the NYT thread for two years: 4486-88
Almost everybody else in the world approaches problems with some big
parts of the communication tasks involved included in their work at all
times. I've tried to specialize in working out solutions in isolation
from these communication issues - in isolation from emotional issues -
concentrating as strictly as I can, during this specialized work, on the
logical problems that seem to have been stumpers, again and again.
I've done so because I've felt (and been told, and seen) that there
were very common logical problems when human affairs went wrong.
On the NYT MD thread, I've worked with lchic , the most able
communicator I've ever been close to - to solve complicated, unsolved
problems in communication and problem solving. Particularly problems with
communication between staffed organizations. rshowalter - 12:20pm Sep 30, 2002 BST (#336 of 339) | Lchic and I have been
proceeding with our work on the NYT MD forum on the assumption (or
fiction) that it is monitored by staffed organizations - and I'm posting
this selection of links on the basis of that assumption. (for details,
click rshowalter ). At a time when basic patterns of
international law are being renegotiated, the discourse may be of interest
to specialists - and the channel it represents may be of international
use. If we're proceeding on the basis of a fiction, it is a fiction that
may protype patterns that are not fictional at some later time.
Recalling efforts by many high status people in 2000 - efforts that
have gone before, and reasons our NYT- MD thread effort was undertaken -
concentrating on a new approach
I often ask what I ought to do - how I can do my duty - in ways that Bill Casey would approve of - placed as I am, knowing what I know, with the skills I have, and concerned as I am that the United States government is making serious mistakes, recklessly endangering the security and the prosperity of this nation - and imposing grave risks and costs on the world, as well. I have a duty to warn 4508-11 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5698 technical and moral issues: 4516 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5706 A key point about stability, and a story connected to Nash's background, mine, and Psychwar, Casablanca . . . and terror 4530-4531 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5722 As of now, we'd be quite close to stability - with military technology and human patterns in place -- if we didn't have bombing. No one would question US dominance if there was no bombing (or if Americans understood bombing to carry the expenses and exposures that it carried for most of the 20th century.) But the idea that the United States could kill, at a distance, with complete impunity would be gone. If that idea was gone - we'd be pretty close to the conditions a stable peace requires --- now. If missiles were as agile as bats or birds -- bombing would be obsolete. Game of "dogfighting" - intercollegiate competition problem: The US is making some very bad bets - and some trillion dollar procurement errors. Reprise on reading: 4564 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5765 Keeping a clear head - C.P. Snow's perspective: 4565-66 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5766 The corruption, waste, and damage involved in the US military-industrial complex, in missile defense and elsewhere is far greater than in the case of Enron and all the other business scandals. 4568 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5769 If anybody with some rank, some independence and a name wanted to help
- a lot could be sorted out - just by asking questions. rshowalter - 12:21pm Sep 30, 2002 BST (#337 of 339) | Lchic and I have been
proceeding with our work on the NYT MD forum on the assumption (or
fiction) that it is monitored by staffed organizations - and I'm posting
this selection of links on the basis of that assumption. (for details,
click rshowalter ). At a time when basic patterns of
international law are being renegotiated, the discourse may be of interest
to specialists - and the channel it represents may be of international
use. If we're proceeding on the basis of a fiction, it is a fiction that
may protype patterns that are not fictional at some later time.
Was JFK murdered - the matter should finally be checked to
closure -- because so much historical interpretation hinges on it 4570 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5771
Philosophical limerick: 4575 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5777
This is a dangerous, but a hopeful time 4600 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5811
- - the costs of getting right answers established are tiny
compared to the stakes.
Links to CIA and my security problems, on the NYT MD thread: 3774-3779
. . . and an interesting response from a professional: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5814
Condoleezza Rice for VP or President? University background and
guardian links: 4616 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5834
Question of an "ad hoc committee": 4618-19 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5836
Here's part of an undelivered speech by Franklin D. Roosevelt, written
shortly before his death:
Among other things, the Vietnam War showed that the science of human
relations still had important things to learn - that people did not yet
understand. Some of those problems are still not understood.
Working systems need rules, and patterns of exception handling (more or
less ordered) - often in stages. Complex circumstances can dictate this.
We seem to be in a circumstance now where exceptions to the basic
rule of the U.N. -- "no territorial aggression" - -are being renegotiated.
Given circumstances, that negotiation may be necessary. The United States
is not abrogating all international order - nor could it. US
military power is constrained by circumstances, including
circumstances of ideas. But it is time for great care - and risk - and we
need clear heads, and courage. 4308 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5446
Sometimes, for unavoidable reasons - that will require us to learn to
acknowledge some shared facts. Human relationships, often enough, cannot
be peacefully sustained without them. 4297-8 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5433
I deeply appreciate the openness and courage of the
Guardian-Observer ! rshowalter - 09:23pm Oct 3, 2002 BST (#338 of 339) | The NYT Missile Defense board
has been busy since my last posting here, which I summarized in MD4680 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5917
Today I posted this: MD4739-40 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5991
4572 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5774 sets out that sheet, also referred to in <a href="/WebX?14@@.ee7a163/346">rshowalter Mon 30/09/2002 11:46</a> Links to CIA and my security problems, this thread: 3774-3779 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/4753 I very much appreciate gisterme's hard work on this thread, after some absence, between 5:13 pm yesterday and 3:00 in the morning today. If gisterme is not Rice, (s)he has many of the same capabilities - including those of both clean and dirty academic administrative discourse. The analogies between US military policy and patterns of enronation are uncomfortably close. Perhaps some things are coming to a head. . . . . If I'm right about who gisterme is, some politicians know about this thread, and are asking questions. If those questions are sensible and responsible, that means that some things long hidden - sometimes "hidden in plain sight" - are going to be understood and exposed. Gary Hart is profoundly right that the democrats need a defense policy based on rationality and truth. Republicans need one, too. http://www.nytimes.com/2002/10/03/opinion/03HART.html 4742 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5993 For some purposes, it is the logic that matters - and identies don't matter. For example, the logic of the technical arguments on this thread don't change, whether you believe the story I've given of my background, or "call me Ishmael" <a href="/WebX?14@@.ee7a163/289">rshowalter Wed 27/03/2002 21:11</a> . But some things do depend on my background. For example, the seriousness of my personal situation - the question of whether or not the U.S. government owes the AEA investors about forty million dollars -- and the question of whether I have a right to say that the United States is making serious mistakes - including technical mistakes that are wasting vast amounts of money - and making the world far more dangerous than it has to be. For example, I say that I've worked hard in important ways since 1991 to get some key messages to the government - under careful, reasonable, classification constraints. Since September 2000, whether you believe my story or not - I've been working at it full time - and asking for a chance to debrief. Whether you "call me Ishmael" or not makes a difference. I've now set out the key message that I felt must be most classified - in a way that professionals ought to be able to read -- and it is this - it is now technically easy to shoot down every winged aircraft the US has, or can expect to build - to detect every submarine - and to sink every surface ship within 500 miles of land - the technology for doing this is basic - and I see neither technical nor tactical countermeasures. I've finally set that message out in public, because, finally - that is what the reasonable security of the United States requires. The costs and risks of keeping this secret are justified no longer. In judging that message, it makes a difference whether I'm carrying on a literary exercise - if I'm Ishmael - of if I'm telling the truth. I've been working very hard, trying to get my country to check on that. Identities do make some difference. Because weights make a difference - and socio-logical connections make a difference. For example, if gisterme is Rice, then this thread is something that the President of the United States knows something about, and pays some attention to. When National Security Adviser Rice wrote this, I believe she wrote something profound and hopeful. I'm doing the best I can to help make it true.
I'm doing my duty, as best I can. If I'm correct, and senior people are watching - I hope they care enough about what I've said to check on some key things. It wouldn't be hard to do. commondata - 11:53am Oct 3, 2002 EST 4743 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?224@192.3DyjaoXuUvr^0@49758d@.f28e622/5995 Understood, but if Gisterme is Rice then the president's not listening, he's laughing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I thought some who read this thread might be interested in this key information. I've been cut off from my email, for a time - but can be reached by phone. - - - - - -
Design work, competently done, might cost ten million dollars. Deployment for a country the size of Russia should cost between 2 and ten billion. These are substantial sums, and perhaps I underestimate them, but the probable costs do seem large in comparison to the US military budget of 350 billion/yr. The idea of doing this design work openly and collectively may seem naive - but I believe that it would be both practical and efficient. This beautiful, profound (and award-winning) article says true things about human beings. Of Altruism, Heroism and Nature's Gifts in the Face of Terror By NATALIE ANGIER http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/18/health/psychology/18ALTR.html We all know that altruism has its limits. Even so, if the human ability to cooperate could extend this far - - the way would be clear for a much safer world - with very large resources freed up for human needs. Militaries would still be necessary - and have plenty to do. But I
believe that if this were done the technical conditions for a much
more peaceful, more stable and less wasteful world would be in place.
rshowalter - 09:17pm Oct 7, 2002 BST (#339 of 339) | The NYT forums (all of them)
are down - the word is, down for maintenance - and have been since Oct 3d,
shortly after I said this on the Missile Defense forum. Perhaps this is a
coincidence. However, I was cut off from the forums in something less than
an hour after I posted this.
I've worked hard in important ways since 1991 to get some key messages
to the government - the bolded message above chief among them - under
careful, reasonable, classification constraints. Since September 2000, -
I've been working at it full time - and asking for a chance to debrief,
again and again, through a number of channels that should have worked.
I've now set out the key message, bolded above, that I felt must be
most classified - in a way that professionals ought to be able to read.
I've finally set that message out in public, because, finally - that is
what the reasonable security of the United States requires. The costs and
risks of keeping this secret are justified no longer.
A good deal of discussion of this subject matter is posted since
September 30th, and especially since Oct 3 in Psychwarfare, Casablanca
. . . . and terror - - an International thread linked in a number of
places available if you click my moniker , rshowalter .
These threads have been cited, again and again, in the NYT Missile
Defense forums - and I deeply appreciate the chance I've been given to
post here. rshowalter - 11:10pm Oct 12, 2002 BST (#339 of 367) | On October 3, there was a
sequence of postings on the NYT Missile Defense forum - and all the
NYT forums were closed down thereafter for four days. I was cut off
sometime less than an hour after I posted this
When the NYT forums reappeared, I was pleased that only a few postings
after 9:14 am NY time were deleted, and that the last postings permitted
to remain when the forums reappeared on the 7th were my 4739 and 4740 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5991
4740 contained a reference I was glad was included - one that I feel
sure was not missed by NYT staff: "4572 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5774
sets out a sheet . . that includes this: "On July 14th, 7:24 pm I
asked this on the Missile Defense board – and the matter has been much
" Links to CIA and my security problems, this thread: 3774-3779 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/4753
I believe that the details referred to would be of interest to people
judging the the NYT's attitude to some things that I've said. I was
grateful that those links were given prominance.
Discussion on the NYT forums since Oct 7 have been careful - and I have
reason to think that people at the TIMES and elsewhere have paid some
attention to the MD forumt. commondata 's contributions have been
very helpful and on point.
Lchic's (Dawn Riley's) have been distinguised, as usual.
I've been working hard on the NYT forums, and interacting with NYT
people - for five years - - and the degree of effort (on my side,
and on the side of the NYT) is unusual enough to be worth explaining.
Yesteday I posted 4814 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6083
, including citation of a very interesting 38 minute speech from my old
Topic: The Status of U.S. Intelligence in the U.S. Today October 27, 1986 Today, I posted 4823-4827 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6095 , which explains some basic reasons for my five year involvement with the New York Times. I hope 4923-4827 explains some of the reasons why I've been so grateful for help from the Guardian-Observer 4824 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6096 refers to Psychwarfare, Casablanca . . . and terror #330-338 and includes this:
It may be that, considering everything, the United States led nearly the best Cold War possible. But the Cold War should be over - - - and there are messes to acknowledge, and clean up. I believe that if we did so - - we'd be living an a time of great, realistic hope. I'm deeply, deeply grateful to the Guardian-Observer for permitting me to post on these TALK threads. MD 4701-4702 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/5948 include some history that I think ought to interest many, and "idealistic" language -- including this: "What would Putin want done? What would the leaders of the nations in NATO, and the other nations in the Security Council want done? What would ex-presidents of the United States, living and dead, want done, if they could think about the issues involved? What would the pre-injury Nash want done? What would "the average reader of the New York Times" want done? . "What would Casey want done (or forgive me for) ? . . . . "I think there's been a great deal of progress since then MD1999 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2484 - - but we've fallen short of hopes for real peace - after a lot of work from lchic , almarst and gisterme as well. " Groups of people go forward, on the basis of assumptions that are, based on knowledge available, entirely reasonable. But a time comes when the assumptions can be shown, beyond reasonable doubt, to be wrong in some decisive way. If people see no way to stop the work and the patterns they've been engaged in, they ignore the fact that they are no longer acting reasonably, and ignore the problem. I believe that, in the history of the nuclear terror, and in history since the Cold War should have ended, misakes such as this, which are only human, have been, nonetheless, very expensive. "I think some things are going very well. "Even so, it seems to me that it is becoming crucial that we sort some things out. " What a wonderful idea it is that nations should "beat their swords into plowshares" ! Wonderful ideas, backed only by idealism, don't prevail. Perhaps my duty now is to see that the swords in question become obsolete ? . . . "The US is making some very bad bets - and some trillion dollar procurement errors. Again: Perhaps my duty now is to see that the swords in question become obsolete ? " Anybody object? I'm in the Madison phone book. rshowalter "Science News Poetry" 2/10/01 2:05am http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f1983fb/350 is heartfelt praise for the New York Times fora - and the help they've given me. I've been trying to Send in clear http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f1983fb/409 for a long time. The poem of http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f1983fb/409 ends with this note:
Again: 4824 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6096 refers to Psychwarfare, Casablanca . . . and terror #330-338 and includes this:
If these things were understood, I think problems like that of Iraq
might be resolvable with more grace than would otherwise be the case.
rshowalter - 09:36pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#340 of 367) | Sometime on October 15th, a
posting I made on July 25, 2001 in the Guardian Talk threads
Psychwarfare, Casablanca . . . and terror - International
and Paradigm Shift. . whose getting there? - Science was
deleted by someone else. I believe that the posts were deleted to alter
the record of the work lchic and I have been doing on the NYT
Missile Defense board and here for more than two years. The deleted link
described, with many citations, a detailed briefing that I'd given
almarst - - the MD board's "Putin stand-in" in March of
I personally believe that Putin took time out of his schedule to attend
to that briefing - a time-out referred to in Muddle in Moscow http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=533129
Perhaps I'm incorrect, but that hope still seems consistent with the
facts - - and it seems to me that Putin's performance since that briefing
effort is consistent with attention to the briefing.
I comment on the deletion in MD4918 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6215
The deleted link is reproduced in MD4919 - 4923 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6221
For reasons that interested people can trace from links set out if they
click "rshowalter" in the upper left hand corner of this posting -
- lchic and I have been working under difficult circumstances,
doing work we've felt a duty to do. My motives have been professional and
economic, as well.
The "briefing effort" that took place on March 17 and 23, 2001 is
something I'm personally proud of, and sets out principles that I believe
are useful in national economic policy, for Russia and for other
countries. I'm posting them here on the Guardian Talk thread - -
Mankind's Inhumanity to Man and Woman and think it reasonable to
hope that people will refer to them.
I'm very grateful to the Guardian-Observer, and very much appreciate
the postings I'm permitted to do here rshowalter - 09:44pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#341 of 367) | rshowalter - 04:57pm Mar
17, 2001 EST (#1126
From where I sit, Vladimir Putin seems to be a VERY impressive leader.
Maybe because I have a soft spot for some of the kinds of sophisication
that intelligence officers need. He's not being treated fairly in a
ECONOMIST story that I found interesting, but the circumstances, I
believe, may be much to his credit.
Muddle In Moscow http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=533129
starts and ends as follows:
The piece ends as follows:
rshowalter - 05:06pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1127
I'm wishing, as I often do, that my old friend and partner Stephen Jay
Kline were still alive. Steve and I worked together on two things - some
math, and the logic of complex, and especially socio-technical systems.
The part on sociotechnical systems is in large part written in Steve's
Steve wrote me a recommendation letter, that includes some things
helicopter designers and other technical people ought to know, in http://www.wisc.edu/rshowalt/klinerec
and I gave a eulogy of Steve in his memorial service in Stanford Chapel
that a lot of people liked. http://www.wisc.edu/rshowalt/klineul
I wish I could talk to Steve now, and ask
rshowalter - 05:31pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1128
When we apply SIMPLE models of structure to circumstances that have a
more complicated structure than we are thinking of, we can get into
We can fail to see how thing work.
And we can be misled by thinking we see "contradictions" where there
are no logical contradictions -- though there may be aesthetic or moral
A complex system can be two "contradictory" things at the same time --
in different places within the larger structure -- without contradiction.
Bertrand Russell got caught up with this one -- but for complicated
circumstances, and for dealing with complicated histories, it is an
essential thing to know.
It you know it -- solutions that seem "classified out of existence" are
seen, and these solutions can be real.
Some moral points can get clarified, too. rshowalter - 09:45pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#342 of 367) | rshowalter - 05:38pm Mar
17, 2001 EST (#1129
rshowalter Sat 17/03/2001 16:51
People can be monsters and good people at ONCE - in different
aspects of their lives, or at different times.
An article that muddles this was published today which argued that
because the Poles were victims themselves, they weren't guilty, or anyway,
not very guilty, about what they did about to the Jews in WWII .
Life isnt that simple. It isnt that easy. There is no contradiction.
Only the compexities of the human condition.
The Japanese somehow feel that the horrors that they perpertrated in
WWII - among them atrocious crimes against women, can't be remembered,
because somehow that would make the good things in Japanese culture
Rape Camp -- by Dawn Riley bNice2NoU "There's Always Poetry" Mon
26/02/2001 05:14
Japan may be having problems now, because, here and in a lot of other
ways, they are telling lies. Lies that keep them from facing more complex
rshowalter - 05:38pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1130
The problems of Russia, and the problems of dealing with the horrors of
the Cold War, and the miserable way it is continued, are morally hard
enough. Because much of the truth is ugly. But the ugliness is not
unthinkable, if one recognizes that one is not dealing with contradiction,
but complexity, then one is dealing with situations where there is some
hope of better action in the future. The ugliness of the past should
not be forgotten, and it must be dealt with -- but it need not paralyze
The ugliness may involve crimes that need to be uncovered and punished.
Or situations where only a secular redemptive solution is possible, or
reasonable. In the situations that Russia faces, and the world faces, and
America faces, it seems to me that there are some of each kind, and
problems that require both approaches.
But, so long as people can understand the past well enough so that they
can learn from it, and react in terms of a workable system of agreed upon
facts, society can function well, and justly. For complicated enough
situations, the only safe and reliable "system of agreed-upon-facts" has
to be true.
The Russians, for decades, have been insisting in nuclear arms talks on
a clear statement of historical facts. Americans have resisted. The
Russians have been right on this matter. To go on, one needs the truth.
Anything else is too likely to mislead in an unpredictable future, where
people must act and cooperate on the basis of what they believe.
A sense of odds, of the reasons why truth is needed, is partly a
technical matter. Let me digress, and say a few things about "complexity"
as Kline defined it -- a sense, I feel, that gives TECHNICAL reasons why
lies are damaging not only morally, but practically, too.
rshowalter - 06:02pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1131
In Chapter 4, p 63, Kline writes this:
The truth is known, in such a circumstance, to be much more safe, and
much more advantageous, than lies or wrong ideas. And so checking for
correctness is very practical, and lies, even very well intentioned or
understandable ones, can be very damaging.
rshowalter - 06:10pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1132
Steve means something pretty simple when he speaks of his Index of
complexity -- it is, for all the systems we looked at (and I put hundreds
of hours into this part of Steve's work) C, the complexity number is
constrained as follows:
V + P + L < C < V times P times L
Human social systems, even simple ones, have C values in the
billions. In such very complex systems, we must create, operate,
and improve via feedback: that is, repeated cycles of human observations
plus trials of envisioned improvements in the real systems."
And so the truth is crucial for function. rshowalter - 09:46pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#343 of 367) | rshowalter - 06:13pm Mar
17, 2001 EST (#1133
Here is the essence of the most effective psychological warfare - -
you mess up a system, and can even shut it down, by telling lies.
Russia has been the victim of some very sophisticated and effective
psychological warfare from outside, and has, to a significant degree, been
weakened by lies its own people and goverment have told.
Similar things, to a lesser degree, can be said of America.
We need, for practical reasons, to increase the probability of right
answers in our information systems -- we need to replace lies with truths.
On issues involving military balances, we need to very much increase
Especially because peace requires it.
Russia has a right, and an obligation, to get a clear understanding,
that it can see and that other nations can see, of the threats to which it
has been subjected, and the deceptions.
For practical reasons, and for moral reasons. Peace and prosperity both
require it.
rshowalter - 06:17pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1134
As a practical matter, one checks facts and ideas by a matching process
--- matching the logic step by step against trusted standards, and ---
usually much more important, matching to see if what is said matches what
is there when you check.
rshowalter - 06:19pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1135
Refusal to check, and refusal to permit checking, can be very
dangerous, and damaging.
Especially where nuclear weapons are involved. And where nuclear
weapons are involved, the most essential things are hidden, and have been
hidden, and concealed, and lied about, actively and agressively for half a
century of terror.
rshowalter - 06:24pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1136
In HUMAN terms, getting at the truth may, very often, require
redemptive solutions -- because without them, the human resistance to
finding the truth may be absolutely insurmountable. And the costs of
"justice" -- even if you could decently define it - and sometime you can't
- can be prohibitive.
But the TRUTH is essential, for moral and psychological reasons, and
for practical reasons that become more compelling, at something like a
factorial rate of growth, as systems become more complicated.
rshowalter - 06:35pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1137
My computer seems to be under fairly heavy attack --I may get slowed
down a bit, but hope to keep on. ... rshowalter - 09:47pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#344 of 367) | rshowalter - 07:20pm Mar
17, 2001 EST (#1138
While I write other things, I'd like to repeat #1085 rshowalter 3/16/01
3:16pm #1086, #1073 rshowalter 3/16/01 12:56pm #1078 rshowalter 3/16/01
1:23pm #1079 and especially #1080 rshowalter 3/16/01 1:32pm
rshowalter - 01:23pm Mar 16, 2001 EST (#1078
I hope that it is common ground that we can misunderstand each other in
many ways, dislike each other for many reasons, and have much about the
past between us that displeases us, and still live in peace.
Real peace - much farther from the brink of war, and a situation much
more comfortable and much less expensive, than what we have now.
Understanding and reconciliation on many matters might help. But we
don't have to like each other, either now, or in the future, to live in
I hope we can agree to that. If we can, we can avoid fictions that can
tie us both up, and make our interactions less comfortable than they could
rshowalter - 01:26pm Mar 16, 2001 EST (#1079
But it is important that we resolve misunderstandings that could lead
to fighting, or that get in the way of complex cooperations that would be
in our mutual interests.
We can, I believe, hope to do this.
That would make other reconciliations more likely, and we could be
safer and richer, whether those reconciliations ever happened or not.
rshowalter - 01:32pm Mar 16, 2001 EST (#1080
I personally would like a chance to apologize for the actions of my
country toward Russia since WWII - but when I say that, I'm speaking for
myself, not for others.
I was once at a lunch, in Madison, with some distinguished Russian
educators. I proposed a toast, thanking the Russian people, whose
sacrifices in the Great Patriotic War may well have given me, and others
of my American generation, a chance to be born. That toast came from my
heart. I personally think the conflict between our coutries has been a
great human tragedy. But I can only speak for my own feelings here, not
for my country.
rshowalter - 03:16pm Mar 16, 2001 EST (#1085
We also can't imagine (I don't pretend that this is logical, but at the
level of our emotions it is real) that you feel we are threatening you
with first strikes with nuclear weapons. This essential fact about Russia
is not understood by most Americans, and is not even understood by most
Americans in our military forces. I believe that, for peace, we Americans
need to understand that for basic, unchangeable reasons, Russia does fear
first strike threats from us.
If Americans, as people, understood these things (and I grant you in a
more perfect world, these would be easy things to show) other barriers to
nuclear safety and a balanced peace would be relatively easy and certain
to be surmounted.
These things, in my view, are the most BASIC things that Americans need
to understand, in order for us to step back from nuclear peril, and from
unnecessary wars.
. . .
rshowalter - 03:31pm Mar 16, 2001 EST (#1086
It is worth remembering that animals, including especially human
animals, are opportunistic, and that misunderstanding can produce niches
where groups of people can make a lot of money without anybody knowing.
And then, these people will have both motive and power to see that the
misunderstanding continues. I'm afraid that this may have happened.
But the conspiracy part may have other explanations.
The misunderstanding part is real beyond question. rshowalter - 09:47pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#345 of 367) | lunarchick - 07:47pm Mar
17, 2001 EST (#1139 of 1145) lunarchick@www.com
Putin has some respect for the truth. In his BBC online interview, when
asked why Mrs P didn't figure largely he said "If I told her to do
something she'd just do the opposite" ... It's good that Russian Women
have independence and a mind of their own!
On truth re Asia, with the concept of 'loss of faith', and failure to
appologise to the wronged-Raped women of Korea. The nepotism, corruptin
and failure to adhere to business principles has lead to the Economic
Downturn in Asia. Bank loans were issued on relationship a basis not a
business basis placing the Japanese economy in trouble for the past
decade. Wasn't Japan by 1990 valued at the same value as the whole of
North America. The day of accounting came.
The lack of 'truth' in the Eastern economies can not only lead to
disaster as above, but also to the takeover of the economy by 'straight'
business managers and operators. The doors are opening slowly to world
practice and dare I say it 'American Management'. To give American style
management it's due it has evolved through practise and scholarship last
century (C20).
lunarchick - 07:52pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1140 of 1145)
Thinking more on the 'insurance' matter, it occurs to me that the
concept of any National State being able, at will or on little pretence,
to create havoc for others, should be less of a happening than it has been
in the past.
Making States 'responsible' in relation to MD might be done by forcing
an insurance policy over missile holders.
It might be done by looking at the range of the weapon(s). Within that
circular range, the cost of a strike out of the highest priced target
should be calculated + the 'wide area' of the damage that could be created
+ the effect of the pollutant in the cloud and carried by wind.
This would be the insurance price for each missile, cumulatively.
Totally 'unaffordable' one would hope.
Yet this needs to happen to put 'responsibility' into the minds of
those with these lethal weapons.
lunarchick - 08:01pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1141 of 1145)
Doing something for a first time:
Note the storming of the Russian Plane in the Gulf.
The internet was used by the Russians to 'train' the local troups ..
who then stormed the plane.
The locals should have had all the information, which would have
included the fact that the onboard weapons were a pen-knife and a
On storming the plane, I'm going to assume that the troups were
'scared' and even though they knew there was no fire power within the
plane, they forgot and wanted to first save themselves.
In doing this innocent people died.
Move this senario along to 'kids' working with MD buttons. A mature
operator who had to make a decision whether or not to press a detonator
button to lauch a nuclear winter killer rocket might think twice or three
times, might rationalise, look for 'error' message. Whereas giving the
button to the immature or 'warped' minded .. these might OBEY an order
because they had been schooled in obeyance.
Scarry Stuff !! rshowalter - 09:49pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#346 of 367) | rshowalter - 08:03pm Mar
17, 2001 EST (#1142
There are some lawyers who might amuse themselves with that. Suing
specific people, and specific organizations. Perhaps they could be
organized, and act with a certain coordination. Might not be very
expensive to do .....
Now, I've got a something else, too "academic" maybe, but I want to
build on it.
rshowalter - 08:03pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1143
There are a lot of nice ideas in Kline's Appendix C "Hypothesis,
Guidelines, Data, and Queries
Here's one I think politicians, and others trying to figure out reality
from words, need to know:
Here's a pair of guidelines, that Steve sets out for scholarly groups,
that I think should apply to political and economic systems, too.
Reframings that preserve what works well empirically, for both systems,
might well improve things.
Also, when a system as a whole fails, it doesn't necessarily make sense
(for a social system, which is multiply articulated) to abandon and
discredit all of it. There may be good reasons to preserve the parts that
worked well. And may be good reason to be proud of all the parts of it
that worked well in the past, and especially the parts that worked well
consistently. rshowalter - 09:49pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#347 of 367) | rshowalter - 08:22pm Mar
17, 2001 EST (#1145
In the West, more in America than anywhere else, the idea has been
standard that conspiracies are somehow bad to talk about - that
everything is the result of impersonal forces, or anyway, "nobody's fault"
-- or, as a matter of convention, that's the way to talk about it.
Both patterns are sometimes empirically right, and sometimes
empirically wrong.
In cases where facts matter more than the comfort that comes from
social fictions, it would make sense to consider BOTH the "conspiracy"
kind of explanation, and the "no fault" pattern of explanation. In some
cases, one pattern will work, and in some other cases, the other.
In matters of war and peace, and especially where the nuclear terror is
concerned, facts matter.
And these facts should be determined, in specific detail. Because these
facts matter so much. Russia, and the rest of the world, and the 99.99% of
the American public which CANNOT have any interest in military
misrepresentation, should insist on it.
rshowalter - 09:14pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1146
rshowalter "Science News Poetry" 2/14/01 7:18am http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@192.fcrvabdCVIf^0@.f1983fb/409
sets out the advantages of sending in clear in the new internet
world. Because mistakes and deceptions are so harmful to the workings of
sociotechnical systems, it is important that we move toward more open ways
of doing business. It is safe to do so.
Dawn Riley spoke of "One thousand and one excuses have been made as
to why the missile status quo will remain ... how can this chain of
NONcommonNonSense be broken?"
This seems clear to me - FACTS have to be determined. That will take
staff work. Luckily, many key information sources that are now widely
available on the internet.
It may be that, for now, the US government will abstain from
participating in any effort ot determine those facts - as it has sometimes
vetoed the will of everyone else on the Security Council, or even the
whole UN.
If the current US government "declines to participate" would that
vitiate the exercise?
rshowalter - 09:15pm Mar 17, 2001 EST (#1147
No. Because the government position crumbles when it can be shown to be
based on lies and gross misjudgements. Our government may sometimes be
skilled at evading facts, and much of our press may be motivated to "keep
people happy"-- and maybe keep its owners happy, by ignoring unpleasant
facts. But the evasions have their limits. And when the tide turns, it can
turn forcefully. Newspapers don't like to miss the truth, it enough of
their customers notice. Reporters are sometimes proud people, and they can
have power as well. With the internet, information is hard to suppress.
And there are MANY Americans interested in getting the facts.
Could the US government just ignore this -- American society would not,
and politicians, who care about votes as well as payoffs, couldn't either.
Berle's rules of power are important here -- when the ideas behind an
institution lose legitimacy, that institution's days are numbered. See
especially rules #3 and #5 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/826
rshowalter - 09:50pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#348 of 367) | rshowalter - 09:56pm Mar
17, 2001 EST (#1149
I believe that this expository poem sets out a high, but also very
practical, ideal. Working social systems make thousands of little
"redemptive solutions" every day. We need a bigger one, but it seems to me
that it ought to be obtainable. Russia needs it. The world needs it. The
US needs it.
I'm dreaming of redemption,
Redemption for all concerned, I'm dreaming of redemption, I'm dreaming of redemption, And I'm dreaming of redemption for others, There is too much good here, Too much to hope for the world, too, No checkmate. No closing off of hope, No checkmate. I'm dreaming of redemption, rshowalter - 09:51pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#349 of 367) | rshowalter - 09:57pm Mar
17, 2001 EST (#1150
Can anybody tell me what looks hard, or unreasonable, about the
proposal I set out in #266-269 ? rshowalt 9/25/00 7:32am http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2008
Granting that it would be hard, are people clear on why?
Maybe there is something much better.
But this pattern, which seems workable in many ways, might be
considered as an idea that might suggest others.
Here's one thing, that I've come to feel is very important.
I'm signing off for tonight.
almarst_2001 , I think the amount of good will that is latent,
close to the surface, wanting to come out, in American and Europe is very
great. Many -- and this is perhaps most true of people in the more
literary parts of our culture, would LOVE to see a prosperous, happy,
vibrant, RUSSIAN Russia - - not an imitation of the US - but a
different cuture - doing well, and interfacing with other cultures.
I believe that many people would WANT to see Russia as a success story
- and on Russian terms.
Putin is doing some of the right things -- reports of his achievements
at the European Summit look very professional and very good -- and it
seems to me that people are looking for "ways of doing business."
There are things that the Russians I've dealt with don't know, that the
culture needs to know -
but I believe that the number of individuals, and businessmen, who
would WANT a vibrant russia is larger than you may think. And hostility to
Russia is narrower than you may think.
rshowalter - 05:29pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1393
There are things that Russians do BETTER than Americans -- for the
money you had to spend, you ran a very impressive space program -
especially on the analytical side. Many things in Russia are fine - and
have been fine.
But there are kinds of sloppiness that one sometimes sees in Russia
that bother Americans -- and it would help if you learned what they are
(find ways to ask in such a way that you learn what you need to know, not
what you want to hear) that would, if a little changed, greatly shift the
business attractiveness, and status, of Russia upwards.
I think leadership in control and elimination of nuclear weapons, and
in the establishment of military balances, may be a great public relations
and business opportunity for Russia. Putin acts like he may think so, too.
I find myself feeling afraid as I write this -- but trying to be
helpful. rshowalter - 09:53pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#350 of 367) | rshowalter - 05:30pm Mar
23, 2001 EST (#1394
I'll imagine that you're the great leader that the quality of your
thought and "staff work" indicates.
Suppose I take a shot, in the next hour, trying to speak of Russia as a
"statistical ensemble of businesses -- with expected rates of return
that make them unattractive" -- and discuss how you might
radically increase the attractiveness of your country from a
business point of view.
I'll speak of "expected rates of return" -- as in compound rates of
interest -- and talk about the key thing -- which is the total RISK
DISCOUNT -- make Russia more reliable, and you will RADICALLY shift its
marketability upwards.
rshowalter - 05:36pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1395
Perhaps this model is simple enough for you to use -and evaluate,
punching numbers on a hand held calculator. Sometimes the biggest effects
are easiest to see in a simple case, where relations stand out starkly.
Suppose you think of an investment,
It is worth noting, and especially worth noting for Putin, how the
value of a matters.
rshowalter - 05:38pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1396
Reliability is valuable (and unreliablility is very expensive )
from a gambler's (or investor's) point of view !
rshowalter - 05:41pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1397
the expected rate of return, r , for this lump model is
r = [ln( aP/c)]/t
In words, the effective compounded rate of return (compound interest)
is the natural logarithm of the risk discounted payoff-to-cost
ratio divided by the time between putting out the expenditure C
, and getting the payoff P .
rshowalter - 05:43pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1398
So you want the probability of payoff, a , to be JUST AS CLOSE
In fact, most business people, when they see a values much less
than 1, don't keep on calculating values of investments.
They turn away, and look for another game.
That's happened to Russia. People have turned away, loked for other
"games" - - other economies to invest in - - because the overall
socio-technical reliability of Rusia is just too low.
Putin is doing many of the right things to fix this. But perhaps he
should be doing some things with more focus. Because Russians know how to
get VERY HIGH P/C ratios, when things go well - they have the potential to
enrich themselves and others -- if their work was more reliable, they'd be
"good bets." But right now, many too many times, they've been too
unreliable, a values have been too low, and now the whole country
is regarded as a "bad bet."
From where Putin sits - the question "what happens to a , in the
ordinary cases of business?" ought to be the key question he asks, every
time, about every economic policy. You can get a up without
sacrificing humanity, or Russian cultural values.
But you have to get it up, or Russia will be weak, when she should be
rshowalter - 05:53pm Mar 23 2001 EST (1400
Better ability to interface with other cultures is part of getting
a up.
Fewer lies and evasions among yourselves is a way of getting a
And some standard management skills are important - you may not like
Friedman, but all the things he said about financial controls are true.
rshowalter - 5:56pm Mar 23, 2001
Americans would rather work with a really unattractive sonofabitch, who
can do his job, rather than a much more attractive human being, who can't.
You don't have to sacrifice your culture - many of us LIKE the idea of
an authentically different Russia. But you have to, in an American phrase,
"pull up your socks." rshowalter - 09:54pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#351 of 367) | rshowalter - 5:58pm Mar
23, 2001 EST (1402
You need SOME PEOPLE who can talk RELIABLY about complicated technical
and socio-technical matters WITH AMERICANS AND OTHER PEOPLE so they can
work with you. That ought to be high on Putin's list of national
Now, much too often, such conversations end in fights or
misunderstandings. And that's not a problem of goodwill, from a business
point of view, nearly so much as it is a problem that shifts a
downward - disqualifying you as a business partner.
rshowalter - 06:22pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1403
You also need to be able to talk to EACH OTHER with a higher level of
social and technical reliablity than you often show.
rshowalter - 06:33pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1404
Every single negative thing that business people frequently repeat
about "Russia being a bad place to do business" you need to study
carefully, and FIX.
All the concerns are about reliability -- about problems with a
As a nation:
rshowalter - 09:55pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#352 of 367) | rshowalter - 06:37pm Mar
23, 2001 EST (#1405
The United States hasn't known how to make peace with you, and
settled on a policy of scaring you into collapse -- and it worked, and we
weren't honest to our own people while it was going on -- and American
initiative being what it is, a lot of stealing may have been going on, as
But once you collapsed, we still didn't know how to work with you (and
maybe had forgotten how to talk to you, though we never knew how to do it
well)-- and so things have stayed a mess.
The exercise of cleaning up the terribly dangerous vestiges of the Cold
War might go a long way toward solving these problems.
(And the world may blow up if we don't do it.) rshowalter - 09:56pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#353 of 367) | rshowalter - 06:44pm Mar
23, 2001 EST (#1406
I was talking a while back about Russian staffers talking to authors of
particular books about particular differences in view. I wasn't kidding.
It wouldn't necessarily cost much. But if Russian staffers could do THAT,
they'd know a lot more about workable business negotiation. And the
writers, likeley enough, would have good hearts, and try to sort your
skils out.
I was talking a while back about a "dry run" where Russia, and other
countries, worked through with journalists a mock nuclear
disarmament, and military balance deal - as realistically as possible, and
with as clear explanations as possible.
Russian staff would sweat bucketfulls in order to do that well -- but
if they did the work, and put out the effort - with very articulate people
of good will (and journalists are that) they'd learn a lot they need to
know in order to actually get peace.
The same things they need to know to actually get prosperity.
For one thing, the dialog would involve one status exchange after
another -- and Russians need to learn how these work, and how to do them.
lunarchick - 06:47pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1407 lunarchick@www.com
sono-fab-itch ... i'm working on this idiomatic RS!
I would have to look at inter-Trade figures before commenting on trade
into Russia .... much of which may be undisclosed and informal.
Russia straddles Eurasia. As poster commented above the European aspect
ususally preceeds the Eastern sector. Could there be any ligitimate reason
to refuse inclusion in the EC. The advantages of such would be reduced
warfare, increased trade, a continental rather than National feel. Access
to the EC does depend upon 'fitness and readiness' in terms of an economy.
rshowalter - 06:47pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1408
And if Russians actually understood - down to "atomic scale" detail,
how ONE complicated and problematic negotiation works itself out in
America, they'd learn a lot, that they don't know now, that they need
again and again.
It should be EASY for Russians to negotiate to a reliable closure with
competent people of other cultures. Now, it wrenches your guts. And it
wrenches ours.
(And for reasons like that, the world may blow up.) rshowalter - 09:56pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#354 of 367) | A key point that should be
common ground, for all the disappointment and bitterness:
rshowalter - 07:10pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1409
Although it was a complicated circumstance in many ways, this is
. . . . rshowalter - 09:57pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#355 of 367) | And I suggested an
exercise in MD1410-1415
rshowalter - 07:30pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1410
I'm washed out -- I'm going to break for the night, cook my wife
dinner, and have a beer. Just before I do, I'll type out the books I
looked at yesterday morning - each problematic from a Russian point of
view. If Russian staffers could effectively discuss Russian
difficulties with these books, well enough to enlighten these
book's authors, it would be a significant test. I think a hard test for
Russian staffers to pass now. But a test they could learn to pass.
rshowalter - 07:36pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1411
The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe
The Book of Virtues by William J. Bennett
All Over but the Shoutin' by Rick Bragg
Into the Storm by Tom Clancy (or something else by Clancy)
The Masters and Science and Government by C.P. Snow
(Snow's dead, but discussed with a competent administrator, preferably a
rshowalter - 07:41pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1412
News and the Culture of Lying by Paul Weaver
Spin Cycle by Howard Kurtz
Natural Obsessions by Natalie Angier
Shadow by Bob Woodward
The Lexus and the Olive Tree by Thomas L. Friedman
Dereliction of Duty by H.R. McMaster
rshowalter - 07:44pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1413
The University: An Owner's Manual by Henry Rosovsky
The Ends of Power by H.R. Haldeman
The Almanac of American Politics by Michael Barone and Grant
Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
rshowalter - 07:51pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1414
BEGINNING TO READ: Thinking and Learning about Print by Marilyn
Jager Adams
ED SCHOOL FOLLIES: The Miseducation of America's Teachers by
Rita Kramer
INEVITABLE ILLUSIONS: How mistakes of reason rule our minds by
M. Piatelli-Palmarini
AN INCOMPLETE EDUCATION by Judy Jones and William Wilson
rshowalter - 07:58pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1415
The Moral Sense by James Q. Wilson
Moralities of Everyday Life by J. Sabini and Maury Silver
I AIN'T GOT TIME TO BLEED: Reworking the Body Politic from the
Bottom Up by Jesse Ventura
All these are, by Russian standards, very strange books.
They are very un-Russian books.
I think, all very good books.
If Putin had staffers who were clear about how un-Russian these books
are, and how they are un-Russian, and if these staffers could discuss
these differences with the authors in a mutually satisfactory way (and
there are plenty of other very un-Russian books that could be discussed as
well), Russian negotiating skills would be better, interfaces in business
and other dealings would be better, and a would shift up.
The discussions would be no good, except as practice, unless they
happened for free, as status exchanges, and only then if, after the
discussion, both sides thought the discussion had been worth the trouble.
rshowalter - 07:58pm Mar 23, 2001 EST (#1416
I'm off. rshowalter - 10:02pm Oct 16, 2002 BST (#356 of 367) | I deeply appreciate the
chance to repost that briefing on the Guardian-Observer Talk .
When Dawn Riley pointed out Muddle in Moscow http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=533129
we were excited - - and did the best we could - in the hope of aiding
international understanding and peace.
It seems to me that the deletions of my record yesterday justify
reposting the briefing effort - - and I'm grateful for the chance to do
so. lchic - 10:32am Oct 21, 2002 BST (#357 of 367) Interesting use of term -
MAN'S inhumanity ... as though MAN surfs a diffent brain wave to woman.
rshowalter - 07:17pm Oct 23, 2002 BST (#358 of 367) | For us to lessen inhumanity
in the future - - we have to deal with things that have happened - within
the limitations that we can actually make work - as things are.
I believe these postings from February 27th, 2001 - a few days before
almarst was invited on the board - are worth posting again. I
appreciate the chance to do so. rshowalter - 07:19pm Oct 23, 2002 BST (#359 of 367) | We can improve on the mess
we're in. Radically. Safely. Gracefully. Practically.
With resources we have available.
In a way that makes almost everyone involved feel much better.
. . ..
Looking at the situation, I find myself in a cheerful mood.
With ugliness and conflict so intense, new beauty may not be far away.
rshowalter - 09:11am Feb 27, 2001 EST (#791
Sometimes the issues involved with the accomodation of significant fact
are bracing, and morally important. . . The core problems with ending the
nuclear terror, now, are of just this kind.
The technical problems are relatively easy. The psychological and moral
problems are hard.
But doable.
rshowalter - 06:03pm Feb 27, 2001 EST (#792
Tina Rosenberg represents one of the most admirable flowerings of a
tradition, admirable in many ways, that , taken no further than she takes
it, makes an effective nuclear disarmament impossible.
Rosenberg believes passionately, eloquently, that a central problems of
transition from old regimes to new ones is truth about what
actually happened. People need to know what was actually done.
That's surely right.
But what was to be done with the facts? What can be done that is
satisfactory in the complex contexts where people live their lives? A
major concern is "what is justice" and especially what is justice,
considering everything, under complex and conflicted circumstances. The
answer isn't easy, and answers that appear evident don't work well in
Yesterday Rosenberg wrote on the editorial page of the NYT: She starts:
She ends:
People are conflicted and uneasy about Rosenberg's position, which is a
very widespread position.
An illustration of how problematic this position can be is provided by
Tina Rosenberg's celebrated book THE HAUNTED LAND: Facing Europe's
Ghosts after Communism
This book won the National Book Award, and a Pulitzer Prize.
Reviews could scarcely have been better.
By some high standards, it is a work of stunning and outstanding
However, the book sold very poorly, something of the order of 45,000
copies in hardback. For many, it was an unrelievedly ugly piece,
describing an unrelievedly ugly situation. I felt, when I read it (and I
found the book a painful, depressing, if gripping chore to read) that it
described a situation of unrelieved ugliness. There were precious few
examples of emotionally or aesthetically satisfying justice in the whole
book. Results of hard quests for justice all seemed to consist of
ill-fitting, mutually conflicting results, ill fit to each other, and
forming a misshapen whole.
rshowalter - 06:06pm Feb 27, 2001 EST (#793
Something was missing from the book, and the situations it described.
In the complex, conflicted situations described, beautiful justice is
impossible. There are multiple contexts, each inescapable and in a
fundamental sense valid.
An aesthetically satisfying justice can be defined for each and every
set of assumptions and perspectives that can be defined. (four postings
from rshowalter Mon 05/02/2001 20:16 )
Beautiful justice judged in one context is ill formed or ugly in
most or all the other contexts.
Even a passably satisfactory "net justice" is often classified out of
existence by the complexities and conflicts built into the human
realities. BadNewsWade - 07:30pm Oct 23, 2002 BST (#360 of 367) havent read the above posts
as there are too many of them and they are too long.
It is certainly an enticing theory. I don't think it should be used to
justify a repressive state, as Hobbes does (Leviathan). Rather, people who
are framing constitutions and political theory should remember that sadism
is a natural part of human nature, along with a lot of other
things, and that any constitution, manifesto, etc, that doesnt take this
into account is doomed to faliure. rshowalter - 07:32pm Oct 23, 2002 BST (#361 of 367) | rshowalter - 06:15pm Feb
27, 2001 EST (#794
The situations Rosenberg describes, where she hungers for justice, do
not admit of satisfactory justice. They are too complicated. There is too
much ugliness. What is needed, for logical reasons that are
fundamentally secular rather than religious, is redemption.
The phrase beyond redemption is sometimes used, but I havent
heard much discussion of the idea that a situation is beyond
justice. But situations that are beyond justice occur, and our nuclear
circumstances are full of such situations, and paralyzing conflicts
produced by them.
These situations cannot be resolved in a way that specifically
balances all rights and all wrongs. They are too conflicted and too
complicated. These situations need to be redeemed, and they can be.
The situation needs secular redemption. rshowalter "There's
Always Poetry" Fri 08/12/2000 20:08
The redemptive solution can't be an abstraction, or a fizzle - it has
to be able to propagate - to get past chain breakers rshowalter
"There's Always Poetry" Fri 08/12/2000 20:05 , as only a redemptive
solution can.
A central problem is to deal with - or put pressure on, people who deny
very obvious, provable, morally compelling facts, because the cost is
somehow, too great Learning to Stand rshowalter "There's Always
Poetry" Wed 14/11/2001 23:43
A central requirement of this is to find ways to lower the price of
truth, the price of right answers.
The cost of lies is prohibitive here. The bottle scene from
Casablanca offers an example of this.
Punishment should be avoided, whenever it is at all possible. It
produces chain breakers to solutions that need to go through.
Redemption should be the goal instead. Because nothing else can
possibly be beautiful, and safe, in these circumstances.
rshowalter - 06:18pm Feb 27, 2001 EST (#795
Here, for technical reasons, the risks are very great - great enough so
that right answers need to be gotten, so that the world can go on.
My own view, for technical reasons that I've asked repeatedly to
have checked, is that the world is LIKELY to end unless current nuclear
weapons systems are much better controlled. That the system is much less
well engineered and much less well defended than it looks. In fact
I have reason to believe that some of the most basic controls have not
been changed since the early Kennedy administration, and that some of
these controls involve risks that were terrifying then, and that are far
more terrifying now.
Note: (I also think that there's been progress since Feb 27,
2001.) rshowalter - 07:33pm Oct 23, 2002 BST (#362 of 367) | rshowalter - 06:21pm Feb
27, 2001 EST (#796
A narrow wish for "justice" rules resolution and right answers out,
where a search for secular redemption permits resolution.
I'm dreaming of redemption,
Redemption for all concerned, I'm dreaming of redemption, I'm dreaming of redemption, And I'm dreaming of redemption for others, There is too much good here, Too much to hope for the world, too, No checkmate. No checkmate. rshowalter - 07:34pm Oct 23, 2002 BST (#363 of 367) | rshowalter - 06:27pm Feb
27, 2001 EST (#797
In dealing with nuclear weapons, the questions who is guilty?
and what to do about it? can dominate thought and action in ugly,
counterproductive, and fundamentally unjust ways.
The beauty of justice, from one perspective, is utter injustice,
and ugliness, from others.
Our nuclear postures, and the history of how these happened, are so
conflicted, and subject to so many different, yet existentially valid
points of view, that a justice with proper conformity of the parts to
the whole and to one another is impossible.
Results, even in the hands of well meaning, sympathetic people, can be
and have been monstrous. People have done things they knew were terrible,
or that could have terrible consequences, feeling that they were morally
compelled, on other ground, to do them.
For more than fifty years, and especially since the late 1950s, we've
had large groups of people knowingly acting to make it possible to reduce
large populations, almost all innocent in military terms, into masses of
rotting unburied corpses. http://www.nytimes.com/library/magazine/home/20001203mag-osborne.html
There is no reason to think that the US population, or the Russian
population, was in any substantial doubt about what was being done, and
threatened, by our military forces. rshowalter "Science in the News"
8/29/00 7:26am
Even today, people deny crucial aspects of the holocaust in part for
intellectual reasons. What they know of it seems not to fit what they
"know" about what human beings do. Some of the actions and intentions of
our own military forces are denied, or suppressed from consciousness, due
to similar "ignorances."
To the degree that people were responsible members of German society
during the Nazi years, they needed to know enough for the complex
cooperation, and focused and mutual coercion, that they actually showed.
(That is, everybody had to know practically everything, except for details
of execution.) The same holds for us. rshowalter "Science in the News"
8/29/00 8:03am
But were the American and NATO forces using or threatening to use
nuclear weapons aggressors or defenders? What about the Russians? There
can be MANY views of this, and most people, from most positions, have
reasons to be give credence, in one way or another, to several
My own view is that the Americans, at most times, were the agressors,
though they had good reasons to do what they did. Perhaps they had no
choice, in term of the imperatives they faced, until after the fall of the
Soviet Union.
But the Cold War is over now, nuclear weapons should be taken down, and
they should be prohibited.
I don't think the mechanics of doing this are difficult, setting the
costs and challenges against the needs.
I set out one possible way of proceeding in an all-day web meeting with
"becq" on Sept 25, 2000 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2008
Once the inescapable reality of fear and mistrust is recognized, there may
be many ways. BadNewsWade - 07:34pm Oct 23, 2002 BST (#364 of 367) What do people think of the
massive popularity of S&M in this context? On the one hand it could be
a disturbing feature of a very sadistic society, on the other a sign of
progress, that people are getting it off their chest in a safe place
rather than in real life.
Any takers? rshowalter - 07:35pm Oct 23, 2002 BST (#365 of 367) | rshowalter - 02:47pm Feb
28, 2001 EST (#798
It is worth pointing out a practical sense in which nuclear war is
entirely, vividly real - a sense in which crimes and massive injuries have
already happened. They have happened, over and over, in great detail, in
the imaginations of people. And those imaginations have been made vivid,
and reinforced repeatedly, by careful and detailed rehearsals.
People who are part of forces set up to launch nuclear weapons think
about what they are going to have to do. In all sorts of ways. Again and
again. They have to go on, for years, in a condition where they are
plotting premeditated mass murder, and ready to commit it.
Some among them, if not all, will have guilt feelings about this.
And will have built up psychological rationalizations about this. And they
will have had to endure a great deal of emotional strain, dealing with
this. In the minds of these people, on both sides, nuclear war has already
happened. And it has also happened, to an inescapable degree, in their
Nuclear weapons are intended to make enemies fear death, and
politicians and populations subject to that threat have in fact felt the
fear. They have imagined, clearly and vividly, what nuclear destruction
would mean to them personally, to the people they care about, to their
countries, and to the body of emotional reactions that they live by. In
the minds of these people, on both sides, nuclear war has already
happened, and they have been injured, violated, and outraged.
It is a mistake to think that nuclear weapons can be considered,
realistically, in an abstract, analytical, emotionless way. Absolutely
everybody involved is intensely emotional about them. And the emotions
involved are deeply conflicted.
This can get in the way of the logic of all concerned. This can
immobilize all concerned. The emotional nature of nuclear weapons, and
damage already done, and now being sustained, needs to be remembered.
When we negotiate as if fear, and distrust aren't essential parts of
our nuclear impasse, we may feel that we are being "polite" but we are
also being impractical. The sensible thing is to acknowledge the fear,
distrust, and other emotions that are there. And deal with these emotions
as they are, in ways that work for all the human beings involved.
#799 included a analogous point about trust .
We can make disastrous, very big scale mistakes. In military and
political matters, we've made some. There are relationships of fact and
logic that need to be attended to - carefully - - in public - - and
established beyond a reasonable doubt - by the workaday standards that
apply in jury trials. We can. BadNewsWade - 07:36pm Oct 23, 2002 BST (#366 of 367) ooops ive wondered in on a
large complex discussion which is still live with talk on things I m too
stupid to understand
I'll get me coat. rshowalter - 08:18pm Oct 23, 2002 BST (#367 of 367) | Not too stupid. The basic
point, at the top of the thread - is simple - but it is hard - because it
deals with sources of horror that are normal and natural - - and need to
be understood humanely, and controlled. A sort of "exception handing" so
that the natural human need to exclude outsiders doesn't get out of hand.
Here are some recent links to the larger discussion I'm working on -
here on TALK, and at the NYT:
commondata http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6470
5151-52 gisterme http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6478
5153 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6480
rshowalter - 01:46pm Nov 4, 2002 BST (#368 of 369) | The NYT forums go down for
maintenance from time to time - and they've been down for scheduled
maintenance since about 4PM NY time, Nov 1. In the days before that, I
felt that the Missile Defense forum was being influential.
One could look at
On the board, lchic and I have been advocating efforts to find shared space - - paths for communication - between adversaries, and enemies locked in impasses.
The NYT is involved in such communication - sometimes including discussions between governments. Conversations between the NYT and N. Korea reported here were promising.
The mid-term elections in the United States are important, and the way campaigns have been fought is important - there's been a deliberate, and at times astounding, avoidance of fundamentals. Over the years, progress in the "political technology" of the United States has reduced the level of discourse, and to some degree, degraded the American electorate.
Since September 25, 2000, I've been working steadily on the NYT Missile defense board - http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2006 - - I'd hoped after than one day meeting to have a chance to debrief face to face to the federal government http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2014 . Instead, I've been "debriefing", in detail since that time on the MD thread, with enormous, much appreciated help from lchic , and some extremely interesting posting from a "Bush administration stand-in" , gisterme - and a "Putin stand-in" , almarst. Some of the most fundamental points on the thread were adressed in the first posting from gisterme , and my first response. gisterme - 01:09pm May 2, 2001 EST (#2997 rshowalter wrote "...The US, perhaps with some help from other nations, has to admit to some lies, and some missteps done by a very small, extraconstitutional group..." Okay, Robert, I'll bite. What are the lies, the missteps and who is the very small extraconstitutional group? gisterme - 01:39pm May 2, 2001 EST (#2998 juddrox wrote: "...Why is Missile Defense Technology even an issue? IT DOES NOT WORK..." Same arguement made against neary every new (not necessarily military) technology. Let's see...the internet and stealth technology are a couple I can think of right off. Resistance to change is a natural thing I suppose. However, even rshowalter, being a PE, should be able to tell you it's much easier to prove a thing feasible than not. Don't forget that for most of history it was believed that man could never fly. Heh heh, is that so surprising coming from a species that took hundreds of centuries to invent the wheel? Tell me, why should getting rid of half of my guns and putting bullet resistant glass in my house be such a threat to my neighbors? rshowalter - 01:41pm May 2, 2001 EST (#2999 gisterme 5/2/01 1:09pm: "Okay, Robert, I'll bite. What are the lies, the missteps and who is the very small extraconstitutional group?" Lies:
There were reasons why this happened. Some of them good reasons at the time. But the nuclear terror is an American invention and development. We've used threat and terror, very effectively, for a long time. If we took action, and acknowledged what we did, then effective nuclear disarmament would be possible -- at least to the point where nuclear risks were no larger than many of the natural disaster risks we cope with. . . . rshowalter - 01:45pm May 2, 2001 EST (#3001 Acknowledging the past would be a lot safer, and much better, than a "Star Wars" that can't be made to work. If we made peace, the rest of the world could, too. Since that time, there have been more than 750 gisterme postings on the NYT Missile Defense thread - and these references to gisterme here: #192 rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Thu 17/05/2001 19:34 #217 rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Wed 18/07/2001 18:51 #226 rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Wed 12/09/2001 15:17 #229 rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Thu 27/09/2001 01:10 #248 rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Fri 04/01/2002 17:00 #260 rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Wed 13/02/2002 20:31 #295 rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Thu 20/06/2002 19:21 #305 rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Mon 12/08/2002 21:41 #330 rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Thu 03/10/2002 20:17 #333 rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Fri 04/10/2002 21:20 #339 rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Sat 12/10/2002
22:01 rshowalter - 01:47pm Nov 4, 2002 BST (#369 of 369) | I've often said that I
thought gisterme was Condoleezza Rice - and I believe that Rice has
written some of them. But looking at styles, it seems very likely that
gisterme postings are done by several people - at least two. Not
necessarily of the same sex - but perhaps very close personal friends.
There is enough text that one might be able to make some very good
statistical judgements - ruling "suspects" in and out as writers of that
text. In my view, Bush is a suspect - something that might be worth
That's only inference - a "connection of the dots" that has some
plausibility, some internal consistency - some structure - but that would
have to be checked.
I hope the inference is true - and that my inferenece that
"almarst" has close connections to Russia is also true, because
communication can find "shared spaces" where solutions may be found -
where a lack of contact can close off hope.
To "connnect the dots" it is necessary to " collect
the dots " - - and lchic and I have been working on these
TALK boards and on NYT forums to show how "dots" of evidence and argument
can be collected using the internet. Information can only be considered,
weighed, focused, and used to draw conclusions when it is available
together - closely and conveniently enough in space and time.
Other people might collect other "dots".
Different staffs, with different viewpoints, might collect different
evidence and opinions - not just individuals.
Patterns of umpiring can be fit into the crossreferencing format.
This thread, and the MD thread on the NYT, has shown some of what can
be done - and some things about this thread are organized if you click
"rshowalter" in the upper left hand of my postings.
One point I'd like to emphasize is the mass of material that can be
collected and organized - with a lot of potential for crossreferencing -
with this thread as an example.
Many postings have been made here - and many others have been made on
the Guardian Talk threads - which are a more open format than the
one here - one I very much admire.
Since the NYT Missile Defense thread was rebooted in March of this
year, there have been more than 700 links to Guardian Talk threads. To get
and example of the number of links, and the way they are used, I'm
collecting this sample - the links to the Guardian since #5000 on this
thread. I deeply appreciate the chance to post here, and on the
5045-46 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6355
5053 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6363 5072 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6383 5074 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6386 5096 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6410 5146 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6473 5149 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6476 5192 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6525 5215 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6552 5229 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6571 5257 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6603 5307 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6660 5308 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6661 5358 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6718 5364 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6724 5365 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6725 5380 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6745 lchic "Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there?" Fri 24/05/2002 01:27 to rshowalter "Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there?" Fri 24/05/2002 04:01 5409 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6776 5436 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6808 MD5395-6 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6760 is a "mirror image" of this posting on the NYT Missile Defense board. It has the same references, except for MD5409 and 5436. Links to the Guardian Talk threads listed above work from MD5395-6 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6760 when the NYT forums boards are up. Steve Kline, my late partner, said this:
Lchic and I are trying to making some difference, and sometimes we have reason to hope that we are. I deeply appreciate the chance to post on these boards. lchic - 08:59am Nov 15, 2002 GMT (#370 of 381) The President
Moved the people
He pushed some over That they were citizens Moving pawns out Saddam - a very thoughtful busy man!
dR2002 rshowalter - 02:35pm Nov 17, 2002 GMT (#371 of 381) | Dawn's doing wonderful
postings on the NYT MD board. For instance, this one: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@168.zyjjaN1YWd7^0@.f28e622/7284
xenon54 - 02:54pm Nov 17, 2002 GMT (#372 of 381) Any chance of pasting it
here? I don't want to register there. lchic - 01:51am Nov 25, 2002 GMT (#373 of 381) Y xenon54 - 02:29am Nov 25, 2002 GMT (#374 of 381) Y? - cos' I'm interested....
and don't want their cookies...
Doesn't matter. rshowalter - 02:24pm Nov 26, 2002 GMT (#375 of 381) | 350 posts on the MD board
since this very good one:
lunarchick - 06:33am Nov 17, 2002 EST (# 5855 of 6305)
Communication in the Houses of Saud and Saddam are TOP-down not
The concept of empowerment of the 'everyman' hasn't been conceived or
is regarded as a threat.
In the docco on Saddam (ABC-au above) he was described as being
isolated and out of touch - the same goes for the Saudi King.
The balance of power and value systems within such nations is skewed.
The attention has the purse stings and is to be obeyed. To disobey is
certain death.
Pipeline nations have IN-in-comes begging the question, how should
money be divided, given to whom, when, and for what reason?
Such nations have to talk, to communicate longways, shortways,
crossways and determine national futures.
What impedements to straight talking are there - if any?
If the society is based on a structure of lies and deceptions, then it
is necessary to have to admit that mistakes have been made and look for
truth -- to get everyone reading the same page and collectively 'jumping
from it' to welcome new futures.
Checking and looking for truths are essential and have to be 'morally
forcing' and carried out for the national good. Without reaching this
stage a country can be stagnant, paralysed and locked into a redundant
yesterday. lchic - 12:18pm Dec 2, 2002 GMT (#376 of 381) Inhumanity - by the load
Lots on Iraq
lchic - 04:28am Dec 11, 2002 GMT (#377 of 381) Y - when did Cooki es
become a Monster ? lchic - 04:31am Dec 11, 2002 GMT (#378 of 381) thought i just posted .....
no show rshowalter - 01:21pm Dec 12, 2002 GMT (#379 of 381) | I think a lot of things have
gone well this year on the NYT Missile Defense forum - (which
prints out to twenty-three 1" notebooks of text this year.) I personally
believe that the MD work has been worth the trouble - and I'm sure
that it could not have been even half so effective had I not had the
chance to post on the Guardian Talk - and refer to those Talk
references frequently on the MD forum. Yesterday, Commondata , who
lives in London, posted this ( http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/7990
"I think a lot of things have gone well this year, and I'd like
to repost this - where Lunarchick and I say things that still seem
right, and on track:
- - - - -
5441 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6813
, filed November 1, 2002, reads as follows:
In negotiations going on, in rearrangements and adjustments that are
going on, we want reasonable endings - good endings, endings as happy as
we can make them.
Results on the basis of one set of assumptions or values may be
beautiful - - and the very same result may be ugly
in terms of another set of values and assumptions.
If the values and assumtions are clear - these things can be
discussed, and arrangements can be negotiated - even when feelings are
very different.
According to almost all standards, muddle is ugly.
The beauty or ugliness of a treaty, or any other arrangement, can be
judged in terms of the context it was built for, and other contexts,
including the context provided by data not previously considered.
As negotiations proceed - questions of what is ugly, and what is
beautiful, in specific terms, can be very useful. Definition and
discussion of these questions can avoid muddle, and produce arrangements
that can be understood, remembered, and worked with for long times - in
the face of the stresses, strains, and unforseen circumstances that have
to be expected. MD5437 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6809
It seems to me that the Security Council, and the nations involved,
have a chance to make the world a more beautiful place than it is today in
very practical, specific, and important ways.
When the people involved have strong emotional feelings - strong
aesthetic feelings - that is practically important - and to adress
the reasons for those feelings - it seems to me that the formality of
"disciplined beauty" described above, can be useful.
lchic 5442 - November 1, 2002 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/6814
~~~~ It got understood and exposed ~~~~
Showalter predicting 2002 as a DIPLOMATIC MILESTONE
correction ...
"' a beautiful diplomatic milestone '
_ _ _ _ _ _
It seems to me that if things unfold as they have been since November 1
- that may turn out to be true. I hope so. 6460 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/7964
People don't have to become either geniuses or saints for us to work
out much better solutions than we have now. rshowalter - 01:22pm Dec 12, 2002 GMT (#380 of 381) | I then responded to
Commondata http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/7990
in more detail:
Charles Dickens is an author I admire - though George Orwell's
reservations about Dickens' social criticism still make sense. Dickens
felt that the world could be much better - if people were more sensitive -
more fully alive -- more decent. Without major social change. Orwell
pointed out that this was a viewpoint that was incomplete, at best -
sometimes fundamentals had to change. But Orwell still granted Dickens'
point, in large measure. The New York Times, a conservative operation -
takes a pretty "dickensian" view most often, and so do its readers.
Sometimes I do as well - though I think Karl Marx said some interesting
and valid things.
The first line of Dickens A Tale of Two Cities goes something
like this:
"During the two and a half years of this thread,
"militarism increased
But has the time on this thread been wasted since? I think not.
rshowalter "God is the Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential - Discuss"
Mon 04/11/2002 14:16 includes this:
- - - - - -
It seems to me that people are getting clearer about their problems,
and that things may go well. For all the valid reasons for fear
that remain. But this morning, luncarchick , who is my superior in
almost every way - and a marvel of both grace and erudition - pulled me up
short with this: 6541 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/8045
Maybe there's hope. Sometimes I get a feeling (indirect, and perhaps
wrong) that the work going on here, and on the NYT MD thread - is being
useful. xenon54 - 01:48pm Dec 12, 2002 GMT (#381 of 381) Yes, because if it occurs to
one, it is occurring elsewhere. Every person who reads or hears thoughts
such as these will think and express them too and so they will multiply
until they have spread so far and wide they become irresistible. Being
founded on beauty they will be recognisable by all who are instinctively
aware of our common humanity.
The future of humanity rests on our ability to feel. Those who cannot
feel can kill. Dickens was right in that sense. rshowalter - 08:07pm Dec 20, 2002 GMT (#382 of 393) | http://www.mrshowalter.net/Mankind's%20Inhumanity%20to%20Man%20and%20Woman%20-%20As%20natural%20as%20human%20goodness_files/mrshowalter.htm
is under construction. an archive of the NYT missile defense thread -
along the lines set out in http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3936
will be available there - though the disk, updated and available on
request, is better for searching.
The New York Times - Science - MISSILE DEFENSE forum may be awkward for
some people because the directories come up 300 at a time - awkward for a
6000 plus thread. Here are the directories, 300 at a time.
Links in to http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_6000s/ mostly work. - - - - - 6829-31 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/8333
Pacing Cheetah Jayne goes with Tazan
lchic - 01:19pm Dec 30, 2002 GMT (#383 of 393) Chimps have 'in' and 'out'
groups in their social structure. lchic - 04:20am Jan 8, 2003 GMT (#384 of 393) Natural as Chimpuman
goodness? rshowalter - 08:43pm Jan 13, 2003 GMT (#385 of 393) | We're surely animals.
lchic - 06:27am Jan 23, 2003 GMT (#386 of 393) Speak for yourself Sir!
Iraq - LIES - Rice
lchic - 01:57pm Feb 2, 2003 GMT (#387 of 393) USA makes a 'big deal' of the
lost Shuttle --- contrasts to a transport accident, a gun accident, or a
political accident. rshowalter - 12:17pm Feb 8, 2003 GMT (#388 of 393) | It sure does - we need a
sense of proportion.
Work on the NYT Missile Defense thread has been intense - and has
involved tremendous work - for me, for lunarchick for
almarst , and for gisterme for more than 2 1/2 years now.
The ability to post on the Guardian Talk threads has been essential
- deeply appreciated, and I think very useful for the effort. I think that
the effort HAS been very useful, and continues to be. MD 1999 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2484
The situation of the NYT MD thread has involved some awkwardness - which I
explain here - in a posting modified from MD8558-59 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10084
rshow55 - 06:10am Feb 4, 2003 EST (# 8558
includes this:
rshow55 - 06:26am Feb 4, 2003 EST (# 8559
8548 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10074
includes this:
But I'd also say this. If other nation states work as hard - and think
through their interests with as much attention as gisterme devotes
to his perceptions of the needs of the United States - we could sort the
problems before us out much, much better than they look like they're
sorting out now.
Is gisterme a high officer in the Bush administration, or does
gisterme have close connections to such an officer? I've assumed
so. The government knows this answer. People at the NYT know whether or
not they have assumed so, or known so. Legislators could probably know if
they asked, and journalists could probably find out if they worked at it.
. .. . . . By a reasonable "collection of dots" and "connection of dots,"
gisterme may reasonably be judged to have clear links, and high
ones, with the Bush administration.
People and organizations can't communicate, cooperate, or make peace
"in general" - - - it has to happen specifically. At a time
when so much hinges on the thoughts, intentions, and beliefs of the Bush
administration, I believe that these posts by gisterme are a
valuable resource. Gisterme is, at a conservative evaluation, close
to the Bush administration, and trusted.
If other nations understood gisterme better, and understood
themselves better, we'd have a better chance. I think that if staffs
in other nation states worked as hard as gisterme works - and communicated
- a lot of problems could be solved.
The NYT Missile Defense thread is intended as a prototype showing what
- with proper resources - could be done to make the world more orderly,
more symmetrical, more harmonious in human terms.
8368 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/9894
links to 680 postings by gisterme prior to restarting of this
thread on March of this year. All these posts are available by date at
Each of these links connects to 20 links on the MD thread by
All these posts are available, either by links here, or by date at http://www.mrshowalter.net/calendar1.htm The ability to post on the Guardian Talk threads has been essential - and I think very useful, for the effort. I think that the effort HAS been very useful, and continues to be. MD 1999 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2484 I deeply appreciate the chance I've been given to post on the Guardian Talk. I posted MD7000 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/8521 , on Christmas Eve - which ends with this: "We may be able to do better than Casey feared, if not as well as he sometimes hoped. " Someday At Christmas by Stevie Wonder http://www.webfitz.com/lyrics/Lyrics/xmas/97xmas.html expresses wonderful ideals - and is a great thing to read. " Maybe someday soon - if we keep our heads, and work at it. rshowalter - 12:42pm Feb 11, 2003 GMT (#389 of 393) | There has been a lot of
interesting discussion on the NYT Missile Defense thread in recent days -
with a great deal of involvement from almarst , the thead's "Putin
8796 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10322
includes this:
We have a mess. It is in the interest of the whole world that it be
fixed. By now, it can't be fixed, reasonably, without some leaders of
other nation states asking questions - and insisting on answers.
A great deal, for a long time, has been based on fictions. Sometimes,
in some ways, the fictions have worked well. In other ways, the fictions
have produced unnecessary death and agony.
We can do better - without the agony - if we face up to what is
happened - and sort out problems. The US has some problems. The Islamic
world has some problems. If we lie somewhat less - face the truth more
often, when it matters - we can do a lot better.
Because questions of fact are now, so clearly, matters of life and
death - there may be more hope of real solutions than there has been
If nation states that have expressed concern about American
priorities - notably Germany, France, and Russia - actually ask for
answers - a great deal would sort out - in the interest of people of good
faith everywhere. Very many such people are Americans.
8802 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10328
There are many references to Guardian Talk threads on the NYT MD thread
- and I believe that they have been useful. I appreciate them. rshowalter - 06:16pm Feb 17, 2003 GMT (#390 of 393) | The NYT Missile Defense forum
has been going on for three years now - and lunarchick and I have
been involved with it since September 25, 2000 . A recounting of what this
Missile Defense thread has done since then is set out in Psychware,
Casablance - - and terror from #151 "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and
terror" Sun 11/03/2001 on. Links before March 1, 2002 are no longer on the
NYT site. Discussion of the NYT MD thread continues from #265 rshowalter
"Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Thu 28/02/2002
Click " rshowalter" above for more details
9003: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10529
9004 Mar 1, 2001 EST... http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10530
Here are the summaries set out in rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca
-- and terror" Sun 11/03/2001 with working links.
Summary of postings on the NYT Missile Defense board between Sept
25, 2000 and March 1, 2001 :
Part 1: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10531
Part 2: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10532
Part 3: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10533
Part 4: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10534
Part 5: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10535
Part 6: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10536
Also on March 1, 2001 there were postings on the Guardian thread
There's Always Poetry about nuclear risks:
1202 .. rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Wed 28/02/2001
1203 . . bNice2NoU "There's Always Poetry" Thu 01/03/2001
1204 . . . rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Thu 01/03/2001
1205 . .Nice2NoU "There's Always Poetry" Thu 01/03/2001
1206 .. rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Thu 01/03/2001
1207 . . rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Thu 01/03/2001
1208 . . bNice2NoU "There's Always Poetry" Thu 01/03/2001
1209 . . rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Thu 01/03/2001
1210 . . rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Thu 01/03/2001
1211 . . . bNice2NoU "There's Always Poetry" Thu 01/03/2001
1212 Our nuclear balances are less safe than people think ...
rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Thu 01/03/2001 02:29
1213 . . rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Thu 01/03/2001
1214 rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Thu 01/03/2001
341 - 356 in Mankind's Inhumanity to Man and Woman - as Natural as
Human Goodness? http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@@.ee7b085/383
sets out a series of postings from March 17-24, 2001 the postings of a
"Putin Briefing" set out after "Muddle in Moscow" http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=533129
, originally on the NYT Missile Defense thread - that were also described
- with links to the original MD postings that work now - on July 24th in
7388-7390 below -
9011: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10537
9012: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10538
9013: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10539
I deeply appreciate these Guardian Talk threads - and think that the
Guardian -and the NYT are together making a big contribution toward a more
coherent, better world. lchic - 11:02am Feb 28, 2003 GMT (#391 of 393) inhumanity ... the count down
rshowalter - 12:01am Mar 1, 2003 GMT (#392 of 393) | Lets hope people can do
sensible things, for once. rshowalter - 03:03pm Mar 1, 2003 GMT (#393 of 393) | I've been using my (very
imperfect and incomplete) web site, especially http://www.mrshowalter.net/calendar1.htm
and direct links - along with Guardian sites (that I reference many, many,
many times ) to move some discussions along at the NYT MD thread. Here's a
series of postings - using the links - and key links to the Guardian Talk
- and connected to dialog just after 9/11. Parts with a lot of links are
bolded -
9355 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10891
In 2000 and early 2001, I was concerned that he world might well blow
up - for reasons I knew a good deal about. There's been some limited
progress since 1999 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/2484
and some progress continues. There's still plenty to fear, along with a
great deal to hope for.
9356 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10892
Sometimes it seems that some things come into focus. And procedures get clearer. But reason is a weak reed, and there are ugly doings today. If leaders and other people in the world react in ways that they can be proud of, and explain to themselves and others, now and in the future - things could go well - but it is a very dangerous time. U.S. Says Hussein Must Cede Power to Head Off War By FELICITY BARRINGER with DAVID E. SANGER http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/01/international/middleeast/01IRAQ.html -------------- I'm posting some NYT postings of mine today, starting at 9385 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10921 , and ending with two from almarst - the NYT MD thread's "Putin stand-in" since March 2001. Missile defense systems that make no technical sense are being pursued - installed without testing - at a time when, if people were responsible and sane, we could do much better. Under the Radar http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/01/opinion/01SAT3.html
9355 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10891 For US power to be operational for long, it is absolutely essential that we keep our word. Even a Superpower Needs Help By CHAS W. FREEMAN Jr. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/26/opinion/26FREE.html U.S. Says Hussein Must Cede Power to Head Off War By FELICITY BARRINGER with DAVID E. SANGER http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/01/international/middleeast/01IRAQ.html - basically renounces hundreds and thousands of public and private assurances, at the UN and elsewhere, over many months. If the UN is to function - members should do things that the members can reasonably be proud to do. This time - that should mean standing up to the Bush administration. If Turkey, as a nation, is to function - they should think about what it will mean to them, politically and operationally, to support the United States under these circumstances. We're squandering hard work - and masses of good faith built over generations - for nothing that can work stably. There are times when, try as I might - it is hard for me not to think in religious terms. http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_md01000s/DetailNGR.htm sets out Detail, and the Golden Rule , which was a Guardian Talk thread, and includes this: "I think if Jesus was alive today, he might cry out.
Jesus is honored as a prophet, not only by Christianity, but by Islam, too. In a world where people have to deal with each other, and take actions on the basis of what people say - the United States is acting very badly - and endangering the world. World order is precious. It needs to be built, not thrown away. I posted this on Christmas day: 7017 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@93.i2r6aXs0Y8S^400156@.f28e622/8538 I have been professionally concerned, for a long time, with human interactions. And the stability of human relations. I feel sure that these are key things to check, every which way, when stability matters enough to think hard about: Berle's Laws of Power Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs and The Golden Rule "Solutions" not consistent with these constraining patterns may work for a short time, or with great strains on parts of the human system involved -- but they are unstable. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs by William G. Huitt http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/regsys/maslow.html . . . especially the image - which sketches out human needs in a heirarchically organized system.. Berle and Maslow: MD667-8 rshow55 3/18/02 11:13am http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/826 Could we be living through a time now where the human race is going to have to learn some lessons? It seems so to me. Perhaps God really does exist - and (s)He really cares - and is setting things up - giving lessons - with as little carnage and pain as possible, but with enough, hopefully, so that people learn things that decency and survival are going to require. If the world is to survive. There's a quote from Benjamin Franklin:
--------------- almarst2003 - 09:06am Mar 1, 2003 EST (# 9388 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10924 Frantic US Envoys Circle the Globe Offering Bribes - UN: 10 Million Could Starve in Iraq War - http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A13499-2003Feb27?language=printer almarst2003 - 09:15am Mar 1, 2003 EST (# 9389 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10925 WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THIS COUNTRY??? Star Witness on Iraq Said Weapons Were Destroyed Bombshell revelation from a defector cited by White House and press - Star Witness on Iraq Said Weapons Were Destroyed Bombshell revelation from a defector cited by White House and press http://www.fair.org/press-releases/kamel.html After devoting thousands of network hours and oceans of ink to stories about "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, major U.S. news outlets did little but yawn in the days after the latest Newsweek published an exclusive report on the subject -- a piece headlined "The Defector's Secrets." It's hard to imagine how any journalist on the war beat could read the article's lead without doing a double take: "Hussein Kamel, the highest-ranking Iraqi official ever to defect from Saddam Hussein's inner circle, told CIA and British intelligence officers and U.N. inspectors in the summer of 1995 that after the Gulf War, Iraq destroyed all its chemical and biological weapons stocks and the missiles to deliver them." http://www.fair.org/media-beat/030227.html - - - If the UN is to function - members should do things that the members can reasonably be proud to do. This time - that should mean standing up to the Bush administration. If Turkey, as a nation, is to function - they should think about what it will mean to them, politically and operationally, to support the United States under these circumstances. I wish I were more powerful. This is a time where people with power
ought to think hard about how they can use it in ways they can be proud of
- and do so. rshowalter - 04:56pm Mar 1, 2003 GMT (#394 of 406) | Guardian Talk threads
I've often linked to the NYT Missile Defense thread are set out, with
links, in 9393 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/10929
I deeply appreciate these TALK threads.
3091 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3856
includes this quote from a past Talk thread:
rshowalter - 01:46pm Mar 2, 2003 GMT (#395 of 406) | I've sometimes had trouble
posting on a NYT forum I deeply appreciate - sometimes especially when
matters are being discussed where it might be influential. Over the last
little while, I've been very interested in how our human reasoning,
sometimes called "logic", which should make it so easy for us to solve
problems, and so often does - sometimes stumps us in a garish manner. A
major issue about "Mankind's Inhumanity" is automatic responses -
where people dehumanize - deny - and make mistakes. I'm concerned about
some potentially fatal ones, now.
I made an attempt to post the following pieces from the NYT MD thread
on the discussion thread dealing with Slater's Repress Yourself - -
and was blocked. I'm reposting them here - because I think the subject
mattter is important. rshowalter - 01:49pm Mar 2, 2003 GMT (#396 of 406) | I've written extensively on
Slater's piece in the Science - Missile Defense forum - and feel
that it is appropriate to repost that writing, with a few comments, here.
People may disagree with me - but I hope my appreciation of Slater's
wonderful piece shows through.
9234-5 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10760
We need logical tools, and human insights, that make closure possible,
and agreements resiliant, to a degree that they haven't been before. We're
making some progress - I think a lot. And Repress Yourself By LAUREN
SLATER http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/23/magazine/23REPRESSION.html
deals with a big piece of the nexus of problems that remain. There's a lot
of unconscious processing that goes on in human beings - some simply
automatic - some semiconscious - that is logically, practically, and
morally interesting. We're safer if we face that.
9040 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10566
There's a great deal to hope for - if people keep at the matching
process - keep asking each other to look at evidence - and present
information well enough - and completely collected enough.
For all their faults, deceptions, and self deceptions, people don't
want to be monsters - and don't want to be stupid.
The physical and logical interactions of the world are complex enough
that "reasonable" answers - patterns that really hang together when
connected - are very sparse. For this reason, right answers very often
converge. With enough effort - the odds of getting good answers are
People believe what feels right. But after enough evidence - enough
care - quite often we almost always, almost all of us, feel right about
the same things.
That's the "logic" behind human logic - and very often it works
very, very well.
Especially when people use their aesthetic sense - the basic sense of
proportion, of rightness -built into us. Poets can help with that. http://poetsagainstthewar.org/
People believe what feels right to them - and that is the way we reason
- that is our "logic."
It is the only logic we have - and human beings need to understand that
much more clearly than they have. We'd have more to be proud of, and less
to fear, if we just faced up to how good we are, and aren't, as reasoning
(or rationalizing) beings.
We won't agree on everything - or even very much. But if, when it
matters - we keep looking, and remember the fallibility that we all have -
we can do very well - much better than human beings have historically
There are procedures - not difficult with technical resources today -
that can do very well at finding the kinds of truth - the patterns of fact
- that matter for action. We need to find the will to use them.
9236 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10762
In addition to will - there are issues of understanding . How is
it that people can see things so differently?
When right answers do not converge , why is that?
The better we understand these questions - the more legitimate our
resorts to force can reasonably be - and the less the need for force will
It has been a month since lchic posted these references
7803 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@93.V8RuaYDr0Q4^895419@.f28e622/9328
7804 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@93.V8RuaYDr0Q4^895419@.f28e622/9329
And I posted 7805 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@93.V8RuaYDr0Q4^895419@.f28e622/9330
, which includes this:
We can't help but be unconscious about most of the processing that we do - and sometimes repressed. That's usually fine. But when things go wrong - for instance, when disagreements about what the truth is lead to fights - it is worthwhile to know that unconscious processing and repression exist - so that when problems matter enough to be faced - we can face them with understanding - and with decent regard for the human limitations that we all share. I think these things are worth discussing before I respond with an
annotation of gisterme's 9184 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10710
, which I believe is important, but that I also believe mixes some ideas
that are right with some that could be wrong - in part for reasons that
may not be being faced by gisterme and the people he works with.
rshowalter - 01:50pm Mar 2, 2003 GMT (#397 of 406) | rshow55 - 01:51pm Feb 23,
2003 EST (# 9238 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10764
2346 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@71.16zhaIRgKCI^3732824@.f28e622/2915
includes this:
3006 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3745
3036 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3784
3111 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3885
3155 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3941
Natale Angier piece: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/4115
We need both long and short statements: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/4168
3507 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/4423
3618 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/4562
3655 3658 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/4609
3736 -3739 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/4706
3995-7 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5029
4052-4054 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5100
Statistics and logic: 4166-7 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5255
4249 b 4251-52 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5372
4278-9 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5407
Emergent properties: 4365-66 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5517
Willful distortions: 5003 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6310
5178 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6510
Iraq and sincerity: 5573-4 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6968
6000 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/7465
7000-7003 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8521
7019 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8540
7046-7 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8569
7188-9 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8711
7203 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8726
7312-3 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8835
7507 7510 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9033
Repression links: 7803-5 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9328
Repression - negative comment by gisterme : 7857 7858-60 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9383
8419-21 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9945
rshowalter - 01:51pm Mar 2, 2003 GMT (#398 of 406) | rshow55 - 01:55pm Feb 23,
2003 EST (# 9239 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10765
Power and Leadership: The Real Meaning of Iraq http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/23/opinion/23SUN1.html
says that
However incompletely and inconsistently, Iraq is saying that it is
giving up on weapons of mass destruction and agressive designs.
The United States is saying that, if Iraq does so - there need not be
We're at an impasse, in large part - over questions of fact. And
assumptions. Is treachery a complete - or even a particularly large -
contributing part of the impasses we face?
The physical and logical interactions of the world are complex enough
that "reasonable" answers - patterns that really hang together when
connected - are very sparse. For this reason, right answers very often
converge. With enough effort - if people are indeed consciously
facing the real situation - the odds of getting good answers are
That means that issues of unconscious processing - and repression (in
the psychological sense, as well as the political sense) are important.
People believe what feels right. But after enough evidence - enough
care - quite often we almost always, almost all of us, feel right about
the same things.
Almost always - but not always. When we don't come to agreements -
issues of unconscious processing - and repression ought to be faced - with
enough humility that all involved can admit that they might
be missing, or misjudging some of the situation themselves.
rshow55 - 01:57pm Feb 23, 2003 EST (# 9240 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10766
If we got that far - we'd be well ahead of where we are now - and the
world would be a more hopeful place.
It would be more resonable to hope for legitimate exercises of power.
And reasonable to hope that, quite often, the last resort of violence
could be avoided.
Maybe in the Iraqi case.
Maybe in the case of North Korea.
Maybe in other cases, too - including many of the cases that have
concerned Almarst.
Almarst , since May 2001, has been suggesting that the United
States has been governed by a conspiracy - and, in his view, a very evil
one. The idea of conspiriacies is common enough - and sometimes true. The
idea of unconscous and repressed logical processes can provide an
alternative explanation, often enough. Without any need for people to
forget that they are responsible for what they do - in significant ways -
whatever their conscious intentions, or rationales, may happen to be.
When people resist checking facts - or even doubt that there can be
facts to check - issues of repression can be involved.
As Repress Yourself by LAUREN SLATER http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/23/magazine/23REPRESSION.html
points out, repression may or may not be healthy. None of us can attend to
everything we do - or feel. But if consequences matter enough - it can be
worth doing so - and it can be reasonable to expect others to do so, as
The logical implication of unconscious processing and repression
is clear. We can make mistakes - logical, practical, and moral -- and yet
feel very sure of ourselves. Maybe most sure when we have the most reason
to doubt. rshowalter - 01:52pm Mar 2, 2003 GMT (#399 of 406) | Repression - and unconscious
things, active and at some level known - but unconscious or denied, are a
source of problems.
Another source of problems, that I think matters in the Iraq matter -
with our problems with radical Islam, and with our problems with North
Korea, involve problems of paradigm conflict including automatic
and unconscious perceptual processing.
A classic experiment is described in THE STRUCTURE OF SCIENTIFIC
REVOLUTIONS 2nd Ed. by Thomas S. Kuhn, , at the end of Chapter 6
“Anomaly and the Emergence of Scientific Discoveries”
313 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?14@138.SCCbcNceBno^1@.ee7726f/367
314 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?14@138.SCCbcNceBno^1@.ee7726f/368
Some other references to paradigm conflict problems - which are a
barrier to peaceful resolution - are set out in 116 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@201.dgfSa6OVF8o^287330@.f28e622/137
I believe that there is a good chance that the Bush administration can
get good answers to the problems set out in
Wizard's Chess http://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/05/opinion/05SUN1.html
rshowalter - 01:53pm Mar 2, 2003 GMT (#400 of 406) | rshow55 - 08:29am Feb 24,
2003 EST (# 9250 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10777
From July of last year: America the Invulnerable? The World Looks
Again by STEVEN ERLANGER http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/21/weekinreview/21ERLA.html
That is in large part a logical task - we need to know - better
than we do - how people actually work - both when things work well - and
when they don't - so we can make things better.
On soldiers and responsibility: THE 'EATHEN by Rudyard Kipling
rshowalter Sun 12/11/2000 23:16
we aren't ideally logical beings - nor entirely conscious. Sometimes we
repress and cooperate in repression in many senses (the poem includes good
examples) - and sometimes we are automatic - and necessarily so.
More Kipling:
Mesopotamia .....1917 rshowalter "Dead Poets Society" Wed
26/09/2001 16:33
Soldier an' Sailor Too rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Fri
16/03/2001 09:21
THE VIRGINITY rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Tue 06/02/2001
15:28 rshowalter - 01:53pm Mar 2, 2003 GMT (#401 of 406) | rshow55 - 08:30am Feb 24,
2003 EST (# 9251 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10778
A classic experiment is described in THE STRUCTURE OF SCIENTIFIC
REVOLUTIONS 2nd Ed. by Thomas S. Kuhn, , at the end of Chapter 6
“Anomaly and the Emergence of Scientific Discoveries”
313 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?14@138.SCCbcNceBno^1@.ee7726f/367
314 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?14@138.SCCbcNceBno^1@.ee7726f/368
Some other references to paradigm conflict problems - which are a
barrier to peaceful resolution - are set out in 116 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@201.dgfSa6OVF8o^287330@.f28e622/137
The long, distinguished editorial yesterday Power and Leadership:
The Real Meaning of Iraq http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/23/opinion/23SUN1.html
says that
An understanding of repression is important here. And the fact that
we're automatic, as well. An area where those things are important is
reading instruction - where both repression and automaticity - unconscious
automatic processing - are important.
A huge step forward - in diplomacy, and life generally - would be for
people to admit that - for everybody - repression and unconscious
processing exist . When it matters enough - it can be morally
compelling to look at them - to avoid mistakes and tragedies. rshowalter - 01:54pm Mar 2, 2003 GMT (#402 of 406) | rshow55 - 08:39am Feb 24,
2003 EST (# 9252 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10779
Repress Yourself by LAUREN SLATER http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/23/magazine/23REPRESSION.html
deals with enormously important things:
Repression is emotional, deep and dark. There's something else that
is at least as important - and maybe less threatening. A lot of human
behavior is automatic. Language processing, most of it, is like that.
Reading - something people learn after much agony - with plenty of
consious thought in the beginning - is like that. As you read, and think -
you can't possibly be conscious of what's going on in your head. But
in inescapable ways - you have to deal with the consequences.
There are important logical, practical, and moral consequences that
come from the fact that we're not entirely honest - nor entirely conscious
- and sometimes - on things that matter a great deal - not conscious at
all. And people have different automatic responses. Those
differences can kill, and often have, and can close off reasonable hopes,
and often have.
We have to handle them better. rshowalter - 01:55pm Mar 2, 2003 GMT (#403 of 406) | rshow55 - 08:54am Feb 24,
2003 EST (# 9253 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10780
Usually, by a process of "collecting the dots" and
"connecting the dots" we figure things out in ways that work for
us, consciously and unconsciously. Individually - and as we work in
interacting groups.
The unconscious logic in humans is sometimes very good: any reader of
this thread has almost certainly figured out more than 100,000 word
definitions - and done so correctly - without consciously being aware of
the process. A lot of human negotiation includes logic that is no less
sophisticated, and no more conscious. We watch television and do other
perceptual-cognitive things, for fun, that necessarily involve an enormous
amount of enormously ornate unconscious processing - virtually none of it
completely understood in the ways that matter for action.
When a process of "collecting the dots" and "connecting the
dots" fails to get agreement - people are seeing things
differently - and if impasses continue - assumptions and processes -
including the hidden assumptions and processes that are automatic - or
semiconsciously repressed - or completely repressed from awareness but
still active - have to be considered.
That's not impossible - or even all that hard. People set up situations
(often correctly) where "the dots" are collected and say - to individuals
and groups of individuals
Happens millions of times a day, all over the world - and has for many
centuries. It needs to happen a bit more often - with a little more
clarity - for international relations to become more reliable and stable
than they are now.
Here's a place where "the golden rule" might help. When it matters - we
can ask others to look at their assumptions - and have to. And we have to
remember that they can see things differently from the way we see them -
for reasons that can be wrong are right - just as we can be wrong or
If we keep at it - correct answers are likely to be found. That can
make things more satisfactory, and especially safer.
Guardian - http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@@.ee7a163/414
rshowalter - 01:56pm Mar 2, 2003 GMT (#404 of 406) | The issues of
repression and other kinds of unconscious or semiconsious
processing are important when we think about the decisions that people
make, the reliability of those decisions, the biases, conscious and
unconscious, that may have been in play in the formation of those
decisions - and practical and moral consequences.
rshow55 - 10:23am Feb 28, 2003 EST (# 9354
NASA Pressed on When Officials Learned of E-Mail About Shuttle
By KENNETH CHANG and RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/28/national/nationalspecial/28INQU.html
The details that were obvious to me were, it seems, obvious to many
NASA people, too.
What did they do?
A sermon posted on this thread many times deals with a case where a
Russian colonel did not do "what was expected" - and saved the
world from horror. The NASA engineers were ordinary people - reacting in
ordinary ways - but they were not heroes. http://www.mrshowalter.net/sermon.html
9314 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10848
9205 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10731
9241 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10767
9242 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10768
We need logical tools, and human insights, that make closure possible,
and agreements resiliant, to a degree that they haven't been before.
9040 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10566
But our "logic" - is mostly a choosing between many alteratives going
on or being fashioned in our heads - and in the course of that choosing -
people believe what "feels right."
But what "feels right," most often, is what, in our minds "cooperates
with the interests of authority - with our group." Look at Pritchard's
notes on Milgram's experiment - and on Jonestown - to get a sense of how
wrong it feels, for most people, to go against authority. http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/~epritch1/social98a.html
We need to face the fact that there is more need to check -
especially when "the ties that bind" are involved - than people feel
comfortable with.
On this thread, again and again, there have been technical arguments -
and with absolutely stunning, monotonous regularity - gisterme
presents arguments that make no technical sense at all - that are
perversely wrong - and feels right about them.
We ought to think about the behavior set out in http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/~epritch1/social98a.html
and realize that if we're i "wired to be nice" - that is - to be
cooperative - we're also "wired to be self deceptive and stupid"
whenever the immediate thought seems to go against our cooperative needs.
rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Wed 26/02/2003
rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Wed 26/02/2003
17:00 rshowalter - 01:58pm Mar 2, 2003 GMT (#405 of 406) | rshow55 - 02:00pm Feb 28,
2003 EST (# 9362
It seems to me that a lot of things might work out well - though things
seem precarious.
They'd work out better, it seems to me, if some responsible people
searched "almarst" , "almarst2002" and "almarst2003"
on the NYT Missile Defense thread - and looked at a lot of good stuff he's
There's a lot of good stuff by gisterme , too.
Ugly as things are - compared to patterns of past centuries - or
anytime in the 20th century - things seem to me to be going well. With
just a little luck - maybe very well. Maybe I'm really screwed up - I'm
feeling hopeful. There's some ugliness - but maybe it doesn't have to be
too bad.
Sometimes - there have to be fights. Things have to be decided. To the
extent that we can get ideas straight - get understandings to correct
closures about facts - we can avoid a lot of agony and carnage.
There is such a thing as moral wrong.
And there are such things as right decisions.
Some of our most basic operational and moral problems are, in some key
ways logical problems - and problems of courage - and a willingness to
face facts.
Added here: To do that - we have to face the fact that we can deny
facts and emotions - consciously, semiconsciously, and unconsciously, and
that we do a lot of unconscious processing in our minds - and
so do the other people we interact with. That means we have to be careful
- wary - and concerned that we may feel sure of answers that can be
wrong, or parly wrong, in ways that matter. rshowalter - 01:58pm Mar 2, 2003 GMT (#406 of 406) | rshow55 - 02:01pm Feb 28,
2003 EST (# 9363
One of the first, slow jobs I had when I was relegated to "special
education" was to slog through the entirety of Russell and Whitehead's
Principia Mathematica , with instructions from Flugge to look for
mistakes, big blatant errors - and other reasons the enterprise of
mathematical-philosophical analysis had gone so badly. So my first
feelings about Russell were not feelings of love.
Still, I've been charmed, recently, to read a much clearer book by
Russell . . a book with pictures - and a lot of effort to deal with the
problems of exposition the Science Times section handles so well.
THE WISDOM OF THE WEST : a historical survey of Western
Philosophy in its social and political setting by Bertrand Russell ,
edited by P.Foulkes, with paintings by E. Wright. 1959
Here are passages from the prologue:
Added here: A willingness to face up with the logical
(not just the psychological or psychiatric) consequences of repression
and unconscious processing, will be necessary for some progress we can
reasonably work for, and hope for. rshowalter - 04:31pm Mar 4, 2003 BST (#407 of 418) | I was glad to see
Shuttle Myopia http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/04/opinion/04TUE1.html
If we're "wired to be cooperative" - we're also "wired to be
deceptive and stupid" whenever the immediate thought seems to
go against our cooperative needs. 9354 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10890
We're social animals - and with a little more knowledge - we can be
wiser and better social animals. The insights and disciplines involved
wouldn't be so hard 9363 - 9366-67 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10902
9354 , 9366-67 and many other references on this thread
refer to a fine web site Lecture Notes: Introductory Psychology by
Prof. Evan Pritchard http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/~epritch1/social98a.html
that Lchic found in September 2001. http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/~epritch1/social98a.html
includes clear summaries of Milgram's Obedience Study what James
Jones and his followers did at Jonestown that I believe many, many
people ought to read.
Here are other references to http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/~epritch1/social98a.html
9282? http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10810
9299 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10833
9306 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10840
9313 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10847
9314 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10848
9330 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10864
9422 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10958
Shuttle Myopia http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/04/opinion/04TUE1.html
could pretty easily be rewritten, in more general language, and titled
"Human Myopia" . If people got the general lesson - there would be
easy and humane ways for us to become less blind, safely, and step by
If that progress ever happens, and it may - it may be because of
the grace, brilliance, and hard work of Dawn Riley .
Sometimes I've written poems to try to make simple points - and Dawn
has collected some at 2599 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@167.dYSOaiV7MY1^2101811@.f28e622/3237
Chain Breakers rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Fri 08/12/2000
In Clear rshowalter "Science News Poetry" 2/14/01 7:18am http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f1983fb/409
Learning to Stand rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Fri 09/02/2001
Secular Redemption rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Fri 09/02/2001
We need to lie less - to send in clear more often - especially when it
matters. And be more matter-of-fact at spotting deceptions, too. That's
all we'd need to do a great deal better than we're doing - we have a mess
- not beyond redemption - but redemption is what is needed. Facing up to
what has happened, and what's been done, is what is needed.
Maybe there's hope that it will happen. rshowalter - 07:23pm Mar 4, 2003 BST (#408 of 418) | 1526 rshowalter "God is the Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential - Discuss" Tue 04/03/2003 17:06 Lchic's Missile Defense posting 9401 of March 1st asked a profound question. . . . I'm going to modify her posting, in hopes of sharpening her vital, basic question http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10937
Lchic's posting had "religion" where I've substituted "culture" in the lines above - and the question about religion presses on the whole world now - as it has for many centuries. But many - even most - of the practical aspects of her question can be considered - more generally, and a little more coolly, in the more general case of culture. - - - We're living through a time when religious issues are pressing in on us. We need to handle these issues perceptively - and we can't ignore them. God, Satan and the Media By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/04/opinion/04KRIS.html
lchic - 01:06am Mar 14, 2003 BST (#409 of 418) Is it human goodeness that
says 'no' to war ? rshowalter - 03:51pm Mar 18, 2003 BST (#410 of 418) | We're in a decisive time. It
is human goodness that says "no" to war.
But in the real world, ugly as it is, there is the need for some
exception handling. We're now in a very big fight on a very "small"
geopolitical issue - sorting some things out - unless we blow it.
Since early March, the NYT MD board has been very active – postings
printed out since then make a stack almost 10 cm thick. Has it been
worthwhile, or any any way worth put into it? My own guess is that it may
have been. It has surely kept me very busy – working very hard, trying
very hard. Almarst , the board's "Putin stand-in" and
gisterme , who I've sometimes thought well connected with the Bush
administration, have worked long and hard, too.
I've been preoccupied - and subjectively, it has felt somewhat like the
preoccupation I sometimes felt in my hand-to-hand combat training - where
I simply had to pay attention every second - lest predictable bad things
happen. Maybe that's just projection. Anyway, I've been busy - and Dawn
Riley has been superb.
I've hoped, many times, that Tony Blair is listened to carefully. The
US-British position, I feel - needs to be coherent - for the good of UK,
the US, and the whole world. I've emphasized that in a number of postings,
including these
9926 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/11470
9895 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11437
includes points that I'd continue to make, that I think have been
reinforced by all the confusion. If I had a chance to bias the
negotiations and decision making going on now - I'd still to make these
points, and particularly the point I made about Blair:
10058 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/11603
I made postings today - that seem worth posting - that are especially
linked to the need for care, and connected to a NYT OpEd page much
influenced by a Cassandra theme http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/11702
War in the Ruins of Diplomacy http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/18/opinion/18TUE1.html
Cassandra Speaks By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/18/opinion/18KRIS.html
Things to Come By PAUL KRUGMAN http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/18/opinion/18KRUG.html
Victory in Iraq won't end the world's distrust of the United States,
because the Bush administration has made it clear that it doesn't play by
the rules.
. . .
Here's another fine variation on the Cassandra theme from last year -
on the weekend where I met at a reunion in Ithaca NY with a many from the
Cornell 6-Year Ph.D. Program - only two of whom, in the whole group, I had
ever met before. At that meeting, where I thought the piece below
influential - because one of the people I knew told me so. Schwartz's
piece eloquently uses the Cassandra them Kristof uses so well today:
Playing Know And Tell By JOHN SCHWARTZ http://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/09/weekinreview/09BOXA.html
rshowalter - 03:51pm Mar 18, 2003 BST (#411 of 418) | Some interesting things
happened at that Phud reunion, and there was a particularly Cassandra-like
scene. One of the people I knew - and liked - had done his Ph.D. thesis on
connections within the Cornell 6-Year Ph.D. program - (when I asked to see
it, I was told he'd lost it). This guy was closely associated through
consultancies with the US Army. We talked usefully - but just when it
seemed that I might be able to actually have some time with him alone -
and convey my need to debrief on some classified information - under
circumstances that would have been easy for him - he ran away. Later, at
gisterme's suggestion, I did debrief that information. I would have
preferred a chance to do so privately - though under the circumstances
taken as a whole - I felt it was my duty to do so publicly when I did.
. . .
I've been in a sort of Cassandra position - after a very careful
extensive education - much of it supervised, I've said, by Bill Casey.
Casey, if one thinks in graduate school terms - might be thought of as
"the thesis advisor from Hell." Much of my study involved issues of combat
- also the theory and practice of deception, where I made important
contributions - and psychological warfare in all aspects and at all
After some difficulties described on this thread with some consistency
over some time - I did as I had promised to do and attempted to "come in
through The New York Times" - which I have done in a sense - not yet done
in some other senses. Naturally, since my specializations have included
psychological warfare, some of my postings have involved a theological
Details and the Golden Rule http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_md01000s/DetailNGR.htm
9438-39 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10977
The golden rule is discussed from a perspective concerned about both
God and man in God is the Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential -
Discuss 9438-39 quotes passages that connect to issues of (technical
and moral) right and wrong - and connect closely to war and peace.
- - - - -
Right now, it seems to me that things could go terribly - but
they could also go very well, in many humanly important senses, if people
try to do the best they can - in ways they can feel proud about, and can
I'm often afraid that I'm backwards - and just now - I'm very uneasy
because it seems to me that if people work at it, a lot of things that
need sorting out may sort out well.
One thing's clear. Patterns are sharpening. That's often a very
(good-bad) sign.
If this is "N - dimensional chess" some patterns are condensing.
(Search Wizard's Chess)
I think it is possible that the Bush administration, wrong as it
clearly is from some important perspectives, may be doing some other
things very right from others. Contradiction can be a necessary stage in
sorting things out - and a contradiction condensed and clarified can be a
hopeful call to action. 9332-34 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10866
At much lower priority, some significant deletions are noted in 9304 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10838
and there are many links mentioning Senator Carl Levin, who I saw and
admired on television last night, in 9338-39 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10872
Knife or sword fights are classic combat circumstances - and some
basics haven't changed since Achilles' time. A few degrees of elbow
rotation can make the difference between living and dying. Details matter.
It is a good time for people to be careful - or at least as careful as
they know how to be.
I hope that Tony Blair survives, is listened to, and is
successful. I might have chosen some different paths, as many others
would have, including Blair himself.
But now - if the world loses Blair in his current influential position
- it seems to me that organizations and negotiations may go much worse for
the UK, for the US, and for the world than they otherwise will. For
whatever it is worth - just now - I say "more power to Tony Blair."
We need solutions, not chaos. Blair is capable of getting a level of
coherence to arguments and arrangements that will be sorely missed if he
loses power and influence. lchic - 03:25pm Mar 24, 2003 BST (#412 of 418) dot pictures
sand pictures
dot by dot
grain by grain
sand pictures
dot pictures rshowalter - 12:35am Mar 25, 2003 BST (#413 of 418) | Copyright laws, and usages
are under all kinds of stress when you make a web site - and I've been
consciously involved in a situation where
On Jul 19, 2002 EST I announced that I was archiving the MD thread, and
making a disk available 3144 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/3936
I handed a disk to Rick Bragg, a senior NYT reporter -and it was clear
that "powers that be" knew the disk existed. 4581 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?13@@.f28e622/5785
After some while, and much discussion I set up the contents of the NYT
MD thread on http://www.mrshowalter.net/Mankind's%20Inhumanity%20to%20Man%20and%20Woman%20-%20As%20natural%20as%20human%20goodness_files/mrshowalter.htm
- immediately posting that on the MD thread (which is monitored). - Though
much of my web site remains in partial disarray - it has been linked many,
many times to the NYT MD thread - and often here, as well.
Dates and numbers of parts of the MD thread that had been taken down
have been made available in Calendar of NYTimes Missile Defense
Discussion (to July 2002) http://www.mrshowalter.net/calendar1.htm
and have been used.
I'm using information available if one clicks my moniker on the MD
thread on my web site, as Showalter Background http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?224@@40679d@.f28e622/11149
"Putin" Briefing http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10537
I've now set out full copies of some wonderfully useful, frequently
cited and much appreciated Guardian threads - that may be useful to people
who, I believe, have used the MD thread and followed these Guardian
The first Guardian thread I worked on was Paradigm Shift - whose
getting there? "Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there?" Fri
28/07/2000 ; started July 28, 2000 http://www.mrshowalter.net/Paradigm1_926.html
- - On the Paradigm thread, I believe that Dawn Riley and I worked out
basic issues about paradigm conflict, many summarized in links cited in
MD116 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/137
that I hope will make it easier to solve paradigm conflict problems. The
progress we were able to make on that thread (which would never
have been possible without the erudition and grace of Dawn Riley) - made
me think that it was time to "come in to the New York Times" - as Casey
had suggested I might have to do. I tried to do that in September 2000 -
and got "stranded". It hasn't worked as I'd hoped - but perhaps it will
turn out well.
After some difficulties, and an all day meeting with an imposing figure
on September 25, 2000 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?224@@40679d@.f28e622/11149
Dawn Riley and I worked to convey information we thought vital to world
security and decency in many Guardian threads, including especially these,
that I've made available in full on http://www.mrshowalter.net/Mankind's%20Inhumanity%20to%20Man%20and%20Woman%20-%20As%20natural%20as%20human%20goodness_files/mrshowalter.htm
- set up so that links work to the actual Guardian Talk threads.
Psychwarfare, Casablanca . . . and terror Started Sept 26-27,
2000) http://www.mrshowalter.net/Psychwar1_390.html
is the thread most often cited on the MD thread.
Mankind's Inhumanity to Man and Woman - As natural as human
breathing? http://www.mrshowalter.net/Mankind'sInhumanity001_406.html
started Nov 12, 2000 deals with an essential problem that need
clarification if we are to learn to be more decent.
God is the Projection of Man's Unrealised Potential started Nov
15, 2000 http://www.mrshowalter.net/GodistheProjection1_1534.html
has many more postings by others than by me - and deals gracefully with
many key philosophical and religious questions. I think the thread is a
and a thread that has been discontinued, Details and the Golden
Rule http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_md01000s/DetailNGR.htm
Bill Casey, years ago - was worried that we human beings - in our
current state of culture "weren't playing with a full deck."
Sometimes it seems to me that we might be getting closer to that. Dawn
and I are chipping away at it, anyway.
I deeply appreciate the chance to post on these Guardian Talk
threads, and believe that some good may come of it, fearful as times
currently are. rshowalter - 12:23pm Mar 29, 2003 BST (#414 of 418) | Islamic cultures have messes,
inconsistencies, sureties that must be wrong - and that degrade
those who believe them. We do, too.
10676 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@2@.f28e622/12226
10677 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/12227
When it matters enough, for a practical purpose -i people can check
things - and resolve issues worth resolving.
(Clergymen, including my grandfather, have been clear about that for
many generations. 7017 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8538
Sometimes faith is indispensible. But sometimes, on practical things,
faith is simply negligence . There needs to be an obligation to
check - and check competently, when it matters enough. )
When soldiers are terrified, and bullets are rending flesh, it ought
to matter enough.
- - -
If we understood some basic, simple things - many expressed on this
thread - there would still be inhumanity of man and woman to man and
woman. But less. xenon54 - 03:12pm Mar 29, 2003 BST (#415 of 418)
Yes, rshowalter; understanding and a measure of tolerance and
compassion help. The saddening thing is that millions of innocent, humane,
good people have died throughout time for some cause or other. It is
rarely those responsible for the orders who get to take the [c]rap. I feel
terribly sad for the human race. rshowalter - 12:50pm Apr 11, 2003 BST (#416 of 418) | Maybe things might be
I've been working desperately hard on the NYT Missile Defense thread
since the war began, referring to Guardian Talk threads very, very often -
and trying to be constructive.
Sometimes I've been very hopeful. It seems to me that some things are
going well. With plenty to be concerned about - much to fear - but some
reasons for hope, too.
I've felt overwhelmed - and indundated - trying to do a job that has
been doable, it has seemed to me - and yet at other levels too big for me
to do. A problem of showing patterns of order that apply generally
- to a sea of cases.
I don't know if I believe in miracles, except in the matter-of-fact
sort of way that computer programmers sometimes think of "miraculous"
results - in the sense of particularly good results. I sure do believe in
mistakes. I know from bitter and repeated experience that I make them -
and know how expensive and treacherous mistakes can be.
A lot of ideas, that seem beautiful when you think of them - turn out
to be wrong in crucial ways.
But some results are very good - very useful - and the best of them
are simple. And in retrospect, in Edison's sense - "obvious."
They are as simple and useful as they happen to be - in clear contexts.
The basic relations of Newtonian physics - the connections between
force, mass, and accelleration - can be thought of as clarifications,
condensations, of ideas that people have in some sense known about, and
thought about, for a very long time. Quite similar ideas were
discussed, more or less diffusely, by the ancient greeks. the basic
relations of Newtonian physics are "known", in some basic operational
ways, by the birds and the bees, the bats and certainly by all animals
that have ever resembled human beings at all closely. Newtonian physics is
not mysterious and not miraculous, but it has been mysterious and
miraculously productive in operational terms over time, and in an almost
countless number of different contexts.
The definition, condensation, and clarification that went into
After that condensation-clarification - an enormous amount of muddle in
technical reasoning and technical arrangements became accessible -and has
been subject to improvement - in ways that were not possible before.
An earlier condensation-clarification was necessary for Newton to do
his work - and it may be "even simpler" - it is the idea that space can be
thought of, usefully, clearly - in sharp three dimensional coordinates -
the familiar x,y, z coordinates - and that the relations of algebra can be
graphed, and visualized - in ways that unify many of the relatins (for
instance, the conic sections) discussed since ancient Greek times. At some
levels, an organized sense of three dimensions certainly exists in our
animal equipment - the doings of birds, bats, and ball players would be
unthinkable without that. The idea of graphs, and tables, and images that
map from what can be seen to a plane are ancient, and involve issues much
attended by many people, including many famous and brillian ones. And yet
the condensation-clarification-recognition that DeCartes sharpened
generalized, and made clear has been a fundamental part of human
understanding since his time. The condensation is as simple and useful as
it is. A young child, taught this relation - has very different conceptual
possibilities than a child of the ancient world had.
There are ideas about connections between math, logic, language
discourse, and the physical world that have been much discussed since
ancient times - with a lot of attention in the last few centuries, for all
sorts of practical, intellectual, and emotional reasons. With all sorts of
practical, intellectual, emotional, economic, and political connections.
The word "dimension" connects to much of this discourse - both when it is
clear, and when it is muddled.
Are clarifications about these connections possible that are as simple,
obvious, and useful as those of Newton and Descartes?
I've thought so, and been working very hard on them. Plenty of people
have hoped so, over the years. Maybe that's too much of a miracle to hope
for. But these are miracles we cold use, if we could get them. Often,
they've felt "close" to me. They do now.
And yet I'm finding it hard to write them out - so I haven't gotten
them clear enough - and maybe I'm chasing a ephemeral body of notions -
for reasons I don't see.
But if I'm feeling stressed, I'm feeling hopeful, too. xenon54 - 01:57pm Apr 11, 2003 BST (#417 of 418) Hope is the beacon of light
in the chaos, a light that dims, brightens, dims again, rather like the
wax and wane of the moon, or the more immediate sweep of a lighthouse
torch. Collectively, our hopes - the true, honest, universal hopes for all
of humanity - amount to an infinite progression of an infinite quickening
energy through the past, present and future, and we each contribute to the
present by maintaining hope within ourselves, I feel. I also feel that it
is our individual destiny on earth to be transient, yet within that
transience is an imperishable lightness could we but access it and could
we but bear its vision. This is difficult for to have such vision is to
also accept blindness; for us this vision can only be a glimpse yet the
contrast occasionally becomes so much darker and more unbearable. The
contrast seems, therefore, seems to spring from the self, where the
darkness is devoid of the light of hope.
There is, therefore, always hope, it's just that sometimes we can't see
it. rshowalter - 02:27pm Apr 11, 2003 BST (#418 of 418) | Sometimes it is especially
challenging when the hope is there to see - and yet where the recognitions
that can offer hope are mixed with horror to be faced so it can be
The News We Kept to Ourselves By EASON JORDAN http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/11/opinion/11JORD.html
We keep too much news to ourselves. And even when we no longer
have to - don't face it well enough - deal with it well enough.
People are both as beautiful and as ugly as they are. ron2001 - 02:57pm Apr 16, 2003 BST (#419 of 439) "Mankind's Inhumanity to Man
and Woman - As natural as human goodness?"
I think its perverse and unnatural. I also think its unneccessary.
Many forms of behaviour are motivated by desires we know to be
irrational. Greed for example. I suspect its an addiction. The desire to
simply make enough money becomes a craving for money for its own sake.
Beyond any usefulness.
The arms race is another example. Between them the USA and USSR had
enough bombs to destroy the world several times over. How crazy is that?
I believe a lot of our 'unnatural behaviour' is similarly 'peversely'
motivated. But we in the west at least have some choice. we can select a
government that can make saner choices.
I think we all have to make choices on an individual level, and these
will, in time, have a collective effect. lchic - 04:10pm Apr 18, 2003 BST (#420 of 439) The USA has been super
generous again -- Iraq has a carpet of landmines - 8 million
orcwood - 09:00pm Apr 19, 2003 BST (#421 of 439) Mankind's inhumanity is
natural in a world where people know no better.
Whereas given enough knowledge of how the universe is the way that it
is such inhumanity just doesn't make any sense.
See: http://uk.geocities.com/cosmicmind2003
rshowalter - 04:32pm Apr 22, 2003 BST (#422 of 439) | This is important:
The Citizen-Scientist's Obligation to Stand Up for Standards By
LAWRENCE M. KRAUSS http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/22/science/22ESSA.html
lchic - 02:12pm Apr 29, 2003 BST (#423 of 439) /////////////////MAn
?????????????? was that |||||||||||||||||||||| Saddam
was he ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ a Mad Man
{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}{}}}}}}}----------:::::::::::::::::::::::: rshowalter - 04:14pm May 4, 2003 BST (#424 of 439) | Erica Goode says "no."
For the last three weeks I've been distracted. An in-law has cancer,
and my wife and I visited him and other family. My father's turning 80,
and the children have gathered to celebrate, mingle, take pictures and eat
together. For me, it has been a time to think about basics.
Powerful output from Bill Keller in the last few days.
Digging Up the Dead By BILL KELLER http://nytimes.com/2003/05/03/opinion/03KELL.html
and a monumental piece,
The Thinkable By BILL KELLER http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/04/magazine/04NUKES.html
That piece includes a number of important ideas - and explains a lot of
problems. I don't have time, amid family celebrations, to respond to
things in it that I hope to. But I would like to deal with a fundamental
problem relating to the beliefs, and failed hopes, surrounding the
Nonproliferation Treaty.
Many, many people thought that problem could be handled by "atoms for
peace." That hope is gone now.
We need to find a workable substitute.
Such a solution, no matter how techincally simple - will have to be
"grandiose" in scale. Whether that's possible humanly, with checks and
balances in place, I don't know. Technically, it doesn't even look
difficult. Especially compared to the stakes. Certainly no harder than the
American transcontinental railroad. The problems are similarly mostly
issues of human organization of technically simple jobs on a large scale.
The technical job of providing enough animal feed to permit the whole
human population to eat at or close to rich country standards doesn't look
technically hard either.
But in a world where we haven't proviced 35$/person/year for basic
medical care - what is and what "ought to be" are very different.
Stalin to Saddam: So Much for the Madman Theory By ERICA GOODE
is a fascinating piece. Suppose a leader empowered by a society, wanted to
have the effectiveness that grandiosity permits, directed to solve
problems that needed solving - under reasonable social controls? With the
solutions then used? It might seem a reasonable idea, on balance.
That idea was on Bill Casey's mind. One might even describe Casey as a
"malignant narcissist." One might say the same of J.P. Morgan, Leland
Stanford, Cecil Rhodes, and many other people. Some of whom did good as
well as harm.
We have some big problems that need to be solved - that are going to
need "grandiose" solutions in a simple sense - the solutions, to work,
will have to be sized to the problems.
MD11467-8 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/13047
lchic - 07:05pm May 16, 2003 BST (#425 of 439) Mankind's Inhumanity to Man
and Woman - As natural as human goodness?
Inhumanity abounds - people not seen as 'people'! lchic - 12:11pm May 24, 2003 BST (#426 of 439) ? human goodness rshowalter - 01:25am Jun 1, 2003 BST (#427 of 439) | Waggy Dog Stories By
PAUL KRUGMAN http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/30/opinion/30KRUG.html
Save Our Spooks By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/30/opinion/30KRIS.html
I've sometimes been too trusting.
12256-7 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/13894
lchic - 01:37pm Jun 7, 2003 BST (#428 of 439) Caught in the web of
another's game
Now his own life he wants to reclaim
dR3 rshowalter - 05:45pm Jun 8, 2003 BST (#429 of 439) | I've been working very hard
on the NYT Missile Defense thread, and lchic has, too. I've wanted
to post eloquently here - and tried to collect the postings to the
guardian and guardian talk that I'd cited since my last
collection of Talk references. But after more than a day's work - found it
was just to much - because they are so many - and these cites to
the guardian are often decisively useful to an argument, or to establish
connections through time. (go to the NYT thread, using any link, perhaps
- and search "guardian" )
Since around May 27th, I've been clarifying an essential part of my
background - the fact that I was trained - under unusual circumstances -
by Dwight D. Eisenhower prior to my relationship with William Casey.
There's too much material to cite here, but it can be accessed by going to
the NYT thread, using any link, perhaps http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10529
- and searching "Eisenhower" )
Today I posted this, which may be a fair summary of some key things.
rshow55 - 06:18am Jun 8, 2003 EST (# 12394 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14044
If the staffed organizations of nation states were to read these
summaries of my work on this thread from its beginning, with a "willing
suspension of disbelief" about my involvement with Eisenhower, from
1967, they might have more weight - though the arguments wouldn't change
all - and the extent of the work, by lchic , the NYT, and other posters
would not change at all.
I'd like a chance to brief someone in Vladimir Putin's government - on the record, face to face - and respond to specific questions related in this "briefing." I should be able to do so, and do similar things, without violating any reasonable security laws at all. The "briefing" below might serve as a sample of my work product, and the subjects I'd like to discuss. 9009 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10536 9010 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10537 9011 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10538 9012 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10539 I set out to do jobs where my own power would be limited - in some ways, nonexistent. But the assumption was that I would be able to communicate effectively with power. And I was encouraged to do things. I was assigned projects. Every single thing I was assigned to do required some essential support from a nation state in two ways.
Some may argue - I believe that some on the New York Times have argued in internal discussions - "nobody owes Robert Showalter anything at all - he's crazy ." Crazy about what? Wrong about what? Irresponsible about what? Posting I did on Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror on Sept 26, 2000 may be an interesting reference,
in light of my discussion with "becq" on this board of Sept 25, 2000 - especially #304, where I ask for a hearing (9003 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10530 links to that sequence - the request is shown at http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_md00100s/md300.htm . My source of tactical, strategic, and disarmament talk information about the relations between the US and Russia was mainly Dwight D. Eisenhower - with some inputs from William J. Casey as well. - - - 12396 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14046 deals with the lead NYT editorial today , Was the Intelligence Cooked? http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/08/opinion/08SUN1.html starts: and includes this:
lchic - 03:16am Jun 11, 2003 BST (#430 of 439)
So why don't the politicians redress their internal USA balance of
power? rshowalter - 03:32am Jun 11, 2003 BST (#431 of 439) | In part, because the Cold War
was won with psychological warfare - with the whole force of nation states
making a "culture of lying" far, far, far more solid and paralyzing than
ever before in history. Because of fear, and new conventions.
Internet and all.
Face that - and the internal balance of power would be redressed
- and we could live in a far better, more beautiful, safer, more
prosperous world.
We could help with that. lchic - 11:26am Jun 15, 2003 BST (#432 of 439) Culture is a superficial
matter .... isn't static and responds to changing need --- the current
need is 'truth' ...
Questions of today wrt recent war include:
rshowalter - 10:49pm Jun 16, 2003 BST (#433 of 439) | To say "bad staff work" is a
kind interpretation.
The Boys Who Cried Wolfowitz By BILL KELLER http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/14/opinion/14KELL.html
rshowalter - 05:30pm Jun 17, 2003 BST (#434 of 439) | 12570 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14227
12439 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14092
includes this,
My Sept 27 2000 posting rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and
terror" Tue 24/10/2000 22:11 continues with five partly true but partly
misleading paragraphs - where I was "too easy on myself" and perhaps less
courageous than I should have been.
and I'll add a little detail in bold
lchic - 10:31am Jun 23, 2003 BST (#435 of 439) Even when a 'man' is The
President he can still be ... inhumaine? lchic - 02:27pm Jun 29, 2003 BST (#436 of 439) ? he can still be ...
inhumaine? rshowalter - 09:35pm Jul 1, 2003 BST (#437 of 439) | In the last month - I've made
a lot of progress toward getting "out of jail" - and a lot of
problems are setting up so that they can be solved.
We do need to make a breakthrough We have to show - so it is
effective - that with enough "connecting of the dots" you can get
to clarity.
We are, still today, in a world that is too "Orwellian" - but there are
If It's 'Orwellian,' It's Probably Not By GEOFFREY NUNBERG http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/22/weekinreview/22NUNB.html
and especially
The Road to Oceania By WILLIAM GIBSON http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/25/opinion/25GIBS.html
A central fact is that often - workable "connections of the dots" are
sparse - so sparse that in the end, only one "connection of the
dots" fits -and that fact is clear. When this happens, the truth can be
found, and agreed on - enough for workable agreements.
I think that Dawn Riley and I are making headway on problems that are
"intellectual" but practical, too. Problems of key human importance.
Historical importance. Rough as things sometimes are, I'm hopeful.
rshowalter - 09:57pm Jul 1, 2003 BST (#438 of 439) | The long term viability of
the planet - from a human point of view - depends on our ability to get
stable long term energy supplies.
GORGE Richard C. Duncan, Pardee Keynote Symposia Geological Society of
America Summit 2000 http://dieoff.org/page224.htm
The issues involved in world energy supplies and global warming are
large scale - but the engineering essentials are simple - and the
human challenges are, as well. I've been working, with wonderful support
from lchic to show that these problems can be solved.
The NYT MD board is very extensive - but these postings may interest
some people here:
---------------- -------------
12717 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14385
Gisterme raised some interesting points about global warming,
and energy - and I've taken some time to block out a "briefing" that I'd
like to give, not necessarily to gisterme , but to a real high-shot (say,
the President, or the head of a movie studio).
There are some issues of scale and basic geometry that help define the
job. A good deal clarifies if one asks some simple questions:
12718 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14386
We know enough now to solve these problems - the
energy problem on a profitable basis - the carbon sequestration problem at
a cost that ought to be satisfactory - far lower than alternatives I've
seen - starting from where we are.
Some things are clear.
Big scales. Where essentially identical jobs are done - efficiently -
many times. I'm taking a while trying preparing a better draft of the
"briefing" I have in mind.
A main message is this. The DOE and other agencies are doing excellent
work - worthy of support, and maybe more support than they are getting.
But some large scale engineering decisions are already well defined by
circumstances - and these circumstances - which aren't likely to change -
ought to be understood.
- - - -
1237 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14405
I've been talking about large scale solutions to problems - problems
that might be thought of as "Eisenhower scale" - for a long time. Two
years ago I said this:
<a href="/WebX?14@@ee7a163/295">rshowalter "Psychwarfare,
Casablanca -- and terror" Wed 27/03/2002 21:20</a> http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_md6000s/md6400.htm
"Here are things that I believe can be achieved --
If you wanted to permanently solve the world's energy supply problem
using a solar energy - hydrogen approach - what would it take?
Stages have different costs. If a permanent solution to the world
energy problem was pretty certain after a few hundred thousand bucks,
nearly certain after a million or two - and very certain at all technical
levels after a billion dollars was spent - but then required a very large
investment (fully amortized in a few years) would it be worth doing? And
actually doable?
Perhaps the answer is "yes."
For the answer to be "yes" - some political negotiations are going to
have to be well led, and well and stably done.
We need to work to be able to afford to take care of each other
- and actually find ways to do it. That's not only idealistic - but also
quite practical. rshowalter - 10:06pm Jul 1, 2003 BST (#439 of 439) | 12743 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14414
A posting from Jun 4 makes sense to repeat now, 12300 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/13948
If the staffed organizations of nation states were to read these
summaries of my work on this thread from its beginning, with a "willing
suspension of disbelief" about my involvement with Eisenhower they might
give the postings more weight - though the arguments wouldn't change all.
And the extent of the work, by lchic , the NYT, and other posters
would not change at all.
I'd like a chance to brief someone in Vladimir Putin's government -
on the record, face to face - and respond to specific questions related in
the "briefing" below. I should be able to do so, and do similar
things, without violating any reasonable security laws at all. The
"briefing" below might serve as a sample of my work product, and the
subjects I'd like to discuss.
And I was encouraged to do things. I was assigned projects. Every
single thing I was assigned to do required some essential support from a
nation state in two ways.
Perhaps it could even be done gracefully. There've been reasons to
think that might be possible in the last month, and I'm encouraged. 12000
Between 12763 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14434
and 12770 I dealt with questions from gisterme , a distinguished
poster on the MD board - about the engineering details of solving the
world's energy problems with a large scale solar energy approach..
12765 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14436
discusses the physical construction of the collectors - and gives a sense
of how simply and cheaply they might be constructed.
- -
On a lighter note, Fredmoore , who I sometimes suspect has a
professional association with the NYT, wrote an "allegorical anecdote"
that made me laugh and remember: http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14460
rshowalter - 12:48pm Jul 8, 2003 BST (#440 of 456) | Vietnam's
Cyberdissident http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/07/opinion/07MON4.html
WORD FOR WORD: The C.I.A.'s Cover Has Been Blown? Just Make Up
Something About U.F.O.'s By STEPHEN KINZER http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/06/weekinreview/06WORD.html
rshowalter "There's Always Poetry" Thu 21/12/2000 03:41 . . .
235,000 U.S. servicemen were exposed to nuclear weapons testing during
military duty. The people who gave the orders knew there were risks, but
wanted numbers. Now, the danger is that we don't clean up our messes -
and our corruptions.
From the Onion - - and only so funny
Bush Asks Congress for $30 Billion To Help Fight War On Criticism http://www.theonion.com/onion3925/bush_asks_congress.html
the Onion often justifies its trademark as AMERICA'S FINEST
NEWS SOURCE and did in the 15-24 January 2001 issue, which led with
Bush: Our Long National Nightmare of Peace and Prosperity is Finally
Bush's Record on Jobs: Risking Unhappy Comparisons By DAVID
LEONHARDT http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/03/business/03JOBS.html
We have to do better. And that will take work and analysis. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14556
Bush Claim on Iraq Had Flawed Origin, White House Says By DAVID
E. SANGER http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/08/international/worldspecial/08PREX.html?hp
lchic - 04:24am Jul 17, 2003 BST (#441 of 456) Is the AmEconomy on the UP
... first it is and then it isn't .... rshowalter - 11:06pm Jul 22, 2003 BST (#442 of 456) | rshow55 - 05:38pm Mar 30,
2003 EST (# 10798 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12350
Almarst , lchic and I have been very concerned with problems of press
function for a long time. http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_md2000s/md2088_2089.htm
We've discussed many of the problems in terms of Weaver's News and
the Culture of Lying 5943-44 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/7390
Here's http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_md2000s/md2088_2089.htm
, with its main links working , and other links available by date at http://www.mrshowalter.net/calendar1.htm
. . .
almarst2003 - 09:00pm Mar 13, 2003 EST (# 9903 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11447
speaks of key issues:
- - - -
3/15/03 1:18pm</a>
Here are postings from late February that cite Power and Leadership:
The Real Meaning of Iraq http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/23/opinion/23SUN1.html
that connect well to A Bloody Peace in Iraq http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/21/opinion/21MON1.html
and may interest some people today.
When people make an effort to avoid reality - and to mislead - issues
of both competence and morality come into play. After all, when a leader
says "trust me - I'm confident - follow me" - people do. Often with tragic
George W. Queeg By PAUL KRUGMAN http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/14/opinion/14KRUG.html
largeinnit - 12:30am Jul 27, 2003 BST (#443 of 456) Sure human cruelty, hatred
and kindess are all natural. You only need to look at the animal kingdom
to see, species living in harmony or, conversely ants raping and killing
each other.
There are plenty of examples of animals hunting for reasons other than
just food, its in our genes. rshowalter - 03:41pm Aug 2, 2003 BST (#444 of 456) | The violence depends on how
people are labelled as nonhuman - and subject to exclusion,
exploitation, and predation. rshowalter - 03:41pm Aug 2, 2003 BST (#445 of 456) | A cautionary tale about media
power, and the power of society over the individual, including a suicide.
People are fragile and malleable, sometimes in surprising ways.
Who's a Hero Now By JEFF GOODELL http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/27/magazine/27MINERS.html
. . . .
N.Y. Times To Appoint Ombudsman (Washington Post) By Howard
Kurtz Page C01, Jul 31, 2003 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A5204-2003Jul30.html
The Quagmire Debate By Howard Kurtz Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 29, 2003; 9:03 AM http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A61072-2003Jul29.html
Annan Warns of World 'Crisis' By FELICITY BARRINGER http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/31/international/31NATI.html
rshowalter - 12:46am Aug 11, 2003 BST (#446 of 456) | 13273 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14958
What a Tangled Web We Weave By BRUCE KLUGER http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/09/opinion/09KLUG.html
The questions about associations is how do they fit - and I'm
proud of the work on the notion of disciplined beauty that
lchic and I have done together. http://www.mrshowalter.net/DBeauty.html
Bush Sees 'Good Progress' in Iraq but With Work to Do By
ELISABETH BUMILLER http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/09/international/worldspecial/09PREX.html
includes a wonderful image from the Associated Press
As Menken said
12988 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14664
12989 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14665
12990-12993 might interest some, too.
Menken said a number of interesting things - though he was sometimes
much more cynical than I usually am. I remember he said something like
Dr. Rice is staying on Bush's ranch during his vacation. Others, with
whom he also works closely, are not.
I know this, if I had the affection of the main authoress of "The
National Security Strategy of the United States," http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/20/politics/20STEXT_FULL.html
, and I were George W. Bush, I'd be proud. Maybe grateful, too.
- - - -
12603 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14261
includes some interesting references, and this:
A reader of this NYT Missile Defense thread might guess that people
care about it. 1235-7 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1581
I sometimes wonder why, after the postcard described here was sent,
things weren't handled more directly.
- - - - - -
But there are other considerations, and perhaps some might be
related to this fine article:
Has Stanley Williams Left the Gang? By KIMBERLEY SEVCIK http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/10/magazine/10WILLIAMS.html
includes this:
There are people making decisions about Stanley Williams who may not
wish to kill him, may appreciate some things he's doing, may not doubt the
essence of anything he says, but don't want him "running around loose"
There seem to be some significant analogies to my situation - but some
significant differences as well. I haven't killed anybody. I was
commandeered by Dwight D. Eisenhower , in 1967 - and if my
work was illicit in some ways - I believe there were very good
reasons for what I did, and what I was asked to do. 12402-12403 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14055
- - - -
Very good, dramatic flash link for the Movie 13 DAYS http://www.newline.com/sites/13days/
gives a sense of the pressures that generated some of the worlds key
mistakes. Now, we ought to face and deal with some of these mistakes.
rshowalter - 01:40pm Aug 19, 2003 BST (#447 of 456) | Horror would be less if
there were better constraints on the "right to lie."
Postings I'm proud of as I work trying to make the planet last.
13329 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/15019
makes what may be an obvious point.
The story of Kelly's "apparent suicide" is at least as consistent
with murder as it is of suicide.
md 2084 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/2588
How roughly was he handled? At the start - only roughly enough
so that the people pressing him could get him to back down. But he didn't
back down - and the pressures escalated. When people in power apply
pressure - as in the case of Strasser's pressure on Lazlo - that's often
the standard - all over the world - and thoughout history. Will be
forever. And threat levels can switch. The decision "we have to
kill him" can take a while - but can be clear and sharp when it comes.
Dr. Kelly seems to have bowed his back - and insisted on telling the
truth. His whole life was linked embedded in a system of connections where
he had little alternative, after a point, to telling the truth. People who
are cornered like that, and refuse to fold, often, if not typically, fight
It has always seemed far-fetched for a man of Kelly's background,
expertise, limitations and stature to kill himself by slashing a single
wrist. Kelly knew hundreds of easier ways - and had the means at
I think it is very easy to "imagine a story" where Kelly was
murdered - by the order of someone close to Blair.
For me, the story that Kelly killed himself is harder to
imagine. By a good deal. Though not quite impossible.
The idea of a "license to kill" is hardly far-fetched at that level -
as the James Bond movies, my own training, and many discussions in the
open literature ought to make clear.
I think this is serious:
E-Mail Says British Arms Report Was Heavily Rewritten By WARREN
HOGE http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/18/international/worldspecial/18CND-BRIT.html
Blair's Closest Aide Faces Interrogation on Iraq By REUTERS
Filed at 9:13 p.m. ET http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/international/international-iraq-britain-scientist.html
I believe leaders do have to have the right and the power to kill
people under some circumstances. But if the story is as I suspect - those
limits were overstepped in this case.
There are honest mistakes - but there need to be limits.
Both the press, and leaders of nation states with interests in
international law, ought to insist on that, it seems to me.
I've been preoccupied with some other matters on the Missile Defense
thread - and have not followed the Kelly matter nearly as well as others.
The evidence is what it is. But the evidence has to be evaluated in terms
of what is believable - and in this situation - I want to insist that the
idea that Kelly was killed is not unbelievable.
Given what's come out about the biasing of reports by No. 10 - and
remembering the active, intensely personal and deeply emotional role Tony
Blair took in pushing the UK into war, and persuading the US public - the
Blair administration may very well be capable of ordering a UK government
expert killed.
Others, knowing more than I can about the organization of the UK
government - can judge better than I can if this is possible, and if the
order was given, can judge better than I can who that order could have
come from. rshowalter - 09:12pm Aug 27, 2003 BST (#448 of 456) | I've continued to work hard
on the NYT Missile Defense board, with lchic - and the significance
of the effort depends in part on a judgement of how much rank and
connection gisterme has. It is certain that gisteme
maintains the viewpoint of a Bush administration insider - and that his
efforts on the MD board have been extensive and longstanding.
Between March 2001 and March 1, 2002, gisteme posted about 750
times, and since March 1, 2002 he's posted about 520 more times.
Postings prior to March 1, 2002 are available at http://www.mrshowalter.net/Mankind's%20Inhumanity%20to%20Man%20and%20Woman%20-%20As%20natural%20as%20human%20goodness_files/mrshowalter.htm
by date http://www.mrshowalter.net/calendar1.htm
and are listed below.
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 - 2570 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3213
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 - 2571 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3214
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 - 2572 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3215
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 - 2573 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3216
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 - 2574 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3217
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 - 2575 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3218
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 ... 2576 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3219
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 ... 2577 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3220
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 ... 2578 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3221
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 ... 2579 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3222
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 ... 2580 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3223
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 ... 2581 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3224
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 ... 2582 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3225
50 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 ... 2583 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3226
39 Postings by gisterme prior to March 1, 2002 - 2584 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3226
. . . . .
Gisterme's postings since March 1, 2002 are still on the NYT MD
forum - and links are available here.
Here are 520 links to Gisterme's postings - listed in the NYT
Missile Defense forum.
13382-13402 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/15073
Most of these links connect to Iraq and North Korea - though many do
deal with missile defense. It seems to me that the links are important as
evidence of effort and concern - and because the sheer mass of the effort
can be missed - and the actual links convey something of that mass - I'm
also posting all 520 of these links here -
1-300 -March 1-9, 2002 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_6000s/znDir0001_300.htm
rshow55 3/1/02 7:03pm "...Consider two groups,... by gisterme - Mar 1,
02 (#38 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@167.abnJaYcKQY8^4029607@.f28e622/47
601-900 - March 16-28, 2002 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_6000s/znDir0601_900.htm
... by gisterme - Mar 20, 02 (#718 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/895
rshow55 3/20/02 12:56pm Liked the quotes of Mr... by gisterme - Mar 20,
02 (#721 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/898
manjumicha2001 3/20/02 2:31pm "Just pray that it... by gisterme - Mar
22, 02 (#757 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/950
"...We know that the MD programs set out in public... by gisterme - Mar
22, 02 (#763 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/956
901-1200 - March 28- April 8 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_6000s/znDir0901_1200.htm
almarst-2001 3/22/02 12:54pm "...My point... by gisterme - Mar 28, 02
(#904 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1148
1201-1500 - April 8-18, 2002 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_6000s/znDir0901_1200.htm
rshow55 3/28/02 5:17pm "...Now, there sometimes... by gisterme - Apr
10, 02 (#1233 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1578
lchic 4/10/02 11:52pm "... by gisterme - Apr 11, 02 (#1241 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1587
rshow55 4/10/02 6:44pm "...Many details about... by gisterme - Apr 11,
02 (#1242 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1588
rshow55 3/1/02 7:07pm "...Very serious efforts to... by gisterme - Apr
11, 02 (#1244 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1591
lchic 4/11/02 4:47am "...Bush has the leash, his... by gisterme - Apr
11, 02 (#1246 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1593
lchic 4/11/02 5:52am Robert may be a-dreamin',... by gisterme - Apr 11,
02 (#1248 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1595
And you've taken the bait, hook, line and sinker. by gisterme - Apr 11,
02 (#1249 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1596
rshow55 4/10/02 6:40pm "...QUESTIONS: : " How... by gisterme - Apr 12,
02 (#1280 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1631
gisterme 4/12/02 3:00am (continued) Questions... by gisterme - Apr 12,
02 (#1281 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1632
lchic 4/12/02 1:45am "Palestinian Saga... by gisterme - Apr 12, 02
(#1282 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1633
lchic 4/12/02 6:20am "America has two crisis... by gisterme - Apr 12,
02 (#1295 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1649
almarst-2001 4/12/02 1:24pm "...The military is... by gisterme - Apr
12, 02 (#1296 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1650
lchic 4/12/02 3:16pm "...Australians are being... by gisterme - Apr 12,
02 (#1300 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1655
lchic 4/12/02 3:36pm "...The problem with America... by gisterme - Apr
12, 02 (#1313 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1671
lchic 4/12/02 3:36pm "...It's looking more and... by gisterme - Apr 12,
02 (#1314 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1672
gisterme 4/12/02 5:21pm (continued in response to... by gisterme - Apr
12, 02 (#1315 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1673
gisterme 4/12/02 5:23pm (continued in response to... by gisterme - Apr
12, 02 (#1316 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1674
lchic 4/13/02 1:36am "...Louie's marching orders... by gisterme - Apr
13, 02 (#1324 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1685
rshow55 4/12/02 6:59pm You've joined lchic in the... by gisterme - Apr
13, 02 (#1325 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/1686
2101-2400 - May 8-27, 2002 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_6000s/znDir2101_2400.htm
Been away a while... by gisterme - May 10, 02 (#2136 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/2652
gisterme 5/10/02 3:44am (continued) I think the... by gisterme - May
10, 02 (#2137 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/2653
lchic 5/10/02 9:18am "Missiles used only in... by gisterme - May 13, 02
(#2179 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/2707
rshow55 5/11/02 6:38pm "...If you could make this... by gisterme - May
13, 02 (#2180 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/2708
4501-4800 - Septemer 24 - October 11 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_6000s/znDir4501_4800.htm
rshow55 10/1/02 6:52pm "...Groups of people go... by gisterme - Oct 2,
02 (#4706 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5954
rshow55 10/2/02 4:33pm I liked your quote from... by gisterme - Oct 2,
02 (#4707 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5955
I've only had time to browse a couple of hundred... by gisterme - Oct
2, 02 (#4709 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5957
Continued... by gisterme - Oct 2, 02 (#4710 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5958
almarst2002 10/2/02 2:00pm "One could wonder,... by gisterme - Oct 2,
02 (#4711 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5959
rshow55 10/2/02 8:28pm "...Perhaps my duty now is... by gisterme - Oct
2, 02 (#4718 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5969
lchic 10/2/02 8:30pm "...I recall the time when... by gisterme - Oct 2,
02 (#4721 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5974
lchic 10/2/02 9:03pm "...Carry on with the realms... by gisterme - Oct
2, 02 (#4722 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5973
almarst2002 10/2/02 9:28pm "...On the other hand,... by gisterme - Oct
3, 02 (#4723 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5974
gisterme 10/3/02 2:24am (continued) "...May be he... by gisterme - Oct
3, 02 (#4724 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5975
almarst2002 10/2/02 9:04pm "...Except a fiew... by gisterme - Oct 3, 02
(#4725 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5976
bbbuck 10/2/02 10:06pm "...Good points -... by gisterme - Oct 3, 02
(#4726 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5977
lchic 10/8/02 12:14am "... by gisterme - Oct 7, 02 (#4748 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6003
Before the recent "shutdown for urgent... by gisterme - Oct 7, 02
(#4749 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6004
4801-5100 - October 11-21, 2002 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_6000s/znDir4801_5100.htm
wrcooper 10/8/02 12:37pm "...How can the... by gisterme - Oct 14, 02
(#4864 http rshowalter - 09:13pm Aug 27, 2003 BST (#449 of 470) 4801-5100 - October 11-21,
2002 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_6000s/znDir4801_5100.htm
wrcooper 10/8/02 12:37pm "...How can the... by gisterme - Oct 14, 02
(#4864 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6153
commondata 10/9/02 8:35am "...There are four main... by gisterme - Oct
14, 02 (#4866 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6155
commondata 10/14/02 3:36pm "The concept of... by gisterme - Oct 14, 02
(#4868 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6157
lchic 10/11/02 11:57am ...The 'By Gosh' in the... by gisterme - Oct 14,
02 (#4869 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6158
commondata 10/14/02 5:56pm ..."By 1998, the... by gisterme - Oct 14, 02
(#4872 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6161
rshow55 10/14/02 7:34pm "...And though I haven't... by gisterme - Oct
14, 02 (#4882 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6171
davemc53 10/14/02 7:57pm "...It seems to me you... by gisterme - Oct
14, 02 (#4884
rshow55 10/14/02 8:03pm "...Me, I've been arguing... by gisterme - Oct
14, 02 (#4885
manjumicha 10/14/02 7:57pm "...Sorry to pop your... by gisterme - Oct
14, 02 (#4888
almarst2002 10/14/02 8:58pm "Aren't you,... by gisterme - Oct 14, 02
(#4891 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6182
manjumicha 10/14/02 9:13pm "...As for missile... by gisterme - Oct 14,
02 (#4893 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6184
commondata 10/15/02 7:38am "...- A new... by gisterme - Oct 15, 02
(#4904 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6199
gisterme 10/15/02 4:00pm ...continued "...- And... by gisterme - Oct
15, 02 (#4905 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6200
lchic 10/15/02 10:42am "...- we are living –... by gisterme - Oct 15,
02 (#4906 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6201
ericanderson108 10/15/02 5:26pm "...This was the... by gisterme - Oct
15, 02 (#4908 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6203
commondata 10/15/02 7:01pm I said: ... by gisterme - Oct 16, 02 (#4939
gisterme 10/16/02 1:39pm ...continued: "...You... by gisterme - Oct 16,
02 (#4940 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6242
lchic 10/16/02 1:50pm lchic - No doubt the... by gisterme - Oct 16, 02
(#4943 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6245
rshow55 10/16/02 8:11pm "...Not everybody thinks... by gisterme - Oct
16, 02 (#4955 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6260
rshow55 10/16/02 8:11pm "...Not everybody thinks... by gisterme - Oct
16, 02 (#4956 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6261
bbbuck 10/16/02 5:33pm "...I just thought it was... by gisterme - Oct
16, 02 (#4957 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6262
manjumicha 10/16/02 11:56pm "...otherwise mazzas... by gisterme - Oct
18, 02 (#4982 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6290
rshow55 10/17/02 10:21am "...- we have to be... by gisterme - Oct 18,
02 (#4983 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6291
rshow55 10/17/02 10:21am "...We need to do the... by gisterme - Oct 18,
02 (#4984 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6292
almarst2002 10/17/02 7:18pm "I got a few moments... by gisterme - Oct
18, 02 (#4986 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6292
manjumicha 10/18/02 2:35am "...In fact Rummy was... by gisterme - Oct
18, 02 (#4989 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6297
manjumicha 10/18/02 3:18am "...The uniformed... by gisterme - Oct 18,
02 (#5000 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6308
5101-5400 - October 21-31, 2002 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_6000s/znDir5101_5400.htm
lchic 10/19/02 7:23pm "...The functioning of a... by gisterme - Oct 23,
02 (#5123 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6446
lchic 10/21/02 1:08am "...For a better world -... by gisterme - Oct 23,
02 (#5125 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6448
lchic 10/23/02 1:55am "...CUT TO TRUTH in the... by gisterme - Oct 23,
02 (#5129 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6452
Lchic, you and Robert seem to mostly want to... by gisterme - Oct 23,
02 (#5131 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6454
kalter.rauch 10/23/02 2:06am "...I don't... by gisterme - Oct 23, 02
(#5132 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6456
lchic 10/23/02 2:20am "...Commerce is a win-win... by gisterme - Oct
23, 02 (#5134 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6458
kalter.rauch 10/23/02 3:11am "...you just tossed... by gisterme - Oct
23, 02 (#5140 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6467
lchic 10/23/02 5:52am "...how they are paid from... by gisterme - Oct
23, 02 (#5142 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6469
commondata 10/23/02 7:05am "...When I told you... by gisterme - Oct 23,
02 (#5151 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6478
rshow55 10/23/02 9:17am "...If I'm right about... by gisterme - Oct 23,
02 (#5152 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6479
rshow55 10/23/02 3:02pm "Well, we're agreed that... by gisterme - Oct
23, 02 (#5166 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6497
commondata 10/23/02 4:43pm "...And yet Gisterme,... by gisterme - Oct
23, 02 (#5170 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6503
lchic 10/23/02 5:03pm "...The USA would benefit... by gisterme - Oct
23, 02 (#5171 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6504
commondata 10/24/02 5:11am "...While we're being... by gisterme - Oct
24, 02 (#5199 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6534
mazza9 10/24/02 7:50pm "...(I'm in an aliterative... by gisterme - Oct
24, 02 (#5201 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6536
rshow55 10/24/02 8:17pm "...Is the United States... by gisterme - Oct
27, 02 (#5279 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6630
rshow55 10/24/02 8:40pm "...- it would only have... by gisterme - Oct
27, 02 (#5280 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6631
lchic 10/25/02 6:50pm "...The suffering of local... by gisterme - Oct
27, 02 (#5281 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6632
"...Like many jokes, that one contains more truth... by gisterme - Oct
27, 02 (#5282 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6633
lchic 10/27/02 1:40am "...Gisterme I'm hearing... by gisterme - Oct 28,
02 (#5310 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6665
lchic 10/26/02 5:41pm "...Cohesive inclusive... by gisterme - Oct 28,
02 (#5311 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6666
rshow55 10/26/02 8:49pm "...WHY NO CHECKING... by gisterme - Oct 28, 02
(#5312 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6667
rshow55 10/27/02 10:36am "...5280 gisterme... by gisterme - Oct 28, 02
(#5313 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@168.rxaEaRFNVJJ^81709@.f28e622/6668
rshow55 10/27/02 1:11pm "...As many, many... by gisterme - Oct 28, 02
(#5314 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@168.rxaEaRFNVJJ^81709@.f28e622/6670
lchic 10/28/02 1:17am "...Showalter said he's... by gisterme - Oct 28,
02 (#5316 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6672
rshow55 10/28/02 7:28am "...gisterme 10/28/02... by gisterme - Oct 28,
02 (#5350 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6709
rshow55 10/28/02 7:28am "...Gisterme goes on to... by gisterme - Oct
28, 02 (#5353 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6713
lchic 10/28/02 2:04am "...So why doesn't everyone... by gisterme - Oct
28, 02 (#5354 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6714
rshow55 10/28/02 7:29am "...Gisterme points out... by gisterme - Oct
28, 02 (#5355 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6715
mazza9 10/28/02 5:48pm "...Who knows, maybe by... by gisterme - Oct 28,
02 (#5359 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6719
lchic 10/28/02 4:37pm I "...COUNT..." I'm... by gisterme - Oct 28, 02
(#5360 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6720
rshow55 10/28/02 6:16pm "...You've made many... by gisterme - Oct 28,
02 (#5361 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6721
6001-6300 - November 20 - 26, 2002 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_6000s/znDir6001_6300.htm
rshow55 11/5/02 6:22pm "...Let me assume, based... by gisterme - Nov
22, 02 (#6183 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/7662
commondata 11/5/02 6:40pm "...So Gisterme knows... by gisterme - Nov
22, 02 (#6186 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/7665
Hi Robert... by gisterme - Nov 22, 02 (#6187 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/7666
commondata 11/6/02 11:57am "...Where do the... by gisterme - Nov 22, 02
(#6189 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/7668
rshow55 11/23/02 9:38am "...We seem to be... by gisterme - Nov 23, 02
(#6220 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/7708
6301-6600 - Nov 26 - Dec 14 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_6000s/znDir6301_6600.htm
lunarchick 11/25/02 10:41am "...if the Arab world... by gisterme - Dec
6, 02 (#6358 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/7862
rshow55 12/6/02 9:22am "...Someone with rank... by gisterme - Dec 7, 02
(#6364 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/7868
rshow55 12/8/02 7:08pm "...If the Saudi's do not... by gisterme - Dec
13, 02 (#6576 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8080
rshow55 12/8/02 9:20pm ...Using the techniques... by gisterme - Dec 13,
02 (#6577 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8081
commondata 12/9/02 2:59pm "...An accompanying... by gisterme - Dec 13,
02 (#6578 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8082
rshow55 12/9/02 8:46pm "...It wouldn't take too... by gisterme - Dec
13, 02 (#6579 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8083
"...So what does the civilized world intend to do... by gi rshowalter - 09:14pm Aug 27, 2003 BST (#450 of 470) "...So what does the
civilized world intend to do... by gisterme - Dec 13, 02 (#6580 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8084
rshow55 12/10/02 12:00pm "...I was referred to... by gisterme - Dec 13,
02 (#6581 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8085
mazza9 12/11/02 11:27am "...Say to Yemen, "You... by gisterme - Dec 13,
02 (#6582 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8086
rshow55 12/11/02 2:27pm "...If people were clear... by gisterme - Dec
13, 02 (#6583 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8087
rshow55 12/11/02 2:33pm "...- whether people... by gisterme - Dec 13,
02 (#6585 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8089
almarst2002 12/11/02 4:13pm "...A Bush... by gisterme - Dec 13, 02
(#6586 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8090
almarst2002 12/11/02 4:50pm "...Osama is a... by gisterme - Dec 13, 02
(#6587 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8091
rshow55 12/11/02 5:23pm "...I wonder if you can... by gisterme - Dec
13, 02 (#6590 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8094
commondata 12/11/02 7:30pm "...Yet successive... by gisterme - Dec 13,
02 (#6591 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8095
mazza9 12/13/02 5:42pm "...Did you notice that... by gisterme - Dec 13,
02 (#6594 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8098
gisterme 12/13/02 6:58pm "...Now, my question... by gisterme - Dec 13,
02 (#6595 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8099
manjumicha 12/13/02 6:51pm "...What is the... by gisterme - Dec 13, 02
(#6596 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8100
6601-6900 - Dec 14-21, 2002 http://www.mrshowalter.net/6601_6900.htm
manjumicha 12/13/02 9:28pm "...Like a big giant... by gisterme - Dec
14, 02 (#6613 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8117
manjumicha 12/13/02 9:28pm "...Btw, you are not... by gisterme - Dec
14, 02 (#6614 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8118
"...experience has shown that sanctions can have a... by gisterme - Dec
14, 02 (#6615 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8119
commondata 12/14/02 5:24am "...Ah Gisterme!.. by gisterme - Dec 14, 02
(#6618 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8122
almarst2002 12/14/02 3:38pm "The power breeds... by gisterme - Dec 14,
02 (#6619 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8123
almarst2002 12/14/02 4:14pm "...Hundreds of... by gisterme - Dec 15, 02
(#6620 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8124
lunarchick 12/14/02 8:09pm "...Democarcy for Iraq... by gisterme - Dec
15, 02 (#6621 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8125
"...You know, your word games is, frankly... by gisterme - Dec 15, 02
(#6623 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8127
manjumicha 12/15/02 12:21am "...North Korean... by gisterme - Dec 15,
02 (#6625 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8129
manjumicha 12/15/02 12:39am "...You "think" you... by gisterme - Dec
15, 02 (#6627 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8131
manjumicha 12/15/02 1:02am "...I understand it... by gisterme - Dec 15,
02 (#6629 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8133
manjumicha 12/15/02 1:08am "I think NK spy subs... by gisterme - Dec
15, 02 (#6632 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8136
"...Historically that has been the problem of... by gisterme - Dec 15,
02 (#6633 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8137
manjumicha 12/15/02 1:26am "...I mean you don't... by gisterme - Dec
15, 02 (#6634 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8138
manjumicha 12/15/02 1:58am "...Equipped with a... by gisterme - Dec 15,
02 (#6637 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8141
manjumicha 12/15/02 2:06am "...We are tripping... by gisterme - Dec 15,
02 (#6638 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8142
almarst2002 12/14/02 4:01pm "...So, before... by gisterme - Dec 15, 02
(#6639 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8143
manjumicha 12/13/02 6:51pm "...The NK's media rep... by gisterme - Dec
15, 02 (#6640 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8144
lunarchick 12/15/02 7:26am "...So what's the... by gisterme - Dec 15,
02 (#6670 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8174
lunarchick 12/15/02 8:19am "...Bush now has all... by gisterme - Dec
15, 02 (#6676 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8180
rshow55 12/15/02 2:38pm "...Maybe N... by gisterme - Dec 15, 02 (#6678
almarst2002 12/15/02 3:14pm "...The head of... by gisterme - Dec 15, 02
(#6680 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8184
almarst2002 12/15/02 3:10pm "...I don't think any... by gisterme - Dec
15, 02 (#6683 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8187
gisterme 12/15/02 7:55pm(continued) The lesson... by gisterme - Dec 15,
02 (#6684 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8188
fredmoore 12/15/02 9:59pm "...decrease global... by gisterme - Dec 15,
02 (#6697 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8201
"...Do you sincerely believe Saddam is seen as a... by gisterme - Dec
15, 02 (#6698 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8202
almarst2002 12/15/02 10:41pm Previous post #6698... by gisterme - Dec
15, 02 (#6702 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8206
almarst2002 12/15/02 11:18pm "...One thing is... by gisterme - Dec 15,
02 (#6708 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8212
almarst2002 12/15/02 11:15pm "...Do you believe... by gisterme - Dec
16, 02 (#6712 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8216
almarst2002 12/15/02 11:49pm "...Would the US... by gisterme - Dec 16,
02 (#6713 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8217
lunarchick 12/16/02 1:26am "...Judge leaders... by gisterme - Dec 16,
02 (#6716 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8220
wrcooper 12/17/02 12:44pm "...Why would the... by gisterme - Dec 20, 02
(#6864 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8368
almarst2002 12/17/02 2:17pm "...The N.K... by gisterme - Dec 20, 02
(#6869 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8373
commondata 12/17/02 3:20pm "This roll-out is... by gisterme - Dec 20,
02 (#6871 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8375
wrcooper 12/17/02 4:51pm "We could handle the... by gisterme - Dec 20,
02 (#6872 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8376
lunarchick 12/17/02 11:27pm "...Chimps might run... by gisterme - Dec
20, 02 (#6874 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8378
vanceco 12/18/02 9:06am "...ABM, by... by gisterme - Dec 20, 02 (#6875
rshow55 12/18/02 9:12am "...1... by gisterme - Dec 20, 02 (#6878 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8382
lunarchick 12/20/02 11:29pm "...are you... by gisterme - Dec 20, 02
(#6881 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8385
lunarchick 12/20/02 11:32pm "...Carbon NanoTubes... by gisterme - Dec
20, 02 (#6882 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8386
rshow55 12/18/02 9:12am "...Are words like... by gisterme - Dec 20, 02
(#6883 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8387
rshow55 12/18/02 9:13am "...If more people were... by gisterme - Dec
21, 02 (#6884 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8388
rshow55 12/18/02 9:23am "...A big part of the... by gisterme - Dec 21,
02 (#6885 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8389
rshow55 12/18/02 8:05pm "...The US knows a good... by gisterme - Dec
21, 02 (#6886 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8390
lunarchick 12/19/02 4:57pm "...How much... by gisterme - Dec 21, 02
(#6887 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8391
manjumicha 12/20/02 5:57pm "...I think the real... by gisterme - Dec
21, 02 (#6888 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8392
rshow55 12/20/02 7:42pm "...Gisterme , unless I'm... by gisterme - Dec
21, 02 (#6889 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8393
6901-7200 Dec 14-21, 2002 http://www.mrshowalter.net/6901_7200.htm
commondata 12/21/02 7:46pm "...What in the laws... by gisterme - Dec
21, 02 (#6901 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8421
rshow55 12/21/02 8:40pm "...After all, the whole... by gisterme - Dec
22, 02 (#6902 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8422
rshow55 12/21/02 8:41pm Nice post,... by gisterme - Dec 22, 02 (#6903
gisterme 12/22/02 3:11am (continued) What single... by gisterme - Dec
22, 02 (#6904 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8424
Oops...can't delete but need to make a couple of... by gisterme - Dec
22, 02 (#6906 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8426
kalter.rauch 12/22/02 3:30am There is ... by gisterme - Dec 22, 02
(#6907 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8427
lunarchick 12/22/02 6:42am "...The road map to... by gisterme - Dec 22,
02 (#6936 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8456
lunarchick 12/22/02 7:01am "...This explains... by gisterme - Dec 22,
02 (#6937 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8457
rshow55 12/22/02 7:17am "We can't afford to... by gisterme - Dec 22, 02
(#6938 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8458
lunarchick 12/22/02 7:23am "...AlQ's mob are said... by gisterme - Dec
22, 02 (#6939 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8459
lunarchick 12/22/02 7:39am "...Were there... by gisterme - Dec 22, 02
(#6940 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8460
rshow55 12/22/02 8:57am "...That work involved... by gisterme - Dec 22,
02 (#6941 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8461
bbbuck 12/22/02 10:39am "good night ralph... by gisterme - Dec 22, 02
(#6 rshowalter - 09:15pm Aug 27, 2003 BST (#451 of 470) bbbuck 12/22/02 10:39am "good
night ralph... by gisterme - Dec 22, 02 (#6942 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8462
rshow55 12/22/02 2:01pm "...I haven't hidden the... by gisterme - Dec
22, 02 (#6949 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8469
rshow55 12/22/02 2:02pm "...Gisterme , I haven't... by gisterme - Dec
22, 02 (#6950 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8470
lunarchick 12/22/02 4:05pm "...'The Poster' uses... by gisterme - Dec
22, 02 (#6951 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8471
"...I'm doing my best, within my limitations, to... by gisterme - Dec
23, 02 (#6962 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8482
lunarchick 12/22/02 7:49pm "...From a virtual... by gisterme - Dec 23,
02 (#6963 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8483
lunarchick 12/22/02 7:59pm "...Lets say there was... by gisterme - Dec
23, 02 (#6964 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8484
rshow55 12/22/02 8:38pm "...people can look for... by gisterme - Dec
23, 02 (#6965 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8485
gisterme 12/23/02 3:19am (continued) "...(for... by gisterme - Dec 23,
02 (#6966 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8486
Happy holidays to all. by gisterme - Dec 26, 02 (#7033 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8556
lunarchick 12/24/02 11:39am "...I love... by gisterme - Dec 26, 02
(#7034 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8557
7201-7500 - Jan 1-9, 2003 http://www.mrshowalter.net/7201_7500.htm
lunarchick 12/26/02 8:46am "...The function of... by gisterme - Jan 2,
03 (#7235 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8758
manjumicha 1/2/03 4:23pm "......the modern... by gisterme - Jan 2, 03
(#7236 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8759
"...For complicated practical cases the "golden... by gisterme - Jan 2,
03 (#7238 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8761
almarst2002 1/2/03 9:47pm "...Read it again... by gisterme - Jan 2, 03
(#7241 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8764
almarst2002 1/2/03 10:28pm "The horse-rider can... by gisterme - Jan 2,
03 (#7244 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8767
Congrats on your new computer and monitor,... by gisterme - Jan 2, 03
(#7245 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8768
almarst2002 1/2/03 10:22pm "...The guys who are... by gisterme - Jan 2,
03 (#7247 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8770
almarst2002 1/2/03 10:52pm "...I think I already... by gisterme - Jan
2, 03 (#7249 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8772
almarst2002 1/2/03 11:09pm "...I quess you don't... by gisterme - Jan
2, 03 (#7251 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8774
rshow55 1/2/03 6:52pm "...From my point of view -... by gisterme - Jan
3, 03 (#7252 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8775
almarst2002 1/2/03 8:41pm "...What golden rule... by gisterme - Jan 3,
03 (#7253 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8776
lunarchick 1/3/03 2:05am "the time-tested... by gisterme - Jan 3, 03
(#7256 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8779
lunarchick 1/3/03 10:31am Lunarchick quotes from:... by gisterme - Jan
3, 03 (#7274 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8797
rshow55 1/3/03 12:28pm "...Commondata - I'll get... by gisterme - Jan
3, 03 (#7276 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8799
lunarchick 1/3/03 3:06pm "... by gisterme - Jan 3, 03 (#7278 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8801
lunarchick 1/3/03 3:35pm "...I don't remember... by gisterme - Jan 3,
03 (#7283 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8806
lunarchick 1/3/03 5:15pm "The US is the world's... by gisterme - Jan 3,
03 (#7286 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8809
mazza9 1/3/03 7:17pm "...It is only when the two... by gisterme - Jan
3, 03 (#7301 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8824
rshow55 1/4/03 7:47pm "...People need to collect... by gisterme - Jan
5, 03 (#7339 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8862
gisterme 1/5/03 3:20am (continued) The question... by gisterme - Jan 5,
03 (#7340 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8863
rshow55 1/4/03 8:53am "...Charity, mercy, and an... by gisterme - Jan
5, 03 (#7345 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8868
gisterme 1/5/03 6:03am (continued) "...and... by gisterme - Jan 5, 03
(#7346 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8869
rshow55 1/5/03 7:08am "...There are times (most... by gisterme - Jan 5,
03 (#7373 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8896
bbbuck 1/5/03 12:50pm Thanks, bbbuck... by gisterme - Jan 5, 03 (#7374
rshow55 1/5/03 12:22pm "...Gisterme , I beg of... by gisterme - Jan 5,
03 (#7377 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8900
gisterme 1/5/03 5:56pm (continued) That brings... by gisterme - Jan 5,
03 (#7378 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8901
rshow55 1/5/03 4:53pm WRT how one might ... by gisterme - Jan 5, 03
(#7382 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8905
rshow55 1/5/03 6:01pm "...Could the situation in... by gisterme - Jan
5, 03 (#7383 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8906
rshow55 1/5/03 6:14pm "...I'd like to get to... by gisterme - Jan 5, 03
(#7384 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8907
manjumicha 1/5/03 9:43pm "...I am sorry to pop... by gisterme - Jan 5,
03 (#7389 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8912
l) Within three months of the date of this... by gisterme - Jan 5, 03
(#7392 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8915
almarst2002 1/5/03 10:15pm "...But what is the... by gisterme - Jan 5,
03 (#7397 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8920
almarst2002 1/5/03 10:15pm "...Why should we... by gisterme - Jan 5, 03
(#7400 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8923
"...The North has repeatedly said that it is... by gisterme - Jan 5, 03
(#7402 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8925
almarst2002 1/5/03 10:41pm "...You mean the light... by gisterme - Jan
6, 03 (#7405 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8928
almarst2002 1/5/03 11:53pm "...An "interesting"... by gisterme - Jan 6,
03 (#7406 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8929
almarst2002 1/5/03 11:29pm "...When Bush called... by gisterme - Jan 6,
03 (#7407 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8930
almarst2002 1/5/03 11:40pm "...so, how come no... by gisterme - Jan 6,
03 (#7408 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8931
manjumicha 1/6/03 1:45am "...Chinese and Russians... by gisterme - Jan
6, 03 (#7418 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8941
lunarchick 1/6/03 7:45am "...The UN must endorse... by gisterme - Jan
6, 03 (#7430 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8953
bbbuck 1/6/03 4:30pm "...I believe I have some... by gisterme - Jan 6,
03 (#7431 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8954
lunarchick 1/6/03 6:23pm "Gisterme .. by gisterme - Jan 6, 03 (#7435 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8958
fredmoore 1/7/03 3:55am "...Keep on posting ... by gisterme - Jan 8, 03
(#7471 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8994
rshow55 1/7/03 7:19pm "...Something unexpected... by gisterme - Jan 8,
03 (#7474 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8997
almarst2002 1/8/03 12:40pm "..."...the missile... by gisterme - Jan 9,
03 (#7493 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9016
rshow55 1/8/03 1:42pm "...I made a suggestion -... by gisterme - Jan 9,
03 (#7494 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9017
lunarchick 1/8/03 7:21pm "...If someone has... by gisterme - Jan 9, 03
(#7495 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9018
lunarchick 1/9/03 12:22am "... by gisterme - Jan 9, 03 (#7496 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9019
7501-7800 - Jan 18-26, 2003 http://www.mrshowalter.net/7501_7800.htm
lunarchick 1/9/03 5:40am "...Euros said that... by gisterme - Jan 10,
03 (#7544 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9068
lunarchick 1/9/03 6:02am "...A US Senator it... by gisterme - Jan 10,
03 (#7545 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9069
commondata 1/9/03 7:16am "...Thanks for waiting 5... by gisterme - Jan
10, 03 (#7546 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9070
rshow55 1/9/03 8:41am "...For instance, arguments... by gisterme - Jan
10, 03 (#7547 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9071
Robert, a while back I claimed that you Wibble... by gisterme - Jan 10,
03 (#7550 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9074
lunarchick 1/9/03 3:14pm "...I spoke of the... by gisterme - Jan 10, 03
(#7552 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9076
rshow55 1/9/03 8:20pm "...The people involved in... by gisterme - Jan
10, 03 (#7554 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9078
commondata 1/10/03 5:50am "...Do you have a pet... by gisterme - Jan
13, 03 (#7621 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9145
<a... by gisterme - Jan 15, 03 (#7695 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9220
<a... by gisterme - Jan 15, 03 (#7696 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9221
<a... by gisterme - Jan 15, 03 (#7697 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9222
<a... by gisterme - Jan 16, 03 (#7723 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9248
<a... by gisterme - Jan 16, 03 (#7726 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9251
<a... by gisterme - Jan 16, 03 (#7727 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9252
What's up with the dysfunctional link... by gisterme - Jan 16, 03
(#7728 http://forum/ rshowalter - 09:15pm Aug 27, 2003 BST (#452 of 470) What's up with the
dysfunctional link... by gisterme - Jan 16, 03 (#7728 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9253
lchic 09:28pm Jan 16, 2003 EST (#7725)"...Gisteme... by gisterme - Jan
16, 03 (#7729 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9254
Wow, Robert... by gisterme - Jan 17, 03 (#7767 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9292
Here's a story that's just as irrelevant as... by gisterme - Jan 17,
03 (#7768 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9293
7801-8100 - Jan 18-26, 2003 http://www.mrshowalter.net/7801_8100.htm
lchic 06:32pm Jan 18, 2003 EST (# 7795...) ... by gisterme - Jan 21, 03
(#7856 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9381
rshow55 - 08:31pm Jan 18, 2003 EST (# 7800...) ... by gisterme - Jan
21, 03 (#7857 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9382
lchic 07:02am Jan 19, 2003 EST (# 7804...) ... by gisterme - Jan 21, 03
(#7858 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9383
rshow55 - 07:57am Jan 19, 2003 EST (# 7805...) ... by gisterme - Jan
21, 03 (#7859 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9384
rshow55 - 02:59pm Jan 21, 2003 EST (# 7880...) ... by gisterme - Jan
21, 03 (#7882 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9407
From Merriam-Webster: ... by gisterme - Jan 21, 03 (#7883 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9408
rshow55 - 09:50pm Jan 21, 2003 EST (# 7887...) ... by gisterme - Jan
23, 03 (#7937 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9462
rshow55 - 02:38pm Jan 23, 2003 EST (# 7946...) ... by gisterme - Jan
24, 03 (#8008 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9534
rshow55 - 06:53pm Jan 23, 2003 EST (# 7952...) ... by gisterme - Jan
24, 03 (#8009 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9535
rshow55 - 09:44am Jan 25, 2003 EST (# 8027...) ... by gisterme - Jan
25, 03 (#8044 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9570
rshow55 - 10:23am Jan 25, 2003 EST (# 8030 ...) ... by gisterme - Jan
25, 03 (#8051 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9577
gisterme - 09:27pm Jan 25, 2003 EST (# 8051...)... by gisterme - Jan
25, 03 (#8052 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9578
rshow55 - 06:32pm Jan 25, 2003 EST (# 8048...) ... by gisterme - Jan
25, 03 (#8057 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9583
almarst2002 - 09:52pm Jan 25, 2003 EST (# 8054...)... by gisterme - Jan
25, 03 (#8058 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9584
I read an article a couple of days ago about some... by gisterme - Jan
25, 03 (#8059 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9585
commondata - 04:18am Jan 26, 2003 EST (# 8060...) ... by gisterme - Jan
26, 03 (#8096 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9622
commondata - <a... by gisterme - Jan 26, 03 (#8099 ) http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9625
8101-8400 - Jan 26-31, 2003 http://www.mrshowalter.net/8101_8400.htm
commondata - 10:46am Jan 26, 2003 EST (# 8101...) ... by gisterme - Jan
26, 03 (#8102 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9628
"...It's sometimes difficult to tell the map from... by gisterme - Jan
26, 03 (#8120 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9646
lchic - 12:06pm Jan 26, 2003 EST (# 8112...) ... by gisterme - Jan 26,
03 (#8123 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9649
rshow55 - 01:40pm Jan 26, 2003 EST (# 8122...) ... by gisterme - Jan
26, 03 (#8125 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9651
limpseed - 05:47pm Jan 26, 2003 EST (# 8134...) ... by gisterme - Jan
27, 03 (#8175 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9701
limpseed - (or bbuck or johnson or whomever you... by gisterme - Jan
27, 03 (#8176 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9702
rshow55 - 10:40am Jan 27, 2003 EST (# 8186...) ... by gisterme - Jan
28, 03 (#8199 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9725
lchic - 08:04pm Jan 27, 2003 EST (# 8192...) ... by gisterme - Jan 28,
03 (#8200 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9726
wrcooper - 11:36pm Jan 27, 2003 EST (# 8198...) ... by gisterme - Jan
28, 03 (#8207 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9733
lchic - 01:57am Jan 28, 2003 EST (# 8206...) ... by gisterme - Jan 28,
03 (#8212 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9738
wrcooper - 02:10am Jan 28, 2003 EST (# 8210...) ... by gisterme - Jan
28, 03 (#8213 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9739
lchic - 02:19am Jan 28, 2003 EST (# 8211...) ... by gisterme - Jan 28,
03 (#8214 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9740
rshow55 - 10:40am Jan 27, 2003 EST (# 8186...) ... by gisterme - Jan
28, 03 (#8239 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9765
lchic - 08:04pm Jan 27, 2003 EST (# 8192...) ... by gisterme - Jan 28,
03 (#8240 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9766
wrcooper - 11:36pm Jan 27, 2003 EST (# 8198...) ... by gisterme - Jan
28, 03 (#8247 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9773
lchic - 01:57am Jan 28, 2003 EST (# 8206...) ... by gisterme - Jan 28,
03 (#8252 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9778
wrcooper - 02:10am Jan 28, 2003 EST (# 8210...) ... by gisterme - Jan
28, 03 (#8253 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9779
lchic - 02:19am Jan 28, 2003 EST (# 8211...) ... by gisterme - Jan 28,
03 (#8254 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9780
bbbuck - 11:11pm Jan 29, 2003 EST (# 8341...) ... by gisterme - Jan 29,
03 (#8342 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9868
rshow55 - 10:46pm Jan 29, 2003 EST (# 8339...) ... by gisterme - Jan
30, 03 (#8344 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9870
bbbuck - 11:58pm Jan 29, 2003 EST (# 8343...) ... by gisterme - Jan 30,
03 (#8345 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9871
8401-8700 - Jan 31 - Feb 8 http://www.mrshowalter.net/8401_8700.htm
almarst2002 - 06:11pm Jan 30, 2003 EST (# 8356...)... by gisterme - Jan
31, 03 (#8406 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9932
lchic - 02:09pm Jan 31, 2003 EST (# 8409...) ... by gisterme - Jan 31,
03 (#8413 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9939
wrcooper - 03:46pm Jan 31, 2003 EST (# 8414...) ... by gisterme - Jan
31, 03 (#8429 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9955
rshow55 - - 05:49pm Jan 31, 2003 EST (# 8426...) ... by gisterme - Jan
31, 03 (#8430 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9956
sambro55 - - 06:24pm Jan 31, 2003 EST (# 8428...) ... by gisterme - Jan
31, 03 (#8431 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9957
Will, Are you going to meet with Robert?.. by gisterme - Jan 31, 03
(#8432 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9958
- 09:07pm Jan 31, 2003 EST (# 8433...) "As... by gisterme - Jan 31, 03
(#8436 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9962
"...The idea that a madman would, first, get hold... by gisterme - Jan
31, 03 (#8445 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9971
lchic - 11:54pm Jan 31, 2003 EST (# 8444...) ... by gisterme - Feb 1,
03 (#8446 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9972
ledzepplin - - 06:29am Feb 2, 2003 EST (# 8484...)... by gisterme - Feb
3, 03 (#8507 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10033
ledzepplin - - 10:42am Feb 2, 2003 EST (# 8494...)... by gisterme - Feb
3, 03 (#8509
"...I've reread the correspondence, and the... by gisterme - Feb 3, 03
(#8511 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10037
"...Neither Cooper's view nor mine are crazy -... by gisterme - Feb 3,
03 (#8515 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10041
lchic - 02:06am Feb 3, 2003 EST (# 8508...) ... by gisterme - Feb 3, 03
(#8516 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10042
lchic - - 02:30am Feb 3, 2003 EST (# 8513...) ... by gisterme - Feb 3,
03 (#8517 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10043
lchic - 03:13am Feb 3, 2003 EST (# 8519...) "The... by gisterme - Feb
3, 03 (#8521 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10047
lchic - 03:10am Feb 3, 2003 EST (# 8518...) ... by gisterme - Feb 3, 03
(#8524 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10050
lchic - 03:26am Feb 3, 2003 EST (# 8522...) "give... by gisterme - Feb
3, 03 (#8527 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10053
The Columbia tragedy is a sad thing... by gisterme - Feb 3, 03 (#8528
lchic - 03:53am Feb 3, 2003 EST (# 8529 ... by gisterme - Feb 3, 03
(#8530 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10056
Ummm, lchic, you should consider your sources... by gisterme - Feb 3,
03 (#8531 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10057
lchic - 04:27am Feb 3, 2003 EST (# 8532...) "Pity... by gisterme - Feb
3, 03 (#8534 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10060
lchic - 04:29am Feb 3, 2003 EST (# 8533...) "... by gisterme - Feb 3,
03 (#8535 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10061
9000-9300 - Feb 16-26, 2003 http://www.mrshowalter.net/9000_9300.htm
... by gisterme - Feb 21, 03 (#9145 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10061
... by gisterme - Feb 21, 03 (#9149 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10675
... by gisterme - Feb 21, 03 (#9151 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10677
... by gisterme - Feb 21, 03 (#9154 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10680
bbbuck - 12:35am Feb 18, 2003 EST (9059... by gisterme - Feb 21, 03
(#9157 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10683
almarst2002 - 07:01am Feb 18, 2003 EST (9063... by gisterme - Feb 21,
03 (#9161 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10687
lchic - 03:29am Feb 21, 2003 EST (# 9163 of...)... by gisterme - Feb
21, 03 (#9164 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.
rshowalter - 09:16pm Aug 27, 2003 BST (#453 of 470) lchic - 03:29am Feb 21, 2003
EST (# 9163 of...)... by gisterme - Feb 21, 03 (#9164 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10690
"...Good to hear your voice, in the... by gisterme - Feb 21, 03 (#9173
rshow55 - 07:26am Feb 21, 2003 EST (#9166 of ...)... by gisterme - Feb
21, 03 (#9174 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10700
rshow55 - 11:07am Feb 21, 2003 EST (#9175 of... by gisterme - Feb 21,
03 (#9184 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10710
rshow55 - 11:32am Feb 21, 2003 EST (#9177 of...)... by gisterme - Feb
21, 03 (#9185 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10711
WRT the Columbia tragedy, I have to wonder if any... by gisterme - Feb
22, 03 (#9197 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10723
Ummm, guess who pays the lion's share of the UN... by gisterme - Feb
22, 03 (#9198 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10724
Lou, I wish Saddam would go away by a wave of... by gisterme - Feb 22,
03 (#9199 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10725
Here's a website that might interest you, lchick: ... by gisterme - Feb
22, 03 (#9200 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10726
rshow55 - 07:46am Feb 22, 2003 EST (# 9201 of ...)... by gisterme - Feb
22, 03 (#9217 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10743
Here's a dot to consider, Robert... by gisterme - Feb 22, 03 (#9220 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10746
rshow55 - 05:00pm Feb 22, 2003 EST (#9223 of ...) ... by gisterme - Feb
22, 03 (#9225 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10751
fredmoore - - 08:55pm Feb 22, 2003 EST (# 9228 of... by gisterme - Feb
24, 03 (#9255 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10781
rshow55 - 10:13am Feb 22, 2003 EST (# 9205...)... by gisterme - Feb 24,
03 (#9256 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10782
rshow55 - - 04:55pm Feb 22, 2003 EST (# 9222 of... by gisterme - Feb
24, 03 (#9257 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10783
rshow55 - 01:46pm Feb 23, 2003 EST (#9235 of ...)... by gisterme - Feb
24, 03 (#9259 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10785
..You are being idiotically stupid - if you... by gisterme - Feb 24, 03
(#9261 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10787
"...As so often on this thread, gisterme , you... by gisterme - Feb 24,
03 (#9262 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10788
"...(I admit that I just lost my temper - and am... by gisterme - Feb
24, 03 (#9271 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10797
rshow55 - 07:36pm Feb 24, 2003 EST (# 9273 of ...)... by gisterme - Feb
26, 03 (#9284 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10818
rshow55 - 10:05pm Feb 24, 2003 EST (# 9274 of ...)... by gisterme - Feb
26, 03 (#9285 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10819
9301-9600 - Feb 26 - March 7 http://www.mrshowalter.net/9301_9600.htm
rshow55 - 07:11pm Feb 26, 2003 EST (# 9314 of ...)... by gisterme - Feb
27, 03 (#9313 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10849
mazza9 - 11:44am Feb 26, 2003 EST (# 9302 of ...)... by gisterme - Feb
27, 03 (#9314 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10850
lchic - 07:30am Feb 27, 2003 EST (# 9318 of ...)... by gisterme - Feb
27, 03 (#9324 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10860
Will - I hope you'll reconsider your decision to... by gisterme - Feb
27, 03 (#9325 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10861
lchic - 04:01pm Feb 27, 2003 EST (# 9328 of ...)... by gisterme - Feb
27, 03 (#9335 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10871
rshow55 - 04:12pm Feb 27, 2003 EST (# 9332...)... by gisterme - Feb 27,
03 (#9339 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10875
lchic - 04:18pm Feb 27, 2003 EST (# 9335 ...)... by gisterme - Feb 27,
03 (#9341 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10877
rshow55 - 04:26pm Feb 27, 2003 EST (# 9338 of ...)... by gisterme - Feb
27, 03 (#9342 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10878
rshow55 - 04:16pm Feb 27, 2003 EST (# 9332 of ...)... by gisterme - Feb
27, 03 (#9343 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10880
Seeking to Deploy Missiles Before Full Testing By... by gisterme - Feb
27, 03 (#9344 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/10881
lchic - 06:41am Mar 2, 2003 EST (# 9404 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar 7,
03 (#9562 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11102
Lou and Fred...here's one: A young lady in... by gisterme - Mar 7,
03 (#9563 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11103
lchic - 05:17pm Mar 6, 2003 EST (# 9532 of ...) ... by gisterme - Mar
7, 03 (#9565 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11105
"...But I believe that the man [President... by gisterme - Mar 7, 03
(#9566 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11106
lchic - 01:28am Mar 7, 2003 EST (# 9565 of ...) ... by gisterme - Mar
7, 03 (#9567 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11107
Robert - Here's another dot to connect WRT French... by gisterme - Mar
7, 03 (#9568 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11108
9600-9900 - March 7-13, 2003 http://www.mrshowalter.net/9601_9900.htm
rshow55 - 04:43pm Mar 7, 2003 EST (# 9595 of ...) ... by gisterme - Mar
8, 03 (#9684 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11225
almarst2003 - 05:15pm Mar 7, 2003 EST (# 9599 of... by gisterme - Mar
8, 03 (#9685 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11226
almarst2003 - 08:32pm Mar 7, 2003 EST (# 9623 of... by gisterme - Mar
8, 03 (#9686 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11227
rshow55 - 05:01pm Mar 8, 2003 EST (# 9669 of ...) ... by gisterme - Mar
8, 03 (#9688 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11229
I heard a commentator on TV today say that "Going... by gisterme - Mar
8, 03 (#9689 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11230
mazza9 - 11:31pm Mar 8, 2003 EST (# 9687 of... by gisterme - Mar 9, 03
(#9690 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11231
rshow55 - 10:08am Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9696 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
9, 03 (#9723 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11265
rshow55 - 07:48pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9721 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
9, 03 (#9724 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11266
almarst2003 - 10:35pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9727 of... by gisterme - Mar
9, 03 (#9729 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11271
almarst2003 - 09:55pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9725 of... by gisterme - Mar
10, 03 (#9735 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11277
By the way, I noticed a tiny little blurb on the... by gisterme - Mar
10, 03 (#9736 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11278
lchic - 12:00am Mar 10, 2003 EST (# 9730 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
10, 03 (#9737 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11279
(9737 continued...) One hopeful developement is... by gisterme - Mar
10, 03 (#9738 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11280
rshow55 - 12:40pm Mar 10, 2003 EST (# 9751 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
10, 03 (#9753 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11295
almarst2003 - 02:12pm Mar 10, 2003 EST (# 9752 of... by gisterme - Mar
10, 03 (#9764 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11306
rshow55 - 03:01pm Mar 10, 2003 EST (# 9763 of... by gisterme - Mar 10,
03 (#9765 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11307
rshow55 - 06:40pm Mar 10, 2003 EST (# 9773 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
11, 03 (#9789 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11331
lchic - 11:05pm Mar 10, 2003 EST (# 9785 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
11, 03 (#9790 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11332
lchic - 11:11pm Mar 10, 2003 EST (# 9786 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
11, 03 (#9791 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11333
lchic - 04:36am Mar 11, 2003 EST (# 9792 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
11, 03 (#9840 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11382
mazza9 - 04:25pm Mar 11, 2003 EST (# 9823 of...) ... by gisterme - Mar
12, 03 (#9844 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11386
"Robert, Negotiating WHAT?" Good point,... by gisterme - Mar 12, 03
(#9845 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11387
"LONDON (AP) -- Tony Blair is taking the biggest... by gisterme - Mar
12, 03 (#9846 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11388
rshow55 - 08:25am Mar 12, 2003 EST (# 9857 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
13, 03 (#9889 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11431
lchic - 01:19pm Mar 12, 2003 EST (# 9864 of ...) ... by gisterme - Mar
13, 03 (#9890 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11432
Directory 9901-10200 - March 13-19, 2003 http://www.mrshowalter.net/9901_10200.htm
rshow55 - 10:45am Mar 14, 2003 EST (# 9933 of... by gisterme - Mar 14,
03 (#9935 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11480
Robert - I doubt that Saddam is dead...but even... by gisterme - Mar
14, 03 (#9937 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11482
bbbuck - You mean Rob's real name might be... by gisterme - Mar 14, 03
(#9938 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11483
If there is a war in Iraq, here's how it might go:... by gisterme - Mar
14, 03 (#9944 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11489
rshow55 - 06:51pm Mar 14, 2003 EST (# 9945 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
14, 03 (#9948 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11493
rshow55 - 07:08pm Mar 14, 2003 EST (# 9947 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
14, 03 (#9949 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11494
rshow55 - 07:45pm Mar 14, 2003 EST (# 9950 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
14, 03 (#9955 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11500
lchic -- Th rshowalter - 09:17pm Aug 27, 2003 BST (#454 of 470) lchic -- The notion that
Showalter is under some... by gisterme - Mar 14, 03 (#9957 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11502
rshow55 - 09:10pm Mar 14, 2003 EST (# 9965 of... by gisterme - Mar 15,
03 (#10007 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11552
rshow55 - 10:12am Mar 17, 2003 EST (# 10120 of... by gisterme - Mar 17,
03 (#10121 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11567
mazza9 - 10:34pm Mar 17, 2003 EST (# 10138 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
18, 03 (#10140 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11685
lchic - 12:53am Mar 18, 2003 EST (# 10141 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
18, 03 (#10146 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11691
lchic - 12:54am Mar 18, 2003 EST (# 10142 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
18, 03 (#10152 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11697
mazza9 - 12:55pm Mar 18, 2003 EST (# 10163 of ...)... by gisterme - Mar
18, 03 (#10178 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11723
Directory 10201-10500 -March 19-25, 2003 http://www.mrshowalter.net/10201_10500.htm
jorian319 - 04:11pm Mar 20, 2003 EST (# 10270 of... by gisterme - Mar
21, 03 (#10285 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11831
rshow55 - 04:29pm Mar 20, 2003 EST (# 10271 of... by gisterme - Mar 21,
03 (#10286 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11832
almarst2003 - 07:59pm Mar 20, 2003 EST (# 10279 of... by gisterme - Mar
21, 03 (#10289 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11835
fredmoore - 01:31pm Mar 23, 2003 EST (# 10372 of... by gisterme - Mar
24, 03 (#10397 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11946
almarst2003 - 10:33pm Mar 23, 2003 EST (# 10382 of... by gisterme - Mar
24, 03 (#10398 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11947
almarst2003 - 02:00am Mar 24, 2003 EST (# 10402 of... by gisterme - Mar
24, 03 (#10401 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11950
fredmoore - 02:18am Mar 24, 2003 EST (# 10403 of... by gisterme - Mar
24, 03 (#10402 of http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11951
almarst2003 - 09:31am Mar 24, 2003 EST (# 10416 of... by gisterme - Mar
25, 03 (#10451 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12000
almarst2003 - 09:44pm Mar 24, 2003 EST (# 10444 of... by gisterme - Mar
25, 03 (#10454 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12003
rshow55 - 10:26pm Mar 24, 2003 EST (# 10449 of... by gisterme - Mar 25,
03 (#10455 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12004
almarst2003 - 02:50am Mar 25, 2003 EST (# 10456 of... by gisterme - Mar
25, 03 (#10457 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12006
almarst2003 - 02:50am Mar 25, 2003 EST (# 10456 of... by gisterme - Mar
25, 03 (#10458 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12007
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_Apr_8_03___11201.htm
How interesting to watch the jubilation in the... by gisterme - Apr 9,
03 (#11220 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12781
fredmoore - 05:17pm Apr 9, 2003 EST (# 11221 of... by gisterme - Apr
10, 03 (#11227 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12789
"...Be positive... by gisterme - Apr 10, 03 (#11228 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12790
almarst2003 - 09:57pm Apr 9, 2003 EST (# 11227 of... by gisterme - Apr
10, 03 (#11229 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12791
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_Ap_12_03___11251.htm
jorian319 - 01:28pm Apr 12, 2003 EST (# 11261 of ... by gisterme - Apr
13, 03 (#11271 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12833
fredmoore - 06:20pm Apr 12, 2003 EST (# 11264 of... by gisterme - Apr
13, 03 (#11275 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12837
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_May_14_03___11651.htm
rshow55 - 05:28pm Apr 28, 2003 EST (# 11414 of... by gisterme - May 15,
03 (#11682 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/13292
fredmoore - 11:02pm Apr 27, 2003 EST (# 11409 of... by gisterme - May
15, 03 (#11683 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/13293
rshow55 - 12:40pm May 15, 2003 EST (# 11682 of... by gisterme - May 15,
03 (#11684 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/13294
lchic - 03:44am Apr 30, 2003 EST (# 11431 of ...) ... by gisterme - May
15, 03 (#11685 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/13295
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_May_15_03___11701.htm
manjumicha2 - 12:35pm May 10, 2003 EST (# 11561 of... by gisterme - May
15, 03 (#11701 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/13311
lchic - 04:37am May 16, 2003 EST (# 11703 of ...) ... by gisterme - May
16, 03 (#11723 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/13333
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_Jun_24_03___12651.htm
rshow55 - 09:57am May 18, 2003 EST (# 11754 of... by gisterme - Jun 25,
03 (#12659 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14327
rshow55 - 10:03am May 18, 2003 EST (# 11755 of... by gisterme - Jun 25,
03 (#12662 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14330
lchic's devistating question (according to... by gisterme - Jun 25, 03
(#12663 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14331
lchic - 02:33am Jun 25, 2003 EST (# 12661 of ...) ... by gisterme - Jun
25, 03 (#12665 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14333
fredmoore - 05:02am Jun 25, 2003 EST (# 12665 of... by gisterme - Jun
25, 03 (#12667 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14335
fredmoore - 05:02am Jun 25, 2003 EST (# 12665 of... by gisterme - Jun
25, 03 (#12668 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14336
continued... by gisterme - Jun 25, 03 (#12669 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14337
continued... by gisterme - Jun 25, 03 (#12670 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14338
Sorry for the double post of the first part of... by gisterme - Jun 25,
03 (#12671 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14339
fredmoore - 05:20am Jun 25, 2003 EST (# 12667 of... by gisterme - Jun
25, 03 (#12672 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14340
lchic - 09:10am Jun 25, 2003 EST (# 12675 of ...) ... by gisterme - Jun
25, 03 (#12677 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14345
continued... by gisterme - Jun 25, 03 (#12678 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14346
fredmoore - 09:48am Jun 25, 2003 EST (# 12675 of... by gisterme - Jun
25, 03 (#12680 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14348
Fred... by gisterme - Jun 25, 03 (#12681 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14349
Thanks Fred... by gisterme - Jun 25, 03 (#12683 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14351
Fred... by gisterme - Jun 26, 03 (#12685 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14353
lchic - 03:34am Jun 26, 2003 EST (# 12689 of ...) ... by gisterme - Jun
26, 03 (#12690 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14358
fredmoore - 02:41am Jun 26, 2003 EST (# 12687 of... by gisterme - Jun
26, 03 (#12695 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14363
Robert... by gisterme - Jun 26, 03 (#12696 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14364
Fred... by gisterme - Jun 26, 03 (#12698 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14366
mazza9 - 08:52pm Jun 26, 2003 EST (# 12697 of ...)... by gisterme - Jun
26, 03 (#12699 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14367
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_Jun_26_03___12701.htm
Robert, Glad you had a fun trip... by gisterme - Jun 26, 03 (#12704 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14372
fredmoore - 10:59pm Jun 26, 2003 EST (# 12702 of... by gisterme - Jun
27, 03 (#12705 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14373
"...You have to think like a CEO..." How's... by gisterme - Jun 27, 03
(#12707 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14375
rshow55 - 08:49am Jun 26, 2003 EST (# 12691 of... by gisterme - Jun 27,
03 (#12708 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14376
Oops... by gisterme - Jun 27, 03 (#12714 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14382
I wish robkettenburg03 would get a life. by gisterme - Jun 28, 03
(#12719 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14389
"...Growing better futures : So many idle hands :... by gisterme - Jun
28, 03 (#12728 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14398
"...Retail makes the world go around ... by gisterme - Jun 29, 03
(#12730 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14400
lchic - 05:03am Jun 29, 2003 EST (# 12731 of ...) ... by gisterme - Jun
30, 03 (#12745 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14416
lchic - 05:28am Jun 29, 2003 EST (# 12732 of ...) ... by gisterme - Jun
30, 03 (#12746 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14417
"...If the staffed organizations of nation states... by gisterme - Jun
30, 03 (#12747 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14418
rshow55 - 01:10pm Jun 29, 2003 EST (# 12743 of... by gisterme - Jun 30,
03 (#12748 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14419
rshow55 - 11:00am Jun 29, 2003 EST (# 12735 of... by gisterme - Jun 30,
03 (#12749 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14420
fredmoore - 11:17am Jun 29, 2003 EST (# 12737 of... by gisterme - Jun
30, 03 (#12750 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14421
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_Jun_30_03___12751.htm
I'm saddened to hear of Katharine Hepburn's... by gisterme - Jun 30, 03
(#12751 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14422
Fred, "...I'll put up some cash for rights in... by gisterme - Jun 30,
03 (#12773 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14444
"..."When political leaders approach problems that... by gisterme
rshowalter - 09:18pm Aug 27, 2003 BST (#455 of 470) "..."When political leaders
approach problems that... by gisterme - Jul 1, 03 (#12776 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14447
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_Jul_2_03___12801.htm
rshow55 - 05:05pm Jul 2, 2003 EST (# 12813 of ...)... by gisterme - Jul
3, 03 (#12818 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14489
rshow55 - 08:12am Jul 3, 2003 EST (# 12819 of ...)... by gisterme - Jul
3, 03 (#12834 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14505
...Hopelessness may start small - it too can... by gisterme - Jul 4, 03
(#12837 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14508
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_Jul_19_03___13051.htm
lchic - 09:15pm Jul 6, 2003 EST (# 12866 of ...) ... by gisterme - Jul
22, 03 (#13073 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14752
rshow55 - 03:27pm Jul 6, 2003 EST (# 12865 of ...)... by gisterme - Jul
22, 03 (#13074 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14753
lchic - 11:06pm Jul 7, 2003 EST (# 12887 of ...) ... by gisterme - Jul
22, 03 (#13075 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14754
lchic - 10:24am Jul 8, 2003 EST (# 12890 of ...) ... by gisterme - Jul
22, 03 (#13076 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14755
lchic - 03:37pm Jul 8, 2003 EST (# 12895 of ...) ... by gisterme - Jul
22, 03 (#13077 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14756
lchic - 10:28pm Jul 8, 2003 EST (# 12902 of ...) ... by gisterme - Jul
22, 03 (#13078 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14757
fredmoore - 08:30am Jul 10, 2003 EST (# 12924 of... by gisterme - Jul
22, 03 (#13079 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14758
lchic - 04:55pm Jul 11, 2003 EST (# 12959 of ...) ... by gisterme - Jul
22, 03 (#13080 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14759
rshow55 - 07:30am Jul 12, 2003 EST (# 12968 of... by gisterme - Jul 22,
03 (#13081 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14760
rshow55 - 03:12pm Jul 19, 2003 EST (# 13050 of... by gisterme - Jul 22,
03 (#13082 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14761
jorian319 - 01:28pm Jul 21, 2003 EST (# 13068 of... by gisterme - Jul
22, 03 (#13083 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14762
"...But perhaps I'm delusional myself -... by gisterme - Jul 22, 03
(#13084 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14763
"...Could I be wrong... by gisterme - Jul 22, 03 (#13086 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14765
rshow55 - 05:33pm Jul 21, 2003 EST (# 13072 of... by gisterme - Jul 22,
03 (#13087 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14766
"...for Lincoln's wanted back in the office... by gisterme - Jul 22, 03
(#13088 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14767
There... by gisterme - Jul 22, 03 (#13089 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14768
jorian319 - 10:22am Jul 22, 2003 EST (# 13091 of... by gisterme - Jul
22, 03 (#13096 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14775
"...Bravo Hercule!..." Thanks Fred and jorian. by gisterme - Jul 22, 03
(#13097 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14776
"...The questions: What did gisterme think and... by gisterme - Jul 22,
03 (#13098 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14777
"...I don't find the idea that "spinoffs" from the... by gisterme - Jul
22, 03 (#13100 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14779
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_Jul_22_03___13101.htm
Mazza9: "Gisterme is Not GWB!.. by gisterme - Jul 22, 03 (#13101 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14780
"...The plane (Osprey) has had big... by gisterme - Jul 22, 03 (#13104
"...Gisterme , I didn't come to the conclusion... by gisterme - Jul 22,
03 (#13107 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14786
Looks like the "rooting out" in Iraq has been... by gisterme - Jul 23,
03 (#13108 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14787
rshow55 - 10:32am Jul 23, 2003 EST (# 13110 of... by gisterme - Jul 23,
03 (#13113 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14792
"Whoever Gisterme is - he sure pushes hard to... by gisterme - Jul 23,
03 (#13116 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14795
Hi wrcooper!.. by gisterme - Jul 23, 03 (#13117 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14796
Fred, "...Why do NYT keep this forum... by gisterme - Jul 23, 03
(#13118 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14797
Oops!.. by gisterme - Jul 23, 03 (#13119 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14798
I have to wonder how Saddam Hussein feels today... by gisterme - Jul
23, 03 (#13120 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14799
Fred... by gisterme - Jul 24, 03 (#13122 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14801
bbbuck - 01:37am Jul 24, 2003 EST (# 13123 of ...)... by gisterme - Jul
24, 03 (#13127 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14806
wrcooper.... by gisterme - Jul 24, 03 (#13129 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14808
By the way, WR, Thanks for correcting my typo on... by gisterme - Jul
24, 03 (#13130 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14809
jorian... by gisterme - Jul 24, 03 (#13131
"...INCOMING" Okay, Fred... by gisterme - Jul 25, 03 (#13133 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14812
"...KAEP puts the ball past the post." Wheter... by gisterme - Jul 25,
03 (#13134 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14813
"...Why wouldn't the mysterious people you wrote... by gisterme - Jul
25, 03 (#13145 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14824
rshow55 - 03:49pm Jul 25, 2003 EST (# 13139 of... by gisterme - Jul 25,
03 (#13146 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14825
Fred... by gisterme - Jul 25, 03 (#13147 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14826
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_Jul_26_03___13151.htm
Fred... by gisterme - Jul 26, 03 (#13152 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14831
Robert... by gisterme - Jul 26, 03 (#13153 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14832
Fred... by gisterme - Jul 27, 03 (#13166 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14847
Woof! by gisterme - Jul 27, 03 (#13168 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14851
fredmoore - 02:22am Jul 27, 2003 EST (# 13154 of... by gisterme - Jul
29, 03 (#13173 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14856
Will... by gisterme - Jul 29, 03 (#13174 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14857
Robert... by gisterme - Jul 29, 03 (#13175 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14858
Robert... by gisterme - Jul 29, 03 (#13178 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14861
Fred... by gisterme - Jul 30, 03 (#13179 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14862
"...Since WMDs were not the real reason for... by gisterme - Jul 31, 03
(#13198 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14881
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_Aug_1_03___13201.htm
I heard former CIA director James Woolsey... by gisterme - Aug 1, 03
(#13207 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14890
Robert - "...On this thread, I've said... by gisterme - Aug 1, 03
(#13208 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14891
wrcooper - 06:31pm Aug 2, 2003 EST (# 13216 of... by gisterme - Aug 2,
03 (#13218 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14901
Haven't heard from lchic for several days now,... by gisterme - Aug 2,
03 (#13219 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14902
Will... by gisterme - Aug 3, 03 (#13221 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14904
Will... by gisterme - Aug 3, 03 (#13222 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14905
Thanks for the promotion, Rob... by gisterme - Aug 3, 03 (#13227 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14912
"...Saddam was not just a potential problem, but... by gisterme - Aug
3, 03 (#13228 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14913
"...And gisterme thinks doubting his infallibility... by gisterme - Aug
3, 03 (#13230 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14915
"...Gisterme , I think what I said about your... by gisterme - Aug 3,
03 (#13232 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14917
"...Who Who ... by gisterme - Aug 3, 03 (#13237 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14922
I won't tell bb that, Fred... by gisterme - Aug 5, 03 (#13243 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14928
Fred - "...Besides, Robert has just made some... by gisterme - Aug 5,
03 (#13249 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14934
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_Aug_6_03___13251.htm
"...That's an abnormal circumstance for a person... by gisterme - Aug
6, 03 (#13256 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14941
"...You can't do a workable job "building a... by gisterme - Aug 6, 03
(#13259 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14944
Almarst:'Still waiting for your first-hand... by gisterme - Aug 8, 03
(#13268 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14953
"...Gisterme, I can't speak for almarst , but he... by gisterme - Aug
9, 03 (#13271 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14956
rshow55 - 06:43am Aug 13, 2003 EST (# 13288 of... by gisterme - Aug 14,
03 (#13296 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14982
rshow55 - 04:58pm Aug 13, 2003 EST (# 13292 of... by gisterme - Aug 14,
03 (#13297 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14983
Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_Aug_14_03___13301.htm
"...someone stole our tent." Have mercy... by gisterme - Aug 14,
rshowalter - 09:19pm Aug 27, 2003 BST (#456 of 470) Directory: http://www.mrshowalter.net/_Aug_14_03___13301.htm
"...someone stole our tent." Have mercy... by gisterme - Aug 14, 03
(#13305 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14992
"I believe leaders do have to have the power to... by gisterme - Aug
20, 03 (#13336 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/15027
The Hutton inquiry has shown that Tony Blair is sensitive to press
reports - and I think there is reason to think that GWB is similarly
My own guess, based on what Gisterme cares about, posts about,
and effort level - is that gisterme is either George W. Bush, or
very close to him. For a lot of reasons, including some expressed in 10063
missey - 06:47am Aug 29, 2003 BST (#457 of 470) We are now going to fractal
the war experience into the never ending, ad infinitum, global experience.
All over some short, public relations, phrases: "World's getting
smaller"--bomb somebody; "Terrorism"--react in such a way as to cause more
terrorism; "Our super-power responsibility"--go broke policing the
WORLD-UNDERSTAND-THE WORLD; "Homeland Security" -- tear up the
constitution=Patriot Act.
What stupid people go along with such silly phrases &
thought-less-ly destroy democracy??????? Is this just men??? OR DO WOMEN
GO ALONG TOO--WE COULD HAVE HAD A NICE WORLD, INSTEAD. rshowalter - 12:34am Sep 11, 2003 BST (#458 of 470) The means of escalating
inhumanity beyond previous imagining happened in his era - with the help
from many "well intentioned people.
Edward Teller Is Dead at 95; Fierce Architect of H-Bomb http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/10/obituaries/10TELL.html
Who Built the H-Bomb? Debate Revives By WILLIAM J. BROAD http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/24/science/24TELL.html
We're still
Armed to Excess By BOB KERREY http://www.nytimes.com/2001/03/02/opinion/02KERR.html
Rehearsing doomsday Even with the end of the Cold War, U.S.
missile silos are poised to launch . . . text adaptation of CNN's Special
Report, . . . which aired Sunday, October 15, 2000 at 10 p.m. EDT. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2000/democracy/nuclear/stories/nukes/index.html
rshowalter - 12:43am Sep 11, 2003 BST (#459 of 470) We have a lot to hope
and to fear - because progress is possible - with big payoffs - and big
losses are possible, too. http://www.mrshowalter.net/Kline_ExtFactors.htm
TWO YEARS LATER A Rare View of 9/11, Overlooked By JAMES GLANZ
I feel like posting great pieces on altruism
and especially
Also a wonderful piece, In the Crowd's Frenzy - by Natalie
Angier - with a beautiful image. http://www.mrshowalter.net/IntheCrowd'sFrenzy.htm
People go "round and round" - but sometimes - though not so often -
sensible things converge. rshowalter - 03:05am Sep 13, 2003 BST (#460 of 470) 13624 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/15317
The New York Times - Science - Missile Defense thread has been a
big effort - and not only for me. http://www.mrshowalter.net/Sequential.htm
These links, among others, have led me to think that The New York Times
organization, at least, cares some about this board, and gives the effort
it represents some limited but significant support
224 - 225 - 226 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/260
manjumicha2001 - 12:02am Mar 6, 2002 EST (#226
"Please leave rshow alone. Notwithstanding our lack of responses, we do
read his postins with interest from time to time. They are in most cases
pretty important contributions to your forum, i think.
I took this sequence, leading up to Almarst's first post, as an
indication that the NYT had some regard for Almarst:
Our nuclear weapons controls aren't "just a little bit vulnerable."
They are vulnerable, and obsolete beyond redemption, and they should be
retired. They aren't protecting us. They are, in Bob Kerrey's
words, "the single greatest threat to our survival." Armed to
Excess .. by Bob Kerrey .. Op. Ed. March 2, 2001 . http://www.nytimes.com/2001/03/02/opinion/02KERR.html
armel7 - 03:04pm Mar 4, 2001 EST (#827 ) Science/Health Forums
rshowalter, I admire your prolific posts, but you might want to take a
breather until we get some fresh blood in here... You rhost, Michael Scott
rshowalter - 03:22pm Mar 4, 2001 EST (#828 )
Yes sir !
almarstel2001 - 12:17am Mar 5, 2001 EST (#829
But I'm doing things I think are right - for the country, and,
of course, for me as well. http://www.mrshowalter.net/SP_51_n_Swim.htm
- - 388 - "Suppose you can swim well and folks know it . . . " rshowalter - 11:38am Sep 17, 2003 BST (#461 of 470) Medical History's Oddballs
Go Prime Time By RANDI HUTTER EPSTEIN http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/16/health/16HIST.html
If you look at the full history of the Semmelweis story - one has to
ask - considering that he was a human being, dealing with other human
beings in a social system, with the cognitive limits he had and others had
- with aversion to change and challenges as it was, and always is - and
with his limitations of time and power - what else was there to do but
get into a fight?
How, exactly, might a "tactful" apporach have worked.
Semmelweis did the best he could - and millions of innocent people died
in wrenching circumstances because he was not listened to.
People didn't understand their logical limitations - didn't have
patterns of exception handling that were workable - and results were far,
far uglier than they had to be.
Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there? deals with the
Semmelweis story, and related stories - here and elsewhere.
3: rshowalter "Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there?" Sat 29/07/2000
5: rshowalter "Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there?" Sat 29/07/2000
29: rshowalter "Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there?" Wed
09/08/2000 21:36
46: rshowalter "Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there?" Sat
12/08/2000 16:44
( Almost the whole Paradigm thread is here - and more than a meg - http://www.mrshowalter.net/Paradigm1_Recent.htm
In paradigm conflict, the urge to punish cheats misfires http://www.mrshowalter.net/UrgeToPunishCheatsNotJustHumanButSelfless.htm
People involved have big difficulties with cognitive limits - and
emotions run high http://www.mrshowalter.net/PiagetCognitiveLimits.htm
And the stakes are high. An institutional solution to the
problem - that would work well enough to reduce losses from paradigm
conflict down significantly - was suggested here:
If the rule " never fight" is strong enough - it is easy
to make someone who asks for big changes the bad guy - for instance
- Galelio can be described as "the bad guy" - http://www.mrshowalter.net/Contrarian'sContrarian.htm
But if good decisions are to be made by society - sometimes (relatively
seldom, but sometimes) there do have to be fights.
suggests a mechanism, involving existiing institutions and procedures -
that would handle such fights at the level of ideas - could do it with
much greater fairness than today - and could do it at low cost.
starts with this:
and ends with this:
rshowalter - 12:37pm Sep 20, 2003 BST (#462 of 470) The Terrorism Link That
Wasn't http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/19/opinion/19FRI1.html
Predictable bad consequences come from this - again and again - at many
different scales - in a sequence that goes on without end.
Unless we recognize the sequence - when it happens and is at a point
where convergence can occur - and act. rshowalter - 10:12pm Sep 28, 2003 BST (#463 of 470) There have been about 290
postings on the NYT Missile Defense forum since I last posted here - and
I've felt under pressure there.
13900 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/15603
cites a passage is from Fundamental Neuroanatomy by Walle J. H.
Nauta and Michael Feirtag . . . W.H. Freeman, 1986 ( Nauta
wrote as a MIT professor - Feirtag from the Board of Editors of
Scientific American ).
The passage is the last paragraph of Nauta and Feirtag's Chapter 2 -
The Neuron; Some Numbers
Social groups, and sociotechnical systems - are more complicated than
single people in significant ways.
How is order possible? It surely isn't a matter of strict
genetic determiniation - the neural organization is far too complex to
specify with the amount of genetic code that people carry.
Some very powerful self-organization is going on here. And it is a lot
better than the results of "monkeys with typewriters."
- - - -
13959 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/15665
to 13963 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/15669
deals with the work of P.W. Bridgman , Nobel prize winner - and his
emphasis on loop tests
Here was the CENTRAL thing Bridgman knew about calibrating and
perfecting a measurement instrument.
Here are two questions:
There are good reasons to do that - and good reasons to do that here.
Reasons that involve with science - and all other issues where complex
understanding is necessary.
Peace making is an example where these questions are important.
A major reason for the crossreferencing I've been doing - has been to
show and focus internal consistency - and relate it to links to
external references.
The idea that discourse is self similar - in a sense
fractal is not new. But it has seemed to me that if one wants to
get closure it makes sense to do as Bridgman insists - and go
around loops. Fractals never close.
Fractal Images http://www.softsource.com/softsource/fractal.html
Control systems out of adjustment oscillate uncontrollably or diverge -
like fractals - they do not close. But things can be adjusted so that
order, symettry, and harmony for a purpose are attainable. People, of
course, do this often - when they take care, and know enough to do so.
Sometimes a lot of complexity organizes itself - when careful people
insist on internal and external consistency, and keep at it - and it seems
to me that that is happening now. http://www.mrshowalter.net/Similitude_ForceRatios_sjk.htm
discusses a kind of organization that may be "unoriginal" - but is very
useful - as it happened in fluid mechanics - through the work of Steve
Kline - as an example of some organization that could and should happen
elsewhere, I believe.
14000 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/15706
How many people actually know
When fights happen - I'm not a bit sure that people are all that clear,
specifically, about why they are fighting.
Here's a fact - and I don't think it is yet a familiar fact.
For human relations to be stable - people and groups have to be
workably clear on these key questions.
But if these patterns of agreement or disagreement are NOT known -
then situations that involve disagreements are inherently
A great many discourse practices now are set up so that they
prevent enough discussion so that it is possible to become clear
about agreements and disagreements on the key subjects of logical
structure, facts, weights, and team identifications. Stable loops are made
impossible - focusing is intentionally made impossible. Some of the
fractal circumstances then are wasteful, and some are lethal.
I think this is an area where people can improve, and need to.
I've posted A.S.J. Tessimond's Attack On the Ad-Man , taken from
many times on the NYt thread - and it bears reading.
The poem's cited on the NYT thread in these places - each time with
interesting cites thereafter.
3688 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/4646
4135 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/5217
5068 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/6380
5657 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/7061
7259 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8784
Attack On The Ad-Man starts
The essence of the ad-man's attack is persuasive manipulation of
logical structure and facts and weights - in ways
where closure - and perspective are not possible - almost always making a
status ( team identifications ) argument. When it matters enough, it is
good to do better.
I deeply appreciate the Guardian Talk boards, and the chance to post
here. lchic - 03:50am Oct 9, 2003 BST (#464 of 470) When it matters enough, it is
good to do better. rshowalter - 10:16am Oct 9, 2003 BST (#465 of 470) Attack On The Ad-Man starts
Ad men are professionals - and so are journalists.
There have been about 600 postings on the NYT Missile Defense thread -
and there have been disagreements - perhaps including disagreements that
have involved significant efforts from NYT staff. I haven't controlled the
A poster named cantabb has posted on the thread often - and his
first 82 postings - starting Sept 17 and continuing up to Oct 4 - are
collected at http://www.mrshowalter.net/Cantabb_Srch_to10_4.htm
. I've found his efforts, and some coordinated efforts, bracing. There are
a number of objections raised - but I believe one of the most important
motivations for cantabb and perhaps for employers cantabb
may have - is a suggestion I've made that it would be a useful thing, in
the public interest - to find out who gisterme is . http://www.mrshowalter.net/Sequential.htm
( I realize that poster anonymity is the norm, but happen to think that an
exception might be justified in gisterme's case . )
Cantabb - occasionally writes something to the point - and he
did so in 14370 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16080
which I'm excerpting . Cantabb quotes bluestar23 - 08:39pm Oct 5,
2003 EST (# 14366 )
"The guy had made "promises" to these people and we don't him to do
anything to see him go back/break his "promises," do we ? Even though, he
now admits he has already broken one of his "promises" by divulging his
connection to them. He's waiting for CIA and NSC to release him from his
"house arrest." Or, discuss this openly in public [with a reliable third
party present].
- - -
The excerpted points above, as excerpted, are fair summaries. Fair to
both me and the NYT.
There are promises one makes that one doesn't have to keep.
Everybody knows it - and the culture tries to teach that - from an early
age. A classic of that teaching - with limitations that have concerned me
and lchic - is
Kids and their parents might be better if they learned one of lchic's
poems http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/3745
. And in a little while, that poem might be learned with a small addition
- - at about the same time - or exactly the same time - that they read
the Horton story.
I'm on the NYT MD board because I choose to be there - and
because, considering everything - I think it is my duty to be here.
On the last day of last year, I posted 7145-6 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/8668
Lunarchick and I have been worrying some about control theory - and
related matters with close connections to life and death, peace and war,
prosperity and muddle.
If you're trying to build something that works (or if evolution is to
produce a successful result) - these very basic principles, or dimensions,
are vitally important - at every level, and in detail.
Sometimes there are assemblies that are designed (or evolved, or some
of both) - and if they are subject to a lot of work - over a lot of time
(or a lot of evolution) patterns happen - with very good order, very good
symmetry, and complete harmony witin the system itself, and in the system
as it is placed in the system (environment) that it is a part of.
But things that are perfect for one purpose can be perfectly awful for
some other purpose - and so sometimes there have to be exceptions. After
all, sometimes a system has to do different things at different times, or
has to fit into different contexts. The more specialized and perfect that
system is for one job - the more ill fit it can be for another. If both
jobs need to be served - there is a "contradiction" - a need for exception
handling according to a pattern that may be more or less mechanical.
And the exception handling, after a while, if things are complicated
and there are a lot of things going on, has to be organized itself, and
becomes another system - connected to the first, lower system - with ways
of changing or switching that lower system in detailed ways, through
interfaces with the components.
. . .
And a system of exception handling - or exception handling system
trimming - if it is complex enough, or exists in a complicated enough
context, will itself involve conflicts, or problems, or situationally
inappropriate responses that require a higher level of control.
And so on.
Things sort themselves out into levels - the image in Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs by William G. Huitt Essay and Image : http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/regsys/maslow.html
is a clear, important, and general example of a heirarchical system
with controls and interfaces of mutual constraint.
Look at the picture.
Look at the picture. http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/regsys/maslow.html
Look at the picture. http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/regsys/maslow.html
Look at the picture. http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/regsys/maslow.html
Look at the picture. http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/regsys/maslow.html
- -
I'm working for what seem to me to be good reasons - and because I
choose to be. I have what seem to me to be good reasons to believe
that unless some key things - as hard as shoe-tying - are learned - the
world is likely to end - and is certain to be much poorer, more dangerous
- and uglier than it has to be.
I'm here for a number of other reasons. One is that I think there are
times when even The New York Times has compelling duties. Another
is that at least some people at The New York Times seem to agree -
at least some of the time. This thread hasn't happened by accident. It is
a big effort - and not only mine and lchic's.
13301 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14987
On the MD thread, "Thin Man" is a good search topic.
9955 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11501
a nice quote from The Thin Man - a tale that hinges on a
"character" who acted villianously, but was really dead - and another good
quote from Turfte's Envisioning Information.
Here's Dashiell Hammet in The Thin Man , 1933. Hammet's speaking
of a sexy, interesting, treacherous character named "Mimi". He's asked by
a police detective what to make of what she says:
Peace might break out, too. rshowalter - 10:17am Oct 9, 2003 BST (#466 of 470) I deeply appreciate the
chance to post on this thread. I can report that the Guardian angers some
people who maybe need to be under some logical and moral pressure.
If I'm right that the work I'm doing with lchic is making NYT
staff, and some politicians think - it may be worthwhile.
A poster named cantabb has posted on the NYT MD tread very often
since Sept 17 - not before - and issues of his tactics link, I believe, to
some very genreal issues of discourse. His first 82 postings - starting
Sept 17 and continuing up to Oct 4 - are collected at http://www.mrshowalter.net/Cantabb_Srch_to10_4.htm
. I've recently reposted some points - that seem very basic indeed - about
discourse - that bear on the tactics ( and public role ) of the kind of
discourse shown in http://www.mrshowalter.net/Cantabb_Srch_to10_4.htm
14622 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16333
Some key code insights - journalistic insights - human insights - are
being condensed - throughout society and on the NYT MD thread.
They connect to missile defense - the military-industrial complex
generally - and to any humanly significant sociotechnical subject
matter. Because of the way human logic works - because of the logic of the
physical world - and because we are all human beings - and animals
-fundamentally so similar to each other that groups of us actually laugh
at the same jokes.
Human beings "connect the dots" in these ways:
Now, biologically in an instant - we have machine-mediated means to
do all these things more powerfully - and to remember and organize and
score how we do these things. The thread, and some others - are
illustrating uses of these tools.
It seems to me that the highly professional efforts shown in http://www.mrshowalter.net/Cantabb_Srch_to10_4.htm
and later postings by cantabb and co-workers - taken as an assembly
effort - destroy all hope of a reliable and coherent "connecting of the
dots" in a number of the senses set out above by fragmenting and
frustrating any orderly "collection of the dots" and ordering of them.
Although many of cantabb's questions are good ones, in isolation -
I can't escape the feeling that this fragmentation is his intention - and
the intention of his employer. At a time when issues of what cheating
is are under discussion - it seem to me that the fairness and fit to
purpose of professional efforts such as that shown in http://www.mrshowalter.net/Cantabb_Srch_to10_4.htm
bear a look - for what they say about how the news business - and politics
- often function - even at elite institutions, among people convinced of
their own elite professional standing.
has asked some very good questions - and I recollected and reposted this
in a partial response that I feel is general interest.
Cantabb's asking key questions - questions like "what's
data?" - and I've spent some time searching things - in an effort to
respond - on the assumption that he's interested in closure - and not just
conflict without end.
The points below may be "obvious" but they should not be
controversial - and they need to be solidly understood if focusing is to
be really possible.
11183-4 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12734
One key thing is that we learn, and focus, and reason, by dealing with
similarities AND differences - together - for collections of cases.
Everybody knows that, right?
They'd know it better if they looked at more examples - and did some
counting. And comparing of numbers or interrealted cases - often
involveing big numbers.
11185 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12736
People "connect the dots" - find patterns - in a large number (or large
enough) number of instances similar enough to notice together. They keep
trying to find patterns - and as the process goes on they very very very
very very very often guess and often notice that their guesses are wrong
and reject those guesses.
11186-7 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12737
We connect a lot of dots. Make a lot of guesses. Reject a lot of
muddles. Come to clarity about a lot of things. For such reasons - the
native Engish speakers reading this thread will agree - usually to great
precision - about the meanings and associations involved with more than
50,000 words and more than 100,000 definitions of these words.
To appreciate the numbers just above - try to count to 10,000 - as a
physical animal - yourself.
The idea that "things can be similar in some ways, but different in
others" ought to be common ground. To an astonishing degree - it isn't.
Almarst often makes some analogies between Bush and Hitler. There
are some similarities. There are also similarities between Hitler
and every person on the NYT masthead - and similarities between Hitler and
every person who has ever exercised power at any level, about anything.
There are also differences. Both the similarities and the differences
matter in the specific ways they matter - not others.
The blank in the pattern above could be filled by the words
For example, as Bronner points out, people are the same, yet different.
There's no contradiction involved with that - and there would be less
tension about the point if people were more clear about the fact that life
is as complex and interconnected as it is.
One can talk about the criteria of order, symmettry, and fit to purpose
that apply to a set of circumstances as "dimensions." A lot of people have
done so over the years. In some ways the analogy to physical dimensions
(x, y, z, t) is useful and clarifying. In some other ways these
"classificatory dimensions" are very different from physical dimensions.
I've been hoping to make both the analogies and the differences clear -
and this thread has been largely motivated and structured by my efforts to
clarify these analogies and differences between classificatory and spatial
"Things are the same in some ways - different in others."
Everybody knows that - in ways that matter - of they couldn't live.
Some people (librarians, for instance) are clearer than some other
people. On occasion, we'd be able to solve more problems if we were a
little clearer about these things. Especially when stakes are high and our
emotions are very much involved.
We should all be clearer than we are. There are some basics that a four
year old should be able to hear - and a six year old should be able to
fully understand - that people don't clearly know now. Lchic and I
have been trying to get these ideas more condensed and more clear.
rshowalter - 10:19am Oct 9, 2003 BST (#467 of 470) Some ideas, after a while,
become perfectly clear. And are exactly true in a clear context.
I think it should be possible to perfect some basic ideas about
human reasoning to that extent - and think it is worth the effort to do
Sometimes - counting cases - or getting a sense of numbers of cases -
is useful in such a process of focusing.
11188-91 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/12739
Are these points platitudinous ? I'm not disputing that. But they are
important - and very often handled very badly - in ways that cause
unnecessary muddle.
Of course we can find areas not covered - and areas of
disagreement. That can be done systematically - reflexively - again and
again http://www.mrshowalter.net/Cantabb_Srch_to10_4.htm
Of course we can find differences between people and groups -
and emphasize them. That can be done systematically - reflexively - again
and again http://www.mrshowalter.net/Cantabb_Srch_to10_4.htm
Of course we can set up patterns that "go around in circles" or
diverge explosively. That can be done systematically - reflexively - again
and again http://www.mrshowalter.net/Cantabb_Srch_to10_4.htm
It would be easier to avoid doing these things by accident if the
basic "platitudes about grammar and classification" were better
understood. And easier to avoid willful evasion and misinformation.
At this simple level of generality - people ought to be logically
Today, most people are not.
That makes for muddles and fights that ought to be avoidable.
If I'm emphasizing the point to a degree some find unpleasant - I'm
doing it because I think it is important - and may even be useful for
people professionally associated with The New York Times Co. http://www.mrshowalter.net/Cantabb_Srch_to10_4.htm
There have been about 600 postings on the NYT Missile Defense thread -
and there have been disagreements - perhaps including disagreements that
have involved significant efforts from NYT staff. I haven't controlled the
pace. But I have kept at it, in the hope that some influential people - at
the New York Times organization and elsewhere - might be paying some
I think that if that organization looked at the basic premise of
Mankind's Inhumanity to Man and Woman - As natural as human
goodness? - this thread - they might take a more focused and
sophisticated view of what they can and should do. rshowalter - 05:18pm Oct 10, 2003 BST (#468 of 470) It has been more than half a
year since these NYT Missile Defense thread postings - and it seems to me
worthwhile to repost them here, with some comments.
rshow55 - 11:42am Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9699 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11242
Earlier, I talked about "oscillatory solutions" - with some reference
to bird courtship behavior - and then evaded some questions by
gisterme - because to answer them, I'd have had to talk about
repression and group-think and paradigm conflict in ways that I
wasn't ready to - didn't feel I had enough support to.
With respect to a number of our diplomatic problems - all the big ones
- we need to get solutions that work on the things that actually
matter - even if we can't possibly agree on some key ideas, facts, or
principles. That can be sensible and honest - but some conventions can
have their uses. Here's some reposting
rshow55 - 02:59pm Jan 21, 2003 EST (# 7880 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9405
Anybody who wants to go to "end game" without a good many cycles,
from where we are - knows more than I do.
Casey had a penchant for "elegant" asymptotic solutions - one shot
to a completion - not enough thought about adjustments, and end games -
and though we talked about it - I never could get him to see that, if you
take a "right" action - no matter how perfect you think it is - if you're
to move fast, you need to have two successive actions (if the first is
plus, a secondary -, and tertiary + ) ready to go - so that contingencies
can be met. Bin Laden and I both had problems because Casey wasn't careful
enough that way.
The UN has work to do - and time to spend. The US has good reasons
for some of the things it insists on - other powers do, too -
international law is not so much in being as in nascency - and there is a
lot of reason for people to "keep talking" - - even if they feel sure of
their position.
There are subcultures, some in American colleges, where it used to
be more or less assumed that a couple would get engaged and have sex at
almost the same time. In the ideal, there would be a ring on her finger,
and sexual completion in an "indistinguishable" order. The ideal was to
have the negotiation go 'round and round - like lots of bird courtship
sequences - and have both sides tired, hot, and practicing enough
brinksmanship in a series of interactions with metastable transitions so
that - for the rest of their lives, each side could argue, in any way that
happened to be convenient, whether the engagement or the sexual pairing
was consummated first.
Depending on circumstances, each might wish to take either side, in
a fight that mattered some to the parties, but not too much, with themes
or variations - some course - some quite subtle.
Discussions with the parents or friends of the male and female
partner would be likely to get different stories - and nobody could prove
a thing.
Such "fights" can, and often did, become formats wherein the couple
could negotiate a lot of other things - without anybody violating anybody
too badly - so that finer calibrations in the partnership could occur than
might have been possible otherwise. Sometimes, they could also be a way of
getting laughs or cries when these were useful for release. I was hoping
for such a scenario with Marti - but she died a few days too early for me
to have the chance.
Alliances have "useful disagreements" that dither negotiations in an
analogous way. With animals, there are some analogies in "displacement
activity" that becomes a sort of stylized oscillatory, repeatable dance.
When things are tense, and conflicted, such dances can be useful.
Oscillatory solutions in the Middle East and the Korean peninsula
are avaliable -- very, very good ones. Stable static solutions are not, so
far as I can see. It seems to me that everybody involved ought to think
carefully about what they actually need - and what they can concede - and
people need to take some time. Fighting - and biter words - may have their
place - but draconian simplifications can only hurt just now, it seems to
9700 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11243
It seems to me that people need to be careful not to "solve" things too
quickly, when much better results will be available if people take time.
. . . .
gisterme - 05:02pm Jan 21, 2003 EST (# 7882 asks
I didn't take that chance. I feel that it is now "a chance worth
Out for a while. I deeply appreciate the chance to post on these
lchic - 12:14pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9701 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11244
~~~~ It got understood and exposed ~~~~
Chance as in 'opportunity' rather than 'chance'
lchic - 12:17pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9702 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11245
lchic - 12:18pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9703 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11246
almarst2003 - 12:27pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9704 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11247
I completely agree with you on an end-game theory. Its like a golf
game. The futher you are from the target, the less possible it is to hit
it at the first try. The effort to improve the odds to achieve the
one-shot success may be more time and resources consuming, particularey if
meanwile, the TARGET IS MOOVING AWAY, then an immediate but imperfect
attempt to start moving to the right direction, as long as a GOOD RELIABLE
CORRECTION FEEDBACK is set in place first. This is the most importand
thing one should make sure is in place before any movement. If instead,
one is to rely on some old, even ones successful model and
goes-for-the-kill in one shot at full speed, ignoring the growing signs of
troubles in the deafs of self-deception - GOD help him (and those who
happen to share his boat).
lchic - 12:30pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9705 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11248
~~~~ It got understood and exposed ~~~~
Dot after dot in the Middle East build to war
New World Order
This is not just the end of Saddam, but the creation of a new world
order Mr Blix came to talk about weapons, but he was addressing an
audience preoccupied with the balance of power / Fergal Keane | 08 March
Hans Blix came and said his piece. As ever it was a calm assessment.
From the outset it was clear that this wasn't going to provide a manifesto
for war. ..... Saddam Hussein has played a very typical and clever
strategy of concession, divide and delay.
None of this would necessarily been fatal to the hopes of a UN
resolution authorising war if there hadn't been a bedrock of anti-American
feeling across the United Nations, and a fierce determination by the
French and Germans to fight America all the way on the Security Council.
Short of the most blatant defiance and obstruction, the French, Germans
and Russians were going to resist a second resolution. Mr Blix came to
talk about weapons but he was addressing an audience preoccupied with a
much bigger game, nothing less than the balance of power in the 21st
century. The Americans and their former allies – for how else could we now
describe France and Germany – have understood this from the outset. So has
Saddam Hussein.
Robert Fisk: US war plans are not helped by Blix 08 March 2003
Oh, for the ice-cold Swedish eye on the Middle East. Ah, for the
freezing Scandinavian vision of truth. Hans Blix, everybody's headmaster,
delivered his school report yesterday with enough fairness to outrage both
pupil – Iraq – and parent, ultimately the US. ....
lchic - 12:46pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9706 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11249
~~~~ It got understood and exposed ~~~~
Prime Minister, go to bed now
It is dangerous that Tony Blair is making the most momentous decisions
of his premiership on too little sleep .....
almarst2003 - 12:57pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9707 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11250
Its pretty clear to me this war has nothing to do with WMD or even
Saddam. It was planned long before 9-11 and fits into a Anglo-Saxon
Imperial view of the World witha goal to gain control of the only major
independent energy source for the Europe, ather then Russia.
The battle lines have being pretty openly drawn almost exactly as I
predicted about 2 years ago. The EU is destined to achieve the
geo-political status according to its relative economic and demographic
power as a counterballance to US. The Britain will find it more and more
difficalt to keep one foot in Europe and another in US drifting apart.
Most likely it will stick to US for many reasons including language,
traditions, mentality and economy. As result, it will be most severely
damaged economically and politically, unable to gain any real significance
for US and loosing the credibility in Europe.
The more the US will push toward unilateral lead, the more the UE will
have to drift towar rshowalter - 05:19pm Oct 10, 2003 BST (#469 of 470) The more the US will push
toward unilateral lead, the more the UE will have to drift toward Russia
and even China, those fulfilling the Putin's main objective of EuroAsian
mass sufficient for the ballance and promoting the Russian economic needs
at the same time. India, China and Japan will try to play both cards and
watch for the winner of the game.
almarst2003 - 01:11pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9708 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11251
The described scenario as I see it will have a magor negative
implications for US. Economically, politically and moraly. I predict that
the chimere idea presented in Bushe's "America in 21 cent." plan is a
disaster for US.
almarst2003 - 01:15pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9709 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11252
BTW. I still very much interested in participant's understanding of a
particular interpretation of a Golden Rule so frequently stated here and
how it fits into the notion of Just Preemptive War. I leave this ball
particularely at your gate, Robert.
- - - - Response to almarst2003 - 01:15pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9709 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11252
Bush's actions fit the Golden Rule very poorly - he would hate to be
treated - his administration would hate to be treated - in the deceptive,
manipulative way he has treated the UN, voters, Iraqis, and people caring
about international law. He might wish to justify himself by appealing to
a greater good from the perspective of the UN, voters, Iraqis, and
people caring about international law - but to do so he'd have to have
good results that outweigh the deception, manipulation, and agresssion
in violation of international law. He doesn't have those results - and it
is little surpries why he doesn't - he and his administration did not
think accurately about what was going to happen, and how people involved
were going to feel and behave. These are key things to check, every which
way, when stability matters enough to think hard about:
almarst2003 - 01:24pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9710 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11253
almarst2003 - 01:42pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9711 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11254
Countries with a social structure which is traditionally leftist, i.e.
distributive of wealth to a wide band of society, tend to opt for peace
while those with a rightist social policy, namely the control of wealth
through monopoly by pressure groups or restricted lobbies are
traditionally more belligerent. This situation is carbon-copied today in
the international community. - http://english.pravda.ru/main/2003/03/08/44173.html
Does the culture of COMPETITIVE DOMINANCE bread the culture of
fredmoore - 04:03pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9712 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11255
Rshow's talking dog story ( from gisterme : http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/9293
) is good but in some ways ugly.
Now, here's a little story about connecting dots ...
Robert was blind. On his birthday he was given a silver nutmeg ginder
as a present. When asked how he liked it he replied "That's the most
violent story I ever read!"
Out for the day.
almarst2003 - 04:08pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9713 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11256
You do not have the evidence. You do not have UN approval. You do
not have your country's support. You do not have your party's support. You
do not have the legal right. You do not have the moral right. You must not
drag Britain into Bush's unjust and unnecessary war http://argument.independent.co.uk/leading_articles/story.jsp?story=385308
almarst2003 - 04:13pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9714 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11257
With the swearing in of 18 judges, the International Criminal Court
will come to life in the face of hostile opposition from the United States
(which already has legislation on its books authorising the President to
use military force to rescue any soldiers detained in The Hague. http://argument.independent.co.uk/commentators/story.jsp?story=385115
Sounds like a law being "renegotiated" pretty nicely;)
lchic - 04:54pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9715 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11258
lchic - 04:56pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9716 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11259
lchic - 06:04pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9717 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11260
rshow55 - 06:28pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9718 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11261
Much more could be done along these lines - and there are decisions
involved with these that can be called "slant" - but at the level of
format these are excellent:
Iteractive: How we could have avoided war: http://politics.guardian.co.uk/flash/0,10291,906594,00.html
Other (excellent) interactive guides: http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/interactives/0,12793,876854,00.html
fredmoore - 08:13pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9719 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11262
Now, here's an update on the little story about connecting dots ...
Loopey Lou was blind. On her birthday she was given an old cheese
grater as a present. When asked how she liked it she replied "That's the
most cheesy story I ever read!" She gave it to Robert who thought it was
still quite violent ... but in some ways beautiful.
rshow55 - 08:48pm Mar 9, 2003 EST (# 9720 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11263
Felt like saying nothing for a while - and waiting to see where votes
break down. If the Bush administration is saying it can muster 8-9 votes -
and saying so on television - it must have a reason to do so. That reason
isn't apparent from any press reports I've seen.
One can talk about general principles - and general principles matter -
but just now, specific people heading specific institutions and groups
have to make specific decisions.
President Bush and I disagree on a great deal - but when he said "it is
time for people to show their cards" that sounds right to me.
I think the Bush administration and its backers are making a systematic
There are plenty of circumstances where agreement between different
people and groups isn't possible -- isn't even thinkable - and that has to
be all right.
I think the Bush administration, much too often - sets up trouble -
and classifies hope out of existence when it asks for impossible kinds of
agreement. You can't, very often, have leaders or groups agreeing on
The Bush administration converts quite soluble problems into
impasses by insisting on an agreement on "who the bad guy is" - when that
makes no practical sense. I think that's a huge mistake - the Bush
administration makes it again and again - and if it backed off on that
mistake - it seems to me that a lot of possibilities would open up.
rshowalter - 05:22pm Oct 10, 2003 BST (#470 of 470) A lot's happened in the past
6 months - and a great deal of it is reflected on the NYT MD thread - http://www.mrshowalter.net/Mankind's%20Inhumanity%20to%20Man%20and%20Woman%20-%20As%20natural%20as%20human%20goodness_files/mrshowalter.htm
Oct 7, 2003 EST (# 14511 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16221
There's a point I've been trying to teach - not live through - that is
relevant here.
To get fully workable cooperations - based on knowledge - it often
happens that the actors involved have to get to the edge of a fight -
enough so that the people involved get to know what they can do - and how
they are vulnerable - and have a sensible degree of fear.
Then - people should know enough to back off - arrange a really
workable and reasonably fair cooperation - and go on safely.
The solutions that are stable oscillate - go back and forth - with
small dissippation - safely and even gracefully.
If people have the good judgement to cooperate rather than have
uncontrollable fights. ( Little fights are unavoidable - and useful
to generate information . )
Many people were hoping, in March of this year - that such a
"backing off and sorting out" would happen. In retrospect, I
think it should have. There's plenty to sort out now. For a workable
international law to develop - and for workable international procedures
to develop - we need to learn how to do such things. StorminNorman - 09:52pm Oct 14, 2003 BST (#471 of 478) (((Madonna))) StorminNorman - 07:41pm Oct 18, 2003 BST (#472 of 478) Support our president so we
may all prosper. rshowalter - 05:44pm Oct 22, 2003 BST (#473 of 478) There have been about 640
posts on the MD thread since 14769 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16480
- filed at the time of my last posting. I deeply appreciate this thread.
Lchic and I have been engaged in discussions about negotiation
on the MD thread - and the thread itself has been a negotation from the
beginining - one that has had serious adversarial aspects in the last few
weeks. We're now at the cusp of certain issues in negotiations. With the
possibility of conflict significant - with some serious risks for the
"players". In as sense we are doing a full scale modelling of negotiation
patterns in the presence of threat - strong emotions, mixed motives, and
fear. Searching for stability on a class of problems that have often been
explosive between nations. Today I posted this:
Perhaps 14800 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16511
was a little indelicate. But maybe not . I'm feeling hopeful - though
fearful as well. If things I'm trying to demonstrate could work between
me and The New York Times - formally analogous things might
be possible in negotiations that now cannot get to closure between
We are Trying Diplomacy on North Korea http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/21/opinion/21TUE1.html
- - and Lchic and I are trying - with a great deal of "support" -
and surely a great deal of participation from the NYT - to perfect
negotiating techniques that may make good, stable closures in diplomacy
more possible.
I appreciate the chance to post these summary postings here - and hope
that some may find them of interest. rshowalter - 05:45pm Oct 22, 2003 BST (#474 of 478) rshow55 - 12:40pm Oct 19,
2003 EST (# 15234 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16946
Bush Says He's Open to Security Assurances for North Korea By
REUTERS Published: October 19, 2003 Filed at 10:25 a.m. ET http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/international/international-korea-north-bush.html
Questions of " who is the bad guy?" can't be negotiated to
Questions of "who goes first?" are hard, too. Sometimes there's
a place for "oscillatory solutions" - or reason to think about them
9699 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/11242
rshow55 - 02:34pm Oct 19, 2003 EST (# 15234 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16947
Bluffs are inherently unstable. We're having some very basic problems
with foresight - and a very high stakes issue of foresight leads the news
State Department Foresaw Trouble Now Plaguing Iraq By ERIC
SCHMITT and JOEL BRINKLEY http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/19/international/worldspecial/19POST.html
- - - -
At my first meeting at Gettysburg, in late September 1967, D.D.
Eisenhower handed me a copy of C.P. Snow's Science and Government -
and some key quotes from Snow's book are set out in 12486-90 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/14140
But the issue of foresight - central to Snow, to Eisenhower, and to
challenges we face now - wasn't set out squarely in those quotes - and
foresight was a central theme of that book.
We've made some gains since 1952, and since 1960, but we've lost some
substantial things as well.
These excerpts from C. P. Snow's Science and Government (
from the Harvard U. Press 1961 edition - originally the 1960 Godkin
Lecture on the Essentials of Free Government and the Duties of the
Citizen pp 79 to 84 ) fit today, especially in light of http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/19/international/worldspecial/19POST.html
. Snow speaks of lost chances, and dangers:
"One of these dangers is that we are beginning to shrug off our
sense of the future. . . .
"We seem to be flexible, but we haven't any model of the furture
before us. In the significant sense, we can't change. And to change is
what we have to do.
" That is why I want scientist active in all the levels of
government. By "scientists" I mean people trained in the natural sciences,
not only engineers, though I want them, too. I make a special requirement
for the scientist proper, because, partly by training, partly by
self-selection - they include a number of speculative and socially
imaginative minds. While engineers - more uniform in attitude than one
would expect a professional class to be - tend to be technically bold and
advanced but at the same time to accept totally any society into which
they may happen to be born. The scientists proper are nothing like so
homogeneous in attitude, and some of them will provide a quality which it
seems to me we need above everything else.
. . .
"I believe scientists have something to give which our kind of
existential society is desperately short of: so short of, that it fails to
recognize of what it is starved. That is foresight.
. . . . .
"For science, by its very nature, exists in history. Any scientist
realises that his subject is moving in time - that he knows incomperably
more today than better, cleverer, and deeper men did twenty years ago. He
knows that his pupils, in twenty years, will know incomparably more than
he does. Scientists have it within them to know what a future-directed
society feels like, for science itself, in its human aspect, is just
. . .
". . . in their youth (scientists) are often not good at the arts of
administration. As one thinks of the operations of the Tizard
Committee ( which developed radar just in time to let England win the
Battle of Britian ) , it is worth remembering that their decisions were
carried out by professional administrators. If these had been replaced by
scientists, the scientists would almost certainly have done worse.
"But that is only half of it. I spent twenty years of my life in
close contact with the English professional administrators. I have the
greatest respect for them - more respect, I think, than for any
professional group I know. They are extremely intelligent, honorouble,
tough, tolerant, and generous. Within the human limits, they are free from
some of the less pleasing group characteristics. But they have a
"Remember, administrators are by temperment active men. Their
tendency, which is strengthened by the nature of their job, is to live in
the short term, to become masters of the short-term solution. Often, as I
have seen them conducting their business with an absence of fuss, a
concealed force, a refreshing dash of intellectual sophistication, a
phrase from one of the old Icelandic sagas kept nagging at me. It was:
"Snorri ws the wisest man in Iceland wh had not the gift of
"Foresight in this quotation meant something supernatural, but
nevertheless the phrase stayed with me. The wisest man who had not the
gift of foresight. The more I have seen of Western societies, the more it
nags at me. It nags at me in the United States, just as in Western Europe.
We are immensely competent; we know our own pattern of operations like the
palm of our hands. It is not enough. . . . . . . It would be bitter if,
when this storm of history is over, the best epitaph that anyone could
write of us was only that: The wisest men who had not the gift of
Snow's Godkin Lecture ends there.
rshow55 - 02:41pm Oct 19, 2003 EST 15236 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16949
Lchic has asked me to set out a blow by blow of my experiences -
and it seems a good idea - but a bad one at the same time. Part of the
problem has to do with figuring out what happened. I recall the very
good-bad advice from Robert Frost:
You can't account for everything - even when you "must." I'm writing this, in part, intending to use it as part of a workable closure between me and the New York Times. I was commandeered by Eisenhower 13575 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/15268 , and a central reason that I was is that Eisenhower and people around him knew that they had technical and logical problems with their ability to make good decisions. Eisenhower and people around him were intensely interested in these
issues - and they thought a smart, expendible kid might make some headway
on their problems. I was expendible and of low rank - and knew that. The
problems I was given were important - as far as I was concerned, mostly
because I trusted the judgements of people asking me to work on them. Many
of the problems were very specialized, nutsy boltsy, and technical ( for a
list of problems "on my plate" as of 1970 - see 15010 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16721
) . rshowalter - 05:46pm Oct 22, 2003 BST (#475 of 478) My background was
unconventional - my supervision was unconventional - I was a "human guinea
pig" who was (and was expected to ) manipulate other people ( as
Eisenhower felt people with power naturally had to do. ) - but the work
was subordinated to national interests as I understood them - and I felt
proud, for all the awkwardness - of what I was doing. 2116 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/2621
fits here - it deals with the AEA project - and about my neural and
medical problems. It includes a statement that is right - but incomplete
in details that make sense to add now.
Casey believed, or told me he believed, that I would be fairly
accomodated - and promises he'd made about the AEA investors would be
kept. I was to deal with people I had to trust to deal with classified
matters on a face to face - where mutual trust, interest, and capacities
could be judged.
I broke down once later, in 1988, when I was in a coma for close to a
week, and emerged with problems at the level of reading letters and using
English - and significant losses in my mathematical competence.
I put myself together as best I could thereafter - doing the math in http://www.mrshowalter.net/pap2/
- in 1988-89 - passed the Professional Engineering exam in Mechanical
Engineering in 1989 - enrolled in the UW School of Education as soon as I
could function at all by classroom standards - and resumed work with S.J.
Kline by 1989 http://www.mrshowalter.net/klinerec/
. . . http://www.mrshowalter.net/klineul/
Kline and I, working together, broke the hidden problem - finding a
"concrete bridge to the abstraction of mathematics" in 1989 - and worked
very hard, together from that time until Steve died in 1997. I've worked
hard since - often with help from ( but incapacitation by) people who have
been closely associated with the New York Times.
rshow55 - 02:47pm Oct 19, 2003 EST (# 15238 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16951
We've made some gains since 1952, but we've lost some very
substantial things as well: Eisenhower wanted to combine the high
achievements in administration and technocratic management that the US had
up and running - with democracy and American ideals - in the service of a
common good the country agreed on. We've lost a lot that we had working
well - in the areas where Eisenhower felt most confident. 12084 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/13715
Snow ended his Godkin lecture with this:
At that time, administrators were " masters of the short term
solution" and now, too often, top administrators have become
"masters of the sound bite solution."
Political and miliary "strategy" that used to be a string of short term
"solutions" becomes, much too often a series of sound bite "solutions."
Which is far worse. rshowalter - 05:47pm Oct 22, 2003 BST (#476 of 478) rshow55 - 02:51pm Oct 19,
2003 EST (# 15239 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16952
At the same time, the need for better foresight and negotiating skills
has gotten much greater - and I've believed that I've had a contribution
to make in these areas. Nash did not solve key questions about getting
stable - rather than unstable - limited cooperations between groups that
had both competitive and cooperative interests - especially in the
presence of strong emotions and fear.
I believe that I have. With a small staff behind me - that could be
shown - or shown to be wrong.
The NYT MD thread has been part of that work on negotiation problems. (
and so has this thread ) .
My work with the NYT and on related Guardian threads has been a
complicated business in many ways - but I believe that the Missile Defense
thread and associated Guardian threads really have lived up to the
objectives set out in the mission statements of http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16846
I also believe that James Reston would have thought my requests of the
TIMES and its people reasonable, in view of everything. I think "the
average reader of the New York Times" might do so even today.
The most stable, most just, most comfortable solutions are " win
win" in the ways that matter most. That is why they are most stable,
and most just. There are plenty of solutions like that in our
sociotechnical systems - because people and groups have different
interests and because the gains from cooperation are huge - and mankind's
main hope - and because the losses from failed cooperation and destruction
are so large. http://www.mrshowalter.net/Kline_ExtFactors.htm
To get such solutions they have to be defined ( and this often
happens in steps, and with some tentativeness ) and actually negotiated
step-by-step. . The actual negotiation requires sequences of steps,
existing in a relationship that includes elements of both trust and
distrust - where the actors look at consequences - and make some
accomodations of each other.
Generally small, tentative steps - with effects that accumulate.
This is always touchy, but there's no other way for it to happen. You can
see such "dances" in bird courtship - or among competent negotiating
Negotiation skills need to be higher than they now are. The hopes
expressed in
We need to strengthen international law,
Unless we can do this, the hopes that motivate steps like Bush Says
He's Open to Security Assurances for North Korea By REUTERS Published:
October 19, 2003 Filed at 10:25 a.m. ET http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/international/international-korea-north-bush.html
can't come to a stable, good fruition.
Short term solutions, applied again and again - without enough
flexibility or foresight - have had ugly consequences in Korea for the
half a century since
I've been giving a lot of advice about " win win" negotiations - and
these last postings are intended to be part of a win-win negotiation.
At least an attempt at one that fits the criteria I've set out on the
NYT MD thread.
The long and the short of it is - you need both long and short. The
long and the short have to fit together. And the long and the short,
together, must meet the tests that actually apply.
Recent postings will be an appendix, for reference, connected to a
short proposal - one page in length at the "top dog's" level of the NYT -
intended to be "win-win". http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16937
Eisenhower might not think I've been so smart, but I think he'd approve
of the effort, anyway. James Reston might, as well. rshowalter - 05:49pm Oct 22, 2003 BST (#477 of 478) Some
adversarial aspects of my interactions on the MD board crop up
in the following posting - but I was glad to get it - because it let me
make a point about a distinction between nonoscillating and oscillatory
arrangements - each of which can be stable under different circumstances -
that I wanted to make. And also permitted me to state a personal problem
that the NYT or the Guardian may not be able to solve - but that the US
government could solve.
bluestar23 - 03:13pm Oct 19, 2003 EST (# 15241 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16954
"My nervous breakdown. : I had been trained to identify and solve
differential equations, and sometimes simple systems of them, using the
power series method (as described in Kreyzsig's Advanced Engineering
Mathematics and many other texts.) I did these computations in my head -
and spent much of my time doing so. This was arduous, and involved a lot
of concentration. I overdid it, at a time when I believed the solution of
the "hidden problem" above was cracking "before my eyes" - when I'd been
told that, on delivery of that solution, AEA investors would be made
whole, and AEA would be funded for success by the government. My head blew
-- I collapsed, and there was memory damage -- serious enough that I had a
difficult time relearning to read, and relearning much else. On this
matter, only so much can be checked. But a lot can be checked. There are
quite complete records on my psychiatric condition since the early
Before reading this post, I regularly used the term "mental illness" to
describe Showalter. Now, I realize I was all too correct. But the general
description of Showalter's post can be read to describe his first
schizophrenic break with reality....probably within the normal age range
for the onset of the disease. It's just sad to see such individuals, who
could be helped with modern medication, go so obviously and publicly
rshow55 - 03:29pm Oct 19, 2003 EST (# 15242 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16955
bluestar http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16954
- that's savage - but also quite plainly wrong - and that can be shown.
2116, from May 2002 contains this:
rshow55 - 05:06pm Oct 19, 2003 EST (# 15243
Bluestar , I think I could sue you, and win - but I
might rather agree with you - under certain circumstances - and in a
certain way.
Lchic did a fine post 14115
Stench in the Trench - easy to fall into, hard to get out of
14114 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/15820
includes this:
Suppose I had a clear statement - usable for administrative
purposes - that I never worked with Eisenhower, or Casey, or on any
secret military project - and therefore was subject to no security
limitations whatsoever - the government had "no interest" in my
work - in the sense of "no equity - and no power over me based on
security laws, or the threat of them."
Not a reading that "switched back and forth" and not an
evasion of the issue.
A clear answer.
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! rshowalter - 05:49pm Oct 22, 2003 BST (#478 of 478) Suppose I had a clear
answer to my security restriction question. So that I knew what my
restrictions were clearly - and other people and groups could know that
clearly, too. Administratively when that was required. Some people
might choose to call me "crazy" - but that craziness would coexist with
output like this:
14871 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16582
I've been perfectly happy for people to choose to "call me
Ishmael" for a long time. http://www.mrshowalter.net/CaseyRel.html
I could live with a stable fiction - and so could other people.
2064 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/2567
seems coherent enough, it is from a while ago, and it includes this:
2064 also contains some interesting references - whatever anyone
may think of me:
This NYT thread output is as it is, for instance - and it seems to have
met high enough standards to elicit the fine work of fredmoore.
rshow55 - 05:13pm Oct 19, 2003 EST (# 15245 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16958
For example, 15018 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/16729
says "I think getting this solar energy project done would be worth
more to the US national security than anything that can possibly happen in
That doesn't depend at all on what some people say about my sanity in
1988 - or now - for people who look at the work, and judge for themselves.
If I had a stable answer to my security questions - that could
be used administratively - I'd be out of my current effective house
And I'd be free to discuss "how crazy I'd been" with a lot of
people I can't talk to comfortably now. Including some old AEA investors -
who might find it an interesting "story".
And the NYT Missile Defense thread would remain as big as it is - and
as full of interesting posts (even if you happen to discount mine). http://www.mrshowalter.net/Sequential.htm
I am deeply grateful for this thread, and indebted to the
Guardian-Observer for letting me post here. rshowalter - 02:46pm Oct 31, 2003 BST (#479 of 485) There have been more than 600
postings on the NYT Missile Defense board since my last posting here -
many linking to these Guardian Talk threads. Posters, who I suspect of
connection to the NYT ( though they deny it ) have been influenced by
these threads.
15773 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/17488
includes this:
Maybe these links are windy, but I tried to make them clear.
A key point that I'd like to get across is that "games" which are
inherently unstable, and now tend to explode can be stabilized
if they are put into assemblies of "games" that are
interconnected - and, on balance, acceptable to all the parties.
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
For that, you need facts held in common - and enough knowledge for
clear scorekeeping ( people don't have to keep score the same - but they
have to know enough for stable and reasonable answers.
As a technical matter, diplomats don't know how to do this now,
in complex cases, even when they desperately want to. I think that, if I
were permitted to sort my situation with the NYT out on a win-win basis -
I could go a long way toward showing them how to do so.
- - - -
The matter is being discussed in a multivarious and oscillatory
fashion, maybe with some progress.
I deeply appreciate the chance to post here. If I can find a way to
make the Guardian glad I did so, I'd be honored to do so - and would be
grateful for the chance of going to considerable trouble doing so.
lchic - 12:20pm Nov 9, 2003 BST (#480 of 485) . rshowalter - 02:31pm Nov 12, 2003 BST (#481 of 485) There have been about 1,330
postings on the NYT Missile Defense forum since I last posted here - and
I'm grateful to have a this chance to post again. Many of those 1,330
posts are mine and Lchic's - the rest, perhaps 900, are being done
by people entirely unconnected to The New York Times Company (
judging from what these posters themselves say. )
The forum will be closing down Friday - after more than 3 years and
more than 28,000 posts. It will not be archived - but I have most of it on
- and will get the rest up.
I posted this yesterday:
There's nothing I can write, just now, any better than the extensive
collection of good stuff in http://www.mrshowalter.net/Reader_Discussion_'Repress_Yourself'.htm
taken from Reader Discussion: 'Repress Yourself'
As of now, that is linked to the MD board - but soon, it will be
relinked to the same links (about 12 mb in all) on http://www.mrshowalter.net/Mankind's%20Inhumanity%20to%20Man%20and%20Woman%20-%20As%20natural%20as%20human%20goodness_files/mrshowalter.htm
I've put up the full threads of
Guardian: Psychwarfare, Casablanca . . . and terror http://www.mrshowalter.net/Psychwar1_Recent.htm
Guardian: Paradigm Shift - whose getting there? http://www.mrshowalter.net/Paradigm1_Recent.htm
Guardian: Mankind's Inhumanity to Man http://www.mrshowalter.net/MankindsInhumanity1_Recent.htm
Guardian: Detail, and the Golden Rule http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_md01000s/DetailNGR.htm
on http://www.mrshowalter.net/Mankind's%20Inhumanity%20to%20Man%20and%20Woman%20-%20As%20natural%20as%20human%20goodness_files/mrshowalter.htm
- and links in these thread collections will be updated to http://www.mrshowalter.net/Mankind's%20Inhumanity%20to%20Man%20and%20Woman%20-%20As%20natural%20as%20human%20goodness_files/mrshowalter.htm
as time permits.
After the MD thread ends, I'll have some time to summarize. And
condense, in a way that isn't possible in the heat of what has too often
been a battle. I'm looking forward to that. I deeply appreciate these
Guardian Talk threads, and think that they have influenced people
in power, and close to power. http://www.mrshowalter.net/Sequential.htm
rshowalter - 03:59pm Nov 18, 2003 BST (#482 of 485) rshow55 - 09:59pm Nov 13,
2003 EST (# 17626 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/19341
My involvement with the NYT Missile Defense board started with
discussion about nuclear weapons on the old NYT Favorite Poetry board.
htm http://www.mrshowalter.net/FavPoet6229_Set22_2000_SeeNukes_DowrnInOrder.htm
htm http://www.mrshowalter.net/FavPoet6242_MRSnWillyNilly.htm
ends with this:
. kate_nyt - 01:27pm Sep 24, 2000 EST (#6264 of 6739) Community
Producer, NYTimes.com
I was hoping to get off the NYT MD board then.
Since that time there has been more than 28,000 postings on the NYT MD
Based on things discussed in http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_md8000s/MD8393.HTM
and some other things that were happening to me - it didn't seem certain -
but it also didn't seem far-fetched - that becq might be Clinton -
or somebody close to him.
Perhaps, at that time - I had a far-fetched view of how close the NYT
and the US government actually were.
Though that view seemed reasonable then, and it doesn't seem
far-fetched now, either.
Questions of identity on the NYT MD board are matters of dispute (
thought there may be ways to get the answers ) but identity of just one of
a number of posters might cast a lot of light on the probable identity of
the others. Is it far-fetched that gisterme and almarst may
have had interesting connections? Maybe not.
The NYT MD board may be a humble thing - but the political implications
of identifying gisterme widely might cast a longer shadow. rshowalter - 03:59pm Nov 18, 2003 BST (#483 of 485) Here is my last post on NYT -
Science - Missile Defense Forum before it closed. How long these links
will remain live I do not know:
17681 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/19396
You Can't Always Get What You Want Lyrics by the Rolling Stones
But sometimes, you can.
There's been plenty hoped for in the past, and worked for, that has
been realized. People working together, and working out problems, can
accomplish far more than they they could accomplish alone. That's a
consistent pattern. http://www.mrshowalter.net/Kline_ExtFactors.htm
There are good reasons to cooperate rather than fight. But fighting is
the logically usual form - especially when people are quite different.
Cooperations are generally unstable. We need to know how to stabilize them
better, more reliably, more systematically, than we have.
Here's language from my letter to an important person on 26 October.
But we did get close, I thought, to a win-win solution. Maybe,
later, people will figure out how to make them. I failed this time. But
maybe there's hope.
Someday At Christmas by Stevie Wonder http://www.webfitz.com/lyrics/Lyrics/xmas/97xmas.html
talks about hope. Peace on Earth.
Peace on Earth http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/25/opinion/25WED1.html
is a masterpiece - one I hope is read and reread for many years. It moved
me a great deal, I'll be rereading it - and feel these lines fit here:
rshowalter - 04:00pm Nov 18, 2003 BST (#484 of 485) I think maybe there is
hope, and maybe, for the NYT institution as it is, and the people as they
are, the NYT has done just as well as they possibly could by me - for now
- and for themselves and the others they are responsible for - for now. We
know a lot about what certain patterns of cooperation might look
like. They haven't been agreed to - and they can't and shouldn't be -
because they are, as yet, not solidly based enough - not stable and
sustainable enough. But we know what some things would take - and each
side knows a lot about the other side's reservations. And each side has
put out a lot of effort.
- - - -
Since "cantabb" came on the MD board 8 weeks ago - there have
been about 4000 postings - in an industrial strength, professionally
staffed flame war, mingled with detailed discussions that might be called
Since October 26th, when I sent this note to Arthur O. Sulzberger
17491-2 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/19206
there have been about 2000 postings - many with characteristics of
negotiations coming to closure - but without agreement - the kind of
chatter that coming into focus takes.
When I first went onto the MD board - I was so tied up with security
problems that I could only talk. Not act. I was in an extremely awkward
situation - and my involvement with the NYT was awkward for the Times, as
well as for me. Now, though much is up in the air - a lot has been
clarified in the course of writing and reading more than ten million words
of text.
Here's a proposal that's been discussed since 2001 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_md6000s/md6400.htm
In 2001 I could only talk about it - now, I'm intending to actually
get it done , if I can. Or try to. Or try to do other useful things.
SolarProjTalk17000s.htm deals with recent conversations about actually
getting big projects done - especially mine. It included a "corrupt"
proposal from me.
17589-90 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/19304
I intend to offer exactly the same deal, from the point of view of
fairness, for the Guardian-Observer's consideration. I'd be grateful if
Guardian people will talk to me - using their own identities - as NYT
people have been extremely reluctant to do.
At this point, "conversations" and "negotiations" are deniable - maybe
nonexistent. Nobody's agreed to a damn thing. About anything. But there's
been a lot of talking.
Everybody has worked on the NYT thread, and here, out of the goodness
of their heart - out of interest - and in the public interest. All the
same, for very large, inherently complex dealmaking to be possible, it
has to be possible to treat people fairly, as well - and to
decently accomodate the needs of common provision and efficiency.
Solar Energy Proposal - with references 13039 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14716
13041 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14718
13042 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/14719
rshowalter - 04:01pm Nov 18, 2003 BST (#485 of 485) rshow55 - 11:07am Oct 30,
2003 EST (# 15926
China and North Korea Agree on More Nuclear Program Talks by THE
ASSOCIATED PRESS Published: October 30, 2003
With different transactions, which are unequal in opposite ways ( one
or more very much to the advantage of one side - one or more very much to
the advantage of the other) agreed to in a linked system.
Most workable agreements in sociotechnical systems are like
If discussion enough for that is barred - stable agreements (
often any agreements ) are classified out of existence for people who are
different enough or do not like each other.
Stable systems of agreements can involve a lot of "agreements to
disagree" - if the rules are clear .
15315 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?8@@.f28e622/17028
Here's a fact - a fact that isn't so important to know if explosive
fighting without end is the objective - but a fact that is important to
know if stable resolutions that pass reasonable tests of fairness are to
be achieved.
For stable end games - people and groups have to be workably clear
on these key questions.
We need to Iearn how to agree to disagree clearly, without fighting,
comfortably, so that they can cooperate stably, safely, and productively -
and when it matters enough, we need to learn how to agree about facts.
Even when we happen to hate each other - even when we have reasons to hate
each other. It is easy to use words as weapons to keep that from
This NYT MD thread itself is a very clear, crossreferenced
illustration of those principles.
For some jobs, there is no alternative to discussions face to face -
with contact long enough so that people get their anger and their fear
under control - figure out what each side really wants - and work out
relationships that look good and stable, on balance, to both sides - and
that can actually be made to work.
If that's not possible - fights are inevitable - and the parties "might
as well go ahead and fight."
A lot has happened since I sent this postcard. But nothing that has
given me any reason to doubt what it says - or doubt that what it says
needs to be learned. http://www.mrshowalter.net/LtToSenateStffrWSulzbergerNoteXd.html
To craft agreements that are stable - there are technical things
to be sorted out - and it seems to me that we're well on our way to
getting the principles clearer.
I deeply appreciate the chance I've been given to post here - and I'll
try my best, as I have in the past, to act in a way that "the average
reader of The New York Times" and the "average reader of the Guardian
Observer" would actually approve of.
I'm hopeful that the work the lchic and I have done here will be
worthwhile, both for ourselves, and for the world, and think it may
happen. rshowalter - 02:41pm Nov 25, 2003 BST (#486 of 509) Yesterday I sent a note to
some people, that included some links to the NYT Missile Defense forum
which worked then. When I checked this morning - the thread - which was
17695 postings before - had been reduced to 17499. All the deletions were
after 16678, and all seem to have been deletions of postings of mine -
messing up links in some posts I've put on the Guardian - and elsewhere.
Here is the last post of mine left standing - from Nov 6, a week before
the board closed.
16678 http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@@.f28e622/18393
" Almarst sometimes asks "who is the terrorist?" - and it
occurs to me that it is a question you might think about, Jorian.
"Jayson Blair knew how afraid everybody was - and how easy it made
things for someone who wanted to bend the truth.
"The NYT is so feared - has been so successful as a bully when it is
challenged - that easy things to resolve are converted to confrontations.
"Not in the interest of the TIMES.
"NOT a credit to Sulzberger.
There are a lot of things on that thread that are credits to the
NYT - and credits to Sulzberger. jeffbaker - 06:26pm Nov 25, 2003 BST (#487 of 509) More Insane Garbage from the
lunatic.... Kettlafish - 09:17pm Nov 25, 2003 BST (#488 of 509) rshowalter Tue 25/11/2003
Whatinthehell is he talking about? rshowalter - 11:35am Nov 27, 2003 BST (#489 of 509) 1623-4 rshowalter "God is the
Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential - Discuss" Mon 11/08/2003 21:00
jeffbaker - 12:15pm Nov 27, 2003 BST (#490 of 509) Get Lost, Showalter...!
rshowalter - 02:04pm Nov 27, 2003 BST (#491 of 509) Because links to the NYT
Missile Defense forum may soon fail, and for clarity, I'm setting this out
again, with a few additional notes.
rshowalter "Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there?" Thu 27/11/2003
13:06 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@58.schsdezlmnY.20@.ee7726f/1465
rshowalter "Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there?" Thu 27/11/2003
13:08 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@58.schsdezlmnY.20@.ee7726f/1466
Stages have different costs. If a permanent solution to the world
energy problem was pretty certain after a few hundred thousand bucks,
nearly certain after a million or two - and very certain at all technical
levels after a billion dollars was spent - but then required a very large
investment (fully amortized in a few years) would it be worth doing? And
actually doable?
We're spending a billion dollars a week in Iraq. The money already
spent and committed to the Iraq war probably would be enough to
solve the world's most fundamental energy problems. Modern
societies have the money this project would take. The question is whether
they have the socio-technical skill to put it together. That's something
Eisenhower and Casey had me working on. jeffbaker - 04:17pm Nov 27, 2003 BST (#492 of 509) POSTERS:
Report this rshowalter now for spamming dozens of threads in
contravention of Talk Policy! jeffbaker - 11:05pm Nov 27, 2003 BST (#493 of 509) Guardian responds to my
Showalter complaint:
"Thanks for your email. I have forwarded your query on to the technical
team who will investigate.
We will be in touch in due course."
User Help Guardian Website
How long are you going to last now, Showalter...? They are
investigating you..... rshowalter - 09:33pm Nov 29, 2003 BST (#494 of 509) I hope they contact me, if
they have any questions. I'll be telling them my identity. I hope, before
they take you seriously, they learn yours - and somthing about your
backing, and your motives. Kettlafish - 04:52pm Nov 30, 2003 BST (#495 of 509) Why is identity and
background germane to public discussion?
A person should be able to form an opinion about what someone puts
forth, based solely on what is put forth. The value of a succinct
observation is in no way enhanced by a string of "phd"s following their
signature, or by the addition of irrelevent history of the poster's
communication with Important People.
BTW, Showalter - unless you made up all that stuff in your profile, I
don't think The Guardian needs the benefit of more of your personal
history, fascinating though it may be. (to you) jeffbaker - 05:09pm Dec 1, 2003 BST (#496 of 509) showalter lies low
momentarily... jeffbaker - 05:13pm Dec 1, 2003 BST (#497 of 509) "before they take you
they are taking my compaint seriously, as you can see...it's you who
has the "taken seriously" problem... rshowalter - 08:33pm Dec 6, 2003 BST (#498 of 509) For about the last week I've
been in New York City, getting adjusted and trying to figure out how to
convert dreams to realities - step by step - concerning solar energy and
other things.
Some problems must be defined, and focused, and negotiated in great,
clear, and documented detail, if they are to get to workable, sane closure
at all. They are too complex and difficult otherwise.
That means, for a number of things, closure on what facts are - and
what positions are - essential for complex cooperation, has been
technically impossible. These technical constraints can rather easily be
removed now, because of the capabilities of the internet - including some
prototyped here and on the NYT MD thread http://www.mrshowalter.net/
A great deal can be accomplished by "collecting the dots" - "connecting
the dots" - forming patterns - checking them - and keeping at it. Often we
can find out what key facts and relations are. The internet radically
increases our ability to collect and connect data - and communicate it. If
we are careful and do the work.
The internet also permits new, powerful ways of organizing people for
effective cooperative action. The Dean Connection by Samantha M.
Shapiro http://www.nytimes.com/2003/12/07/magazine/07DEAN.html
documents an outstanding example of what dedicated people can do using the
Maybe problems that need to be solved actually can be. jeffbaker - 08:55pm Dec 6, 2003 BST (#499 of 509) shutup showalter..you are
Stop spamming a dozen forums at once with the same post!...posters
should report rshowalter for his spamming, contravening Guarian Talkboard
Policy... jeffbaker - 09:11pm Dec 6, 2003 BST (#500 of 509) The GUTalk 2003 Awards #48 -
ComedyPseudonym Dec 4, 2003 12:52 pm
"Most blatant plugging of personal hobbyhorse in irrelevant threads and
most dubious attempt to find some tenuous link between said hobbyhorse and
the thread subject and largest number of links posted in one message and
most gloriously insane guess about who an anonymous talkboard user might
be in real life all go to rshowalter. See for example the Fractals thread
in Science."
Another poster complains about Showalter, he destroys every thread he
gets near, and does so eagerly and intentionally...report showalter to the
Mods.... lchic - 04:43am Dec 12, 2003 BST (#501 of 509) Mankind's Inhumanity to Man
and Woman - As natural as human goodness? rshowalter - 02:41pm Dec 17, 2003 BST (#502 of 509) Mankind's fellow feeling is
real, important, but limited. People and organizations don't sacrifice
their fundamental interests, when they don't have to, and the costs
and risks are really substantial. So shifting constraints is an important
thing, if the world is to become a warmer place.
From The Future of Energy Policy Timothy E. Wirth, C. Boyden
Gray, and John D. Podesta From Foreign Affairs , July/August 2003
- - - - -
I've had a "dream" that large scale floating photocell arrays on the
equatorial oceans could eliminate the constraints on energy supplies that
apply today. The objective would be to remove energy as a fundamental
constraint on human welfare - in a stable, practical way. My ambition is
to help work out, and bring to fruition, a solution to key energy problems
as stable and useful in its way as the steel wheel on a steel rail has
been since the 1820's to this day. A permanent, stable solution to a
simple, big, routine problem.
There's plenty of sun, and open sea area, for such arrays to supply
much more energy than fossil fuels supply today - indefinitely. They could
do so on a basis where access to the common resource of the sea area used
might become a source of revenue for the United Nations. A large source,
independent of the donations of member states. For the good of all.
Such a project, properly organized, might support the reversal of
current global warming problems - by funding large scale carbon
sequestration - with disposal of the carbon on the sea bed.
The difference between a dream and reality is hard work, technical
achievement, and organization. Both substance and persuasion matter, and
both take hard work and preparation. That work is just beginning.
Here are references that describe some technical aspects of the
project, with the idea that energy from the solar arrays might be moved to
where it is needed as hydrogen. It might be moved to users by other means.
There may be several ways of moving the energy.
Solar Energy Proposal - with references 13039 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_13000s/13039.htm
13041 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_13000s/13041.htm
13042 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_13000s/13042.htm
But the most fundamental point is that the energy be available
economically - and for that to happen, there has to be a big shift - a
paradigmatic shift - in photocell production costs - permitting
much larger production quantities.
Reductions in cost per area of the order of 50:1 to 100:1 . On a basis
where thousands and hundreds of thousands of times more photvoltaic area
can be manufactured than is manufactured today.
The total photovoltaic area needed to match the supply of energy now
produced by fossil fuels would be of the order of 10^11 square meters. At
5$/square meter - that area would cost less than the world spent on crude
oil in 2002 - not much more than the US defense budget. A cost that might
be financed. At current photocell costs (about 500$/square meter - for
relatively tiny areas) costs are too high. Those costs must be shifted
Is it possible to get this huge reduction in photocell costs? The basic
6-layer structure of a generic silicon photovoltaic cell is simple. http://science.howstuffworks.com/solar-cell5.htm
I'm trying to get engineering studies on this done. Attempting to do so
with the organizations that could actually do the large scale
manufacturing engineering and manufacturing needed.
That's not work on ethics. But success would have large, good human
consequences. rshowalter - 05:10pm Dec 25, 2003 BST (#503 of 509) Last year's NYT Christmas
editorial Peace on Earth was much more hopeful than this year's,.
It includes this question.
Here is Peace on Earth from The New York Times - December
25, 2002 http://www.mrshowalter.net/psychwar/Peace%20on%20Earth.htm
The simple things, the primordial needs of human welfare matter most.
If we care at all about our fellow human beings - we should care about
these basic needs.
- - -
An index of human welfare is availability of energy. Many other human
goods and possibilities are linked to it. Today, a third of the population
of the world lacks the standard of welfare and cultural advancement that
comes with electricity. Someone dies, about every second, who has not had
even intermittent electricity as a condition of their life. These lives
have been impoverished, in many tangible ways, compared to the lives of
people we know - or see. In large part, the hopes of the 1950's, when the
United Nations was founded, have been frustrated by the scarcity of
energy. It is a much darker world than CP Snow hoped for in 1960. Lack of
energy has been a big part of the reason - probably the most fundamental
Now, we have reason to fear that the world will get worse.
begins with this
Either that, or we need to find ways to make renewable energy
generate not only as much energy as fossil fuels produce today - but much
That's a technical and sociotechnical challenge. Here are some key
facts about that challenge. The energy content of a barrel of crude oil is
about 1700 kWh. $10/barrel oil is priced at the energy equivalent of 1.7
cents/kWh. $30/barrel oil is the energy equivalent of 5.3
cents/kiloWattHour. For solar energy to compete with oil and other fossil
fuels on a wholesale basis, solar energy systems, as whole systems, must
produce energy in this price range. For rapid development, costs to
developing countries at or below 10$/barrel would be highly desirable, or
even necessary.
That price would have to pay for operating costs, the costs of capital,
and as a practical matter would have to provide a profit, too.
For photovoltaic solar energy to become a relatively substantial source
of the world's energy - it is total system capital and operating costs
that are going to matter - not the details of any particular approach or
any particular installation or placement, except as those details are
embodied in costs.
To an enormous extent, the future of our world depends on what costs
can be met. If costs are low enough - we can have much more energy than we
have now. Clean energy. Forever.
Price is important, and the scale of the problem is large. It would
take about 15,000 - 20,000 gigawatts of photoelectric capacity to match
the energy from fossil fuels today. At 20% efficiency, that would take an
area about the size of the state of Pennsylvania. A big area, but still
only about .0125% of the area of the earth. If PV solar collectors were on
the equator, where the sun is brightest and most reliable - and standard
collectors of ten square km area and 2 gigawatt capacity were used - there
would need to be about 10,000 such collectors.
That's a big scale - but the sun is a big source of energy. 1,750
billion barrels is a reasonable estimate of all the conventional oil that
there ever was or ever will be. The energy content of 1,750 gB of oil is
less than the energy in the sunlight that hits the earth in one 24 hour
day. http://www.oilcrisis.com/debate/oilcalcs.htm
. It is not physically necessary that the world stay starved for
- - -
Good will between people is a real force - but when necessities like
energy are at play, a weak one. People have not been generous enough to
risk their own energy security for the sake of others - and can't be
expected to in the future. The spirit of Christmas has limits. For the
world to be much better than it now is, we need to find much more
energy than we now have.
Someday At Christmas http://www.webfitz.com/lyrics/Lyrics/xmas/97xmas.html
a better world may occur. It will take some hard work - and some
hard-headed technical work - for that better world to come to be.
rshowalter - 11:01am Jan 1, 2004 BST (#504 of 509) 507 rshowalter "Psychwarfare,
Casablanca -- and terror" Wed 17/12/2003 14:38 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@58.schsdezlmnY.20@.ee7a163/556
From The Future of Energy Policy by Timothy E. Wirth, C.
Boyden Gray, and John D. Podesta , Foreign Affairs ,
July/August 2003 http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20030701faessay15410/timothy-e-wirth-c-boyden-gray-john-d-podesta/the-future-of-energy-policy.html
- - - - -
I've had a "dream" that large scale floating photocell arrays on the
equatorial oceans could eliminate the constraints on energy supplies that
apply today. There is plenty of sunlight. But for that the energy be
available economically - there has to be a big shift - - in photocell
production costs - permitting much larger production quantities.
Reductions in cost per area of the order of 50:1 to 100:1 .
The total photovoltaic area needed to match the supply of energy now
produced by fossil fuels would be of the order of 10^11 square meters. At
5$/square meter - (about 2.5 cents/watt ) that area would cost less than
the world spent on crude oil in 2002.
As a continue to work, I become more and more convinced that this
reduction in photocell costs is possible. The basic 6-layer
structure of a generic silicon photovoltaic cell is simple. http://science.howstuffworks.com/solar-cell5.htm
My guess, after a lot of calculation, is that a large scale mass
production cost of under a penny a watt (under 2$/meter squared) may be
possible without any new science at all, simply applying the engineering
knowledge that has been known for decades. At 2-3 cents per watt, it seems
sure to be possible. ( These days, photovoltaic units go for about
$3/watt. )
- - -
This is a time for resolutions. Here is one of mine.
This year I want to show that high volume solar cells can be made
for under 5 cents a watt. Show that well enough to satisfy large scale
investors, and people with enough power to make a difference otherwise
If that proposal were agreed to by the UN General Assembly, and total
system photovoltaic costs were below 10 cents/watt, the world could have
much more energy than we have now. Clean energy. Forever. On an orderly,
fair basis that would fund the UN at a much higher level than it is funded
Most new year's resolutions don't get met - and many can't be. Perhaps
this one of mine can't be. But it seems sensible to me now - and sensible
enough to set out in public. I'll be meeting, early next week, with people
who could help me achieve those resolutions.
- - - - - -
rshowalter "Psychwarfare, Casablanca -- and terror" Thu 27/11/2003
14:04 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@58.schsdezlmnY.20@.ee7a163/528
Stages have different costs. If a permanent solution to the world
energy problem was pretty certain after a few hundred thousand bucks,
nearly certain after a million or two - and very certain at all technical
levels after a billion dollars was spent - but then required a very large
investment (fully amortized in a few years) would it would be worth
A lot of people would be likely to say yes.
Actually doable? Perhaps we'll see. lchic - 03:40pm Jan 7, 2004 BST (#505 of 509) see
seen? lchic - 09:47am Jan 13, 2004 BST (#506 of 509) see
saw? rshowalter - 05:56pm Jan 18, 2004 BST (#507 of 509) Mankind's inhumanity depends
in part on irrational patterns - and we need to develop more wisdom about
them. But we also know that altruism is a limited force - when resources
are scarce - people narrow their sympathies. The ethics of common
provision gives way to a "lifeboat morality."
The UN Foundation/Better World Fund funded this superb edition
of the UNEP magazine Our Planet this month. http://www.ourplanet.com/imgversn/143/content.html
includes many good statements - noticibly in The Energy Challenge
by Ted Turner http://www.ourplanet.com/imgversn/143/turner.html
which includes this:
Conservation can only help, but for the world to get much
better, the world needs MUCH more energy.
The forces of "lifeboat morality" are notably stronger than they were
at the time of the first Arab oil embargo in 1972 - and there is a trend
based on material realities that we need to think hard about
Here is a technical argument that has hopeful moral
"High Volume Photovoltaic Cell Costs depend on production technique.
Large cost reductions are possible within physical laws," http://www.mrshowalter.net/ReducingPVCosts_Jan5_2004.htm
That piece suggests that costs of photovoltaic devices, now around
$3/watt, might be made in high volume for 1/100th of that cost.
If that cost reduction were done - solar energy could be a large scale
source of energy for the world - strongly competitive with fossil fuels on
a wholesale basis. The world could have a sufficient source of energy for
people - forever.
Worth working for - and not only to make money. Though there is plenty
of money involved. rshowalter - 12:23pm Jan 19, 2004 BST (#508 of 509) A Single Conscience v. the
State By BOB HERBERT http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/19/opinion/19HERB.html
rshowalter - 02:43pm Jan 25, 2004 BST (#509 of 509) Oldest Living Whiz Kid
Tells All by Frank Rich http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/25/arts/25RICH.html
is a superb review of Robert MacNamara's Fog of War - and
connections to The Price of Loyalty, Ron Suskind's book on the Bush
White House, as related by Paul O'Neill, a C.E.O./cabinet officer fired by
another Texan wartime president.
shows a very effective poster which includes this quote:
Iraq Illicit Arms Gone Before War, Departing Inspector States By
RICHARD W. STEVENSON http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/24/politics/24WEAP.html
Assessing Watergate 30 Years Later By RICHARD REEVES
With new tools for "connecting the dots" - a lot more can be sorted out
than was possible before.
Irresponsible power - including irresponsible power of the press - is
vulnerable in new ways. : . . . .
. . .
The things Eisenhower warned of in his Farewell Address have
happened. http://www.geocities.com/~newgeneration/ikefw.htm
We're in a mess - and it would be good to sort some things out - -
I used to think that would be easier than I think it is now. But it is
necessary - and more and more people are of a state of mind to consider
the matter.
The Only Superbad Power By SERGE SCHMEMANN http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/25/books/review/25SCHMEMT.html
There are disagreements about fundamentals - and patterns that look
very different - depending on whether you think we now live in a world
where "lifeboat morality" is our only practical course - or whether you
think there is practical hope for common provision to work - in the
world as it is.
Schmemann's US AND THEM The Burden of Tolerance in a World of
Division of Dec 29, 2002 ends with this:
The question whether truth, common provision, and peace are
practical depends, in a very large measure, in whether or not there
is "enough to go around."
That's not only a practical but a moral problem.
We are dealing now with problems that Dwight Eisenhower understood very
clearly - that are both moral and technical. http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_12000s/12220.htm
rshowalter - 04:45pm Jan 25, 2004 BST (#510 of 532) rshowalter "Anything on
Anything" Thu 22/01/2004 11:29
beeth Thu 22/01/2004 02:42 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@102.36PeeEauxbd.1@.eea14e1/12482
rshowalter - 03:35am Jan 30, 2004 BST (#511 of 532) 1623-4 rshowalter "God is the
Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential - Discuss" Mon 11/08/2003 21:00
I've been arguing for the need for a paradigm shift that is both
intellectual and moral - and simple enough to explain and use. rshowalter - 02:09pm Feb 4, 2004 BST (#512 of 532) rshowalter "Fortress
America?" Wed 04/02/2004 12:09 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@102.36PeeEauxbd.1@.ee9b7ef/527
rshowalter - 02:18pm Feb 4, 2004 BST (#513 of 532) Mankind's Inhumanity to
Man and Woman - As natural as human goodness? - - it seems to be.
And, according to some assumptions - entirely logical.
The importance of notions of common provision - caring for one another
- depends on how, and to what extent - there's enough to go around.
That depends on many things - including many technical things.
If the dominant reality is a lifeboat morality - and people in
the lifeboat cannot take care of the drowning - then inhumanity is
logical for those in the lifeboat - and deception and self
deception follow, too.
Often, in different ways, for both those in the lifeboat, and those
When I started this thread - I wasn't as clear about that as I've
become since. lchic - 05:22am Feb 5, 2004 BST (#514 of 532) Common Provision
How limited a time is the span of the working life ...
How limited for those who have no work
Living through 'change' rshowalter - 01:03pm Feb 5, 2004 BST (#515 of 532) For common provision - we
need common ground.
Perspectives matter - and different people can feel differently. And
there are many ways of looking at things. Edward Tufte cited many of
them in a great paragraph
But is some things "depend on how you look at it" - some things are
clear from a lot of perspectives.
But language can be used to distort, as well - and argue for
anything .
I've posted A.S.J. Tessimond's Attack On the Ad-Man many
times on the MD thread - and it bears reading. http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@102.36PeeEauxbd.1@.ee74d94/5493
Attack On The Ad-Man starts:
The poem was cited on the NYT MD thread in these places - each time in a context that seems to me analogous to circumstances today. 3688 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_3000s/3685.htm http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_3000s/3692.htm 4135 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_4000s/4135.htm 5068 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_5000s/5064.htm http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_5000s/5069.htm 5657 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_5000s/5654.htm http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_5000s/5658.htm http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_5000s/5662.htm 7259 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_7000s/7359.htm The ad man has been "attacking" so long, in so many ways - that everything that matters enough bears some thought about checking - for reasons of safety, and honor, too. Problems of distortion are getting in the way of our prosperity and survival all over the world With some care, and thought about what order, symmettry, and harmony mean in context, and for the purposes at hand - we can and must do a lot better than we've done in the past. For that, needs for common provision, and common decency, can't be forgotten - or distorted beyond reasonable recognition. 10790 http://www.mrshowalter.net/a_new_10000s/10790.htm An old system of international law, which worked well in many ways, very poorly in others, is in disarray. A "web of facts" needs to be substituted for a "web of lies. Journalists have vital work to do - and I'm proud to have a chance to
post on these threads. rshowalter - 07:39pm Feb 7, 2004 BST (#516 of 532) Tony50 is a most
interesting poster - with many interesting, even distinguished things to
say. I found his arguments most interesting on the Psychwarfare,
Casablanca -- and terror thread in 2001 - and some of the postings bear
reading today.
rshowalter "Let's digress for a while...here's a famous game of
strategy! Bet you already know the solution... only the serious posters
are welcome, the rest clear off !!!" Sat 07/02/2004 18:05 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@102.36PeeEauxbd.1@.685f055a/121
rshowalter "Let's digress for a while...here's a famous game of
strategy! Bet you already know the solution... only the serious posters
are welcome, the rest clear off !!!" Sat 07/02/2004 18:13 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@102.36PeeEauxbd.1@.685f055a/128
rshowalter - 08:56pm Feb 11, 2004 BST (#517 of 532) rshowalter "Psychwarfare,
Casablanca -- and terror" Tue 10/02/2004 15:33 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@170768969@.ee7a163/593
For humane relations - there need to be good decisions - and
negotiations have to work. rshowalter - 08:05pm Feb 20, 2004 BST (#518 of 532) Here are non-links to
illustrate a simple point- "classified out of existence" and "dropped off
the edge of the earth" in a logical sense -because something mechanical
and expected, an h , is missing.
These are totally unsatisfactory links. They don't work at all.
It is easy to change the unfunctional
ttp://www.mrshowalter.net/ConnectTheDotsLinks.htm to http://www.mrshowalter.net/ConnectTheDotsLinks.htm
- if you know enough to see that there is a problem, right at the
beginning, and fix it.
People often dehumanize each other - in the literal, mechanical
sense that they do not acknowledge each other as human beings, for reasons
of classification that are that simple - that unconscious - and
that mechanical.
To humanize other people - we have to know how to
classify them into an existence we can deal with.
rshowalter - 03:44pm Feb 25, 2004 BST (#519 of 532) rshowalter Tue 24/02/2004
22:35 http://mediatalk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?14@696967@.685f0a85/263
rshowalter - 01:06am Mar 5, 2004 BST (#520 of 532) How much inhumanity is an
automatic response - and how much of the automaticity involved is
If the answer is "a lot" - what can reasonably be done,
discussed, taught? ron2001 - 01:23pm Mar 8, 2004 BST (#521 of 532) what is natural? and just
because something is natural does that mean we HAVE to do it?
we have choices. and we make our choices for many reasons - some of
them pretty dumb. but choices they are.
we can choose to attack a country and kill 10,000 or so innocent people
or we can choose to deal with the problem in another way.
we make choices; and 'natural or unnatural' has nothing to do with it.
rshowalter - 09:51pm Mar 12, 2004 BST (#522 of 532) The choices matter - and
"natural or unnatural" matters as much as it does.
Which is considerably. rshowalter - 09:55pm Mar 12, 2004 BST (#523 of 532) rshowalter "Is Rshowalter the
message board equivalent of spam?" Sun 07/03/2004 20:08 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@9696969@.685f0a85/503
Everybody knows that guesses can be right.
If our guesses were much more frequently right - we'd realise more
potential - and have a chance of treating ourselves and each other better.
ron2001 - 12:04pm Mar 13, 2004 BST (#524 of 532) if human goodness was natural
there would be no inhumanity. lchic - 06:53am Mar 15, 2004 BST (#525 of 532) inhumanity is seeing a
standard for the one and a non-standard for another
I saw extracts from
of course that guy from the gun-lobby CharltonH was second to monkeys in the chain of things :) Colinnnnnnnnn - 07:10am Mar 15, 2004 BST (#526 of 532) if human goodness was
natural there would be no inhumanity.
The term "inhuman" when discussing humans is meaningless. lchic - 07:13am Mar 15, 2004 BST (#527 of 532) No what it means is ...
go re-read the header ... seyorni - 09:16pm Mar 16, 2004 BST (#528 of 532) Tribal, in-group altruism and
aggression toward competing, alien groups is hard-wired into our psyches
from millions years of evolution. Mega-group concord is not a Natural
thing, it must be learned. Civility is a thin, easily-cracked veneer.
Psychologically, hominids have an innate capacity to dehumanise members
of an out-group and apply completely different moral standards toward
They also find it comfortable to abdicate moral and behavioral
responsibility to an authority or leader figure.
The behavioral experiments of researchers like Stanley Milgram and
Philip Zimbardo clearly illustrate this human nature. rshowalter - 03:16pm Mar 19, 2004 BST (#529 of 532) Seyorni is correct.
But a lot of things have gotten better with learning, and some
institutional changes.
Man's inhumanity may get less - especially when it depends on
disagreements about facts - if people work at it.
Maybe soon. rshowalter - 08:24pm Mar 23, 2004 BST (#530 of 532) For less inhumanity - it
would help a lot if there was enough to go around - in basic ways.
lchic - 12:29pm Mar 31, 2004 BST (#531 of 532) UK - self harming by
children/teens is higher in the UK than elsewhere in Europe
rshowalter - 01:22am Apr 11, 2004 BST (#532 of 532) I can't get into my email box
today - perhaps because of a mistake of my own. I've had problems with my
email contact with the world before - and they've been resolved. I expect
this one will, too. Though this one has come at a stressful ( though
hopeful ) time.
rshowalter - 09:39am Apr 8, 2004 BST (#714 of Is Rshowalter the
message board equivalent of spam? is part of a thread I did not start,
which has taken a lot of my time and energy. #714 includes this http://mediatalk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@605985858@.685f0a85/761
"It has been a long time since 632 lchic Fri 26/03/2004 18:19 http://mediatalk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@07070@.685f0a85/670
"and I've been working very hard to do the things set out in 633 - 4
and later.
"Most of that time has been devoted to putting substance behind a
proposal http://www.mrshowalter.net/SolveBigEnergyProblmW_PV.htm
including this:
- - -
I'll be taking steps to do that this Easter day - with thoughts and
ideals from another holiday in mind, as well .
Someday At Christmas by Stevie Wonder http://www.webfitz.com/lyrics/Lyrics/xmas/97xmas.html
talks about hope.
We could use hope - and some practical ways to achieve it.
We need to learn how to achieve Peace on Earth http://www.mrshowalter.net/psychwar/Peace%20on%20Earth.htm
Among other things.
I'll have to make contact to the Guardian and the Scott Trust by less
formal means than I'd hoped to use, because my ordinary email box is down.
I made a practical proposal, related to http://www.mrshowalter.net/SolveBigEnergyProblmW_PV.htm
and some initial responses to it, from responsible people, including
technical people, have been hopeful. Some people working for the Guardian,
and the Scott Trust will be sent the proposal today - if email means
available to me work,
The postings set out in the links below are "within the rules" - but
push them, too.
I hope the Guardian-Observer will be glad, and proud, that they permitted them. I'm also hoping that they can be more prosperous, and powerful, because they did. Maybe I'm just "deluded" - but I'm trying to get solid things done -
and along with the costs, and disappointments, there is some progress.
rshowalter - 12:58pm Apr 17, 2004 GMT (#533 of 585) rshowalter "The New York
Times Forums are the most censored" Sat 17/04/2004 13:38 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@12345678@.3ba76f7a/899
rshowalter - 08:29pm Apr 23, 2004 GMT (#534 of 585) When people deal with
outsiders - lying is the natural response. And there are new
ways to lie, as technology advances.
contains a quote from C.P. Snow that I'm concerned about - and perhaps
others may be, too, along with a comment.
Decency and stability depend on shared facts - and so, in man's
inhumanity is to be controlled - there has to be an obligation to check
what matters. With tact remembered. rshowalter - 05:55pm May 2, 2004 GMT (#535 of 585) Oct 10, 2000 - Ist day
posting on Emotional Peace in the Middle East - a forum, featured
in the Guardian's Middle East section for months, where Dawn Riley and I
worked very hard.
Mankind's Inhumanity to Man and Woman - As natural as human goodness? -
first post - Nov 12, 2000 BST
That post was partly motivated by things I was seeing in Emotional
Peace in the Middle East lchic - 02:17am May 20, 2004 GMT (#536 of 585) Rummy & Cambone are
"" ... a very, very sophisticated, wise, experienced intelligence guy,
named Ritchie Haver that everybody thought would be named, instead
Rumsfeld named a crony.
Cambone has never had an intelligence job.
Never served in intelligence.
He's a bright guy.
He's a political scientist.
He's a neo-conservative, very conservative, very much for the
He was very much held in sort of dispute, disarray by the professional
intelligence community because he wasn't.
He's very close to Rumsfeld.
One of my friends in the CIA had a wonderful phrase, he said,
"Whatever Rumsfeld says he wants to do whimsically Cambone does 10
times over.
So that's the answer you have -- you have a factotum working as your
intelligence arm, that gives Rumsfeld an enormous amount of power over day
to day intelligence.
lchic - 04:14am May 27, 2004 GMT (#537 of 585) During the GWB pres
? how many died in the USA (9/11)
? how many - elsewhere (9/11 onwards ... ) rshowalter - 01:26pm May 27, 2004 GMT (#538 of 585) I'm proud of this thread -
and grateful that the Guardian has permitted it. And it does seem
current. How can people be so inhuman to each other? It is a moral
question - but a challenge to our understanding, too.
There are issues of inhumanity - and questions about my humanity -
xbodnotbodx "Is Rshowalter the message board equivalent of spam?" Sat
14/02/2004 12:28 http://mediatalk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@1234@.685f0a85/0
now prints out to more than 500 pages.
rshowalter "Anonymous posters and teams of anonymous posters backed by
corporate power" Fri 14/05/2004 13:20 http://mediatalk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@12345@.685f3f5c/34
rshowalter "Anonymous posters and teams of anonymous posters backed by
corporate power" Thu 20/05/2004 12:21 http://mediatalk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@12345@.685f3f5c/35
I've cited the poems Chain Breakers http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@858585@.ee79f4e/618
, Learning to Stand http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@07070@.ee79f4e/662
and Secular Redemption http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@85858@.ee79f4e/619
very often.
We could use some chain breaking, and some secular redemption.
Secular Redemption http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@474747@.ee79f4e/619
includes lines setting out an idea that needs better completion:
People know systems of stories - interactive webs of stories - from different points of view - fashioned from different "collections of the dots" and "connections of the dots" - and they are often different - for all sorts of reasons. When it matters enough - it is important that people get their stories straight - well enough to avoid avoidable problems, and make good cooperation possible. - - - A great deal could be sorted out, in the public interest and the reasonable interests of the people involved if major, long-time posters on threads I've posted on extensively could be identified for who they are. Right actions, and reasonable allocations of praise and blame - debit and loss - could be sorted out from there. The good, I believe, could be and should be great - and the costs small
- win-win accomodations would be possible - and very much in the public
interest - and the interest of the people involved. lchic - 02:30am Jun 11, 2004 GMT (#539 of 585)
lchic - 09:08am Jun 19, 2004 GMT (#540 of 585) most die in silence
some die in technicolour rshowalter - 11:28pm Jun 27, 2004 GMT (#541 of 585) Some lie in technicolor.
rshowalter - 12:48am Jun 28, 2004 GMT (#542 of 585) And lying is easy, natural -
and common.
For Liars and Loafers, Cellphones Offer an Alibi By MATT RICHTEL
With enough crosschecking - much can be sorted out - but not
everything. lchic - 03:06am Jul 16, 2004 GMT (#543 of 585) Alibabi -- A chip off the old
block! lchic - 01:21am Jul 28, 2004 GMT (#544 of 585) The forty thieves ... anyone
got their US zipcode? lchic - 01:43pm Aug 4, 2004 GMT (#545 of 585) Humanity in the Sudan
No water
Mix rshowalter - 03:11pm Aug 12, 2004 GMT (#546 of 585) To do better we need more
information - and much more energy - so that more people will decide that
they can afford human decency - enough to ask for it, insist on it.
That's partly a technical question - http://www.mrshowalter.net/SolveBigEnergyProblmW_PV.htm
And an institutional question.
What to Do When News Grows Old Before Its Time By JACK ROSENTHAL
Published: August 8, 2004 http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/08/weekinreview/08bott.html
rshowalter - 05:32pm Aug 21, 2004 GMT (#547 of 585) Natalie Angier's
article Of Altruism, Heroism and Nature's Gifts in the Face of
Terror http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/18/health/psychology/18ALTR.html
is worth another read for me, and maybe for others. People can
cooperate - and can often find good solutions to mutual problems.
But altruism has its limits. Maybe we need some analytical
understanding, and some changes in technical conditions, as well.
Some of the technical conditions that have changed - including
the rise of the internet, and many computer databases - have made the
technical possibilities much richer than they were even a few years ago.
Social arrangements need to catch up - people know it, and a lot of people
are working on the problem.
I've been working on a technical problem, and a librarian has been
helping. It amazes me how easy it now is to find people who might
help on something of interest - candidates to cooperate with.
So now perhaps altruism can be more effective and affordable than in
the past. And reasonable cooperation, too.
That might make the weight of mutual help in human affairs heavier -
and the weight of ugliness and inhumanity less. lchic - 02:11pm Aug 24, 2004 GMT (#548 of 585) "" One of the key
conspirators of the Bali bomb plot, Idris, has escaped punishment despite
confessing to the crime.
A Jakarta court threw out the charges against Idris today because of a
recent Constitutional Court ruling on the retrospective use of Indonesia's
anti-terrorism laws.
However, Idris was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his role in last
year's bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta.
Idris, also known as Joni Hendrawan, was at most of the key planning
meetings for the Bali bombings, which killed more than 200 people.
He helped secure the safe houses and the vehicle used. He scouted the
targets, taught the Sari Club car bomber how to drive and even detonated
the smallest of the bombs near the US consulate.
He was also involved in choosing the targets.
Before court today, he again admitted to his role in the attacks. But
the court threw out the case against him, saying the Constitutional
Court's recent decision on the retrospective use of anti-terrorism laws
made it impossible to proceed.
Idris laughed in his cell after the ruling.
Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer says the decision does not
necessarily set a precedent for other trials.
Mr Downer says the Federal Government is seeking more information on
today's court decision.
He has welcomed the 10-year sentence for Idris. Mr Downer says that
demonstrates Indonesia's resolve to investigate and prosecute all those
involved in terrorism.
No surprise
The Australian Federal Police Commissioner says the court's decision
should not come as a surprise.
Commissioner Mick Keelty says he is not sure what impact it will have
on other cases relating the Bali attack.
But he says he has no criticism of the court decision.
"I think we've got to respect the judicial system of Indonesia," he
"Whilst it might seem unusual to us as Australians at first blush, we
shouldn't be surprised by it.
"There's many people here in Australia who in their own appeals, appeal
on issues of technicality and in fact some people get off on issues of
rshowalter - 12:26am Aug 31, 2004 GMT (#549 of 585) Is man's inhumanity to
man as natural as human goodness?
More so?
Less so? lchic - 04:59pm Aug 31, 2004 GMT (#550 of 585) add chaos v stability
rshowalter - 09:32am Sep 1, 2004 GMT (#551 of 585) Lchic found this:
Men are only as good as their technical development allows them to
George Orwell http://students.ou.edu/C/Kara.C.Chiodo-1/orwell.html
That means that, for people to be better in key ways - nutsy-boltsy
questions of technical development (and socio-technical development)
clearly connect to human good and evil. rshowalter - 12:12am Sep 6, 2004 GMT (#552 of 585) Candor
rshowalter - 08:17pm Sep 11, 2004 GMT (#553 of 585) Since nutsy-boltsy questions
of technical development (and socio-technical development) clearly connect
to human good and evil - logic - as people actually use it, does
Since "Men are only as good as their technical development allows
them to be" - we need to get past logical ( or illogical )
errors and reflexes that hold technical development back.
That isn't as easy as it might be in every case - since people (and
groups) are often paid because they charge for, or otherwise limit
access to, information that they might give away.
The distinction between "private facts" and "public facts" is an
important, difficult one. If there is a right to withhold information -
and there is - it is a very short jump to a "right to lie."
But there have to be limits, based on balances of needs and interests.
Generally, when patterns of evidence "collections of dots" are
presented - there is a social expectation that people connect them -
comment on them - or make clear that they are not going to. rshowalter - 10:11pm Sep 18, 2004 GMT (#554 of 585) For common provision to be
stable - there have to be constraints on "the right to lie."
And if there are constraints on t "the right to lie" - then the
need for common provision often becomes compellingly evident. edevershed - 11:24am Sep 22, 2004 GMT (#555 of 585) God, what a conversation.
People tend to be good to each other because they enjoy it, and bad to
each other because they feel they have to be.# rshowalter - 12:11pm Sep 22, 2004 GMT (#556 of 585) But the feeling that they
"have to be" can be triggered - astonishingly easily - by any consciously
or unconsciously percieved difference that is percieved as a threat.
And then the badness that "doesn't have to be" can be powerful indeed.
dedalus67 - 12:16pm Sep 22, 2004 GMT (#557 of 585) People tend to be good to
each other because they enjoy it, and bad to each other because they feel
they have to be
Good heavens how sheltered you must be. People tend to be good to each
other because they enjoy it or because it's in their self-interest; people
tend to be bad to each other because they enjoy it or because it's in
their self-interest. rshowalter - 07:22pm Sep 26, 2004 GMT (#558 of 585) Some of the most important
things that people do - when you check consequences - are reflexive. And
can involve much unnecarry damage - and some lost chances. rshowalter - 12:07pm Oct 3, 2004 GMT (#559 of 585) People act within the power
relations that they are embedded in - and in terms of what they think (and
feel) "makes sense.
rshowalter - 11:03pm Oct 10, 2004 GMT (#560 of 585) The Energy Challenge
by Ted Turner http://www.ourplanet.com/imgversn/143/turner.html
which includes this:
" Energy and human development
rshowalter - 05:29pm Oct 15, 2004 GMT (#561 of 585) Social Capital http://www.cpn.org/tools/dictionary/capital.html
When people act well toward each other - the connections of social
capital play a big part.
When people do not acknowledge that an "other" has any social
capital - the other is often treated very roughly - or with no
consideration at all. Dizzy999 - 08:12pm Oct 16, 2004 GMT (#562 of 585) And that's a sad commentary
on human behaviour. rshowalter - 08:33pm Oct 22, 2004 GMT (#563 of 585) When people do not
acknowledge that an "other" has any social capital - and the other is
plainly thinking about changing something somebody in the group cares
about - the response may be violent hatred - sometimes backed up by
overt action.
1566-1567 rshowalter "Quote of the day" Fri 22/10/2004 20:41 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@0ThoughtCrime0@.ee77fdc/1776
Allegations of "good intention" are likely to be discounted.
rshowalter - 11:11am Oct 28, 2004 GMT (#564 of 585) When there are real conflicts
- interests and logic have to be considered together - with emotions -
even hatreds - likely to be at play.
2127-2129 rshowalter "Paradigm Shift .... whose getting there?"
Thu 28/10/2004 11:47 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@0RealChange02@.ee7726f/2276
If mankind is to do better - and public interests are to be served -
private interests and feelings have to be served, too. jeffblue - 09:05pm Nov 2, 2004 GMT (#565 of 585) It's RShowalter who has to be
investigated by the appropriate authorities...... rshowalter - 01:58am Nov 5, 2004 GMT (#566 of 585) They know where I live. Where
do you live, jeff ? djinnantonix - 05:53pm Nov 5, 2004 GMT (#567 of 585) I think the deal here is that
not many people care where you live RShowalter. No-one seems to want to
communicate with you as evidenced by the deserted threads, unanswered
e-mails and monologues you insist on blasting us all with. rshowalter - 08:42pm Nov 14, 2004 GMT (#568 of 585) Inhumanity - cruelty - denial
of chances - agression are logical and illogical -
depending on point of view.
And without switches of point of view - and disciplined efforts
to fit arrangements to purpose and stability - all human ugliness
is very "natural" and "understandable" and inevitable.
Dead Poets Society Universal2 Sun 14/11/2004 17:10 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@OwenDeathPoem@.ee74d94/8885
rshowalter "God is the Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential - Discuss" Mon 11/08/2003 21:00 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@0OscillationNeeded@.ee7b2bd/1792 rshowalter "God is the Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential - Discuss" Mon 11/08/2003 21:04 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@SwitchingCANConverge@.ee7b2bd/1793 rshowalter "God is the Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential - Discuss" Mon 11/08/2003 21:00 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@0OscillationNeeded@.ee7b2bd/1792 rshowalter "God is the Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential - Discuss" Mon 11/08/2003 21:04 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@SwitchingCANConverge@.ee7b2bd/1793 rshowalter "God is the Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential - Discuss" Mon 11/08/2003 21:00 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@0OscillationNeeded@.ee7b2bd/1792 rshowalter "God is the Projection of Mans Unrealised Potential - Discuss" Mon 11/08/2003 21:04 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@SwitchingCANConverge@.ee7b2bd/1793
And calibration.
We can. Lchic and I have cracked this problem. We need some help to get the solution explained so that people can learn it. It takes more than can be done "on paper" - or on boards - though clear language is indispensible. Patterns of order, symettry and harmony that work well for people are man made . First - people have to figure out - with emotions under great control - what the best operationally possible solution is. That can take " thought crimes " - thoughts about violating rules and territories. Whole symettric sequences of "thought crimes." Then to fit a technical solution to real human circumstances - tremendous sensitivity to both practical and emotional needs is needed. People have to be able to look at each other - and live a bit
with each other - to know how to get that to work. jeffblue - 01:23am Nov 15, 2004 GMT (#569 of 585) RShowlater's last post is
utterly meaningless...the words make no common sense.....just disconnected
babbling....Rshowalter is unfortunately mentally ill.... rshowalter - 09:45am Nov 15, 2004 GMT (#570 of 585) rshowalter "Anonymous posters
and teams of anonymous posters backed by corporate power" Fri 14/05/2004
12:18 http://mediatalk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@1234@.685f3f5c/33
rshowalter - 05:14pm Nov 21, 2004 GMT (#571 of 585) Toward a New Security
Remarks of Sam Nunn Co-Chairman, Nuclear Threat Initiative October 3,
rshowalter - 08:43pm Nov 28, 2004 GMT (#572 of 585) Security frameworks depend on
what is technically and logically possible. If we are to
find ways to be good to each other more often, and brutal less often -
unemotional logic and analysis must play a part. If people are doing the
best they can - the best they know - there's a challenge to
figure out how to do better.
People at the US DOD know that - and are struggling with their
People who are emotionally very far from the military are struggling,
Communication needs to be better - and efforts need to be made to
reduce a poisoning of discourse that is ongoing on both sides. rshowalter - 02:43pm Dec 2, 2004 GMT (#573 of 585) THE 'EATHEN by Rudyard
rshowalter Sun 12/11/2000 23:16 http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?8@0eathen0@.ee7b085/18
Kipling's recounting of how military training goes says something about
how special the training is, and yet also how the training connects to
assumptions about human instinct that work - and have to work - reliably
enough for armies.
The imperatives of that traning have to be understood and remembered -
better than they have been - for more effective militaries and more
effective peacemaking - with people as they are.
Some "arbitrary" conventions are there for very good reasons.
And to go against those conventions can poison a system - when with good
exception handling, the poisoning need not happen.
Very different patterns of behavior can coexist - in the same
person - or the same organization - but often it takes clear, sharp, well
understood patterns of switching. Patterns that have to be reliable.
Animals, for example, cannot court and hunt at the same time. But for
survival they must do both well enough. Patterns switch. rshowalter - 11:05am Dec 14, 2004 GMT (#574 of 585) Executing an order well, and
arriving at the good order are different tasks. Executing a set of well
known tasks, and finding new technical solutions are different tasks.
For people to learn to be more humane to each other - more
capable of cooperating with each other - the differences have to be
Sometimes communication can be, and should be, sharp and a matter of a
very few words.
Sometimes, for convergence on a good answer, there has to be some
talking - and listening - and re-evaluating - to get to a good closure.
jihadij - 04:41am Dec 20, 2004 GMT (#575 of 585) the 'unthinkable' and
'unexplainable' are a happening today jihadij - 12:15am Dec 27, 2004 GMT (#576 of 585) Tusami ...
more than a slap in the face with a wet fish
rather, an exterminating slap with a forceful wave
Nature's inhumanity to man always has the upper edge of mere man's.
jihadij - 01:31pm Jan 3, 2005 GMT (#577 of 585) Mere man's ability to
ORGANISE disaster relief ....
couldn't these guys put out a universal check list that included
drinking water and toilets ? jihadij - 06:55am Jan 10, 2005 GMT (#578 of 585) The giving - hard cash
The receiving - in goods jihadij - 12:18pm Jan 17, 2005 GMT (#579 of 585) Which influences and forces
within cultures
make and move them along (influenced by the good or by evil)?
Why do religions have to have
isn't word of mouth sufficient .... or does it lend to a thousand
opinions ... non of which confomm ... and are therefore hard to control
along with the people who profess them. jihadij - 02:50pm Jan 25, 2005 GMT (#580 of 585) Inhumanity --- relates to
value systems
jihadij - 10:31am Jan 31, 2005 GMT (#581 of 585) This thread asks
what is natural behaviour
what unnatural
So how are we programmed
? jihadij - 08:27pm Feb 8, 2005 GMT (#582 of 585) The 'unthinkable' and
'unexplainable' often has cash as it's basis! jihadij - 11:39pm Feb 13, 2005 GMT (#583 of 585) Where do love and lust merge?
jihadij - 01:45pm Feb 20, 2005 GMT (#584 of 585) Torture - it's extremes -
it's use - it's uselessness - it's terror .... it's value? jihadij - 07:30pm Feb 27, 2005 GMT (#585 of 585) Half the brain's emotion
Half the brain is open to 'love'
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